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What? Keyboard problems?
R cannot be resolved to a variable
I've had enough of your shit, Eclipse
Eclipse just made cM's list
you haven't switched to Android Studio yet cM?
Eclipse has been a longtime cardholder on my list
all the cool kids are doing it
Not completely. Only for new projects so far
I probably would be completely if the ndk support didn't screw me up
cM try uninstalling Preview in the SDK manager. Fixed my R issues with Eclipse
R issues are the worst
R issues are best solved by cleaning. With fire.
I had to clean and restart Eclipse 3-4 times a day before I uninstalled preview to resolve R issues.
Fucking R.
It's not installed, Dave
that sucks
everything updated?
Checking now. Should be. But I think if it's not fixed in the next couple of minutes then it's waiting until Monday
I'm starting my weekend early
the office has been half empty all day. A lot of people that were here have left (including sales...thanks, sales, I planned on eating this month!)
Ok, I'm for awhile, people. TTYL
remember, cM, don't get the ass-bourbon
Are we repeating last Friday?
Office Scotch!
you just need one upvote!
So close!
@Ahmad what are those numbers? the 3's I mean.
and the 1's and 5 for that matter
I made it! Not my best answer but now I'm on top
Take that Chris and rekire!
@Code-Apprentice score
3 = upvote, 5 = answers
got it
so MrEngineer13 has a 3 upvotes with 5 answers and the other two have 3 upvotes with 1 answer each...
someone stole my #1 in the android-theme tag
What's the problem? 5 answers and you should have a lot more upvotes already!
@Ahmad and with only 1 answer =p
They only have 1 answer?
@CarlAnderson @codeMagic surprised are you still on ADT ? :p shame on you :D
A: How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML?

SannidhiAs per documentation - "You can control the behaviors and visibility of the action bar with the ActionBar APIs, which were added in Android 3.0 (API level 11)." So, ActionBar will not work for your target environment which is at API level 10 (Android 2.3.3). Just in case, if you target for mini...

No, no problem. I've been answering a lot of questions in the [tag: android-toolbar] so Ahmad pulled up the stats and I was 1 upvote away from being no 1
are you guys using android studio
of course
why is it so slow
good question
I mean what can I do to build and run faster
there's a few things you can do to speed up the build
like what? It seems to be gradle taking time
Q: Disable Gradle auto make in Android Studio

David CesarinoIn Android Studio 0.2.0, whenever I type anything in my build.gradle files, Gradle decides it's time to rebuild. This takes a long time, generates noise and kills my battery life. It never ends as well, at least not until I finish editing the fileā€¦ always rebuilding as I type. Lucky me I use Ubun...

add those two lines to gradle.properties
@TGMCians that's a non-issue in more recent versions of AS. If you change the gradle.build file, it asks if you want to sync rather than just syncing automatically.
It's always an interesting day when I actually have to open a SO question...
It's been a fair while since my last one...
@Code-Apprentice hmm gotcha
you mean asking a new Q?
Q: Oauth "An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext"

PearsonArtPhotoI'm working on setting up an Oauth Security configuration with Spring Server, using this code as a guide. I have modified the ResourceServerConfigurationAdapter to look like this, basically adding one class to allow anonymous gets on my API path. protected static class ResourceServer extends ...

It's been more than a year actually. Wow...
I guess I haven't tried anything that interesting for the last year.
since you are hear, @PearsonArtPhoto...what is your opinion on this logo for my app?
My first thought is, how are you going to make an icon out of this.
he could just take the baseball itself as the icon
Yeah, or blow up that icon to fill the whole shield.
well, this is for the now-required "feature graphic"
I need to add a few featured graphics...
I remember when you didn't need to post any graphics to create an Android app...
and yah, I'll have to do a variation for the actual launcher icon
One thing that bothers me are the two differerent curvature radiuses.
And the fact that the ball is not round.
Also kerning.
But I am a perfectionist.
Yeah, it's a bit of an oval...
which "curvature radii"?
the words vs the top of the shield?
anyone here ever use a MultiAutoCompleteTextView before?
The top of the badge vs the text
I am using it I think. let me check.
Actually, it's only been a few weeks since my last SO question. Whew!
@CarlAnderson nope, just a regular AutoCompleteTextView
I thought I had asked a few, it just took a bit for me to find them...
I'm trying to figure out how to add @ mentions to Trover
@CarlAnderson Yep, confirmed. I am using it.
Commonsguy never stops surprising me...
nana - what kind of Tokenizer are you using?
go to the Android tag
Comma Tokenizer
ok, so not a custom one -.-
look at the difference between him and the second guy...
there's a bit of a difference there
I haven't seen Cristian in a while
Nope, I had deadlines ;)
he used to hang here a few times
@Ahmad Is that for android tag?
nana, I'm looking at the comma tokenizer's source code (android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/core/…)
that's not a bad up-vote/question ratio
I was going to say...look... I am the last one on the pageradapter tag...
it looks like.. if there isn't a token match, I should return string.length-1 ?
then I realized it is just for comparing yourself....
Q: Coin Machine Algorithm

AndyjunAssume we have different types of coins: quarter (25 cents), nickel (5 cents), penny (1 cent). For each type of coins, we have limited numbers. For example, we only have 3 quarters, 5 nickels and 85 pennies. Given a target value, we need to find the minimum number of coins to summate to that targ...

I need more of them up votes
cuz I don't know how to make a cute little tag in chat
so I can get into the hall-of- fame nerds
Code - it's "["tag:mytag "]" without the quotes
no spaces
I need to answer some questions
but I start reading and I either get frustrated or i do not know the answer
and I don't have the patience
I haven't really done much SO work since getting past 1k
On a unrelated side note.
Day #2 with my OPO:
Amazing battery life.
@CarlAnderson Looking at it now, you mean in both findTokenStart and findTokenEnd?
I can get easily through the day
I think it'll hold more then 24h with normal usage
Ahmad, how is that you have 670 answers, but 701 android tags?
yes, nana
until the battery starts getting old...
where does it say 701?
maybe he's asked Android questions ?
shocking theory, I know
ohh those count too..
I guess they also count deleted questions that had the tag?
because 670+41 = 711
@Ahmad Did you check out the 4K vido yet? I found out yesterday, also the double take wakign up is awesome.
I don't have 670 android answers
I have some python answers
nana: 4k video?
I assumed you were like me that you only answered on Android
you can shoot 4k with it?
nana, I don't think this is going to work for me
I think it expects a "list of things"
Anyone know about the Ig Nobel prizes?
but text that has @ mentions embedded in it isn't a "list of @ mentions"
they gave a Nobel prize to LG? well they gave the Noble peace prize to Obama...so it doesn't surprise me...
so there's a "list of comma separated items" and a "list of email addresses"
@CarlAnderson empty request ?. URL not found
TGMC - read further back - it's Code requesting it on the question he smallboxed
"Ig" is an eye gee "Ig Nobel" is a play on ignoble
@Code-Apprentice I pasted:
but it seems gradle ingoring
@CarlAnderson Well you have to keep the list elsewhere.
Carl : oh ok nevermind. you take my comments as serious always :) , learn from cM. (surprised).
nana, I get that, there's an adapter that you need behind the edit view
but how do you tell the view "this isn't a token" ?
@nana wow. the 4k option is amazing :D
those tokenizer functions don't leave a mechanism for returning "no token found"
What they do is return the length of the string
Which should be an indication
If I understand it correctly.
But t he code could use some comments.
well, for the comma example
if I just had "asdlfkjalaksdjflsakjdfldskj" in text, it would walk to the beginning of the string, looking for a comma, not find one, and then walk to the end of the string looking for a space, not find one, and then just return the end of the string, right?
@meda How can you tell that gradle is ignoring it?
@TGMCians Just trying to help you be less confused. If you were just messing with me, then well played :-)
@Code-Apprentice because it is greyed out
I used a stopwatch as well
findTokenStart would walk back to the cursor and return back cursor, right?
and when mouse hovering it says unused property
@meda Android Studio greys it out. That has nothing to do with gradle.
@meWantToLearn This room is for people who are good at helping instead of just asking questions. Your 2:1 Q:A ratio is too high, so your request is denied (sorry missed a couple of your Android tags)
Actually not, if your string started with spaces...
I should eat something
Finally got my project to sync... Bitbucket.
And xcode keeps failing to download...
@nana Yes, you're right. It would return the cursor's position.
@nil your comment from yesterday reminded me of this video:
which of course, I've only seen because I have kids
I don't know which comment that is
I'm seriously barely conscious this week because I'm damn tired
Sunday GMT 0: Summertime off.
1 hour extra sleep.
21 hours ago, by nil
He doesn't understand that you can't go outside 'cause the air is lava and you can't breathe lava 'cause lava ain't air.
Ah yes, the cat thing.
I have a tendency to explain illogic to my cats.
I'm off. o/
I'd try it on people but they'd probably call the police 'cause I can get really into it.
cya jyoon
@Emmanuel Why does setModules() return a value and take no arguments?
@bumbob sorry but we don't allow users with high Q:A ratios into the room, your request is denied.
Go answer some other people's Android questions and contribute to the community, and then you can request access again.
I'm out. cya monday
cya Mr
can't type today.. lots of typos
cya Mr
Haha Code I asked him the same thing this morning.
It's meant to be get :)
I have 4 movies and I need to choose one : 1)The Prince 2014 2)the panar Zone 3)Rampage Capital Punishment 2014 4)22 Jump Street 2014
@Code-Apprentice ok but it is still taking the same time
15.9seconds to run an app on my device
that's all I got, sorry
thats horrible :-O
yah, AS is slow...
but does yours take 16s to run
more than that usually
have you enabled the gradle demon? parallel execution?
there some stuff to change in Gradle to make AS fast
Check the gradle compiler settings in AS
wow Warren is here :D
AS reports that it takes 1min14sec for gradle to build my app. That doesn't include installing it on the emulator and running it, either.
working late Warren?
yeah, I just had to diss someone complaining about me picking only on him...
>1min means either you do a clean every time or your project is huge
I am nearly always way below 10 sec
that was my first build since my most recent AS start
well, that is normal than
built again and it took significantly less time
the second build should be way faster
20 secs that time
but then I didn't make any changes either
mine is betwen 15-20s
did you have the gradle daemon active?
sorry buthow do I do that
not yet...
the only thing i tried
@meda the settings I told you about earlier...yah that
sounds good, check the "Compiler" setting in AS
I have 3 of 4 checkboxes active there
13 mins ago, by Abdellah
I have 4 movies and I need to choose one : 1)The Prince 2014 2)the panar Zone 3)Rampage Capital Punishment 2014 4)22 Jump Street 2014
automatic build is the one being deactivated
I'm back for all of you who missed me
I always do :P
did you avoid the ass-bourbon?
Thanks, Warren :D
I finished that last weekend or whenever it was that I got it. I got fireball and a 12 pack tonight
Looking for a hurtin' in the morning
apparently :D
should AS automatically update any custom themeing on the actionbar?
I have a little Jim Beam honey to finish off, too. That stuff should be illegal it's so good
@Code-Apprentice because I forgot to change the name back
we missed all your hate, cM
no, no, no - this is drinking codeMagic, not spiteful codeMagic... totally different persona.
I still stand by my statement.
I wish I had the balls to do that. But I get scared on a 20 ft ladder
anyway, I am going offline.... a few minutes more sorting my NAS content and than I am sleeping... have a great weekend!
cya Warren
> 15 Minutes, Nearly 26 Miles
cya warren!
See ya, Warren!
> So I completely understand that there are maybe dozens of tutorials about this on the internet... but I've tried SEVEN OF THEM and they all lead me to the same problem.
Really? 7 and not one said to use an AsyncTask or just a Thread? Really?
Q: NetworkOnMainThreadException error for http connection GET

Mateusz AndrzejczukWhat had taken me less than 15 minutes to try for the first time on Python and Objective-C is taking me 2 days on Java... This is the URL I would like to call: http://validate.jsontest.com/?json=%7B%22key%22:%22value%22%7D Here's my httpConnectionGET function: package com.example.buttondemo; ...

> What had taken me less than 15 minutes to try for the first time on Python and Objective-C is taking me 2 days on Java...
He does have a point there...networking on Android is a pita.
I don't think it's really that bad if you read about how to do it. Anyway, a simple Google search of the exception (which he clearly knows how to read) brings up the target I marked as the third hit and, dowwn just a few more, the docs
are you really that certain that he knows how to read?
I am certain he knows how to find the error in the stacktrace since he pointed it out
1 hour ago, by TGMCians
Carl : oh ok nevermind. you take my comments as serious always :) , learn from cM. (surprised).
The thing is other plaform allow you to perform network request on mainthread which is very bad
hate multiple dex file problem
haha, didn't see that one. I will have some words for @TGMCians
@JMRboosties There is a solution for that
i know i just dont remember what i did last time
im using a lib called jackson
and one of my libs is also using jackson
they added support for easily MultiDexing
yea i saw that
oohhh that is a gradle issue
i support < 4.0 though
i actually fixed it using proguard
you need to exclude jackson in one of the things that require it
and now i have the dex overflow error
yea, i fixed it with proguard
when I encounter that problem I solve it using gradle
wait wait
api 4+
not android 4
lol, I understood what you meant
i dont support pre api 4 tho
so im OK to use this
i think
but i really think i ought to be able to do this with just proguard

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