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I just went from 4gb to 29gb
you just need a student email
From the creators of the Pebble smart watch, Rock. A boulder experience.
Ahmad I need help
@Ahmad The problem with that bit is that the elected democrats are just as into killing the foreigners.
drone strikes and "collateral damage" have gone way up since obama was elected.
MSF hospital being one example.
168-204 children killed (about 7% of total) in Pakistan since 2004 according to thebureauinvestigates.com/2015/02/02/…
7% of the killed are children in these drone strikes using the so-called "surgical precision" as Obama and many others have called it.
When the military is providing the data for its own "collateral damage" the dead children tend to disappear from the statistics somehow.
Anyone good with ListViews and Adapters?
I would consider myself pretty good with them
You should use RecyclerView
For a list?
I want to have two text items in a list. One title and one "description"
Or an item and a subitem rather
Yes for a list. ListView shouldn't really be used at all anymore.
Alright, how can I do it then?
For a list you'll want to use LinearLayoutManager
@eski you still on?
yeah just watching comedians getting coffee
I need serious help. Can I explain my problem?
I'm at a hackathon, final 10 hour. By mah self.
Sure, go ahead.
Actually nevermind, my bad.
1 hour later…
You were supposed to say Pink.
Tristan do you even know how to be a circle in room-15? I think that move should get your circle revoked.
I'm sorry, nonono please no
It's too late.
"Python is pseudocode that a computer understands."
that gif is hilarious
love the fact that he hits them again when he swings back
Oh come on. I answered this in 2009. What do you expect? — donohoe May 21 '14 at 16:48
1 hour later…
I wonder if Mesos ever implemented support for etcd in place of Zookeeper
5 hours later…
Hey how do I add an ImageView to the top of a Scrolling Layout with an AppBar and CollapsingToolbarLayout?
@TristanWiley sorry I went to sleep
you still need help?
1 hour later…
hey what about circles?
What about circles?
yeah what about it
mr green :p
@eski lol No Problem. :D And thanks for that info.
sure thing
I was watching this tutorial : youtube.com/watch?v=UEklodQTJZY
Will try Roboelectric in my project next time.
Enough studying now... I must drink.
See ya later.
@Ahmad about 250
or maybe a bit less
I know there's 300 odd people at my procedural programming lectures
o/ Een!
What kind of Android app can be made in like 4 hours because I'm bored
battery charger
^ or even battery defragmenter, which is on the screenshot
(that app was removed from google play)
I don't know seriously, just decided to put a joke
in 4 hours I'd experiment with some relatively new stuff, there's google design™ library for example
4 hours is not a lot of time because Android apps usually have to be tested on several devices, including Samsung devices
Yeah haha I was just looking for somethign to kill time.
I think I'm going to write a blog post about materializing your NavigationDrawer
If only I had some free time, too…
I'm trying to learn go
go the game, not the programming language
@Adil you have a procedural programming course?
got 2nd gold badge for a 2-line answer O_o
that is stackoverflow
Yeah @Ahmad
We do OOP in semester 2
@trevor-e I added you to my circles on G+. If you have time soon, I have a question I wanted to ask you on hangouts.
aah gotcha adil
I'd suggest reading this before starting to learn OOP
the most useful things which are usually present in OO languages — dynamic dispatch, encapsulation — are orthogonal to OOP. (OO languages also usually do dynamic dispatch on 1 argument (`this`), there are more general forms of that)
and the "killer feature" of OOP — it's inheritance, right? — is often considered bad even by OOP evangelists
so blindly choosing OOP for everything is probably not a good idea, even if someone says that OOP is the one size that fits all
Sarge, can you please give me one example where you would prefer to use a non OOP language instead of an OOP?
cause I can't think one myself
in real life, 90% of the time the set of available libraries decides
in other cases — any problem where inheritance is not helpful
also, languages like Java and C#, where inheritance is limited to 1 parent, are PITA even in cases where inheritance could be otherwise helpful
there are examples of dumb code which is necessary because of that limitation in Android UI classes and Swing UI library, if I remember correctly — I might try to find them if you want
I am with you on that one.. But just because we are limited with the options we have in the real world (such as PHP,JS for Web etc) doesn't mean that you "prefer" an non-OOP language over an OOP one. You just go for it since you don't have any other option.
few languages can do inheritance right (Python, Scala, what else?)
Whats your problem with C#
the same as with Java, no multiple inheritance
interfaces doesn't suit your needs?
where interfaces suit the needs, inheritance is not needed at all
that means, OO is not needed in that case
and when it's needed, Java and C# are very crippled in that regard
interfaces in typical OO languages are the simplest way to do dynamic dispatch on 1 argument (the interface implementation), and dynamic dispatch is possible in pretty much any language, not only OO languages
so if you are using only interfaces, you are not using anything that's unique to OOP
and you might be better off using a non-OO language in that case, if it happens to be more convenient in some other aspects
When you have spare time one day, you could post an analytical explanation because I am particularly interested in this one.. We had this conversation long time ago but I failed to understand completely what your main points were.
I might try…
the main point is that there are not a lot of things that are unique to OOP
and these unique things are not really necessary or even useful most of the times
and people often do associate OOP with features that are not unique to OOP, thus erroneously believing that it is the OOP that solves their problems
it's like thinking that C++ invented pointer arithmetic
about usefulness of inheritance, there are a lot of talking in the Internet about "prefer composition over inheritance"
and it's there for a reason
explaining it all in detail will require a significant amount of time, though
Interesting.. are you refering to this?
but when you are using composition and using interfaces for dynamic dispatch, you are not really using anything that's unique to OOP
afaik, it's possible to do a similar thing even in C — what changes is that there's no coupling of data and functions on language level
Actually I am shocked right now believe it or not rofl. If you can apply this composition over inheritance logic, you can adopt this logic to almost any programming language out there evertime you build something (that's crazy if you are a stack dev right?). Checking things out..
yes, it's sort of like this
in some cases inheritance is also trivial to transform
about data and functions coupling, Python (an OOP language) has a funny feature — one can call an object's method on a different object, even completely unrelated
so the coupling is not really enforced
that's an example, I think you'd get the idea
I will check it out, thanks :) this is new to me so I will apply it to some project to truly see the difference
btw, I do not really feel the need to write an another big post about OOP fallacies and alternatives, since the first link I posted really has it all (although it's a very long read)
Actually have you read Design Patterns?
partially. most of them are not needed in languages more expressive than Java, by the way
you can just make a function which accepts, among other arguments, some other functions which do the "missing" parts
and that's so simple, why call it a pattern?
(here I am talking about past versions of Java, now Java 8 has lambdas and writing such code is made less verbose)
Thanks Sarge checking things out
> Object Oriented Programming is an expensive disaster which must end
meh, I just use whatever I find most enjoyable for making things.
I know but at some times I am wondering about what am I doing with my life and then these articles and questions keep coming up..
@FoamyGuy yeah, and it's often because of "batteries" (available libraries)
also, as long as a language is OO but doesn't force you to code in OO way, it can still be good enough for practical purposes
Python as an example
"good enough for practical purposes" describes perfectly what I want out of a programming language.
Finished the AngularJS tutorial on Codecademy
I haven't still wrote not a single line in Python
Some fanatics here at UNB praise Cython
C+Python = Cython
Neat haha
I always thought OO development really arose out of the need for a way to deal with huge software projects.
Right now I'm in a love of closures and domain specific languages phase.
Does anyone in here use Go?
nil does
Is it a skill worth having?
if you ask nil, then yes
I cannot answer
Hmm. I don't want to ping him it's not that important.
@nana I think I'm going to start buying up recursive acronym domains
A recursive acronym is an acronym that refers to itself. The term was first used in print in 1979 in Douglas Hofstadter's book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, in which Hofstadter invents the acronym GOD, meaning "GOD Over Djinn", to help explain infinite series, and describes it as a recursive acronym, Other references followed. however the concept was used as early as 1968 in John Brunner's science fiction novel Stand On Zanzibar. In the story, the acronym EPT (Education for Particular Task) later morphed into "Eptification for Particular Task". == Computer-related examplesEdit... ==
"recursive" acronym is a complicated way of saying "the first letter was just picked arbitrarily"
I think GIMP wins for being doubly recursive.
GIMP = GNU Image Manipulation Program = GNU is Not Unix Image Manipulation Program
it just refers to GNU, right?
^ too late
Nah, I'm too early.
writing in JavaScript? …again?
> Cross-platform UI abstractions
I guess it's a terrible idea
I mean, it's just enormously hard to do right
why terrible idea? you get to code both iOS and Android
the differences between UI frameworks of Android and iOS are huge, Windows adds even more complexity
but it seems not stable enough to code at I agree, atleast for now
Xamarin seems juicy but it costs
and it's only added to the complexity of UI frameworks of Android, for example, because you will occasionally need to know it
Xamarin's goal is to look juicy, to work well in practice is a non-goal unfortunately
I think some recursive acronyms are better than others. "momsonmainstreet.club" would be an amazing name for a night club that was run by an old lady.
Aug 4 at 1:13, by nil
All of you. Learn Go. It is the future.
Sep 27 at 19:27, by nil
Have I mentioned Go recently? You should probably learn Go. It's kind of becoming important.
Jul 31 at 0:55, by nil
Jun 16 at 20:47, by nil
Sounds like you need to use Go. Always.
@nil I'm learning Go, but not the language. I'm learning the japanese board game Go.
Here's something you should look for Sarge. Has nil told more people to use Go than I've told to use Kotlin, or you've told more people to use Scala?
I guess, yes
btw I stopped telling to use Scala
I noticed ;)
it's not for everyone, too much added complexity
but it certainly has some really neat things
Yeah that has pros/cons
nil was just has heavy on scala at one point as he is now on Go.
I am interested in it for metaprogramming and operator creation stuff
but JetBrains Meta Programming System is the crazy out there "language" I'm learning right now.
It recreates real math syntax so incredibly.
I'd keep Scala as my secret weapon which I pull out where it gives a big benefit
You should try Jetbrains MPS
It's totally nuts
for simple stuff I can write in Python and know that it would be understandable by a lot of people out there
But MPS is one of those things where it might be huge in like 10-15 years.
I'm learning so much about languages though doing meta-language programming.
looks cool, but isn't is just a kind of LISP on steroids? (I did not yet read a lot about MPS)
I had a class mostly in lisp when I was in college and I think this is much different.
I mean, lisp is also suited for AST manipulation and generating code, and I've heard that Common Lisp also allows to modify the syntax
but I'm sure I'm missing something and I should read more
Maybe, I might just not have gotten good enough to really understand lisp.
There's some crazy stuff done in that video
I think they called it a "System" rather than a language because it so tightly integrates with the IDE.
I would love to make a language in hieroglyphics with it.
as I've heard somewhere, it can be used to create a totally new language and automagically generate code which implements IDE support for that language
is it something close to the truth?
Yeah I believe so, I am still in the learning phase going through samples.
It's all about "creating languages"
So the diagram view I'm guessing is a language, and the tabular one is another language. And the calculus stuff with integrals is something else. And they can all interact via AST.
I imagine being able to do this youtube.com/watch?v=xzTH_ZqaFKI kind of stuff but where you hit a button to pop up a piano (or whatever instrument) display that could be played more normally but still seen as objects in code.
Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu is the Māori name for a hill located close to Porangahau, south of Waipukurau in southern Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. The height of the hill is 305 metres (1,001 ft). The hill is notable primarily for its unusually long name, which is often shortened to Taumata for brevity. It has gained a measure of fame as it is the longest place name found in any English-speaking country, and the second-longest place name in the world, according to Wises New Zealand Guide and The New Zealand Herald. The name of the hill ...
Wow twitter can't inline wikipedia articles
SO chat has it and twitter doesn't lol
Lmao dat name
What a name
2 hours later…
I just started a game of archive.org/details/… and the spider instantly attacked me after I started my colony...
The AI in this game is pretty solid for 1991
I'd really love to meet the person(s) that programmed that game
Love how you get to see the "scent" backtracking algorithm work graphically for how the ants communicate how to find food.

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