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That's not how you do that! You buy a bigger drive, they cost peanuts now.
Also what is 50GB, a micro SD card worth?
RecyclerView.OnScrollListener don't have a onScroll listener... why....
I have a 2TB raid NAS at home
half full
@codeMagic nice
I still haven't bought a NAS drive, I built one..but it is too noisy to use so it sits in the closet, it was a nice one too. Xeon, 8GB of RAM, 6 disks in RAID
I keep buying these cheep USB3 disks, started at 500GB or so. By the time I fill it up, the sizes double, so I just buy another and copy over stuff from the old one. Rinse and repeat I am now on 3TB. But it allows me to not delete anything, ever.
but you have no raid so no backup, right?
Yep. Except the old half which is on the old disk.
after I made a copy of an old external drive, the old drive crashed hard one day later. since than I have a RAID NAS :D
The only thing that takes a lot of space are movies and series really, music a little bit, but that is what.. 200GBs maybe?
It makes sense, I should do it too really.
I am going through my data step by step to filter and name and sort it
nana, a folder of movies in my desk part
especially stuff like private pictures
would have been a huge issue for my wife if I managed to lose that
I gave up on that. I count on Google coming up with a solution for my own files by the time I need it.
no chance
I give google a lot of information but I will never allow any search tool to index my private data
beside that: a crappy named file is barely searchable... even with google power :)
All phones photos are backed up, and photos from camera are left on SD cards and copied over to one or more hard-drives every so often. It's not ideal but that's how I do it for now.
and I will not allow google to do image search with my private images... I would end up with images from Brad Pitt....
Got a Drobo for all the pictures, private files, etc. Those then get backblazed.
Once they are sentient and understand context, it should be doable.
Some device configurations can change during runtime (such as screen orientation, keyboard availability, and language). When such a change occurs, Android restarts the running Activity (onDestroy() is called, followed by onCreate()).
1 hour ago, by Abdellah
Normally, when the configuration change implied the call of the onDestroy -> onCreate, the problem that when I put breakpoint on the onCreate method the debugger doesn't stop
Started getting paranoid the drobo would fail, or the house would burn down and I'd lose years of travelling pictures.
"Find me all the photos of the arches from that holiday in Utah we went to couple years ago"
So Drobo is like Synology or QNap? I use Synology at the company I manage.
I use QNAP at home :D
1yr 8months and you still don't know how to write with manners? I disagree with you. I think my question is legitimic and an answer like these link would be propitiate: xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients tutorialspoint.com/android/android_sip_protocol.htmElad Benda 12 mins ago
How does Elad have 4x as many points as me?
back in my days 5k users where HUGE pros
today it is worthing nothing
too easy to get points over time
I must look like a fucking noob to people then. Oh well.
there should be a reputation per year information or so to "show" how good someone is
I just do not even know what to tell him
I am member for 6 years, means I made roughly 5k per year
I'd tell him nothing. And that's why I have 1k after 4 years. :| I guess I am not that helpful.
anyway, I am heading home
enjoy the weekend!
Bey Warren!
I should answer more questions...
I just do not have time...I am selfish...
That's ok eM, I am an asshole too.
I got to go back to a meeting...
Btw, stackoverflow must write how to use SO with different languages.
yet another meeting, talk to you guys later...
howdy carl
hi kabutos
bye guys, have a nice evening
Carl is back! runs around crazy
See, blackbelt. Have a good weekend
^ lol
Q: Android ListView UI Like Dailymotion

Ateeq Ur RehmanI am working on a project, where i need a UI Like Dailymotion Where a listView of Comments can Overlap the Video being played on scrolling up. Can any one please tell how to create this type of UI.

Cya bb!
good to see you too codeMagic :D
at least I know with blackbelt that he's actually going to run away :D
\o Carl
hi Abdellah, how are you? What's the weather like in Morroco? (you are in Morroco, right?)
AS is freezing here when I sync Gradle and there's one (or more) references to a style that does not exist
I am fine , yeah i'm in Morocco , should normally be some rain but it's hot
How about you ?
the Seattle fall has firmly settled in. Rainy dark days from here until March now.
Yaay .. in Morocco the sun is all days present
are you cheering for Morocco, or for Seattle? :D
Sure Morocco in this case (weather )
am I allowed to change the alias name of my keystore?
iOS devs get some cool toys. Method swizzling is nuts.
@MohamedZaatari you've been given write access to the Android room. Please read the room rules: room-15.github.io
im trying to link to another app
im just gonna make an SO question about it
no way
no one has asked this
cause i looked for like a day now
yea I just noticed it too
why did I think it was OK to drink on a thursday night?
I need to make better adult choices.
It worked out ok for me
lucky. trade me sleep.
at least today is roll out and staring at crashlytics all day
Starting at crashlytics or starting on crashlytics?
Should I use bitbucket for syncing projects between different computers?
i see
basically it will only work if i use flag_activity_clear_task as well
staring at it waiting for crash logs. and getting excited that every minute that passes i may have eliminated all the crashes.
which i cant since i support < 11 still
jyoon, yes is my answer
OK then, new account.
@ChixLittle denied for low A:Q ratio and being a help vampire. Go be more helpful in the community and request again
Sometimes you just have to bring down the hammer...
Lol! Who in the hell is ChixLittle?
phew, for a second I was worried no one would notice I faked being a mod
ChixLittle is the only username after JakeWharton that I could think of...
Ah, ok. So it seems you got into those "fun brownies"
I'll admit, I did a search for ChixLittle in the chat logs and didn't find anything and then just ignored you :D
I was hoping all the mods would jump on Gchat or something and just be really confused
@CarlAnderson Thanks...
I kinda feel bad now because if there turns out to be a real ChixLittle I've already denied them access...
> No users matched your search.
I almost want to change my username to ChixLittle now but 30 days is a long time
@Emmanuel it's a good thing we don't allow orientation changes in my app, so that I can avoid all these memory leaks :D
Hello guys ...What can I sell using my android app? for example can I sell a food order?
> Closed as Blatantly off-topic (this question has nothing to do with programming)
grabs popcorns
Pedro is the free version of Dash unrestricted?
what's the catch?
OK understood sorry about that...
It's fine, Mohamed
after all, this is chat
That's right :)
but your question is pretty broad. I mean, I bet you could do it. But that's not really what you are asking
Guilherme you mean for mac?
I think you are asking a legal question which I'm not sure if anyone in here will be able to answer. But, then again, I still don't understand your question
Well, you can you can sell anything... Look at Amazon or Ebay.
Not people...trust me on that one
I'm just asking about how far can I go with google selling operations....
drugs not drugs
ahahah that edit @MrEngineer13
Project Ara news if anyone interested.
Thanks, fu
There we go, that's better
Gui, it's got a 7 (8? 9?) second wait time before you can view docs.
Other than that I think it's unrestricted.
@PedroOliveira yes
I don't know. I never tried it for mac. I use Zeal instead and it's not available for Mac :\
Adam, I'm not seeing any delay here.
does it start after some "trial" period?
I think it did, yeah.
Mohame, I'm not a lawyer so I have not idea what I'm talking about but I'm pretty sure that to use the in-app purchases api it needs to be an in-app purchase. You could use others for payment processing but then your subject to their terms
so user can think "OMG this is awesome!" and then "blah... not so awesome anymore"
Ugh the wait timer is a pain
Every time you do something, it resets it, until you wait the full 8 seconds.
After you've waited 8 you can do whatever. I'm not sure when it shows up again - certainly on app reload.
Would buy it, but I wanna change my Apple account to a Canada one and I'm not sure if all my purchased stuff comes with me or not...
I believe that everything that is available on both stores will be kept
Adam, I did that with apple when I moved, I gave their hotline a call, said I was moving, and they transferred everything over to a Canadian apple id.
Anyone has an idea if it's possible to increase font size in TraceView?
same ID, just had to change the country stuff on their end
Morning, Android!
I have a parcelable class that stores address information
and android is trying to load one of my saved fields as a class
so it's throwing an exception saying "Could not find class Boston on app dex file"
Noooo! My tabs didn't get restored <;O
I hate that
There we go...that face looks more pissed
What was the screen capture app someone posted in here? I had it until I switched hard drives
Screenshot for which OS?
Can't help sorry.
Does windows have Shift + PrintScreen?
@kritya denied access for low A:Q ratio and using chat for support only. Go be more helpful in the community and request again
It does. I just installed a Shift + PrintScreen yesterday
But that thing made it easy to quickly take a screenshot and get a url to post
I really wish there was a way to start the method tracing on process start.
So I don't have to take a screenshot, open up my fancy Paint app, paste it, crop it, save it, then post the image
nana, I thought there was, but I can't remember how
So, shift+PrntScr let's you choose a section of screen, right? The nstores it in clipboard, you can then go to imgur and Ctrl-V
No, it doesn't let me choose a specific part of the screen
It copies the whole thing to the clipboard
Oh, it's an app you have to install.
@CarlAnderson Well if you ever do remember, please let me know, I could rally use it.
If you also know how to change the font size in trace, that'd be great.
And the one I had you just pressed a button of who's name I have currently forgotten and it brought up a crop tool to choose your area then click
I do not know but I will investiggerate for you
After I restart my computer and make sure I didn't screw anything up during cloning, formatting, and whatever in the hell else I may have done
nana, this is for measuring timing and profiling, right?
I am trying to figure out what is running on main thread and making the app start slow.
A: Measure Android app startup time

TimWrap the entire onCreate() method in a TimingLogger. Just put this at the beginning: TimingLogger timings = new TimingLogger(TAG, "methodA"); and this at the end: timings.dumpToLog(); If you want to drop times at some intermediate step, you can do timings.addSplit("name"); to get the tim...

do some searching on TimingLogger
also, this is an option to look into:
Thanks man!
Still not quite what I need.
user image
That's beautiful :)
not sure how to read that nana.
Finally got my soylent. Ordered June 1st
Did you taste it yet?
It's all red, can't be good :) (JK: I think it traced something by mistake, but the real ones are just as bad)
drinking first batch now
plain it is bland, but tolerable
I added a touch of vanilla extract and some cinimon that bumps it up from tolerable to "not bad"
I will be experimenting with other flavors in the next few batches
Use peanut butter
yeah, that one is suggested in the book I think I would have to make it in the blender though
am doubting that I can mix it up enough otherwise
I bet it will be tasty
but part of what drew me to this stuff was ease of preparation
No, you definitely need to use a blender. They aren't too complicated of a machine to figure out, though :P
without that there is basically only 3 dishes, the powder scoop, the oil tsp spoon, and the vessel I make it in
Are you using it as a meal supplement?
if I involve the blender I have a bunch of extra time sunk to clean it after
I'm pretty excited to give Soylent a try. Seems like a cool idea.
well a few minutes at least, maybe not a "bunch" really
If it is a "bunch" then you are doing something wrong in the process.
Even though they picked a hilariously bad name for it.
Add ice and make it a shake
Although it certainly helped build hype, which was a touch of genius.
at this point I am just kind of trying it out, but my plan is to replace a meal with it whenever I can't decide what else to eat, and/or I don't want to devote as much time to preparation/cleanup
You could also add a touch of chocolate syrup probably (don't really know what it tastes like unflavored)
Does it taste like protein drinks before adding anything?
the closest thing I can compare unflavored to is slightly like a graham cracker
but it is pretty subtle there is almost no flavor
Probably half a banana and a few strawberries would be good
the powder doesn't really dissolve all of the way either so the texture is a bit umm "sedimenty"
But, again, you would have to endure the excruciating pain of a blender
I imagine if I did go the blender with ice route that would solve the sedimentyness
You should drink/eat it exclusively for a month and report back.
I need to know.
I like regular food
and I like to go out to eat (somewhat unfortunately)
also I didn't buy enough to do that even if I wanted to
there are a few people who've done that and filmed along the way though you can find them if you search around
It looks as if the trace was limited by time
finally. my internet is back.
fear not people, I am here.
I definitely have too many tabs open
Hmm...Google Helpouts looks promising. I just can't figure out how to set up paid helpouts. From what I can tell, I need to get an invitation first.
Sounds boring.
why do you say that?
posted on October 24, 2014 by Android Developers

By Chris Banes and Nick Butcher, Android Developer Relations Material design is a comprehensive approach to visual, interaction and motion design for the multi-screen world. Android 5.0 Lollipop and the updated support libraries help you to create material UIs. Here’s a rundown of some of the major elements of material design and the APIs and widgets that you can use to implement them in

that's basically a tech support job
you might as well just apply at a call centre
but tech support for code!
I think of it as a teaching/mentoring job more than just tech support
If I want to help someone with his programming problem then I'd want to do it so it's open to everybody - e.g. on Stackoverflow
I'm doing that, too ;-)
this is amazing
> Over 50 days, the team’s 2,872 trades gave them an 89 percent return on investment with a Sharpe ratio (measure of return relative to the amount of risk) of 4.1.
first paragraph into the research paper and I'm out
Aww. Come on. That's simple Greek
well, of course it looks like greek...you need to read the context of the formula to learn what the symbols mean.
There was a time when I could read about half of that. But that time is gone
I can actually make sense of most of it
No idea what arg is, though
The argument of a complex number is the angle.
That part is simple. You know, public void onClick(View arg0)
New play store design! But it doesn't load
not sure if this is related
"arg" by itself doesn't mean anything. It's "arg min" all together.
Mine loads. Check your cable. Maybe the internets came unplugged
In this case, argmin is the value of theta which gives the minimum value to the formula.
and the summation formula is just linear regression
Q: Explanation on arg min

Ojtwistwould someone be so kind to explain this to me: Especially the arg min part. (it's from the k-means algorithm)

see? easy peasy
@codeMagic yeah
Thank you, sirs
no problem sir :D
Ummm...nil, what are you talking about
don't leave us hanging..
atomic fireball?
Don't know.
Just sort of hoping for spontaneous combustion.

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