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@crypticツ attention whoring
@webarto which one?
@crypticツ Here they go again :(
damn you @Lusitanian!
> Forking and Dongle Jokes Don’t Belong At Tech Conferences
@crypticツ Sorry :)
No they belong at the super market where it makes much more sense
Suddenly everyone is offended by crappy jokes and they have a desire to tweet and blog about it.
my name
It takes a few hours @crypticツ
How do I even tag you ^
Everytime somebody says "why reinvent the wheel" I will personally kill a kitten
@PHPNooB @uınbɐɥs
@PeeHaa why reinvent the wheel?
(I don't like cats all that much ;))
Of course not... You're a dog
@PHPNooB The upside-down n is a u
@crypticツ are you that guy who deletes his comments, after 3 seconds ?
@uınbɐɥs ohh..
@crypticツ and goats.
Hi guys!
Hi Rad
@PeeHaa how are you doing today ?
I'm fine today. How are you?
posted on March 20, 2013 by Ben Ramsey

Earlier today, David Soria Parra declared a feature freeze on PHP 5.5 and tagged php-5.5.0beta1, but not before merging in pull request #257, which includes my humble addition to the PHP programming language: array_column(). The story of array_column() begins at PHP Tek in 2008. As I recall, it was Spooons who suggested it to me. It is functionality that nearly every developer has to imple

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^ That's how I feel about it
Am doing good!
@NikiC You're too late. We already ranted about the bitching
oh crap
ow wait
no no no
That's new
Finally a post that makes sense
Well I don't know her, but from what I have seen she is a bitch
^ this message will not be deleted in 5 seconds
good ^^
1 message moved from bin
huh what you do?
@cspray Your dog has that weird look ^^
I moved the feed thing about array_column because I still think it is needless. But than I came to my senses and thought maybe somebody will be interested in reading about if... :P
@NikiC What kinda weird look? She was a weird dog :P
The only good that comes from array_column is that some guy feels good about having contributed it and might use that as a reason for further contribution :)
@cspray doesn't your blog thing have a feed?
@cspray The llama look :P
@NikiC If the other contributions are in line I would say meh :P
that's also true ^^
@cspray I like this post
I need to make sure if I understand cron job correctly: If I set up a cron job on a PHP script to read records (lines) from TXT file one-by-one and process it, what is the best way to do this to achieve best processing speed? If processing one line takes 10 minutes, can I set up a cron job that runs every 1 minute given that there is lot of data coming in to the TXT file?
If processing a line takes 10 minutes I think you may be doing it wrong
Its just an example, I am actually transferring a file of about 50 MB, not sure how much time it will take for a high traffic website
so every line in the TXT file will transfer one 50MB file to another location
@PeeHaa If it does I am unawares
@PeeHaa Thanks
@NikiC hehe, and that isn't even her giving the evil eye!
@rad What does the txt file contain? Just filenames?
Because you may want to look into rsync instead
Yes. I was wondering if I can fasten this by setting up a cron job for every minute?
rsync? let me check..
Q: rsync : Read input from a file and sync accordingly

slayedbyluciferI have a text file which contains the list of files and directories that I want to copy (one on a line). Now I want rsync to take this input from my text file and sync it to the destination that I provide. I've tried playing around with "--include-from=FILE" and "--file-from=FILE" options of rsy...

What do you use for backupping you files and why?
floppy disks because I'm a hipster
Wuala? Dropbox?
@an1zhegorodov I don;t use third party storages boxes for stroing my files
@PeeHaa What if your hard drive crashes?
You don't use your current hard drive for backups.
RAID (redundant array of independent disks, originally redundant array of inexpensive disks) is a storage technology that combines multiple disk drive components into a logical unit. Data is distributed across the drives in one of several ways called "RAID levels", depending on the level of redundancy and performance required. The term "RAID" was first defined by David Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, and Randy Katz at the University of California, Berkeley in 1987. Marketers representing industry RAID manufacturers later attempted to reinvent the term to describe a redundant array of indepen...
@an1zhegorodov I have my own storage locker on my server (which is kinda third party now tbh)
It's more second party :P
I'm using wuala, btw it encrypts data locally and then sends it to the cloud
@an1zhegorodov Which is great until the service goes down, your files are being taken down or something else is happening which you cannot control
@PeeHaa What is the probability that the service and my hard drive crash simultaneously?
@an1zhegorodov Ask the fine people who hosted their files on mega :)
That Adria girl deleted my comment =o(
sleep tight, people) gonna go zzzZZZzz ^^
@crypticツ :(
@an1zhegorodov later
s/girl/ ...
stackoverflow.com/questions/15535649/… - not a real question (more like a request for a book)
@Ocramius hey
@Ocramius quick Q. If I have a result of query builder from select, can I somehow check are there any records in result? Some quick way?
@Eugene empty($result) ? :)
feeling silly

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