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@Ocramius What browser do you want it for?
With PHP, you just do $_POST, and that's it :D
well, I have never touched J2EE before but I think J2EE requires some extra works to get things done. However in Spring MVC, things are different. I don't actually use getWriter() write() functions at all
let's say you want to serialize an object into JSON after Get, then

@RequestMapping(value="getUser", method=GET)
public @RequestResponse User getUser(){
   return new User();
Is all you need to do
$_GET['user'] :P
I loved servlets at the time, but then I hadn't learned PHP - trust me, it's beautiful (compared)
@TemporaryNickName This is the PHP chat, and is not the place for such abominations
@Leigh yeap, sorry this is the PHP chatroom
Sometimes going mad seems to be the only solution... stackoverflow.com/questions/16415059/…
@DaveRandom ideally cross-browser, heh
@Jimbo Clearly current rep logic is pushing SO to TL DR culture. And thanks btw.
@Leigh Not an abomination rather youtube.com/watch?v=znGBU5oODz8
have to leave. See you later all. Have a nice time..
@Ihsan No worries, I frequently think like a noob so I can talk noob-language
That's why me and PHPFan can talk easily - both n00bs
@Jimbo I will always be a n00b...(sigh) I do not even know how to talk n00b (n00b at that too)
I think I'm young enough that by the time I'm 50 I can work on internals ;)
someone knows how to use tabs instead of spaces in phpstorm?
@Wes eeeeeeeek
How is PHPstorm compared to the latest netbeans? Xdebug support?
i don't understand why you hate so much tabs
any help?
@Wes Is there an edit > convert indents?
i don't want them get converted, i want "\t" when i press tab on my keyboard :P not spaces
@Jimbo how is the ebay/paypal work going?
@Wes When I called the guy up yesterday (I'd already done £250 of work) and explained that, in order to use the eBay API, I'd need a "store-front" which costs £14.99 a month - he clearly hadn't put enough research into what needed to be done and what he wanted, and he put the project 'on hold' and will pay me up to what I've done
PayPal IPN stuff was fine, he gave up at the eBay one when I said after myself doing the research I would need money to pay for the subscription and a little more time
Yoyo people!
I had a mini-rant on here about my first ever client being a case of "grand idea - not actually thinking about it"
Clients are the worst part of this job
lol, yes
@dragon112 Jojo!
I also learned a lot too - should I charge per project (even though my estimation skills suck) or per hour?
@Jimbo I tend to go on an hourly basis, same reason as you:)
@Jimbo problem is that customers don't like per hour, as you can imagine :(
this afternoon ill be off work until monday :) long weekend for the win
@Wes Estimate your time, multiple it by 2.5 (and add some more wiggling room)
But then when you figure out how much you have to charge - that's effectively on a per hour basis
I go by a factor of 2 and add a little wiggling room but yea, that's about right
@Jimbo You will have to find out how much time you think you are going to spend on it either way
Lol, I was saying £600 for this whole project to be finished by june 1st - that's a custom framework, cms, admin panel, ebay and paypal api... maybe I aimed too low...
@PeeHaa埽 yes, i learned that long time ago.. lol but i multiply by 2 :P
@Wes My estimates suck really bad. So 2.5 is often pretty decent
@Wes does it work? whenever I multiply my estimation ..my no of clients get subtract :(
Anyway, on the flipside, I earned £250 (if he actually pays me) and I can go back to learning Symfony2 :D
@Jimbo yes, it's way too low
@tereško Could you suggest what you would've charged for that, but when you first started taking on clients?
i also learnt that it's important to give yourself a tone, if you are cheap they will think you're crap
in my experience, when i estimate a lot, i mean really a lot, it's more probable that i'll get the job than charging less
@Jimbo do you also eat?
@Ocramius :D Hey, first time for clients here - won't make the same mistake again
how can one get the ascii or hex value of a character (in jabbascript)? like 97 ascii for 'a' or 0x61 hex
@Jimbo i would have angled for a "rent a coder for 2 week" payment scheme
@kaᵠ "a".charCodeAt(0);
ty @Wes, and the reverse, convert 97 to character 'a' ?
Heya everybuddy
youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-12152 - Finally has a fix version, huzzah.
@Jack stackoverflow.com/a/12283928/208809 is too short. please include the relevant code from that link for reference
Eew. A 13k rep user pointing users to W3Schools. Sad.
Well I'm off for a bit, got a meeting in 15 min :)
in text area i've entered text in 3lines, var_dump is showing content in 3lines, but if i print it into pdf (using mpdf) its showing text in single line with out breaks, how to fix this
utf8_encode didn't helped me :(
trim cant work for line carry/line breaks!
@Gordon is there something reverse to trim to retain the line breaks of a string
@TheLuckyGoof not trimming the lines comes to mind
it rather sounds like a problem in mpdf. maybe you need to markup linebreaks in a special way for mpdf
Q: Inserting line breaks into PDF

CarloHi this might seem like a weird question. Anyway, I'm generating some PDF file on the fly using PHP and some third party code I found. My problem is I need to insert line breaks in some part of the text that will be inserted in the PDF file. Something like: $pdf->InsertText('Line one\n\nLine two...

my problem is little different, line breaks should be taken as per the user feed. lets put mpdf a side, how to retain line carry in a string?
@TheLuckyGoof i dont understand. line breaks are not magically removed when entered into a form. Like you said, var_dump will show them
echo has given me `g g g g` where as var_dump giving as `string 'g



g' (length=10)`
@TheLuckyGoof Because HTML ignores line breaks. Look at the sourcecode, not the rendered content.
The line breaks are there. They don't get lost or anything. Your PDF library just ignores them.
oh. now i'm screwed!
MPDF uses HTML to render PDFs. So you need to do a nl2br() on your text, I guess.
It will convert line breaks into <br> tags.
@TillHelge you are smart, thanks
Actually, I'm not as smart as those other guys in here, who thought of some complicated explanation first, I guess. ;)
9 mins ago, by Gordon
it rather sounds like a problem in mpdf. maybe you need to markup linebreaks in a special way for mpdf
I pretty much said that :P
I guess that was too abstract, Gordon. ;)
@Wes nice with you bro :P
@Wes easy. keep your desk clean yourself
That's how it works here. Cleaning personnel may not touch desks.
The result is not too great either.
how possibly are them able to unplug a sata connector without opening the cabinet? how?
@Wes bosons
schrodinger's cat, cleaning ladies' sata connector
@Wes quarks
do i have the proof that quantum physic works?
uhmm... apache on windowns closing connection instead of displaying exceptions...
@Gordon That was an interesting read.. so how fast is this?
I wonder whether it's not much more practical and even cheaper to let employees do the cleaning instead of outsourcing it to a company. given that offices usually have a pretty good employee to space ratio, people wouldnt need to clean that much space. and they likely would do it much better than any cleaning help would.
we have a monitor, bought with the glossy film layer... it is (was) very cool, not a cheap one, it's eizo... you know, now it's more foggy than britain in autumn
@Gordon some do really hate cleaning in general
@Ocramius well, I do too. but if you can make it dirty, you can make it clean, cant you? after all, its all your hair and skin and splattered coffee on that desk anyway.
@Gordon Most companies outsource only cleaning of floors, windows and common rooms like kitchens and bathrooms. Workspaces usually are not cleaned for insurance reasons, I think.
@Gordon the ending wasn't horrible. There have been FAR worse...
@Gordon some of "developers" do not bother to even shower often enough .. and you want them to clean up after themselves ?
@ircmaxell of course it was. they inserted a happy end when it should have ended with all of them getting shot down in a blaze of glorious gattling gun fire. but no. tom cruise cant die like this.
There is a certain lack of cleaning supplys here, however. So cleaning your own workspace is not too effective, if the only things you have available is some tissues and water.
^ quick :)
@tereško aha. true
@Gordon eih. Tom Cruise never dies in a movie. It's in his contracts
@TillHelge then buy some more :) it's not like they are that expensive
@Gordon Would be much easier if the company provided them...especially if they aren't so expensive. ;)
@ircmaxell Different to Chuck Norris, who does not need that in his contracts.
exactly :-P
@ircmaxell I can still remember the feeling I had when I saw the movie for the first time. it was all good. It was quite epic and tragic when they rode into their "last" battle with no hope of coming back alive. only that they did. and i was like wtf. why????
and lets not forget the emperor changing his mind as well and all of them living happily ever after
@ircmaxell Do you have thought about this bug in the recursion of the zval_mark_grey from yesterday evening?
@Gordon that really did happen
@Gordon The movie was based on real events. The story Cruise played was mostly made up (loosely based on a real person, but not in that situation)
gordon btw, problem is that they think they are doing us a favour. means that if you leave a vga full of dust on your table, thinking to cleaning it in a later moment, you're doing a huge mistake, because they will use this directly on the vga... and no, it's not an xmlhttprequest fictional image
Hello, I wanna learn PHP what are the prerequsites?
@SwayamS. Obtain 1 000 reputation points in the PHP tag through answering questions (maybe).
Apart from that you first of all need to get it running on your computer.
@ircmaxell even if you had said loosely based, it would be an overexaggeration :)
@SwayamS. you have to beat up chuck norris' ass
@Gordon the overall plot wasn't real, but there are definitely parts that were based off of fact
and the rebellion and final battle scene, followed by the political upshift afterwards were real
@ircmaxell yeah, like Japanese living in Japan. That was accurate.
Wes, How do I do that
@SwayamS. ask kung-fu panda, i can't help :(
Hakre, I wanna learn PHP. Do I need to learn other stuffs before that?
do you have any idea about php url extract
prerequisites are html, css
I know only basic html, javascript and css
learned from w3schools
will that be enough?
@SwayamS. Enough
braces himself
@SwayamS. trolls in 3 2 1
fumbles with italics
@Wes Rummages his treasure cheast for a +5 round shield
why can't is_array($foo) first check if $foo isset before checking if it's an array?
Because then isset() would feel useless.
@SwayamS. Probably. You best find out by learning PHP, this is different for every person.
@iroegbu Because it checks for a type and expects an initialized variable for that.
it's not called isset_array() :)
if (isset($foo) && is_array($foo)) { ... }
function really_is_array ($x) { return isset($x) && is_array($x); } ;)
does not compute. isset is no function.
if ((isset($foo) && is_array($foo)) && (count($foo) > 2)) { ... } looks messy
Oh right. Now that you mention it...I already tried something similar once.
@hakre function really_is_array (&$x) { return isset($x) && is_array($x); } it does!
Oh right. & really does the trick?
HEy guys
@Wes yeah, as when you pass an undefined var by ref, the parameter is NULL... but, so, the isset check is too much in the function.
returns false
@Wes Yeah...looks like it: codepad.viper-7.com/5V5uZ1
returns fasle
why wouldnt it be able to convert that?
I guess the question would be "what is the default day of a month"?
@TillHelge 0th?
@Wes In the times where calltime_pass_by_ref was allowed, then you could write is_array(&$var); without any error.
Something like that. ;)
added a day
and works
if anyone wanted to know
Hello can anyone help me with a drupal issue?
@kaᵠ Oh i didn't knew that thank's
you're welcome @Mhche
looking @Baba
Good Morning
@Gordon duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, totally never realized that :O
@Baba morning... "when ka used pen & paper..." ??
@Baba hi
@kaᵠ hehehe
and peeha got a beer :)) lol
@Baba i like it a lot for not using quotes for echoing strings....
@kaᵠ this gave me sleepless night 99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-php4-825.html
@Baba did then <?php not exist? only <? ?
@Baba but your answer isn't professional.. what do I, Peeha and Gordon have to do with it... :P
@kaᵠ do i look like a professional
lol @Baba !!!!
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

^^^ my best answer in SO is not professional
@Wes ...you still here?
@kaᵠ am just some bored ceo .. who hates end of month because i have to pay salary and spending most times online answering stupid questions
@Baba i can't see your name there?
@kaᵠ I did not answer that .. just saying its one of the best answers have seen
next to c/v my previously linked question, you can also have some fun to upvote the badly given answer through the top.
@Baba 99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-php4-825.html looks like something i would have written a lot of years ago :) actually did some stuff like that :P
@kaᵠ lol ..... true confession
yeah.. fun times :P
and you see comments like
saw that :)
will be afk for a while. cu l8ters
It's really a self explaining and good OOP-example.
@Gordon Yea, my loyal buddy who's drunk on weekdays and doesn't mow his lawn.
Hi guys!
@Bracketworks You called me?
@PeeHaa埽 I don't mind that your lawnmower also doubles as a toothbrush, just use it, ok?
anyone how to convince IE not to lose session cookies?
"convince", lol
it seems to be a known problem. I just cannot figure out the solution
@Gordon I was just lolling at the litigiousness needed to make things happen in the court of IE.
<?ogo the language that's 3/4" to the left.
ie 8 the cookies
@Daniel ie10. so no pun for you :P
ie 10nds to lose cookies
When the lady smiles!
German company nachtausgabe.de GmbH wants 2.500 EUR from a company organizing a "Hackathon" https://my.doctape.com/s/t3fQl7
@hakre there! we knew it. ffs.
Anybody ever worked with po files?
I've only heard of ie8 losing cookies, sometimes it can be an underscore in the name or something similar throwing it off
or maybe ie10nds to be allergic
I was waiting on @wes but if anyone feels like helping me troubleshoot my apache I'lll appreciate it
so whats up with windows blue!?.. start buttons triumphant return?
@Gordon Dam Germans :-P
Guys I have a quick question, are there any Javascript solution (library) that retrieves user's current and legit local IP address? I am not expecting a perfectly secured tool but at least it is well-protected so no average users can simply hack it (for example for persistent Cookies there are EverCookie or NeverCookie libraries).
@Gordon luckily, they're retracting their trademark now
Library like it uses Javascript, Flash and HTML5 features stack to retrieve local ip address
Can anyone shed a light, as to why I was downvoted here It was just an answer from a noob to another noob
@phpNoOb Because it's an answer that isn't very well explained, poor grammar, and the question is already closed - my guesses :)
Are there pro's and con's testing on a local dedicated webserver then testing websites/applications on MAMP ?
Yea, that's probably it. I thought I was giving sql an injection version of the date function.
@Baba whoa, I know the dude who wrote that :)
@igorw who wrote what ?
* Bottle Constructor
public function __construct() {}

* Bottle Destructor
public function __destruct() {}
ok... I'm in a fix
getting `PDOStatement::errorInfo()` to be:
`Array ( [0] => 00000 [1] => [2] => )`
@Baba see the author comments, Dave Marshall wrote this in 2005
hey there
@iroegbu Use exceptions, I find it mush easier to deal with debugging if your code just explodes/shouts at you when it encounters an error
@igorw wow ... the world is a small place
@ircmaxell If I remember right, he did __**D**estruct :P
@igorw I am still not convinced though
> There will no wave of lawcease-and-desist letters rolling through Germany. However, we will address corresponding companies directly to make a contribution. This may be monetary, but also for example through the provision of venues or financing of keynote speakers.
The way I read it, it means any non-profit can use the term freely but it still sounds like an extortion scheme for profits. When a company organizes a hackathon they have expenses, why should they pay some Tech_Hub company in addition to that?
Back!! :)
@Jimbo that as well
I might trademark the word "Gordon" and charge @Gordon a daily rate
@igorw ah, I didnt read far enough.
> Thats why we will delete the trademark “hackathon”. 10 companies that have been asked to license, have been informed that we take distance from plans to charge royalties.
good. although that seems like a waste. If they already licensed it, they can just as well give it a license that allows any use to prevent anyone else from doing an extortion scheme by registering it after they deleted it.
God forbid you question a logical inconsistency in something that others accept as gospel. #thisIsWhyWeCantHaveNiceThings
@DaveRandom my Earth is flat :|
@Gordon nice, auch noch im nachhinein die kohle reinlaufen lassen. ausserdem, ist das ja ein individueller vertrag - wenn sich das lohnt wird es sicherlich viele nachahmer finden.
I have throw new Exception('Db Error [' . $errorInfo[0] . ', ' . $errorInfo[1] . ']: ' . $errorInfo[2]); somewhere
and I have -> Caught exception: Db Error [00000, ]:
Royal Bg i type this for example no check syntax if u dont want help dont be idiot. tereško read all and than say somthing dont trolling if u dont want know is point — John 44 secs ago
@iroegbu No, I mean $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)
So PDO itself throws exceptions when something goes wrong
@hakre see bottom of young-targets.com/free-licences. They will delete the trademark again. Make your friends at the Whatever Foundation You Are Working For Again register it then to put it under MIT or something ;)
@DaveRandom OH! You are a life-saver!
Anyone have any opinions on a findByValue abstraction method I wrote that uses PDO? Tried to make it simple...
How do you @tag someone so that it is highlighted?
@ReiBrazilva i can't now. tell here what problem do you have and i'm sure someone will help
@DaveRandom so, with this I don't need to throw my own database related exceptions?
oh there you are . I was trying to reach you. ok no problem. I did tho. no one amnswered so we'll see
OK here is another try... Can anyone help me with an error I am getting in my apache setup?
servername' directive globally to suppress this message <--- to be more exact
@Gordon Ah, I will take it myself, tell everybody: screw you, collect money from bigger companies and then give it to the poor. :)
@ReiBrazilva Either click the hooked arrow button on the lower right of a chat message or type @Somebody and at some point the full name will be displayed for you to choose (or hit tab).
@hakre hakra hood
what for putties.
afk again
First i think ur one litle kid who pestered the forum on each new post. Problem in ur brain is dont know what i say. So go way. And if no one will help me I will in any way do. I dont care — John 59 secs ago
i think, we broke it ... let's hop there was a warranty
@TillHelge thanks
crap...not working
@iroegbu Not necessarily true, but it can make things a lot easier to deal with, you can wrap $stmt = $pdo->prepare( ... ); $stmt->bindParam( ... ); $stmt->execute(); in a try/catch so the code will just break to the error handling routine if anything goes wrong, or you can just let the exceptions bubble up. But it means you never have to check errorInfo() because if anything goes wrong PDO will just blow up
(Which should be the default behaviour anyway, I think.)
Ah screw it
@ReiBrazilva you need to set the Servername...
Thanks Daniel
are you talking about my localhost
@iroegbu Personally I set $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_LOWER); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); on every (MySQL) connection I ever make
I went to the htttpd.conf and typed in the servername line and didint work
@ReiBrazilva should be able to set in httpd.conf
ServerName test
ah, yeah it may need a non-alpha name
grrr. why is that frigging IE logging me out
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName your_server_name
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory /var/www>
AllowOverride All
Options All
something like that, I'm no server expert though by any means
and of course restart
@ReiBrazilva Did you restart Apache after you changed it? You have to restart Apache every time you make a change to httpd.conf
sudo service apache2 restart

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