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Grr, architecture problems again
3 hours later…
good morning
I screwed it up again. @fge apologies..
Has someone recorded the session?
@ItachiUchiha you missed it again because u were swimming??
Nope.. somehow I slept on my laptop.. zzz
14 messages moved to Trash
Checking/Downloading 2 assets, this may take a while...
Asset hash checking failed: minecraft/sounds/mob/horse/zombie/hit3.ogg sha1 2daeaa8b5f19f0bc209d976c02bd6acb51b00b0a
Connecting.. Try 2 of 5 for: resources.download.minecraft.net/ad/…
Asset hash checking failed: minecraft/sounds/mob/horse/zombie/hit3.ogg sha1 2daeaa8b5f19f0bc209d976c02bd6acb51b00b0a
Connecting.. Try 3 of 5 for: resources.download.minecraft.net/ad/…
...... why?
Whoever that built this launcher is stupid.
@fge I guess you mean replace it with hibernate ;)
in The 2nd Monitor on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 10 hours ago, by janos
it's only on SO that I can cast a dozen downvotes and feel like I'm making the world a better place
3 hours later…
Fellas, a question
I have a property that could be either a POJO or a string
I need to perform different actions in case it's a POJO and in case it's a string
(sucks, I know)
Any clean way of doing it?
You mean, in a JSON object or something?
ewwww, that smell
Ah, so you're awake
How about we do what we talked about earlier?
Damn Java and its "too ambiguous" constructor
Damn it I say!
@SecondRikudo use builders, maybe?
@fge Not seeing any other choice, I wanted to avoid it because I have about 500 objects I need to create, each with about 10 parameters -_-
@fge Yes I am on. Btw I have a question on Method reference
@SecondRikudo 10?? That's a good use case for a builder indeed; ohwell, I don't know the scenario, but...
@ItachiUchiha we will cover it in the hangout :p
@fge I just solved it. Anyways, I am ready anytime you want to start.
WTF Java? code too large
What the hell do you mean code too large?
maybe your JVM mem can't load the whole bytecode on startup?
I've got a function that returns a large, hardcoded list of POJOs
By large I mean like 400-500
well that's not all that much...
it's much for being hardcoded, but eh
A: "Code too large" compilation error in Java

Bozhothis thread says A single method in a Java class may be at most 64KB of bytecode. But you should clean this up! Use .properties file to store this data, and load it via java.util.Properties You can do this by placing the .properties file on your classpath, and use: Properties properties ...

> A single method in a Java class may be at most 64KB of bytecode.
Yeah, saw it too
Ohhh, I missed a hangout while tidying my room :(
Moral of the story kids: Don't tidy your room
Please, if you give your negatively vote, at least give a reason. — Asier 8 mins ago
Eh... WTF is "negatively vote"?
hey guys i have a problem calling backing beans from jsf in my jsf / spring configuration
Nice, my robo-reviewer flag got handled, yet another user got suspended
<ComboBox fx:id="printer">
<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
<String fx:value="Item 1" />
<String fx:value="Item 2" />
<String fx:value="Item 3" />
u guys done with hangouts?
No we're still learning/teaching.
ohk , i left coz i dint understand anything.. I'm watching some tutorials on libgdx though.. :)
lol :D
no worries
I'm having lots of fun listening, this code is fine art
It should be framed, printed in gold, and be hung in a luxurious frame.
maybe some day I'll know its value.. for now , it looks japanese to me.. :(
Hey, Japanese isn't hard.
I don't know japanese so that is what I'm saying.. I don't understand the code at all :(
I guess so, it appears as dialect since you lack understanding of the syntax.
yeah true.. no worries, I'll try catching up with time..
The part about birthdays are my favourite.
No one celebrates my birthday with me, so. :P
Heh, @ShaU you weren't suspended because of @Unihedro.
@SecondRikudo No, he was. I flagged him for moderator attention. I don't welcome hazardous members.
@Unihedro The reason he was suspended for a month is thanks to me
'specially after being warned by me three times and warned to behave well after a grand total of 15!!! users.
lol. :P
A month is too short IMHO.
@Unihedro I linked a couple of his beautiful comments to the other mods and they decided to act as they did.
@SecondRikudo: Need free flags on dba.SE?
Q: what are the database tables in railway reservation project in php

shabanam working at railway reservation project in php tell me what are the tables used in this project tell me name of the tables also ///////////////////////dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd;;;;;;;;;;;ssssssssssssssssssssssssss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss...

@Unihedro Sure
(unclear + vlq)
@Unihedro I just flagged with wat
why was he flagged?
@Swordy ShaU?
@Swordy "I flagged him for moderator attention. I don't welcome hazardous members."
"'specially after being warned by me three times and warned to behave well after a grand total of 15!!! users."
hazardous as in?? Possessing biochemical weapons??
@Swordy He was seriously obnoxious here in chat for several weeks
Jan 21 at 17:43, by Unihedro
@ShaU: Stack Exchange is a professional site where everyone is expected to behave. You should learn by example and not keep on with unwelcomed behaviour that over a grand total of 12!!! of our users. Seriously, don't expect the site to change for you. If you are not used to professional and enthusiast sites, you can read up on The Help Center.
I could deal with that, no biggie
I have finite tolerance. Yes.
ohh i see.
But he started posting abusive comments on main
and he still has the f word on ..
Jan 21 at 17:44, by Unihedro
That is my last warning™.
@SecondRikudo And meta.
I got tons of free flags from em'.
And hangouts is over. /back to house cleanup
So me being a mod on another site, posted his comments in the general mod chat room, and they decided to act.
@SecondRikudo Assembly?
Frankly I asked him to be suspended for a day or two, guess he had a much richer history.
@Unihedro Teachers' Lounge.
Oh, never been there.
@Unihedro It's mod only :P
Get a diamond and you'll be able to join
Q: How to be allowed entry to the Teacher's Lounge?

Alex AngasI'm a moderator on SharePoint Stack Exchange and requested access a few days ago. The request hasn't been processed yet (although it may have been over the weekend in some timezones). Is there anything else I need to do?

@SecondRikudo I do realize. I read Meta inside out :D
And no, I've refrained from going for the diamond several times, I make a good participant, but terrible leader.
@Unihedro I argue you should still give it a try.
Worst case, you can step down a month later if you don't like the attention.
Procrastination: Later.
Also, I've been whitelisted on the Minecraft server ran by Gaming.SE community! Woot!
haha.. :D
@Unihedro I hate Java -.-
@SecondRikudo I have to maintain my position for an entire month?!
I want to do it right and get the gold badge for being a moderator and do an entire year, though.
@Unihedro I maintained my position for nearly two years vOv
You sir deserves a cookie.
I will acquire a cookie, then you may have it. Until then, you gain a virtual cookie point.
@SecondRikudo u were a moderator??
@Swordy Still am. Not on Stack Overflow though
I'm a mod at Anime & Manga
Cool, I found a scribble on my maths homework!
It's a 16-page PHP website that allows you to play tic tac toe with another person.
ohh gr8..
@Unihedro Haven't you learned your lesson?
Aaaah, some papers I should have dealt with two months ago.
I'll burn it so no one realizes I slacked off from the job.
I found some kind of imaginary journal about my alternate self, apparently.
Magnifying glass!
Overdue homework.
and php , so u will understand it best
Why do I have dices within books?...
Ok, I give up.
Everything neatly in a box. That's tidier than what I have here
titanic float-none cracked me up.
#chucknorris {
    color: #BADA55;
Question. How does one debug a jsp file when Eclipse wont run a local tomcat 8 server. Is the only thing i have to rely on than the Tomcat 8 debian stacktrace?
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk If Eclipse fail to do X when X is an essential step, use something else.
Monking @Vogel612!
Morning @Unihedro
well... afternoon actually, but alas
It' always be morn on interwebz.
@Unihedro What is something else in this situation?
Eh, IntelliJ, batch files, perl scripts, idk
You need to take it down a nodge, im a jsp NOOB. So if i dont got debug in eclipse im lost.
Until i learn something new
alternatively you could try to find out why the carp eclipse doesn't run the Tomcat server
And then fix it, so you'd benefit other eclipse users
hey guys i'm lost with my jsf / spring configuration :(
xml or java?
beat me to asking
My person of interest is online :D
<-- has difficulties with JSR 203, again
and again
Good morning, Java!
Morning @Gemtastic, @Michael!
Morning @Vogel, @Uni
@Unihedro say... how are you coming along with #33? and did you rereview #48?
#33 status: sidetracking and digressing
#48 status: just got the email, currently looking at it as we speak
Morning ^^
Wait, #48 again? I thought I reviewed it already
Oh, you fixed those - it's a relatively small PR anyway, I think it's all good :D
sure I fixed those ;)
Let's merge it!
So @Michael, your event is due
15 minutes..
~JavaBot at your service
OakBot v0.0.2 by Michael | source code | built: About 2 weeks ago. | started up: About 2 weeks ago.
**shutdown testing shutdown message
~going down: testing shutdown message
Another bad coder pickup line; Babe, wanna merge onto my main branch tonight?
~JavaBot at your service
@Unihedro help command: Get additional info about a command of your choice, syntax:**help [commandName]
waiting for @Michael's hangout
4 mins ago, by Michael
Yep, the hangout is up: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/grdiy72xa4pfgcdvlnkpvn2gf4a
Bah, I'm just messing with screen sharing. Unfortunately, the thing does not support nesting frames and therefore dual screening.
It works!
lol @Michael has cool face
and mustache :p
Been growing it since New Year's
btw @Unihedro ... I instantly opened the next PR ;)
Maybe I should just pile up some features before I open these..
that being said: **listcommands
> Supported commands:
- shutdown: Shuts down the bot
- listCommands: show this command listing
- test:
- about:
- eval: GroovyScript evaluation
- summon:
- javadoc: search javadocs for a specific Type or Method
- tell: tell another user something or invoke a command
- null:
- unsummon:
- timer: Schedule Timers for your personal use.
- load:
- help: Get help for a specific command
Makes life easier...don't have to shave
^^ that
L186 really doesn't need an extra space between the asterisk and %s?
no, since the space of the message coming after shutdown isn't stripped out
so the bcMessage should always have a leading space
Ok guys, I'm going to get started.
@Gem You coming?
@Gemtastic @Sam @SecondRikudo: joining?
Oh btw hi @Sam!
@Ita as well
@ItachiUchiha ??
ping all the people
Erm, joining what?
our hangouts on presenter first
^^^^^^ lol
lol my bad
I feel so bad for the floor.
Yeah sure, I'll join.
Oh dammit, I don't have a webcam.
nuuuuuz just got rickrolld
no need 4 a cam
@Sam That's ok, most people have their's turned off
@Sam You don't need one, just grant access to a null device and continue
u dont need one @Sam
mine is also ... lieing around gathering dust.
**javadoc ActionListener
:21556214 @Vogel612 java.awt.event.ActionListener: The listener interface for receiving action events. The class that is interested in processing an action event implements this interface, and the object created with that class is registered with a component, using the component's addActionListener method. When the action event occurs, that object's actionPerformed method is
Hiya @Mr.777
Hello Everyone!!! Speciall, @Unihedro @fge
Hey how are you doing?
We're attending Michael's presenter first presentation
and Hey @ItachiUchiha
30 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
Presentation is about?
@Mr.777 Most Valuable Player
Concerning the Guard Clause thing: I got that from Jeff Atwood
Hi guys
Hiya @Brett
Im having a real struggle with a java problem is this the place to ask about it
It depends. Currently there's an event, so there's less activity, but you can ask.
Gotta run guys, see you guys later. And regards @fge ;)
I have a thread that copies a file using FileStreams and i would like to give the user a yes no option but im unable to pause the thread
iTs driving me nutts
can any you guys point me in the right direction
I have no idea what you're doing, to begin with..
@Brett wat?
that sounds like you're blocking the UI thread with the FileStreams work
i think so
but im so new i cant figure how to fix it
that's the problem then
you should do the work there in a background thread
I think i am... sorry really new at threads
keep a reference
and program the work in a way that you actually can stop it from outside
I have been trying to use the api docs but i keep stuffing it
May i show you my code?
Use the debugger, Luke!
IF you wanted, you should use pastie or hastebin or something
um....lol what are those
You know how to use a computer, right?
yes sorry
now now, UNi
ok how do i share it with u..
ohhh my god.
PLEASE use java.nio. for File instead of java.io

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