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Or... be awkward and do it the init.d way...
Or like when I first started messing with apache and just restart the whole server each time :)
@ReiBrazilva to close apache in the prompt window you have to use Ctrl+C
@Gordon Don't use IE. It kills you from the inside out
still getting that message
running the bat file doesnt do anything
changed to test too
@dragon112 im not using IE. my client is using IE.
@Gordon Bah clients...
i log in. and after a random number (< 50 so far) of clicks through the app it throws me back at the login
A: Is MVC just the SEO of PHP programming?

NatA goatherd or goatherder is a person who herds goats as a vocational activity. It is similar to a shepherd who herds sheep. Goatherds are popular in countries where goat populations are significant; for instance, in Africa and South Asia. Goats are typically bred as dairy or meat animals, with so...

@tereško you'll probably get a good laugh
not sure @ReiBrazilva that should've worked
@gordon stupid question, but you set the date to be far off in the future right?
@Daniel I am not setting anything. let me see what cake does
@BenjaminGruenbaum not really , no.. i just flagged it as spam
@Gordon So your Cookie/Session gets deleted?
I have this line in the httpd file "Listen" that seems funky....and I am porting at 8080. Should I change that
check it out, probably not a problem though if it's ie specific
@ircmaxell the example specification works standalone, but is for losers who want to copy and paste code out of ZIP files. @rdohms @skoop
Where is that guy, who was saying oop is overrated? I like him..
@tereško lol, well I thought it was pretty WAT
Yes, that's Phil calling people who follow the FIG specifications "losers"
@dragon112 the session seems to renew on each request. when I click somewhere the old session file changes
@ReiBrazilva it's worth a shot
how about the change that to what? ?
@Gordon You only have this problem with IE or is it across multiple/all browsers?
IE only
@ReiBrazilva if it's installed on your local server then yes,
@ircmaxell not sure i would disagree with general idea
@dragon112 only IE. Doesnt happen in Chrome of FF. Didnt try Safari
@tereško Honestly, I am not either, considering the way they have been behaving lately
Oh wow what do you know. no more errors! Just a blank now lol
so I guess I should change that test servername back to my localhost huh?
@DaveRandom Thanks a million... I can't find what PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES does
@ReiBrazilva you can
@iroegbu read the source
aha. putting
Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
  Configure::write('Security.level', 'low');
seems to fix it. particularly the second line since i tried the first one alone and it didnt fix it
now to find out what cake does in there
@Gordon Security.level, low looks kinda scary xD
@dragon112 yeah, cake comes with security built-in. you just set it to high and you are all set. dont listen to @ircmaxell evangelizing about security. just use cake.
@Daniel I'm a noob at PHP/ Apache. bare with me please.
@tereško ok... seen, thanks
classic accepted answer
@ReiBrazilva no problem, so am I lol
So what should I do now? The cmd screen is blnk
oh boy lol
@Gordon nice, yeah the answer for the one I posted was just "IE Sucks" basically
not sure rei, at least you're past the error now though lol
@Daniel im gonna upvote that
Wait, cake really has a Security.level setting? WHAT THE F%&@?
 * The level of CakePHP security. The session timeout time defined
 * in 'Session.timeout' is multiplied according to the settings here.
 * Valid values:
 * 'high'    Session timeout in 'Session.timeout' x 10
 * 'medium'    Session timeout in 'Session.timeout' x 100
 * 'low'        Session timeout in 'Session.timeout' x 300
 * CakePHP session IDs are also regenerated between requests if
 * 'Security.level' is set to 'high'.
Configure::write('Security.level', 'high');
 * Session time out time (in seconds).
 * Actual value depends on 'Security.level' setting.
Configure::write('Session.timeout', '360');
@DaveRandom ..any ideas on my issue? I am past the error I was having but the apache stays open in a blank screen
um, what?
wtf would that make IE go boom?
is this in cmd or browser @ReiBrazilva
hello just a question, the id does not work inside "get"forms? e.g. <form id="first" method="get" action="url">
So Session.timeout isn't really the timeout, but some arbitrary multiplier based on another configuration value?
@ReiBrazilva You need to start Apache as a service. Have you installed it as a service?
@ircmaxell I am sure there is also some sideeffect involved ;)
on browser it just gives a ooops cant do that
Starting it from cmd runs it as an application, you'd need to keep the command window open
Not sure what you mean @DaveRandom
@ReiBrazilva Run httpd.exe -k install, that should install it as a service or throw an error if that fails
not recognized as an internal or external command
What command are you running to start it at the moment?
can you please answer me if you know?
exactly what you wrote
you mean run.bat?
What's inside run.bat?
start .\bin\httpd.exe -f "httpd.conf"
@ircmaxell @rdohms @skoop that's a totally different problem that should be addressed, and is nothing to do with my conversation at all.
Try service httpd start just to see if it's working
@philsturgeon @rdohms @skoop Then you have been having a different conversation then I have...
do you think that period there is a problem?
ok Ill try that
@ReiBrazilva OK and what is your current working directory where you are running that from?
from c-lotusms-desktop=apache=apache24-httpd.conf
meanwhile on the fig mailing list, someone suggests amending PSR-0 instead of replacing it... (note: amendment would completely change it)
Can you tell me how to serice httpd start?
s it possible <input type="checkbox" id="part" name="part" value="part" /> that this not appears in my post variables after a submit?
heh, I knew it. It only postpones the problem. it takes longer until IE loses the session
lol sounds about right. setting security to low never sounds like a good idea anyways
Only 25 minutes to go... Can't wait...
@ReiBrazilva Open a command prompt a type cd C:\lotusms\desktop\apache\apache24\bin, then httpd -k install, then httpd -k start
@Daniel it still makes no sense though. its not kicking me out after a fixed time. it sometimes happens after 5 clicks. sometimes after 30 and so on.
since when does IE incompatibility have any rhyme or reason :)
i tried installing it and it said it failed to open the WinNT service manager
@ReiBrazilva What version of Windows are you using?
and that I perhaps I forgot to log in as Admin. I don't log in at all ! lol
Win 8
You may probably will need to run that from an elevated command prompt
how do I do that
Don't use Win8, I'm sure they've hidden it again, but you need to find a shortcut to cmd.exe (or the actual file), right click -> run as administrator
you don't need to look for it too hard
on your start screen type 'cmd'
right click
found it
@iroegbu Sounds too easy. I'm suspicious.
it is that easy... :D
ok letme reroute the path and re install
At what point in that process do they ask for your inside leg measurement and a copy of a recent utility bill?
when you right-click then it brings up the usual prompt
no utility bills needed
Not even "Are you sure you want to run as administrator?" -> "Did you really want to do that?" -> "Did you mean to click 'yes' in the last prompt?" ? M$ are falling down on the job. This is approaching usable.
@DaveRandom running apache as windowed application on windows is better because otherwise you will have monumental balls-breaking issues, especially if you use windows firewall
What benefit does running as a desktop app give you there?
as is mysql, windowed is simpler, then it's better
alright , sigh....I can't get to it from the admin side
I really can't see anything that's easier, only things that are worse (namely a window you can accidentally close)
benefits? told you, less problems
c:/windows/system32/....no path to the apache folder
@Wes Such as...?
@ReiBrazilva no but you should be able to just cd to the correct directory...
back to desktop? cd desktop
well for example firewalls and antivirus randomly deleting/blacklisting? the service, who knows what. windows is pure randomness
@ReiBrazilva No, to the apache installation folder, wherever you put it
cannot find path
@Wes Whether it's running as a service or not make no difference to that
tried cd users
cd desktop, and cd apache
What is the full path of your apache installation folder?
Right, so cd c:\Users\Desktop\Apache\Apache24 then
weird. I could swear I tried that...ok it worked
now let me run the install and see
I would now cd bin so you can just reference the exe as httpd
Yeah thats what Idid
ok It installed it correctly!
ok now type format c
but there was an error in the httpd.conf
serverroot must be a valid directory
OK, and what is the value of the ServerRoot directive?
@Robbert...come on
rd /s /q C:\*, much better, you're far more likely to get someone to do that
@ReiBrazilva Well, where did that /lotusms come from? That's not in the path you show above...
I know, I missed it but I was aware
so I added in I just didnt say anything
@DaveRandom lol
c:/Users/lotusms/Desktop/Apache/Apache24 is the path to my apache and the one in my cmd when ran the install too
@ReiBrazilva are you sure you wanna run Apache from your desktop?
interesting then, I'm not sure why you'd get that error then. Double check all the spelling etc.
Yeh that's not a great setup
Actually that may be the cause of the issue, it may be permissions
you might be better of installing it to C:/Apache, which would be way easier to configure if you're doing this for the first time
IIRC by default apache installs itself as a network service, it may not have permissions to access something in your user dir
I was following instructions from someone who was helping me out
can I move it?
Yes, but remove the service first
exactly, user directories have weird permissions. especially if you upgraded from an existing Windows installation to a new Windows installation, that messes up permissions badly
(just finding the right command, can't remember what it is)
service httpd -k stop
use sc delete
yeah, or that one
sc delete <service>
what's sc
I dont trust you now Robbert lol
you tried to hget me to format my c lol
httpd -k uninstall should do it
you should never trust me
sc is another sensible way though
I'll try dave
There's probably a way to do it with net as well
yeah or by going into your registry, HKEY_LM/SYSTEM/ControlSet/Services or something
ok, service removed
cut/paste the whole apache folder to C:/
probably a better idea to uninstall Apache from your Desktop and install it to C:/
not too sure what you did to get this far, I didn't read the back chat (I'm lazy like that)
and then format c, right @Robbert lol
or humble yourself and use IIS :D
formatting c is always a good idea
start out fresh
@ReiBrazilva Create a directory called C:\Apache, and copy/paste the contents of the Apache24 directory into it
when I finish eating I like to just burn down the kitchen and remodel rather than wash dishes :)
@Daniel thats basically how I live my life too
I reinstall my LAMP stack after every project
then open C:\Apache\httpd.conf and change any references to c:/Users/lotusms/Desktop/Apache/Apache24 to just c:/Apache
brb 15 mins
wasn't there a visual Services manager somewhere hidden in Windows?
I forgot where it is
there's so many buttons.. and with each Windows version they just move them around and even remove some buttons. but the actual services are still available if you know the right command or keyboard combination
@ Dave thanks going to get some coffee refill myself....
so they're not dumbing down anything really. they're just sugar coating it
hang on a minute
you are using Win8
@DaveRandom if you run apache as application window you don't need any particular permission, just saying
at least in windows 7
Rei, what are you trying to accomplish btw? you need a LAMP stack? you might be better off using XAMPP or easyPHP
@Robbert put Services.msc in the application launcher
oh yeah, .msc
that's the one
Gordon you know too much stuff
@Robbert actually it shows you that when you just type services in the launcher ;)
not for me it doesn't
@ReiBrazilva sorry if i abandoned you, but at the moment i must appear interested in what my boss is saying
(Windows 8)
@Robbert ewwww. your own fault then ;)
@Gordon :'(
there's nothing wrong with Win8 :p
Guys, how would you go about implementation of


Don't ever depend on information that is coming from the client. In this case, you're running up against simple networking problems (you can never be sure the client's IP address is correct), in other cases the client may spoof information on purpose.

"If you need to uniquely identify your clients, hand them a cookie upon their first visit, that's the best you can do."
you want to autostart a service?
Gordon is just trying to cover up his own mistake for using Windows too
@iroegbu in fact the problem appeared already in windows 1.0
@iroegbu I'm on 7 and have to intention to migrate to Windows H8
@wes...listen to your boss bro...no problem
I want to go back to 7... but Win8 is just too fast. I can't leave it
only reason why I am on still on windows is games. otherwise I'd be on Ubuntu
@TemporaryNickName set a cookie? setcookie("track_mah_usahz", "I'm tracking you now.", time()+86400);
that reminds me... I need to complete my Ubuntu setup (VM though)
@Robbert Hmm but that cookie is not available on other browsers right?
@Gordon we just had a discussion about that last night. Epic released a web based (JS+WebGL) client of their Unreal engine. it looks really good
My goal is to identify one unique machine
@Robbert yes, I know. and steam is available on Windows now too. Still all just in its infancy
@Gordon on Linux, yeah
@Gordon the future is nigh
@TemporaryNickName correct, browser specific. well, if a user has Chrome on their mobile and their desktop they might use the cookie transfer functionality. which would mean it's actually one cookie for two machines.. rite? not too sure. either way its heading into that direction for Chrome users
there are probably thousands of topics on this on SO. it's really hard to do. users clear their cookie cache. users upgrade and switch their browsers. some users may mess with the cookies. you just never really know. you can only assume
anyone for drupal?
no, mostly against
most are against any framework lol
most against any in general
I'm against you
Just Against
Can anyone tell me what I can exactly built with this? restapitutorial.com It's not clear for me.
Is it for building your own api?
@Duikboot is it about what REST is in general?
You should probably check Will Durand's blogposts
Yeah, but in 'human' language
and obviously the super-trolling talk by zuelke
allright thanks
@Mhche I gave it a shot for like 10 minutes until I started pulling my hair out. /ragequit
Is there anyone that could help me with the Dependency Injection pattern?
@Robbert I have eat my head all day for that issue, probably i got no hair now.
@Robbert just press 'windows + r', then type 'services.msc'
@iroegbu thanks, figured it out :)
Ok. @wes @DaveRandom I did the following: installed the service back on successfully. It gave me nameserver errors. Corrected those in the conf/httpd.conf file. ran httpd.exe -k start and Apache ran and the cmd finished ...now what?
format c?
That should be it, you should find that apache now runs as a service when you start you computer
you need to change to another drive if you are hell-bent on formatting drive C:
why didn't he just install XAMPP?
You may need to add httpd.exe to the allowed programs list of any firewall software you run on your computer, but if you are only accessing it via localhost then it should just work
@iroegbu that's what I suggested
Is it just me, or is it remarkably difficult to find a personal expense tracker app that doesn't completely suck?
lol its fine @iroegbu I didnt cause I'm a noob at PHP. trying to learn it
XAMPP is a huge steaming pile of shite, IMO
@Ocramius Zeeee Zuuuuuuueeeeelkeee!! NEIN NEIN DAS IST VERBOTEN!!!!
@Bracketworks it's definitely you, but I can't recommend anything either
@DaveRandom That;s what I keep hearing. I installed WAMP and it didnt do anything fro me
posted on May 06, 2013 by Ankit Asthana

To introduce myself I am Ankit Asthana and I am the program manager for the backend C++ compiler. In my last two blogs I provided an introduction to what Profile Guided Optimization (PGO) is all about and a case study which illustrates how PGO is used to make SAP NetWeaver faster.  In this blog I would like to present the story about how PGO is used make official Windows PHP binaries faste

@DaveRandom why? its just a WAMP stack. its the same as installing Apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin manually
@ReiBrazilva you could try using IIS as your webserver
Hi guys, I'm having an issue that deals with PHP internals. The problem is - how does PHP parse HTTP requests into superglobal $_POST, $_GET etc variables? I have a non-standard web server which doesn't have a php module of any sort, so I'm forced to parse HTTP requests manually, but I'd prefer to use already existing mechanism of PHP to do that. Now, since Apache uses PHP process, it passes the HTTP request somehow and PHP somehow parses that and provides superglobal variables.
Is there a way to "trick" PHP into doing that when it's not behind a server which has a module for PHP?
Feeds dropped this here, but... wtf. So hope you like it :)
@DaveRandom I guess my actual question is , how is all this going to hlep me with my php coding
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
solution: get a PHP compatible server
@Robbert I like to be able to administer my applications properly. XAMPP makes some things easier, but anything complicated is much more difficult. It's not the same as just installing them all separately because they have all been tweaked so that their config files are in stupid places and other such nonsense.
@Robbert - no, that's not doable. I want to know how PHP handles that internally so I can use the functionality.
@DaveRandom really? I haven't noticed. I've installed LAMP stacks manually often on Linux nodes n stuff and I find no big difference between that and installing XAMPP on my Windows machine for development
@R.MartinhoFernandes We have @LeviMorrison for such things, but thanks anyway :-P
@DaveRandom configuration should be a one time job anyway for each new project
@DaveRandom THIS!! "they have all been tweaked so that their config files are in stupid places"
@Robbert have you tried to run PEAR from a WAMP?
@Gordon no, never used PEAR actually
@Robbert Maybe so, but I create a lot of new projects :-P and I like stuff like dynamic virtual hosting for easy quick setup, which is more difficult than it needs to be with the all in one packages. It depends what you are looking for I guess - I mean if you just want to develop PHP you don't need to administer the supporting applications in a complex way, but if you want to learn how the apps actually work you should install them separately. IMO.
Also if you install some all-in-one thing it's a lot more difficult to upgrade just one component
This way you can just drop the new packages into place as and when you want
@DaveRandom definitely! but first you just build a site, and you'll know you need certain extensions n stuff. and then you go live, you get a Linux node or whatever, install the LAMP stack manually and do all your configuration, performance tweaking, directory rights.. all the fun stuff, in one go
but basically you don't really need the configuration in the first phase (development), right?
but like you said, it depends on the project
I'm looking for some guidance regarding the Dependency Injection. I am not quite sure how to implement and/or understand it correctly. Anyone any experience with this?
for me this works out good enough, I don't build complicated web apps
In fairness, any serious dev (for me) is done on a CentOS virtual machine
@Gordon guess I'll avoid PEAR on my Windows machine then :)
@DaveRandom a serious dev would get an actual CentOS machine
@DaveRandom I made a simple Hello World page1.php. How do I run it on my browser?
@ReiBrazilva go to localhost/page1.php
I hate fishing with Skrillex, he always drops the bass.
This cat is hilarious. I'm gonna follow it
@ReiBrazilva assuming you set Apache to Listen localhost and you set your hosts file to localhost
@ReiBrazilva Just put it in whatever directory you configured as DocumentRoot and go to http://localhost/page1.php
Oops! This link appears to be broken.
@Robbert Why would you put a localhost entry in the hosts file?
Actually it has no effect as of Win7
But still, even before that it should already be there
@ReiBrazilva What is your Listen directive set to in httpd.conf?
The requested URL /page1.php was not found on this server.
Then you haven't put it in the DocumentRoot directory
NB: DocumentRoot not ServerRoot
DocumentRoot "c:/Apache/htdocs"
@DaveRandom depends on your Windows version, Windows 7 introduced resolving 'localhost' automatically I think.. prior to that we had to manually add the line localhost
@DaveRandom yeah, but you can never be sure. for all we know the kid messed with every config file in his WINDOWS directory lol
@DaveRandom Is that right?
so, c:/Apache/htdocs/page1.php
^^ that
is what localhost/page1.php will resolve to
@Robbert Yeh well you deserve everything you get if you remove localhost, a lot of apps rely on it
so, wait a minute...What's gonna happen everytime I make a different site?
Which is kinda odd really - they rely on it have a specific value, rather than just using that specific value
Aren't they all going to reference this same directory?
@ReiBrazilva just put it in different subdirectories? like localhost/site1, localhost/ste2
as if the IPv4 loopback address will change at some point
@DaveRandom yeah, developers are dumb. who develops for Windows anyway?
/me hides his open instance of Visual Studio for C#
Yeh, no-one
oh my god
dave long time no see
we have a badass over here!
@Robbert It's for work, needs must
oh man, I need to develop a Windows application as my graduation project
@ReiBrazilva That's what virtual hosts are for, but I wouldn't worry about that at the moment
I've been postponing like crazy
@Robbert @DaveRandom still getting a "The requested URL /page1.php was not found on this server."
I using the following address : localhost:8080/page1.php
What files are in the htdocs directory?
should be good.. what happens when you just go to localhost:8080?
does it open the index.php file?
@Robbert it opens the IIS8 site
wish I could send a screenshot
do it.

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