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@crypticツ thanks... which ever you are... Now I am sure I am drunk ... I see 3 cryptics... As in the 6th.sense "I see @crypticツ people" , "when", "Everytime!"... :D
I would really appreciate some help;
I got my mysql query result like in $result from $results = $pdo->query($sql);

I want to achieve the simplest way to organize that stuff but it doesn't work
with loop
-17 downvotes, and still alive?
Q: Different behaviour of code under C and C++ compiler

goldenmeanBelow code was mentioned as a answer given to another question #include <stdio.h> typedef int X; int main() { struct X { int ch[2]; }; printf("Size of X %d , Size of struct X %d\n",sizeof(X),sizeof(struct X)); if (sizeof(X) != sizeof(struct X)) printf("C\n"); else...

@PHPNooB offtopic
post to the lounge c++ room
some Die Hard Thing
in JavaScript, 1 hour ago, by rlemon
if( $isMobile ) {
  sleep(10); // 4g is here, we don't want people to get used to it right away. reduce over time.
Haha, nice
PHP Error log: "EntityMetadataWrapperException: Invalid data value given. Be sure it matches the required data type and format. in EntityDrupalWrapper" while adding a field to drupal view
Any inputs on that?
I am using IIS and not Apache
Don't use drupal, or IIS ^^
Q: AJAX HTTP error 500 while adding field to View in Drupal 7.20 (Sarnia

user1830069I have installed Sarnia module and its dependencies in Drupal 7.20 to interact with external Solr data without any issues following http://drupal.org/node/1379476. After module installation, when I was creating Views of Solr data under the path 'Admin > Structure > Views', following error shows u...

Hi Jimbo: is this issue because of using drupal on IIS?
@crypticツ how did so allow you to insert the ツ character in your name?
@PHPNooB idk its just working when i tried
@PHPNooB which @crypticツ are you asking? LOLs
we have 3
@tereško We've all been there my friend
@iroegbu i have ignored the one I did not like, so it does not matter since it is a multi-persone question
@crypticツ I tried to enter, but it was saying name should be composed of letters and numbers only
hi @crypticツ
@crypticツ hiya
^^ lols
y'all should use the same gravatar
nah, that'd make it too confusing
it'll make more sense
@iroegbu nahhh
@crypticツ thank you for joining the @crypticツ club :D
@crypticツ yours welcome ...
Wow, it is The broken window theory in action
@crypticツ have you noticed @peeHaa also joined
@crypticツ yes
Yo dawg
i am dying to see 5 cryptic in close vote dialog
@crypticツ hiya cryptic
@crypticツ omg yes
Something just dawned on me; it would be real nifty for unary increment/decrement operators to work on arrays.
closed by cryptic, cryptic, cryptic, cryptic and cryptic
Pieter, thank you for handling that oauth logger issue thing
..wait, just decrement.
So, the saying that geeks .... girls ..... ....... must be true
BRACES!!!!!!!!! — cryptic ツ 11 secs ago
@crypticツ you have oauthlib listed on your about me twice
once as phpoauthlib and once as php 5.4+ oauth library
@crypticツ I do? SPAM THAT SHIT!!!!
@crypticツ =D
BRACES! banana banana — cryptic ツ 3 mins ago
You know me
I hate:
if (! isset($name)) // add some validation
ok removed
@Peehaa ??
Don't remove it just add braces
The answer to that question is "Use an array and stop making life difficult for yourself".
if (! isset($name)) {
There is no other viable answer.

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); // Connect to database server(localhost) with root .
mysql_select_db("registrations") or die(mysql_error()); // Select registration database.

$sql = "SELECT fullname FROM users WHERE UserID = '" .$_SESSION['UserID']. "'";

$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo "Hello, " . $row['fullname'];
A: Call php variable array name in foreach loop

BabaDoes not make sense .. you should use array but if you insist you can try : foreach ( $days as $value ) { $name = sprintf("My%sClasses", $value); if (! isset(${$name})) { // the boss asked continue; } foreach ( ${$name} as $ClassKey => $ClassVar ) { // play so...

Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

Madara UchihaWhat are the technical reasons that I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (like mysql_query(), mysql_connect() or mysql_real_escape_string())? Why should I move away from them as long as it works on my site? This question serves as a canonical information source regarding the discouraged use of...

how many cryptic here ?
now am getting a bit confused
all kinds of @crypticツ
@Kaos $UserID will always be an empty string
Hi Cryptric
@crypticツ wow
@crypticツ lol
Oh so how do I change it from an empty string?
@Kaos ...stop assigning an empty string to it?
if python had braces i would have loved it
Ok I guess I can just declare it then.And after that, will I be able to display the user's full name on the landing page after login?
I would change my name to cryptic, but I can't have it there for a whole month, without not being able to change it back, but something tells me the fake @crypticツ knows more ¿?
@Kaos Not unless you know the user's ID. You don't seem to be getting any external data from anywhere.
@Kaos why not run query only when session is set
Hmmm I'm kinda stuck....could u guys maybe give me a sample of what would work? @DaveRandom and @crypticツ
@Kaos How are you expecting to get the user's ID (and what is the user's ID - username or database ID)?
The userID is th username
if (!isset($_SESSION)){
@PHPNooB why?
I tried that
why different type of cryptic? it's confusing
@hakre yey pink pony loving it
@DaveRandom I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong. Even if I know it's supposed to be easy just to display stuff from the database
@Kaos All that does is give you a session though, it doesn't put any data in it unless the data is already there
$_SESSION is just a data store
@happyninja read the broken glass theory
@PHPNooB There's a cheating way to change it back actually - if you edit your profile on another StackExchange site and click "save and copy to all sites" it will change it back regardless of the 30 day limit.
I think it's a bug, but a little known one that I'm not going to report because it's actually useful to have
@DaveRandom will it be possible to private chat with you?
I already declared in the login page : <?php
a bug by which we can troll SO
@DaveRandom The other code is the landing page after the user logs in
@Kaos why $UserID; ?
@PHPNooB what is the main point?
@DaveRandom I knew something was up, although I thought people with more reps might have more privilages to change their names, in that case its awesome
@PHPNooB noop its not
@crypticツ In my code, my username is called UserID
@Happyninja There is no point of it, that is the whole point
that sounded oxymoron though
@Kaos what exactly are you doing
@PHPNooB that is not funny. Your action will add to confusion. Nickname are a way to identify, not confuse people
@crypticツ all I'm trying to do is store the UserID in a session and use the same UserID to get the fullname of the user after they have logged in.
@Kaos whats the problem ?
@Kaos when you retrieve the userid, why not retrieve the username at the same time??
@Happyninja I have no plans to argue with a Ninja o.0 if you have issues about identical usernames, aim your stars are the @crypticツ's not me
@crypticツ My problem is that even after storing the UserID in a session in the login page, I'm still not able to retrieve the user's full name in the landing page
@Kaos what are you getting ?
@Happyninja the UserID is the same as the username in my case
Need a small help guys
I know what this infamous code block does
PHP manual suggests: if ( !($var instanceof Type) ) however if ( !$var instanceof Type ) works. So why does manual suggest the first and why does the second work?
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
@crypticツ the echo function is not returning anything. All that is displayed from echo "Hello, " . $row['fullname']; is Hello,
Can someone explain this control structure to me? My java-brain can't get around this, really
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
@Kaos what are you getting when you echo $sql ; ?
then just add
at the top of your page and call you session var
$sql? Where do you see that?
sorry wrong ping
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
@PHPNooB whatever, I'm sure you understand what I mean, even if you don't accept you are wrong
Can someone please explain this control structure to me (java coder here):
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
@ink.robot this is a cryptic way of doing statement. I assume have_post() is a function returning true or false
@crypticツ and @Happyninja I've tried everything but it still does not display anything
I've never seen such a control structure in any curly brace language.
What is this, some sick mutation of the ternary operator?
have you try:
It will tell you whenever or not your script actually store that var
@happyninja you are trolling
how do i redirect any page that doesn't exist to /index.php?page=$1 ?
@PHPNooB because I disagree with you? I don't think so, let move on please
@MosheK using htaccess
Im using httd.conf
@MosheK $1 ?
I just don't know the command
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
I only want this to run when the page doesn't exist RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)(\/?)$ index.php?id=$1
@Charles ouch
@MosheK basically you want to redirect a 404?
Yes, you read that right, I asked MySQL for an extended query plan AND IT CRASHED THE FREAKING SERVER ON ME
@Happyninja I want to redirect content pages in the db to a router page in php
@Happyninja will it be possible if you show me a sample?Like how to name my session var and where I should put in dump_var($_SESSION); Right now this is what I have in my code: <?php

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error()); // Connect to database server(localhost) with root .
mysql_select_db("registrations") or die(mysql_error()); // Select registration database.

if (!isset($_SESSION)){
@Charles #mysql #fail
is there any way to check in php about how many databses exist in mysql, just by simple script @DaveRandom
@Kaos I think it would be good to help yourself if you do try/catch statement to capture error and rollback change on failure
@Happyninja and at the point where the user logs in, this is what I did: <?php
@PHPNooB Probably not unless you are root
@MosheK idf the page doesn't exist, you need to redirect rule using htaccess, assuming your are using apache. Is it the case?
@DaveRandom #mysql #fail #wedo35millionayearonthispieceof[REDACTED]
@Happyninja ok, I will try that out
@Happyninja yeah
@Charles Enterprise edition?
@crypticツ ip will probably be russia or china...
@Happyninja not sure it could be anyone from any place
Was it you? It was you, wasn't it...
@DaveRandom That's cute, thinking that we'd ever pay Oracle a cent. But no. Two servers in the multi-master replication loop are prehistoric and needed a custom compile, the other is running Percona's distro.
@crypticツ I know but american media dislike china and as IP doesn't not tell much and as media forgot to mention it, it just add false pressure on already difficult international relationship (IMO)
@DaveRandom who /
@Happyninja they are telling its done by North Korea
@crypticツ it is based upon the IP which mean not much. Offensive security is not legal
@Happyninja yes it is kali.org/downloads :P unless you done anything wrong
@crypticツ offensive security while doing pentesting
it's not the same thing
as far as i can tell state sponsored attack is not legal, is it?
Q: Fancybox slideshow in iframe as in facebook album

Alpesh PrajapatiI have success.php page in which I am fetching albums of user which is logged in. Each album is clickable and user gets redirected on albumphoto.php. This page gets albumId from GET request and displays all the photo of that album. On clicking any album, I am opening an Jquery Fancybox iframe. Cu...

answering to an attack by attacking back is not legal
this is thequestion i have asked few mins before
not yet
i have not got any solutions so far
@Happyninja well hack ya .... you can hack back
@AlpeshPrajapati why do you iframe it?
i want to make slideshow as facebook has for photos of an album
fancybox provides the same so
@crypticツ that's just not the way it works, ya know
Estimated rows on live: 22,000. Estimated rows on dev: 325,000. FFS MySQL it's the same data in the same schema on the same software WHY ARE YOU WRONG
@Happyninja but hacking is more than just a crime its fun :P (kidding)
See you later all, have a good evenin'
@Jimbo good evening later ..:)
@Happyninja still no luck here. I still can't get anything from my database
@Kaos have you try / catch statement, i'm pretty sure it will give your error
No errors
It runs normally but doesn't display
@Happyninja I'm still wondering what I could be doing wrong here
@Kaos have you dump_var the result? like is there anything inside it?
@Kaos try to cut down to a smaller piece of code, like to isolate it
@Happyninja The var is giving me a variable undeclared error
its var_dump
@ink.robot It's called the alternative control structure. There will be a endwhile; and a endif; somewhere after that...
@Kaos so your var is not declared, does it make sense to you?
if you store the result in $_SESSION, you need to call session_start first, have you done it?
@Happyninja from what I understand, all I need to do to display stuff from my database is store the user id into session during login and the run a query like:

"select * from `users` whereUserID='".$_SESSION['UserID']."'"
@Happyninja The var is declared. It still gave an error
I'm looking for a way to be able to hide some text that is being pulled from a database. Do i use javascript and css for this, or can it be done by using php?
by checking your previous code, i see you did not put the following piece of code before declaring session var;
you could attach a css class to it like
and add or remove it using javascript for example and as for your question i think client side coding is more appropriate
@Happyninja Is there a way to do it without using session var though?
@Happyninja because maybe it's just a bit confusing to me
@Kaos in the end the php session is stored in a cookie so you could just set a cookie but ya know, think about the security implication if someone figure it out
@Happyninja Yeah, that's true. But when I started on this code I thought it will just be as easy as storing the UserID in a session in the login page, then using the UserID in the database to select any other fields I wanted to display in the landing page
@Kaos i think your design is good but you know, the devil is in those details. Security is about details, and I think storing the userid in a cookie is a design flaw.
@Happyninja Very true, I will keep at it though...I'm a bit rusty when it comes to PHP, I guess that's why I'm having these problems. And I will definitely not want to store the UserID in a cookie either
@Happyninja that's why I'm just using sessions, I won't be setting a cookie at all
@Kaos php is very flexible but flexibility improve security risk because it's your responsibility to minimize security risk while developing your initial design (IMO)
Root Cause Analysis on the Slow Query of Crashy Doom: The script that runs ANALYZE TABLE $EVERYTHING nightly stopped running two years ago and MySQL didn't realize that one of the tables involved in $FREAKING_17_UNION_QUERY had grown by over an order of magnitude overnight, so it was using a pathologically incorrect query plan.
@Happyninja Yes I understand
@Kaos as said, for it to works you need to initialize session with session_start, i invite you to read a bit more about it --> php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php
how should this be done so as to resolve to a set of installable packages? php composer.phar require symfony/framework-standard-edition:2.2.x-dev sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle:2.2.x-dev
I did that already. Previously I was doing: if (!isset($_SESSION)){
}.....But now Im just using session_start();
@Kaos the thing is if you don't session_start your statement cannot be true because the $_SESSION doesn't exist (is not accessible) prior to calling session_start first
#1 'window' was used before it was defined.
    }(window.define, window.jQuery)); // Line 64, Pos 3
@ircmaxell error are so funny sometime ;)
@ircmaxell if I work on a project without crypt_blowfis
Will iterating over a salted sha1 several thousand times be sufficient security-wise?
Does this sound like a reasonable excuse for anything?
> Although it was previously possible to use recursive mixins without causing infinite looping, this is now disallowed, since there’s no good reason to do it.
Thwomping such a feature, probably because too many people complained about infinite looping, seems... Silly? Irresponsible?
@MadaraUchiha use bcrypt (crypt_blowfish)
@ircmaxell ...
PHP 5.2.x, sadly.
I'm not a PHP ass.
Does anyone know why we have sizeof() in PHP when all it is an alias. I don't see the reasoning in having it in the language. Maybe I'm missing something.
@crypticツ Presumably for familiarity for C people
@DaveRandom It hardly provides familiar functionality though.
I always wondered this too.
@Bracketworks true
And, if sizeof then why not typeof?
Evening yall
@crypticツ legacy reasons
Was sizeof able to do more than just count historically?
Did you know:
A: What's the joke in the Stack Overflow 404 page code?

Mark RushakoffWant a step-by-step through it? I'm the original author of the polyglot. The easy versions are Python, Perl, and Ruby: the only code executed is print(202*2);exit(); because they all treat # as a line-comment. Obviously, the code prints "404" and exits the program. The C code is fairly ...

@Happyninja noted
hello php people... i was reading some code and i saw while($record = $rs->fetch_assoc()) require("loop_content.php"); is this bad for performances?
this chat is became way too @crypticツ btw
@Kaos did it works?
@crypticツ I always use sizeof() and never count()
@wes Shouldn't matter much if you have opcode cache, but that code is just wrong.
posted on March 20, 2013 by Ruslan Yakushev

Windows Azure Web Sites has recently been upgraded to a new version. Among all the improvements and bug fixes in the new version there is one change that fixes a known issue with update of WordPress plugins. There have been numerous questions about this problem at the Azure Web Sites forum. After the service upgrade the Windows Azure Web Sites now uses a newer version of WinCache – 1.3.4. This

@webarto why? I've done it (and will do it again)
well, at least wrapped in a template function
@ircmaxell Hm, I meant in case if that some PHP code (without HTML), and if it's template related, it can be done in a cleaner way, but similar.
@crypticツ The cancer is spreading.
@Happyninja no, no luck at all
@Kaos i feel sorry for you cause it is what i do myself ;(
@Happyninja do you know of any website or blog where I can post my code to be fixed apart from stackexchange?
@Happyninja Well I've been struggling with this code for days even if I know it should be really easy
I hate OSX
posted on March 20, 2013 by Ulf Wendel

Just in time for a PHP 5.5 code freeze, we are brushing over the Replication and Load Balancing plugin (PECL/mysqlnd_ms) and the Query Cache plugin (PECL/mysqlnd_qc) for PHP mysqlnd. PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.5 is a step up from the previous version whereas PECL/mysqlnd_qc 1.1 is nothing but a maintenance release. Replication and Load Balancing – better transaction awareness PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.5 mo

Anyone up for a private chat to help me fix my php session code which queries mysql database to retrieve the user's info after they login
PeeHaa !!! what have you done with @crypticツ ???
did you eat her?
tell the truth!\
did she multiply and take over you?
Neh. I'm not like that
it's disturbing...
Hey @Jocelyn
There are lots of questions to close here: stackoverflow.com/…
@Kaos there is place where you can pay for it by purchasing kind of point but i don't remember it
@Jocelyn tag only parses if there is no newline
How can I post several lines then?
one by one
I have 50 lines to post :(
the cv-pls plugin doesn't help in that case?
No, if you give me array of URL's I can make a script (JS).
ok, no luck here. :-/
I'll finish my list first
var i = 0;
$.each(['1', '2'], function(index, value)
    $.ajax({type: 'post', url:'http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/11/messages/new', data:{text: value, 'fkey': $('#fkey').val()}});
  i * 1000);
but that should do it
thanks, I'll try that later
I was wondering if anyone knows of a guide for setting up PHP securely for shared hosting? (e.g. to offer hosting to others)
@Wil Start by not allowing word press to be installed
@crypticツ haha... Well, that is just it... I have a Linux server that I have and I pretty much only use it for when I have a quick script that I couldn't do in ASP / or, I need to host just static files... a customer wants to host their own stuff and whilst I am happy with the stuff I made (nothing advanced)... I realise there is nothing really secure about it
Trying to look at things like plesk and see how they do security, but, I am failing hard at understanding it / it doesn't actually seem to do much (I did a directory browse from a script and could see other user's stuff)
Quite scary really
Plesk doesn;t do security AFAIK. It's just to make managing some parts of the server easily using a web interface
If anything it introduces security issues
I just thought the way it does the control panel for web hosting/multiple users, it would do the security as well... I was pretty shocked it doesn't
It does all the new users and provisioning stuff fine... but nothing else
@Wil security in linux is done alot with iptables
@Wil If you really wanto to run untrusted code on a shared machine (a vps would be a way better choice imo) you may want to jail it
@kaᵠ I don't think that will help me at all :( I need to allow unrestricted port 80/443 incoming... Nothing will stop people uploading a dangerous php script... I just need to work out security to isolate to a home directory and stuff
@crypticツ I am sure you are right, and that is what I am probably going to do that for this client, but, it isn't really a scalable solution... I need unrestricted security for PHP, just limited to a home directory/folder... I need to understand/work out what large scale hosters do :(
How does a vps not scale?
@crypticツ simple, I have a few dedicated servers... I can easily host 1,000 low volume sites (currently do about 150 on a single one) where the people get between 1-100 hits a day... If I had to create a VPS for each client, I need mega hardware...
You said customer so I kinda read a serious customer :P My bad. What you want to do in that case is jail php
I would just run php-fpm and chroot the thing
Also disable the abilty to change ini settings from within scripts
@crypticツ hehe, well, we are all serious, just, vps per client (dedicated IP, more resources etc.... ) is just over kill for small stuff
thanks, will look at all of that
Yo Yo, any one wanna help? stackoverflow.com/questions/15534211/…
@TheWebs what you ask works without modification
get_instance stopped reading here :P
@tereško I have heard you say that the view in MVC may uses multiple templates to render something. I have been thinking about and trying out a view consisting of multiple views instead of templates and I think it works out pretty good. Have you ever considered this approach?
@webarto yeah, you just don't need a singleton at all. some global functions do it:
A: Autoloaders in PHP - two running at a time

hakreThis is a little rough, but you actually only need one autoloader that just checks within multiple directories: abstract class Hakre_Theme_AutoLoader { public static $directories; public static function init() { // configure paths self::$directories = array( ...

It even isn't a real singleton :P
@hakre forgot a static in the second method
@ircmaxell fixed, thx!
A: php: testing whether a file exists anywhere in the include path

salatheAs of PHP 5.3.2 there is the option to use the stream_resolve_include_path() function whose purpose is to Resolve [a] filename against the include path according to the same rules as fopen()/include() does. If the file exists on one of the include paths, then that path (including the file n...

What about this, for multiple dirs? Overkill?
@webarto maybe. but nice pick!
@hakre set the inclde path, and then just do spl_autoload_register() :-D
Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh FUPHP
> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'List' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in
@PeeHaa is back to @PeeHaa
I'm the only @crypticツ left
You're hardcore man
Wait, how'd you change your name back so quickly?
Did you do it on another SE site?
You're in miami so fuck you
I mean 28 degrees c'mon
> Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Apr 19 at 3:09
@crypticツ Go to other site
That was on SuperUser
lol rookie mistake. I have been called Petra for a month before
But you were so cute as Petra
You did the set for all sites thingy in your profile :)
@crypticツ True
@crypticツ You changed your name on all sites to cryptic ツ, didn't you?
@uınbɐɥs crap, yes
oh, i can sign up for a new one...maybe
Now you can't change it back for a month
On a new site may work. Not sure anymore
I would go for WP
signing up for judaism
it worked :)
i'm back to Lusitanian
once it goes through to chat
Have you heard about this sexism crap that happened at PyCon with Adria Richards?
Never using SendGrid agai---oh look, another @crypticツ

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