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Here's an excellent video by @fge featuring it
he wrote an entire page about why no java.io.file and you should read it
I second that ^
cool will do
it's going to make that file of yours work much better.
@Gemtastic Been wondering for a while now, a/s/l?
@SecondRikudo a/s/l feels soooo 14 years old :P
@Gemtastic XD
But yeah, 25/f/sweden
I generally answer with "124 / yes please / right behind you"
I only answer it because it's you ;P
^that was not flirting
I am very very taken
@SecondRikudo 124 is your experience level??
@Swordy Age.
@Swordy a/s/l = age, sex, location
you look like the anime type of guy slaying demons and gathering exp
@Swordy I'm actually the one the anime type of guys are trying to slay
@Unihedro yeah i know that but 124 doesn't appeal to me..
And fail horribly.
I look good for my age!
so u gain xp in the process??
u still look young
well he's immortal, too soooooo
@Swordy I died a total of 3 times.
Moriarty of anime
@Gemtastic "Taken" is a temporary state.
@SecondRikudo Not in this relationship
and u consumed some potion of resurrection?
no it's worse
@Gemtastic Everything in the universe is a temporary state.
he was summoned back from the dead
This universe is a temporary state.
but that's a spoiler, soo
@SecondRikudo Well, this relationship is relative to the length of our lives
Well, mine at least
@Vogel612 Then owned my summoner and went off by my own :D
i see your point
@Gemtastic ^^
> You know how my husband calls guys I talk to over the internet? My boyfriend.
@SecondRikudo you are making me laugh
My better half knows noone can compare.
I hate love, love is crappy, but this person is worth the hell that is love.
@Gemtastic I'm an immortal god that can (and have done so) take on entire armies by myself, without getting scratched.
@SecondRikudo are you a female?
I think I can compare.
@Swordy Nope.
you dropped two meteorites
sorry. humungous meteorites
@Vogel612 What was I supposed to do? They stopped the first one!
@SecondRikudo Nope, You're completely uninteresting to me :P
<\3 ouch.
The only person I've ever had interest of is the one I'm with. Lucky me that person also wanted me
@Vogel612 although since watching index/railgun my power/ability comparison got completely skewed :D
hmm... ya
@Gemtastic second rikudo is a mentor on codementor.io
I am, although I'm not as active there as I'd like to be
Absolute lack of time.
i read the reviews.. they were good.. u helped them find errors pretty quick
I never said Second was crap
I just said he's not up for the spot of my girlfriend
@Gemtastic :(
I'm too bad to mentor.
TBF I did turn into a woman at one point.
@Unihedro not true
So me contributes to libraries.
@Unihedro That's not true
(An immortal goddess too)
@SecondRikudo ohhh that one?
you didn't turn into one
Would that interest you? :P
@Vogel612 Yeah I did.
you got screwed over by her, don't you lie
I'm too faithful to the one I love. When my heart is set, it's set
moar spoilers though
@Vogel612 She took over my body and became herself
So technically I became her.
see? she screwed you over and threw you out of your own body
What about ur knowledge on PHP , was it lost?
@Vogel612 Indeed she has.
@Swordy It's still here, I'm trying to forget about it XD
Eh, this dual anime-programmer story is driving me nuts trying to keep up with while attending Michael's presentation.
The benefit of being female is that when they say "no man can do this!" You can just go ahead and do it. Because you're no man. brb slaying sauron
not sauron
the leader of the nazgul
She slayed someone else
I slay sauron because I'm more badass
shouldn't it be slew?
@Gemtastic plenty of women tried to slay me too. They failed.
Along with the rest.
xp level 124
@SecondRikudo Obviously
Else you'd be dead
anyone know mvc 5
Mvc.. 5?
@Hellovart Why woudl we know .net in java_
@Gemtastic 圧倒的な
@Hellovart I do, how much are you paying and when can we start?
@Gemtastic you might have went to school and learned it in the past. I assume you know more than just plain Java
@Hellovart There's a .net room
with 0 people in it
Try there
@Gemtastic would*
@Gemtastic You watch anime?
@Hellovart kidding


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
see, two people
No, just me man
and you
@SecondRikudo I read manga more
The only animies i've watched were devil may cry and steamboy
I get to pissed off at all the plotholes and thigns they skip in the anime
@Gemtastic nods The classics?
and pokemon (if it is an anime)
dmc has an anoime?
FMA? Death Note?
yeah @Vogel612
Only about 12-16 episodes.. was awesome.. don't remember exactly how many..
you should watch it
@SecondRikudo Probably. I'm a DBZ fan
I tried watching FMA but I didn't like it
@Gemtastic :O
I tried reading it too
FMA: Brotherhood?
More into Claymore in that case
that one was better, yes.
@Gemtastic that finished just recently, right?
(like 4 months ago?)
Yes, I didn't read the end though because I caught up with where it was and then I waited for it to finish
I hate waiting for chapters
That's why I went into scanlation
you're not the only one
I can do the editor and the QC jobs. I was working on becoming a translator, but I just don't read kanji very well.. so if there's no furigana I can't read it >_>
@Gemtastic I think you and krazer-san would get along just fine.
Do you have an Anime & Manga account?
Think well before you answer.
Wrong answer. Meteorite is on the way.
The only correct answers are "Yes" and "Not yet, creating it now".
seconding that
Jokes aside, @Gemtastic you'd probably enjoy our chatroom.
This account can be traced to the real me kinda easily so this is the first time I've confessed to doing scanlation. It's illegal in my country
Online stalking is illegal in some countries, it's kinda crazy when I think about it.
We even have to pay a copy-right infringement fee when we buy harddrives >_>
Wow, really?
wait what?
@Unihedro It depends on how you do it
@Gemtastic I stalk in hardcore ways.
@Gemtastic vOv no one here would tell on you
I think the internal HDDs are still fee-free, but the external ones has a fee since 2 or 3 years
calling the Swedish consulate...

 Maid Café (メイド喫茶)

Welcome back, my Master! (お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様!) Sit wherever you'd l...
@Gemtastic ^
Account is warmly recommended
@Unihedro Just spy-stalking people is whatever. The hate/overly love kinda stalking is not ok.
Oh, so no horrible romance?
I mean, technically everyone is stalking their favourite bloggers..
@Gemtastic There are too many problems with that
@Unihedro How would you feel if someone kept posting things like "Oh Uni, Please let me suck your ***! I love you! I want you inside me doing ****" on your websites, blogs and in PMs every day
1. proving that someone is stalking you because he's infatuated (or infuriated) with you is very hard
@Gemtastic That kind is active offensive trolling..
2. I can stalk you anonymously and you won't be able to prove it's me.
@Unihedro there's some people that actually do such stuff
also known as internet troll
@Gemtastic "Sure, come right in! :D"
@Vogel612 I do realize :p
some actually mean it
@Unihedro Even if it is or isn't trolling, it's still unwanted stalking
those are called psychopaths, but meh
@Gemtastic Gotcha!
@SecondRikudo Well, what you do with your stalkers is your thing, but people should still have the ability to forbid people from harrassign them that way
@Gemtastic I kill them.
Just sayin'
You can't stalk an immortal god and get away with it :|
The less I know, the less I can say in court you know
@Gemtastic "An anime god told me he kills people in chat"
We have "dishonest use of computers" as crime here and local ISPs must cooperate with the government to ensure everyone is using a computer for good causes and not like destroying a network, but other than that stalking and offensive is alright here.
Yeah, that hangs in court :D
@SecondRikudo More like "that user told me he's an anime god and that he kills people. I think it's be wise to claim insanity"
@Unihedro and dishonest is what suits the government best at that time?
@Gemtastic That works until a meteor actually comes crashing down on the courthouse.
@SecondRikudo But then I will die D;
So will I.
But I'll regenerate!
I'm weak and frail, I can't take a meteor to the head :(
And you probably won't :D
well death and Edo Tensei are not really going all that well together
Well, as the old saying goes
What do you get when a dragon sneezes?
And then I will go to hell because I'm an atheist
@Vogel612 there's a definition that I'm not going to go through, but to make it short (and I am not a lawyer, despite writing own licenses and contracts) it features specifically criminal activity, engaging in cyber warfare and hiding prohibitive information with no permit within reasonable time span and stuff like that.
Out of the f***ing way.
^^ sounds like a good idea
@Gemtastic meh. Are you really an atheist if you say that?
We have a lot of laws regarding the internet here.
we only have one
and the definition makes it not restrictive
@Vogel612 Well, provided there is a hell. I don't believe there is
@Unihedro What goes on /b/ stays on /b/?
oh okay
But if there is, I will go there for not believing in it
@SecondRikudo Not here
What comes from /b/ goes to /dev/null.
@SecondRikudo could you move the starworthy stuff to the 2nd monitor?
@Vogel612 No moving cross site domains
Post illegal stuff on /b/ from sweden and 4chan has to hand your IP out
@Vogel612 Nope, chat.so and chat.se are different servers.
we're on chat.SO, chat.SE is out of bounds
I know
@Gemtastic I tend to think that if there's an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent being out there somewhere
but it doesn't give a darn
see Dr. Manhattan?
He wouldn't give a flying f*** about a tiny scrape of an atom in the universe he made to be praying to him or believe if he exists.
Wondering if @Vog and @Gem is still focusing on the presentation :p
@SecondRikudo I don't. Makes no sense to me :P
@Unihedro I can multitask
has to admit he doesn't
@Gemtastic It's an interesting concept to think about
It's easier to multitask when you kinda already know what they're talking about
Imagine that tomorrow we create an AI that has human-level intelligence.
@SecondRikudo I'll leave it to the religion sites on SE
Can that AI be considered a "person"?
I love listening to fge speak. His voice is so cute!!! :D
Will the guy who created him be called "God"?
Uni has a man-crush on fge's voice :')
Amlup also has a good voice.
the accent is funny
@SecondRikudo When AI are fully developed, they will for all things that matters be gods.
I'm an atheist myself, don't get me wrong
@Gemtastic Not necessarily.
@SecondRikudo Yes. We're talking way into the future though
The biggest fear humanity has of AIs is not Skynet
@Gemtastic no
Well, we might not ever build those AIs, but if we do, they will keep buildign themselves into godhood
It's that if we can create an AI that's our level of intelligence, that can feel and interact and have a living consciousness.
What does that make us exactly?
^^ that
@SecondRikudo We will be able to build AIs superior to us.
Flesh bodies with an AI
Where does that leave the soul that all religions seem to love so much?
Java code :D
Technically you can look at us as biological computers.
Human soul written in Java. That's a scary thought
better than written in js
Upload your mind onto a server...
Our brains does work with 1 and 0; electrical impulses are either 1 or 0
@Vogel612 It's more likely written in JS though
@Gemtastic negative
@Gemtastic Nope.
1 and 0s are digital signals, our brains are analogue
There are weak signals and strong ones.
and multichannel, which is different from how "threading" really works in "parallel"
Yes, but it's still the same concept, the electrical impulse is either on or off
@Vogel612 [status-completed]
23 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
There are weak signals and strong ones.
@Gemtastic ...no
But whatever
our skin has many reception coils
I'm bad at explaining stuff
@Unihedro I'm talking about the human brain
@Gemtastic I get what you're saying, but that's not how the brain works.
37 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
23 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
There are weak signals and strong ones.
add in hormones please
The voltage of the signal changes.
not everything in the brain runs on electricity only
@Gemtastic they sense different pulses in specific strengths and deliver signals to the brain differently, which is why the dioxyribonucleaic acid can react to specific voltages
@SecondRikudo It's more complex than that, but when it boils down on it, parts of the braina re either on or off. That doesn not mean "alive or dead"
@Gemtastic ... no
@Gemtastic Not quite :P
on / off / dead
Our brain is the most complicated thing we know in the entire universe.
@Unihedro That have no impact on the fact that the current is either on or off
The currents in the brain receptors are never truly either on or off.
If it were to boil down to on/off/dead we'd be shooting up AIs like it was nothing.
The current is not what keeps the brain alive
Unless they're dead.
@Gemtastic ... yes, they are.
the problem is, even 0 isn't 0 in digital technology
Alright folks, apartment time.
You're completely ignoring what the DNA does.
The curtrent is just what activates the different parts of the brain
when it's a crucial part.
Blood is what keeps the brain alive
no, oxygen in the blood
and therefore haemogoblin to deliver it
WHICH powers the DNA
@Unihedro There's more than just oxygen needed to keep the brain alive
If your braion only gets oxygen you will die
At the end of the day
no one on the whole planet knows exactly how the brain works
This debate is rather silly :P
Oxygen is very vital for it's survival though. You will die faster with lack of oxygen than the other nutrients it needs
@SecondRikudo I do, because I did not come from this planet itself. :P
The brain needs oxygen and nutrients, like all other tissues. Hemoglobin and Plasma.
@SecondRikudo We're not discussing exactly how it works. If I knew that I'd be in a comuter already
And minerals, and analogue signals, and bodies of helper cells encouraging things to stay alive
Alright, apartment time.
Enjoy your apartment!
I'm gonna go read stuff because this is pointless. Feel free to think I'm dumb, you're not understanding what I'm trying to say anyway so :P
@Gemtastic we won't...
mostly since you aren't
(I don't think any less of you either, I know I'm bad at explaining things so that my point doesn't go through is my own fault¨)
write more answers
both on main and on meta sites
It's mostly a matter of practice
Thanks for coming!
Thnaks to you
Thanks for presenting ;)
Thanks :D
@Vogel612 I have the issue in real life too. I'm practicing every day.
Did someone record it?
I didn't, probably should have. >.<
@Vogel612 I like writing on Meta.
1 hour ago, by Vogel612
Concerning the Guard Clause thing: I got that from Jeff Atwood
Probably because I like murdering posts and putting people on suspension.
@Michael More sadness for me
@Michael concerning the Guard Clause naming
Sorry. :(
@Vogel612 Yes?
you were late btw :P
@Unihedro that's why you are a room owner
@Michael the message above
I was here, when the event was supposed to start
me 10:20 PM
is anyone recording? :P ita would be sad
@Vogel612 ^_^
I do should try to get a diamond on a site.
@Vogel612 Can you link to it? :P
Just because I do have some time to invest while still am in high school
@Unihedro Oh Thanks! That was considerate of you :)
1 min ago, by Vogel612
1 hour ago, by Vogel612
Concerning the Guard Clause thing: I got that from Jeff Atwood
1 hour ago, by Vogel612
Concerning the Guard Clause thing: I got that from Jeff Atwood
@ItachiUchiha except... I don't think anyone found it important :(
@Vogel612 Ah yes. Good advice.
@Unihedro Well, my fault! I just went out. Anyways, I understood what Passive View MVP is. Thanks to @fge and @Michael ..

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