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ow wait
Interval can be anything
this is for days only :p
I;m giving the idea that's all
Which brings us to:
13 mins ago, by PeeHaa 埽
@Bracketworks That crossed my mind for a brief second. Right before HELL NO!
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Yea, that'll work for the simpler of cases, but when someone wants to know if from 1903-01-06, at some point every 17 Januaries, that today occurs, I can't figure that out ;)
@Bracketworks lol
Reading the pluralized January is effing wierd.
using time like that is just plain wrong
	$mMonth = array(
	$mRand = mt_rand(1, 6); // just to be save

	$startDate = new DateTime('2013-01-01');
	$untilDate = new DateTime('2014-01-01');

	$workingDate = clone $startDate;
	$workingDate->modify("+" . sprintf("%d %s", $mRand, $mMonth[mt_rand(0, 3)]));
	if ($workingDate > $startDate && $untilDate > $workingDate) {
		echo $workingDate->format("Y-m-d g:i:s"), " OK ", PHP_EOL;
@NikiC the main issue i have is that if i call getItems directly to foreach is faster than when the class implements IteratorAggregate
@Baba Sorry, but I think I'm missing some context here
@NikiC This has nothing to do with the code above .. one moment let me provide with with the code
@PeeHaa埽 does that code solve the issue
@ReiBrazilva u still around?
@Baba Don't think so
@Baba I'mma toss the version I have up somewhere, just for reference
It's just an iterative approach, but w/e
It's about looking for a date based on whether it is e.g. 2 weeks from start date, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks etc until enddate
@PeeHaa埽 Oh ... i got the question wrong then ..... but should not be difficult any way .. one moment let me resolve this issue with nicki i'll be back
@Baba No pressure :)
@Bracketworks I would think you need another "timestamp" to achieve the desired results, a timestamp that doesn't start with 1970
So you can do math operations on it
hey @PeeHaa埽 actually i need your suggestion i have data in html format and its about 10000+ people data i want to insert into database
@MalikUsman Hola
how can i do that
hey @PeeHaa埽 actually i need your suggestion i have data in html format and its about 10000+ people data i want to insert into database
@MalikUsman just do it
with patience
lol how?
convert the HTML to a DOM object of sorts and loop through the data
wait let me show you in what format i have data
convert html to xml, extract repeating patterns then convert to json, format repeating patterns then export to csv, and finally import the csv into mysql
lemme guess: in HTML
@MalikUsman Basically what those people said. Parse the HTML with DOMDocument (bonus coins and extra life for using DOMXPath whether it is need or not) and import it
@kaᵠ rofl
Dammit, now mine isn't working.
@Bracketworks ctrl+z ?
@kaᵠ and with some regex you're completely done :D
forgot the regex part, damn :P
A: regex top level contents from a string

Tim PietzckerHere's a regex solution: preg_match_all( '/(?<=\[) # Assert that the previous characters is a [ (?: # Match either... [^[\]]* # any number of characters except brackets | # or \[ # an opening bracket (?R) # containing a ...

Interesting solution
i have data in this format
    <td bgcolor="#FFF7F2">CAAIS347svNQBANLPgK9WbXRcfBMJxea3ZApUDJuO1vWZBbqXstMXlvpd1mmiVWmNZAzZBpRpgQiBKI0IYMURmZAd72TasrJEdMtH0rJaCLB6AGkGzZCUjXqh1CGDgFGbBuPoQov01vSxu6YB4jlTEm</td>
@MalikUsman any idea what those characters stand for, unencoded?
        [m1] => 2.6980006694794
        [m2] => 5.0479974746704
actaully that's is tokens
for some websites
man @HamZaDzCyberDeV you're really pissed on RegEx, saw you solution there, would you mind.. just as a curiosity, to benchmark it side by side to a RegEx solution? ;)
@kaᵠ haha I tried but with no luck :(
what do you mean?
@MalikUsman Will it always be in <td bgcolor="#FFF7F2"></td> and is that the only place where <td bgcolor="#FFF7F2"></td> is in the document?
I tried using regex @kaᵠ
@HamZaDzCyberDeV i mean using Tim's regex since it does the job, not necesarely yours
@NikiC json file used mega.co.nz/#!1A8BTRpC
@MalikUsman 1 sec
preg_match_all('#<td bgcolor="#FFF7F2">(.*?)</td>#i', $html, $m);
@NikiC if you look at both classes the only diff is that one uses iterator and the others does not ... but the difference in performance is a bit on the high side .. over 200%
getting a job used to be so much easier. "give me a job" "why" "because im the only person to apply for this PHP developer role and you have had it advertised for 3 weeks" "ok then, here is your desk"
@kaᵠ sooo ? I still can't understand his regex ...
now you have to jump through hoops, just to be able to meet the person hiring you, and then jump through more hoops
@HamZaDzCyberDeV what will $html stand for
Whats the PHP multi-version web UI?
@NikiC am looking at ArrayTokenPain VS ArrayTokenIterator .. also made sure i only called new \ArrayIterator once
5lv or something?
@bizzehdee That's the golden age, now they have google sites to build their websites :p
@MalikUsman you don't say ?
It's the HTML data of course ...
@HamZaDzCyberDeV i meant, regex would most probably, surely.. definitely be faster than... almost anything
@kaᵠ ah of course, I could optimise the parser by using strpos, but this is my first parser eveeeeeeeer :D
$f = file_read_contents("somefile.html");
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$table = $dom->getElementById("#your_table");
foreach($table->getElementsByTagName("td") as $td) {
    echo $td->nodeValue;
@Baba @PeeHaa埽 Here's an example of what I'm doing now; it's $startDateTime inclusive, so the first'll always kick back true.
@HamZaDzCyberDeV hehe, congrats then, also.. 2 function calls or a loop would: most probably, surely.. definitely be slower than the regex for that
@MalikUsman ^ that should get you started
(I probably did some shit wrong. forgive me for not test driving my free code)
@Robbert I though it is file_get_contents
@Robbert Oo
@HamZaDzCyberDeV see, typos all over. definitely meant file_get_contents
@Robbert s/loadHTML/loadHTMLFile
@Robbert s/#your/your
Sorry got distracted hunting a bug somwhere in my code :(
Also, I'm doing $currentDateTime->diff($matchDateTime)->days === 0 cause I don't care about times.
6 mins ago, by HamZa DzCyberDeV
preg_match_all('#<td bgcolor="#FFF7F2">(.*?)</td>#i', $html, $m);
@Gordon thanks brah
parsing HTML with regex is fun :p
@Bracketworks seen ... i just need to be clear what you want to archive ...
@Robbert or use XPath /table[@id="your_id"]//td
@Gordon Hey. XPath is my girl!
@HamZaDzCyberDeV agreed, I probably wouldn't use DOMObject myself for something this simple (finding a single node)
@PeeHaa埽 thats what you think
@Baba What would you like to know exactly?
Nobody touches her but me and maybe @DaveRandom
thanks guys :D
let me test on my self
@Gordon I've never used XPath, I'll give her a try next time around (and bug you with questions)
@PeeHaa埽 Pff, have her; I got XQuery.
@Robbert promise to read schlitt.info/opensource/blog/0704_xpath.html before you do so ;)
Your girl is a bitch :)
@Gordon you're awesome <3
yes @Gordon is awesome. That's why we love him
@Bracketworks Based on 2 dates range ... How is the entry date related to them ?
@Robbert to quote Han Solo: "I know"
he does have a bit of an ego problem tho
XQuery likes when I give her FLWORs
@NikiC any ideas why the over 200% performance
@Gordon © The Walt Disney Company 2013
have any of you participated in Google Code Jams?
@Baba The gist of it is; each entry repeats from start to until at a rate of modifier. Given an arbitrary date, I'm trying to check if an entry occurs on that date.
@Baba I think there is a quite significant difference between a simple array iteration and ArrayItertor
I don't think 200% is really odd here
@Robbert @kaᵠ and @NikiC are on it
I'm on projecteuler, but I didn't solve a problem in a while :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV are they any good? how far did they get? qualification is easy, the problems in the actual rounds are tough as hell
@NikiC really .... 2.6 and 5 sec its a lot of time .. i was expecting something like 2.6 and 3.0
@Robbert I would say they are extremely good comparing to myself
@Baba Sorry, and for clarification on the test if it ain't obvious; it's spitting out every day for a year, followed by the modifiers for the entries that fall on it, followed by a newlilne.
@Robbert random fun fact. German car license plates have the city the car is registered as first letter. followed by two random chars and up to 4 digits. If I had a car, it would have E-GO 1 (ah, well, 1 is probably taken, so it would either be 1112 or 42)
@HamZaDzCyberDeV how far did you get then? :) did you ever attempt it?
@Robbert hey rob
@Robbert I did not attempt properly since I'm busy with school,work, internship
@Gordon Where is E?
@Gordon that's a fun fact, thanks for sharing!
@PeeHaa埽 please use the search function. we expect you to do thorough research before asking questions.
@Gordon also, hi neighbor :)
This is a complete list of the 2,064 towns and cities in Germany (as of April 1st, 2013). Only municipalities with independent administration and that have the Stadtrecht (town or city rights) are included. :For details of the cities (Großstädte, i.e. places with populations over 100,000), see also: List of cities in Germany by population :and also: Metropolitan Regions in Germany There are in: * Bavaria: 317 towns and cities * Baden-Württemberg: 312 towns and cities * North Rhine-Westphalia: 271 towns and cities * Hesse: 191 towns and cities * Saxony: 171 towns and cities * Lower Sax...
@Bracketworks I don't see how your code would work .. don't for get Datetime is not immutable ?? $currentDateTime->modify($this->getModifier()); would modify it and its no longer the time you set ...
@Baba Btw, just to be sure that you are actually measuring the right thing: you don't have xdebug installed, right?
@Bracketworks If i can get sample input and output date with this information .. i can coem up with a function that works
@HamZaDzCyberDeV same here, I was super serious'd on my first try (2011), passed qualification but still was only able to beat two of the questions in Round 1. with a major headache. tried again in 2012 but same results. this year I'm too busy, fuck dat shit.
@Gordon Great now I'm hungry
@PeeHaa埽 from Hungary? And I thought you was Dutch ;P
@NikiC forgot to remove it ... lol .. one moment
@Robbert whenever you got a chance
@ReiBrazilva were you able to install XAMPP?
gist: Interpolated String Issue, 2013-05-07 20:38:48Z
          // I want this to work but I don't want to split and rejoin for operators
          if(preg_match('/\./', $data)){
                $data = self::makePath($data);
                // client->client_name
                $data = 'self::$order->' . $data;
                return self::$order->{$data};
          // This Works
          if(preg_match('/\./', $data)){
                $a ='client';
                $b = 'client_name';
                return self::$order->{$a}->{$b};
oh hey! yeah
Im having issues
woah. Insta gist dump
but no cigar
@CAM We can see that :P
I tried Eval() But no go
it has issues . let me get the errorrs
Anyone any experience with Dependency Injection and/or Factory pattern?
@Baba That's intended; the object returned from getStartDateTime() is a clone, so it doesn't hurt the internal state.
wuddup @PeeHaa埽
@ReiBrazilva go get em
@Robbert hello neighbor, too. and good luck in the eurovision song contest.
@John Just ask your question. If somebody can and wants to help you they will
How much is jsonapi.org effed up from 1 to 10?
@Bracketworks seen clone
Gimme a moment and I'll fire some tests together.
@Gordon thanks, I'm not participating though, I can't sing for shit. maybe PeeHaa can represent my country?
@Gordon nobody cares about eurovision
@Bracketworks cool
@CAM $data = 'self::$order->' . $data; ???????
@CAM Why are you using preg_match for that?
@tereško I'Ve seen the Latvian entry and understand why you say that :P
i haven't
let me fetch it
i will pass, i do not care what old people like
OK so i created a DB alias to a location on an object that is a plain string that is parsed by the bulk of this routine
@NikiC it the same 200% .. just smaller figures
    [m1] => 0.99300169944763
    [m2] => 2.9879999160767
@CAM what error do you get ?
if(preg_match('/\./', $data)){
^ that's somewhat confusing PeeHaa
@NikiC Its even 301% now
Does the Dependency Injection pattern and factory pattern go hand in hand? Or does the Dependency Injection make the factory pattern futile? Or is the Factory pattern used as a mask to create object with the DI? But isn't the DI supposed to resolve everything itself?
@tereško they are actually young people: youtube.com/watch?v=Na0iPVpeRPk
@Gordon no ... it's the old people who voted for that cap
damnit I fucked it up
Just use if(strpos($data, '.') !== false){ :D
no errors
is it cheaper to run strpos vs preg match?
@CAM I think it is, but it is also cleaner imo
@CAM you use preg_ if you need the power of regex
it also surprises me why people use preg_split('|', $str) while they can just use str_split()
but the core issue is the string to object path interpretation
@HamZaDzCyberDeV or explode()?
@Robbert I had to rer-install
@Robbert yup
@HamZaDzCyberDeV I like the violent nature of explode() more
@CAM What do you think this computes to:
            $data = 'self::$order->' . $data;
            return self::$order->{$data};
@ReiBrazilva that's okay, what errors did you get?
ah sorry str_split does another thing -_-
it's indeed explode()
should be self::$order->client->client_name
@HamZaDzCyberDeV ahmagad I actually got something right in this chatroom
@tereško ah. I see. It's quite horrible actually. Not that the german is much better. It's basically a copy of Euphoria.
I know that the
-> is the issue
@CAM so basically you want to eval 'self::$order->' ?
but eval() is not cutting it
@Robbert but you are sending Anouk already.
@Gordon are we? oh ok.. she'll lose, but it's ok. nobody's watching anyway
@CAM I <3 eval()
actually 'self::$order->' .$data would be nice to eval
@Robbert could not start and it asked me to close program or debug, but before that it had problems starting appache and mySQL
@Gordon , AFAIK, last time the votes in Eurovision were given based on songs was before i was born
eval ain't cutting it
@CAM One does not simply use eval
@Robbert her song aint that bad. it grows on you after a few times of listening. which is the problem because she'll only sing it once
this is a little of topic. DOes anyone know of a good free or next to free host?
@ReiBrazilva that's silly, what setup are you using? Windows 8? are you running any services on port 80 n stuff? heavy firewalls or anything silly? oh, and do you use Skype? please disable its port 80 hogging option just in case
@ReiBrazilva Choice either good or free
@Baba Given the input provided in $tests all return true, indicating they evaluate to the expected result. These are all for an entry with the "+1 month +3 day" modifier.
Updated it
@PeeHaa埽 good point
still fooked up tho
@Robbert. I think I do have Skype. I can get it too
$parts = explode('.', $data);
$tmp = self::$order;
foreach ($parts as $part) {
    $tmp = $tmp->$part;
return $tmp;
in cae I dont have it
@CAM: ^^ That's for you
@ReiBrazilva skype is always the culprit
@ReiBrazilva I was actually referring to Skype clogging port 80 because.. well, because Microsoft software doesn't compute well with Windows, I guess?
Also my typing tonight is even worse than normal :(
thx @ircmaxell, but $data presents as client->client_name
@ReiBrazilva so I guess you don't have it installed now, which is good. keep it that way.
@Robbert. I see. I'll have to check. But in the meantime this is from the control panel
:52:58 PM [Apache] Problem detected!
4:52:58 PM [Apache] Port 80 in use by "system"!
4:52:58 PM [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
4:52:58 PM [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
4:52:58 PM [Apache] or reconfigure Apache to listen on a different port
4:52:58 PM [mysql] Problem detected!
4:52:58 PM [mysql] Port 3306 in use by "mysqld.exe"!
4:52:58 PM [mysql] MySQL WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
@NikiC reduced it to 128% with this pastebin.com/tjay8Mab
now I can blow that up for that instance but sometimes an index is passed to retrieve a specific object from an array and sometimes the path is direct
am I making sense?
@Bracketworks ok .. let me check it out
oh. before I forget. today is
@ReiBrazilva seems like you're double running a few services. probably because you reinstalled stuff
@ReiBrazilva you can likely solve this by rebooting
well I had WAMP installed at first but that is uninstalled
Opencart vs Magento ?? When to use?
@ErBnAcharya never and run
ok. let me do a re boot
@ReiBrazilva cool, I'll be here. let's see what XAMPP has to say after rebooting
Why are people using Opencart. Is it simple than Magento or what?
@CAM please stop hurting us
@tereško wth> do you have a solution?
@Baba Thanks
@CAM use an array
I did earlier in the algo, but the path ands up as a string anyway ?
then hire a developer
why not parse the final path that I built
Object Oriented Programming: $object = (object) [];
ok i can revert to an array
@CAM then change the explode
what's his code supposed to do anyway?
i have no clue .. as i already said: i suspect that the only goal for that code is to hurt us

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