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^ cool stuff!
definitely. I haven't been keeping up with their newer stuff...need to fix that
wow, this is spine chilling stuff here
I love the GoT theme music anyway. These guys do an awesome cover of it.
when does google play services 6.1 go live?
oh... now i guess
i have it
i wish i knew adoption
this one is not her best video, but she is really, really good
@Code-Apprentice That was really cool
I picked that one because the sound is not edited
I just learned about Lindsey Stirling from her colaboration with Pentatonix covering Imagine Dragon's Radiactive
Lindsey Stirling is good for a little while, but then starts sounding too heavy and repetitive for me.
I once listened to her for two full weeks
got too much after that
What about the gal I showed above?
so to use multidexapp
i need to be using support v4
to use support v4
i need to use sdk version 21
wtf is that about
Well, my application is talking to my server. It's not doing a great job at it, mind you, but it seems to be working, for now...
you need to compile agains it
not use it as the minSdk
@PearsonArtPhoto grats!
but compiling against it changes the design to material
The app talks to the server, but now I've got to go through the troubleshooting part of the exercise...
@JMRboosties which version of v4 are you using?
v7, actually
I'm using unit tests as a means of running the tests that I know what the outputs should be. Maybe I'll get fancier and make them a true pass/fail unit test, but they've done a lot for me so far.
try like version 19.0.0 or 20.0.0 instead
v7 encompasses all of v4, at least it did
i was using 20, that didnt work either
I wish companies were required to show you a diff style view of terms & consditions when they change and you are forced to re-accept them.
I think #1 "Commandment of Android" is to always target the latest SDK, unless you have a really good reason not to.
it looks like multidex package is actually in sdk 21
@FoamyGuy who reads all the conditions anyway?
very few
Terms of service are for sissies.
but if I am being forced to re-accept I'd be interested to know what changed
they need to list a diff
Actually, I just saw that somewhere around 12% of people read privacy policies completely, and I was shocked.
ToS has got to be a fair bit below privacy policies...
did you see South Parks take on ToS?
I tend to read a few sections pretty carefully
especially privacy policy
why the f is multidex not being recognized
im on 21
Steve Job kidnaps Cartman to perform experiments because it was in the ToS he signed.
this is BS
You can make some decent money if you make Amazon Fire apps.
But only if they use Amazon specific APIs...
yeah, you can probably make some decent money writting Blackberry Windows phone apps too, since nobody else is doing it
I might have to start winPhone dev soon
I mean Amazon gives away a ton of money to developers...
> 500K Amazon Coins Offer per Qualifying App: Amazon will offer 500,000 Amazon Coins ($5,000 value) for each of your qualifying paid apps or apps with in-app purchasing that meet the additional program requirements for Fire Phone (up to a maximum of 3 awards/developer). You can create campaigns via the Promotions Console to give these Coins away to consumers purchasing any of your paid apps or in-app items.
Q: Android MultiDexApplication not recognized

JMRboostiesTrying to use MultiDexApplication in my app, but the class is not recognized when I try to extend my application activity with it. Here is my build.gradle file: apply plugin: 'com.android.application' android { compileSdkVersion 21 buildToolsVersion '21.0.1' defaultConfig { ...

You could give them away for free in app products, which could make you most of that money back.
I have my baseball card app up on Amazon.
In fact, I've had a lot more purchase there than on GP.
I'm tempted to put Ham Finder on there, but I've gotten too sucked in to Google Play Services...
I even added Amazon's Ad API when it was released.
not that it makes me much money...
I do alright with my ads.
Not a living, mind you, but enough to make a decent hobby out of it.
It even paid for my Nexus 5 screen I cracked...
So far my Android cash has paid for more Android classes (Coursera), a new Nexus 5 screen, several books, and still had a bit to spare, all from this year really.
@PearsonArtPhoto You've definitely seem to have some success with your Ham audience.
Between In App Purchases, Google Maps, and Google Ads (AdMob), I'd have to do a decent amount of re-write to port over to Amazon...
I'm getting there... 7K downloads or so.
The largest Ham Radio apps on Android are between 100K-500K, so I've got a decent market share..
You can use Google Ads in an app listed on Amazon. That's what I did originally.
Interesting... I would still have to port in app products, and maps aren't really required. Hmmm...
not sure about in app purchases or google maps. I'm sure the later wouldn't be a problem.
In app purchases I'm sure is different.
Still... I could probably figured it out, given a bit of time.
Still, I wouldn't get a 500,000 coin app, because I refuse to use the advanced Amazon specific features, at least for now...
I think I'm going to have to do a Ham Radio app that's paid from the beginning at some point. And use my web service stuff more...
I really want to build a web service for baseball card data.
Stuck on several little things though.
I've got a few apps that I want to do with web servers.
If I can pull this app, I should be a fair bit of the way towards most of them.
Of course, the number of projects that I want to do is always about 5x what my time is to do them...
I'm struggling to find a project that captures my interest...
The map coloring project would still be interesting...

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