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Brilliant.org ?
I mean depends what maths you need
That looks pretty good actually
@Alesana or just go to a community college for two years where SAT won't matter, then transfer to a university
it's cheaper
I guess maybe Geometry, Algebra, data science, etc.. then into physics
and if you get a bachelor's, the fact that you spent the first two years at a community college won't matter because you're a transfer student
@Tiffany hmm not a bad idea. I'm wondering if I would have better luck getting into some of the better ranked schools if I were to score really well on a couple of the SAT subject tests though
when I worked at a community college, there was a student who transferred to Purdue
he got an internship at NASA too
That's really cool
he saved around 60-70k on tuition
(he was marketing's golden child for a while, main reason why I remember all of this)
@Alesana How old are you just?
@Girgias 25
Right, so what would you say Algebra is?
Uhh the study of math with symbols in it?
I feel like I use a lot of it while programming I just haven't studied it
Not really, it's more the study of structure, i.e. groups, rings, fields, etc.
Linear Algebra is probably what you want as that's everything which has to do with Matrices and has close ties to geometry
Also probably the most useful part in regards to comp. sci.
quadratic formula...
I'm still traumatized
That's more number theory tho
I mean they are interesting fields (they are for sure mine compared to Statistics and ODEs/PDEs) but just make sure that you know what it is :)
Ah okay good to know
Looking at SAT subject tests there's Math II and Physics I'm thinking would be beneficial
It describes the Algebra part similar to how you do
Expressions, equations, inequalities, representation and modeling, properties of functions (linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, periodic, piecewise, recursive, parametric)
I'd call that more Analysis a large chunk of what you've said
But in High School a lot of different fields are just bundled up together
From what I've seen of different Algebra it seems like it's modeled not too far off from programming so hopefully my brain is already wired in that way
That's also on there
Data analysis, statistics, and probability
I mean if you can represent a set, and an arbitrary binary operation on this set which results in an item of said set, then you should be fine for the basics of Group theory :p
I honestly haven't gotten further than 10th grade math so I might be a bit behind haha
I think I could do that? haha
Groups aren't really hard, but that's mostly Uni level math anyway
What really intrigues me is physics but I think that math would be a precursor to a lot of that
I don't think I really need a degree but it would be good to have
Welp physics is a lot of ODE/PDEs with integrals
I think I'm making enough to afford it at this point at least :p
I might just go through the topics covered on the subject tests in the order they are on brilliant.org
I think I could make an argument for my GED because I got emancipated and moved out at 16 and needed to work, but I'm wondering if being 25+ will hurt my chances of getting in a good school
Well I'm not in the US, and I'm just 22 so I wouldn't know, but I think that would be whack. Mature students are not that uncommon in the UK
That's good then
Can I post one of my question here?
If someone could please answer
Q: Bootstrap tabs showing data one stack to another

ikkkWhen I try to display my data in two tabs the data of both tabs are shown stacking one next to each other. For example, if my data for first tab is First tab data and second tab data is second tab data the data is shown like that for both the tabs. first tab data second tab data so it has stack o...

I don't know how it works here. I know that there are a lot of older people who go to university but for some of them that are harder to get into I'm not sure how they accept applicants
An error in operating a cast to an int ・ Math related ・ #80163
Floating points strike once again
1 hour later…
Tonight's Among Us stream with @PeeHaa @Ekin Leigh, @Tiffany @Alesana @Wes and @twodee youtu.be/pULvGkpAG2U
4 hours later…
Deprecating password authentication ・ API Requests has Under Maintenance
How do I edit the records on multiple tables provided that I don't know in which of the tables the data exists?
@rangerboyy that is a broad question but maybe mysq's REPLACE helps?
I'd assume most of the time you'd know what to update
Hey @Sjon, any reason why 8.0beta4 isn't on 3v4l?
@NikiC apparently I missed it. I'll add it
@StatikStasis need to check how alesana got me fooled
@NikiC I've uploaded it. Did you have a chance to look at chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=50550711#50550711 ?
@Sjon Nop. In what way does it currently fail?
@Sjon You mentioned the duplicate T_THROW. Does dropping the %token T_THROW help anything? I think the duplication should be harmless in this case tho
@Sjon one thing that definitely needs to be done though if you haven't yet is to adjust the lexer to emit T_NAME_* tokens
As the parser expects those now
All issues have been resolved!
does php intern strings that are not interned at compile time? i would say they can't be interned because that would be more expensive than having duplicates. is that correct?
also that's what java does (or rather doesn't do) unless you intern the string explicitly with .intern()
nikic ^
@Wes yes
@NikiC I've never seen it successfully parse $a ??= $b;
cool thanks :P
@NikiC ah, you're right. While PHP.Constants.T_THROW is in there twice, it both sets the same value
@Sjon Is there lexer support for ??= ?
@NikiC lol, I never even checked. Let me find a better example to test if it parses PHP8 specific code
@Wes JVM GC deduplicates strings.
Only the backing arrays, not the String objects, because that would make == unreliable.
how exactly does it do that?
only if strings are compared i guess
that is, $a and $b are two separate non interned strings, if userland performs $a === $b and it evaluates to true, then $a and $b get merged
but maybe that's refcounting and a different thing
When it encounters String objects it reassigns which char[] they point to.
During garbage collection.
ok i got that the underlying array changes, not the identity of the object, but i don't understand why does that... got any scenario?
@NikiC well, the parser should not throw a Syntax error: unexpected '=', right?
@Sjon If you don't have lexer support, it should
It would get treated as ?? = then
Example says "see changelog" but there's no changelog ・ Documentation problem ・ #80164
@Wes @Alesana fooled all of us. He is a pro. =D
@StatikStasis you don't use tab..
makes it so much easier to do tasks
what's tab?
@StatikStasis i watched the video, i thought red killed you much earlier than alesana did
instead alesana killed you right before i called meeting
It opens a map of the ship and displays the rooms where tasks are
ah right, i don't press tab but i use the map
"omg wes is drunk"
for once i wasn't @PeeHaa
Statik said at one point that he was terrible at doing tasks cause he doesn't know where anything is... tab alleviates that problem.
yeah map is gold
@StatikStasis i hesitated like 5 seconds there
i liked that game tho :D
@StatikStasis where the heck is the option for 2 impostors youtube.com/watch?v=hkU7mpdHfPE
@Girgias twitter.com/Girgias/status/1311280676633825281: This is something that I haven't put on my talk, but I'm so glad that you and others are expanding the flags that we use to compile PHP
So many stuff was caught by those :D
@GabrielCaruso Well it does take time to make the compilers happy because sometimes they can be a bit flaky :(
@Wes You have to set that when you create the game.
ok, so it can't be changed on an open lobby?
2 hours later…
I didn't know you could use tab :P
I was pressing all these buttons to try to make it pop up
I didn't even realize you could use the keyboard at first I was thinking "This would be so much easier with the keyboard"
Big news! I'm getting a promotion! Director position, finally, which will put me over 65% of a $50M operation. Excited!
Congrats! That's exciting!
...and nervous. Nervous energy mostly. It's an opportunity I have been waiting and working for over the last 15 years I have been with this company.
@PeeHaa \o/
That's awesome news @StatikStasis! Congrats \o/
Congrats @StatikStasis
@StatikStasis congrats!
Hm... JIT gives a 2x performance improvement on PHP-Parser
not bad
Deprecating password authentication ・ API Requests has Under Maintenance
There is a code like this:
$content = '<a href="[[~999]]">link</a>';
$content = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadHTML('<div>' . $content . '</div>', LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD);
$root = $dom->documentElement;
$links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($links as $link) {
$href = $link->getAttribute('href');
$href = urldecode($href);
$link->setAttribute('href', $href);
$link->setAttribute('data-href', $href);
$test = $dom->saveHTML($link);
@StatikStasis Congratudolences!
@NikiC Ooo, nice. Is there any sense yet of what the general impact of JIT will be for most users, or is it still up in the air? (I've an article to write on the subject.)
@Crell I understand that completely.
@bwoebi Do you have a few minutes to help me debug an issue I've had with ext-fiber on script end? I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or an issue in php-src.
@Crell Very small for "typical traditional" web apps.
So WP/Drupal/Symfony probably won't notice. Worker processes would, CLI processes may depending on how redundant they are.
That a reasonable summary?
I'm sure there are official numbers for WordPress somewhere.
@Crell yes
Where worker processes also includes things like amphp, that also benefits
I have a git question... I pushed a commit to a remote repository, but I realized after pushing that I didn't like the commit message, so I wanted to amend. In my local repository, I did git commit --amend, changed the commit message and saved, but what is typically the correct process to push my amended message? My change is on a branch that hasn't been merged into the main branch yet, and no one else is making changes on this branch.
git push -f
will that create a new commit?
lol, they already approved the change before I could get it pushed
I was trying to have the expanded message separate from the main commit message, and sourcetree failed me
oh well
@Tiffany a force push updates the previously written history
That's why it's not recommended to force push on branches which are references branches and other people work on, because it can mess a whole lot of things
So not it wouldn't have created a new commit
alright, thanks
\o/ removed some unnecessary lines of code 😃 improving legacy code-base slowly but surely
That's always good :D
@LeviMorrison I know you talked about restrict recently, how would one go about to add restrict to arguments to some internal Zend Engine functions?
Because I have trouble understanding how you can make sure of the restrict assumption
@Girgias First, they are C only (no C++), so you have to macro it somehow for anything that lives in a header file or is otherwise compiled by C++.
@LeviMorrison I know that bit, but ZE is C only, or am I misunderstanding something here
Aside from that, you just slap it on where it shouldn't overlap, and then do you best to ensure it doesn't. I'm not sure if there are tools to help detect overlapping.
@Girgias The headers get used by C++ extensions; they have to be portable.
Oh right you can build an extension in C++ so that's why you'd need to separate the definitions
Yeah just forgot you can write extensions in C++
ZEND_RESTRICT or something, probably.
Note that some C++ compilers support __restrict, if you end up pursuing it.
I mean will see, I first would need to enable -Wrestrict on GCC which is a PHP 8.1 thing (and I think GCC10 bundles -Wrestrict with -Wextra)
-Wrestrict is supposedly in -Wall already: gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html
I wonder if -fsanitize=undefined checks restrict.
@LeviMorrison only since GCC8: gcc.gnu.org/gcc-8/changes.html
And -Wrestict was only introduced in GCC7
I don't even know what current version is running in CI
-Wrestrict is nice, but I'd prefer a runtime checker. Found this that suggests "no", there isn't one: github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/1228.
Has azure pipelines be flakey for any of you too today?
restrict may especially help us given our heavy use of enums (as long as we do it validly, of course).
@Derick I had a MacOS build totally fail yesterday as it couldn't start the VM for some reason but today was rather fine
I'm getting lots of "homebrew update" failures
(only use it for OSX)
@LeviMorrison Right, so it's kinda the same issue as with strict-aliasing, runtime checkers are non existent or a WIP
And FFS, are you all done changing argument names now?!
It keeps breaking my tests
I think you would need to wait another 2 weeks for RC2 with named arguments :(
@StatikStasis Hory shit! Nice! \o/
Pretty sure you worked hard enough for it
@PeeHaa Eh...
But, no-yeah. Definitely been a long 15 years.
All those excel sheets didn't write themselves!
All issues have been resolved!
@PeeHaa What Power Point? @StatikStasis Congratulations!
lovely, just sat on my computer and i already poured the tea all over the place
positive thing is, not on the keyboard
i am still tea thirsty tho
greats @StatikStasis \o/
@StatikStasis Congratulations Statik! \o/
another positive thing is i don't use sugar anymore so it's not going to be sticky! the little joys of life
Refresh my memory, please. Did the JIT ship in 7.4 disabled, or not at all? I don't recall what the decision was there.
@Crell did not ship in 7.4 at all
I seem to be hitting a segfault in a register_shutdown_function test because the signal handler triggers during a memory operation. For example, in one core dump I see:
OK, thanks.
#0  0x00007f64e5a2ca97 in kill () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:78
#1  0x000056520e855b83 in zend_mm_panic (message=0x56520ee3e08d "zend_mm_heap corrupted") at /usr/local/src/php/Zend/zend_alloc.c:92
#2  0x000056520e858a6e in _zend_mm_alloc_int (heap=0x5652108c2590, size=10, __zend_filename=0x56520ee2f478 "/usr/local/src/php/main/SAPI.c", __zend_lineno=328,
    __zend_orig_filename=0x0, __zend_orig_lineno=0) at /usr/local/src/php/Zend/zend_alloc.c:1912
#13 0x000056520e880f49 in zend_timeout (dummy=27) at /usr/local/src/php/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:1334
@LeviMorrison That means you're using an old PHP version
@NikiC What changed and when? This is PHP 5.5.
@LeviMorrison Timeouts are handled through VM interrupts nowdays. I think since PHP 7.0.
Yeah, I just reproduced it with my extension disabled, which helps my conscience. Thanks.
(took over 20 minutes running in a loop)
Bah, no I didn't. Starting it over :/
Aha! got lucky and hit it already!
Hm, I thought php-parser was used by most static analysis tools these days, but I don't see it in either phan or phpstan's dependency list.
Ah, I was looking at phpstan/phpstan
I really have to ask... were the ini settings for the JIT designed to discourage non-engineers from using the JIT?
At least they are well documented – in BrainDoc.
@Crell They were designed by Dmitry :')
I wasn't going to say anything...
I feel like a slacker, haven't been contributing lately but new job is keeping me busy :/
maybe in a week or two
I hope I can find someone here who knows about Mysql triggers stackoverflow.com/questions/64141546/…
@PHPFan Just from the message are you missing a space in the last line DELIMITER$$?
I tried but ..
between R and $
@ThW I updated the code and I get error #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELIMITER$$
and if I put space for first and last DELIMITER I get Sorry an unexpected error happened!
@PeeHaa @Ekin poke
sup phomies?

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