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that's not the same DQL I wrote... You probably wrote something like JOIN ab.App\Entity\Cd cd, right? :P
@Eugene ->innerJoin( 'AB.cd', 'CD' )
why do you still complicate yourself with the query builder if you're still not confident with plain DQL? :P
@Ocramius damn. So I reference property, not another table.
@Eugene correct
@Ocramius awesome. It works. Will remember.
By the way at the moment I can get result only as array. Anyway to get it as collection of entities?
@Eugene instead of selecting fields of ab, select ab itself
@Ocramius Nope still. I think that maybe getArrayResult is influencing that.
@Eugene ah, well, yeah, you have to obviously just call getResult :)
@Ocramius I assume, that this all happens through proxy as well?
@Eugene nothing to do with that
Since I tryed to var_dump first element from collection and it exceeds max exec. time
@Eugene if you don't have XDebug installed, var_dump goes bananas, since it will dump the EntityManageras soon as a proxy is in there, which in turn references the proxy again.
@Ocramius I do have xdebug as prim. debugger.
yeap, but it is not overloading var_dump I guess
@Eugene: you can try this simple one - it will crash too: $a = new \stdClass(); $b = new \stdClass(); $a->b = $b; $b->a = $a; var_dump($a);
They will ref. each one like in infinite loop, right?
Hah. Awesome. My ajax call should show print_r, but I assume to the issue described earlier Chrome crashes :)
Muahahahahaha evil laugh
if there's any sysadmins in the building serverfault.com/q/489470/85879
@ircmaxell you should guest lecture somewhere then
@Lusitanian I'm up for it
Looks like that may actually happen... Interesting...
where at?
well, it's still far from happening, so if it does (or doesn't) I'll say more then. But for now, let's just say someone saw my tweet
I'm hearing different things about ssh vs stunnel and remote connections to mysql: serverfault.com/questions/262484/…
Does anyone have a specific reason for picking one over the other?
Oh, there's only two of you here. Hi @ircmaxell and @Lusitanian
Hope you're having a nice night
> Try to reproduce it with a straight CGI script without any PHP involvement.
I don't get it :blanklook:
@webarto Well according to Rasmus the php sapi just takes what it's given from the apache environment vars and doesn't mess with it.
So unless he doesn't know what he's talking about (not likely), it is apache after all being stupid.
@rdlowrey Haha, I like the first part :)
Yeah, he probably knows, he made the bloody thing.
Yeah, if he says the SAPI doesn't modify what it receives from the server then I believe him.
That's a pretty stupid thing for apache to be doing, if that's really the case. I'm not sure about how fcgi and apache work on this front, but is it possible your setup is firing up lots of server instances and "load-balancing" requests from port 80 to server instances listening on lots of other ports (one for each worker process)?
It's not one server that it's in question, I've tested on about 5 different ones. The link that is in "test" script is standard shared hosting. I'm not sure if that occurs on all of them.
Whatever you are talking about that is :)
Have you tested on non-shared hosting?
Because shared hosting is like voodoo ... there's no telling what's going on in that sort of environment.
why da fuck didn't I think of this
@rdlowrey shared hosting is horrendous and should be killed with fire
It really is.
curl --verbose -iL -H "Host: eurotel-support:1337" eurotel-support.com/test.php
This is dedicated server, etc.
new plan, blame apache, it sucks
Install was apt-get install php5 apache etc.
That's already known fact :P
A: How can I detect if the user is on localhost in PHP?

maurisYou can also use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] for which domain name/host is the client requesting. This is much reliable because when the client needs to request, it will need to send the actual host like GET example.com in the HTTP headers. $whitelist = array('localhost', ''); if(!in_array($...

I wonder how many poor souls are using this method.
i feel bad for them
just dv'ed
Yeah, I really don't like how apache coalesces invalid host header values without telling you.
I wonder how other languages handle that with Apache, if there are any at all :P
I think it's pretty universal that the app behind the server expects the server to be correct.
a tin can labeled "SERVER" connected to another tin can with some string
Host name security with Apache is a big WTF/minefield.
Microsoft IIS 1.0
writing your own webserver in brainfuck
Not so sure about that last one :)
@DaveRandom shares in my hatred for that abominable piece of no-longer-useful software
OT: @rdlowrey you are in economy thingy, do you foresee a rise of USD in next 2 or 3 months? :P
yes, it's slightly faster at serving PHP than nginx, great
@webarto we're so unpredictable right now, not even worth trying to forecast
now i will defer to the guy in economy thingy ;)
@Lusitanian I'm serving PHP apps ~50% faster than either at the moment :)
@rdlowrey :D
@Lusitanian It's unstable and unpredictable as Apache?
@webarto i dunno if I'd go that far
@webarto Any advice I give you would be pure speculation.
I guess that is better than eenie meenie miney mo... and Apache.
> Security is not generally a problem in normal operation, but special measures must be taken (such as data encryption) when avian carriers are used in a tactical environment.
That's AWESOME ^
have you not read that RFC before?
has many a comical gem
> The carriers have an intrinsic collision avoidance system, which increases availability.
Date: 7 April 1969
@webarto back in my day...we had single digit RFC numbers
@Lusitanian That's like 23241600 B.U.E.
@webarto before.u.existed?
Before Unix Epoch :P
it should be thursday so the damn ncaa tournament can start already
though i need to fill out brackets still
> We have a dedicated app for Windows 8. Download for free: install it now | no thanks (die, ESPN)
this is not the best solution give another suggestion — user2169421 14 hours ago
Yeah, give another, ASAP.
heh, about to fill out the tourney challenge thing on espn for a chance to win a ton of best buy gift cards
@rdlowrey should be @rdlowrey and I should be @webarto
the only problem is, if i win, i have to either shop there or give them to @webarto
Ok, who is drunk enough?
@webarto I'm changing my name to @Lusitanian
you have me sold
> Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
lol the great name swap of '13
# is a number, right
Sex change?
@webarto if # is a number then * will match any of those requirements
hi oh my name change hasn't gone through to chat yet
So I'm watching these movies... and guy lost his job, and suddenly loses house, car, etc., I don't get that?
@webarto because in America people live paycheck to paycheck and think that that is normal
so people will earn $8k a month or something, and spend $7.5k and have no savings when shit hits fan
which is presumably a foreign concept to people with common sense
Sounds like me, only I'm poor.
But if you have e.g. car, how do you "lose" it?
Can't afford expenses etc?
why is my name change not going through to chat?
i'm now a @crypticツ
@webarto exactly
or most people make less than 17K a year and can't afford to save anything and have to resort to using credit cards to pay the bills otherwise won't have food or a roof over their head
@crypticツ except most people don't make less than 17k a year, median salary is way higher than that
let's see if weirdos chat request me now, i'll lol
@Lusitanian thr majority of the US population lives at or below poverty
@crypticツ ....source? that's not true
Mmmmmmmmulti ping.
@crypticツ 16%, while ridiculously high, is not a majority
(Unreal Tournament voice)
@webarto ul-ul-ultra ping
mmmmmmmmmmonster ping
God ping.
IMO, if you are poor in USA, you're an idiot.
I mean, if you "don't have a job".
there are people who would disagree with that, including myself to an extent
and i can guarantee you @crypticツ would because (s)he's a crazy hippie lovable liberal
Whatever job just so you have basic life costs covered.
If you are physically capable etc.
1) not disagreeing and 2) too much politics in public chat
I'm not interested in politics but $ :P
hehe yeah but this is political and will be sure to anger people so meh
not a fan of making people mad because when people are happy the world is a better place
In @PeeHaa's country you can smoke weed entire day and life off of support :P
Yeah, these movies are full of politics, should watch something happy.
F5 perhaps?
you can be the most genuine politician in the world and 50% of people will still hate you
i f5'd, am i showing as @crypticツ to you?
@Lusitanian you need to sign in and out of chat I think
@crypticツ gotcha
didn't work
It's an omen telling you no one can be me =o)
You're still good 'ol @Lusitanian
@crypticツ :(
@Lusitanian SO chat has systems in place to prevent more than one bot per room. =o(
@crypticツ that must be it :-(
I very nearly just had a heart attack ...
I've done a lot of server refactoring since I last benchmarked anything and ...
@rdlowrey you killed your performance?
That's what I thought.
Cut in half.
Then I realized that the benchmarks I was running weren't using keep-alive requests :)
That was the difference.
so it's about the same or...?
Yeah, it's about the same.
It would've been fixable but I would've had to spend days retracing my smorgasbord commit and do hard time in the micro-optimization penitentiary.
Well, technically it's about 7-8% slower but that's much easier to fix than 50% slower.
Of course, it's a bit nit-picky to complain about serving 1,000,000 responses in two minutes on my 4-year-old laptop :)
micro-optimization penitentiary, lol
@rdlowrey four years old? needz new computer
Yeah I do. Except I don't really. I don't get too excited about gadget pr0n and it does everything I need it to without being slow.
And it's just a satellite laptop. I like to benchmark on slow hardware to keep my expectations low :)
lol no
morning ...:)
@rdlowrey satellite is a toshiba brand, so i'm probably misinterpreting you
By "satellite" I mean it's the extra laptop that moves around the house and goes with me if I want to work elsewhere.
makes sense
okay, i just filled out a bracket in which st mary's is the national champion
that means i either need to revoke my sports fan card or stop doing this immediately
I need to fill mine out.
i filled out my "real" one already, but espn lets you do 10 for their challenge
Are there any similar function to length-1(of javascript) in PHP?
so i'm doing ridiculous combinations to increase my tiny chances to make them slightly less tiny
@Kakitori huh?
strlen($myString) - 1
not sure that that is what he meant
@rdlowrey ok, thanks !
guess it is
Hmm... codeacademy allows to write courses? :O
@Ocramius yes you can write :P
osom :O
@NullPonyPointer I'd surely prefer to do that instead of wasting time writing slides =D
@Ocramius indeed
okay bedtime i'm exhausted night
@Ocramius that will be better ... tutorials on codeacademy really rocking
@rdlowrey before you have any more cardiac events, make sure your will is up to date
@NullPonyPointer yeah, will be writing a couple of tutorials and see =D
On the unfortunate incidence of my death, I hereby bequeath ownership of all my private repos to @Lusitanian.
On the unfortunate incidence of my death, I hereby bequeath ownership of all of the ideas I have come up with for software packages to @rdlowrey, provided he implements them with fervor.
Though beware, the newest async functionality isn't playing nicely with the process manager and everything is timing out when I use it. Hopefully I can fix it before kicking the proverbial bucket.
You might want to fix it before kicking any real buckets too, especially if you type with your toes.
That's my new programming motto: With fervor and asynchronicity, always.
for example i have this array : array(2,3,-1,2,9), how could i get the last value?
Again, the fact that you indicate that you find some of the stuff I say (like that) funny indicates that you have led a boring life ;)
@Kakitori $lastElement = end($myArr);
$lastElement = end( array(2, 3, -1, 2, 9) );
@rdlowrey Ok
or more traditional way $last = count($array) -1;
no need for a temp variable
It's worth noting that end() will move the array's internal pointer
@crypticツ @Lusitanian => @crypticツ :?P
Quick Question. Hoping it's something stupid on my end. `code` function GetSignature()
    	global $con;
        $id = $_SESSION['id'];
        $qry = "SELECT signature FROM acct_profile WHERE id=$id";

        $result = mysqli_query($con,$qry);

     	while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
        echo $row['signature'];

        return true;
    }`code` After it runs it shows me the actual row count as well. Any idea as to why?
@crypticツ yaa agreed useless singleton :P
my name still shows as @Lusitanian to me
Also note that $array[count($array)-1] will not work (unless you're lucky) if you aren't dealing with a numerically indexed array.
@NullPonyPointer 'tis not a singleton
there, now i'm showing up as a @crypticツ
@rdlowrey corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrect
@crypticツ what $last is ?
you'd want to do array_values($array)[count($array) -1];
@NullPonyPointer a temp variable, a singleton is a design pattern
albeit a bad one
@rdlowrey exactly
@crypticツ yup
My proposed PHP slogan, "The great thing about PHP is that it causes you tons of problems, but also gives you tools which fix those problems and cause more problems, but then ALSO gives you tools to fix those problems.", didn't get accepted.
and @crypticツ how anyone suppose to ping you ?
like that!
it might annoy @crypticツ though
though (s)he could change to @Lusitanian
And it was something stupid on my part. Sorry.
@crypticツ pony is getting confused about name
why not every change name to @crypticツ @crypticツ( sorry dont know which is Lus) and troll @crypticツ :D
all three ping me
you can just type out the name and it will ping
isn't done based on id
@crypticツ @crypticツ @crypticツ
wtf 8.3k rep and that question stackoverflow.com/questions/15514985/…
So many pings =o(
@crypticツ sowwyyyyyyyyyyyy
@crypticツ it's ok
@crypticツ its just because of @crypticツ
@crypticツ but it is also because of @crypticツ
let's see how confusing we can make this
we need moar @crypticツs
Oh no the bots are multiplying. Sarah Connor was right! It's starting omg ...
Yeah, that's why I didn't change my name.
oh crap, am I stuck as @crypticツ for a month?
uh oh
You're stuck with it.
well shit
Enjoy that, @crypticツ @crypticツ (I don't know which is which so I just have to ping both).
@crypticツ yes yes lololol
@rdlowrey both of those ping both of us
it's just done by name unless you're replying
ping both @crypticツ @crypticツ lol :P
Now you're going to get a taste of what it's like to be the "popular girl in an internet chat." Enjoy the 5,000 pings you get in chat every day for the next month.
@rdlowrey lol
@crypticツ fyi gordon can change your name
all run in #!/bin/bash
think that sums it up
that should be included with ubuntu tbh
lol make clean;
@rdlowrey lol
Instead of sleep I exit
@crypticツ woah, didn't know you were into date %u; stand;
user image
i'm just going to leave that there and go to bed
night @crypticツ / @rdlowrey / @NullPonyPointer / @whoeverelseishere
@crypticツ later bro
HI all
$select .= '<li><input id="filterCat_'.$category-&gt;cat_ID.'" type="checkbox" name="filterCat" value="'.$category->cat_ID.'"';
Unexpected &. Anyone have an idea of the mistake made by the original author?
$category-&gt;cat_ID needs to be $category->cat_ID
Thank you!
@NullPonyPointer which @crypticツ ?
@crypticツ sowy i should have ping like @crypticツ _Lus
@crypticツ you need to change your gravatar to mine as well
Q: mastering a programming language

user2084379i am student of computer science. i have read almost all popular blogs on "how to master a programming language". now i have decided my own algorithm to master a programming language. which goes like this 1) get(download) all the popular/recommended eBooks of a particular programming language...

@crypticツ You can change your name on another site (e.g. Meta) and click Save And Copy Profile To All Stack Exchange Accounts
@uınbɐɥs doesn't that just sync the profile body and not the username?
@crypticツ It syncs the username too, that's how I changed my name twice in a month
I've change mine twice in a month too, but I didn't do that. I'm not sure exactly how SO monitors name changes
@uınbɐɥs ohh nice trick
change name in other and save for all
can $_FILES['something']['type'] be spoofed?
I gues what I'm asking is, whether that is set by headers, or set after the file is received?
@Shea as far as I know yes, as it is dependent on the mimetype that is mapped to the file extension. Reason why people validate uploaded images by running them through an image extensions like GD which will error if the image is not a real one.
I'm nor 100% sure though
@crypticツ i think it is
@Shea per the PHP docs he mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information. An example would be "image/gif". This mime type is however not checked on the PHP side and therefore don't take its value for granted.
so yeah, don't trust it =oP
we can make sure image by check by getimagesize
nice, I just found a flaw for my company than lol
Morning folks
Hello good morning to all of you
Hello @Rikesh
Hello @Shea
Hello @jay
Can you helo me i codignator farmwwork @Shea

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