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12:22 AM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes, the variables the callee chooses to export.
this may sound stupid but... a return can't do the trick?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no.
@bwoebi can you change callee signature? I'm thinking &$param
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The problem is that callee() is quite often called… would be quite some work to replace them all :x
currently caller() is global scope, so no problem
an optional, defaulted to null last parameter
if not null, fill with to be exported values
every current implementation don't need to change, those that need can do
12:26 AM
but I'm wanting to include the caller file from within a function
oh shit, you mean include based codebase
@FélixGagnon-Grenier most would need to. That's the issue :-P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yessir :-P I said fucked up :-P
My friend, I'm afraid my limited black magic skills are being overwhelmed by the situation
12:27 AM
See, there's my problem :-P
person asks question -> i provide answer -> person asks the same question again
always makes me think of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHrn_pHW2so
Sep 7 at 21:03, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
why don't anyone understand when I speak?
you are sometimes difficult to understand
but it's just that i suck with english :B
12:42 AM
@bwoebi could something be done by creating a function that wraps cincluding the caller file?
said function receives arguments defining how/what caller sees
@FélixGagnon-Grenier … the caller?! no.
that's not dynamic enough
just write a c function that adds the variable in the ht :B
@Wes ha.ha.ha. :-D
yesterday, by JayIsTooCommon
@bwoebi you're weird.
1:10 AM
@bwoebi have you heard of extract()?
2:00 AM
you cannot extract in non local scopes tho
2:48 AM
I love side-work. A hundred bucks for like 20 minutes.
3:29 AM
what do you do that earns you 100 bucks in 20 minutes?
Oh, I get it now.
4:00 AM
last time i got paid such a high rate i got a STD. never again
Morning @Wes @littlepootis
@Wes. I need to bug you. #ToTheOtherRoom
4:22 AM
Getting un readable data from linked internal page – #75238
4:46 AM
i love that behavioral testing is helping me writing less bugs and spot logical errors
but i'm not sure how
it's like self code reviewing
5:27 AM
Morning room
5:55 AM
Dad, I'm hungry. Hello, Hungry. I'm Dad
6:24 AM
6:43 AM
can someone tell me how to move a file in windows using php? (the dots seem to give me an error) ex: ./../images/aaa.jpg
seem to give you an error?
what can cause supervisor to throw ERROR (spawn error) ?
any idea?
"the system cannot find the file specified"(code 3)
i fucked up with git repo and im not good enough to fix it
6:57 AM
@user6019827 try echoing realpath($yourRelativePath) and check if it's correct
it worked, it was an error in the path. forgot a ! operator when creating the path
@Valentincognito if you can't be good be good at it quote
I committed locally a few times this morning and now when I pushed I realized that in one commit there is a large file (over 100m... my bad) and abort the push
but the large file is only in the first commit since the last push
the other are good but now the first commit just kill my enture push
how can I reset that file in the first commit ?
7:12 AM
7:24 AM
@Valentincognito if you didn't push it; add another commit to remove the file; then rebase -i to squash those
@Sjon Thanks sjon I will try
@Valentincognito More docs @ git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Rebasing - but rebase -i should get you started
I rebased only once in my life I believe
it's time to understand this command ;)\
it's fun; as long as you haven't pushed yet
Remainder of $a divided by 1 is always 0 – #75240
7:43 AM
8:00 AM
8:08 AM
anyway, what's up today?
@tereško I think you ruined something big here
You should be banned for life from this room
8:13 AM
Also: pro tip: everyone using atom, sublime should try the new vscode IDE
It's too nice
I have, I wasn't really all that impressed
atom IDE is nice, tho
there is also this thing, @samayo: blog.atom.io/2017/09/12/announcing-atom-ide.html
I can't seem to install uopz as a valid zend extension
8:19 AM
btw, has joe changed career. remember that comic?
Sep 17 at 5:39, by Saitama
@JoeWatkins are you trying to become a chef from a hardcore C programmer?
level 7 programmer achieved
@Ekin what happens?
8:28 AM
@pmmaga I build it and then add it as zend_extension and says it is not a valid zend extension
@Ekin are you building it as shared?
also if I just pecl install instead it adds it as extension
uh not sure now
oh, it did build it as shared
i think it can only be built as shared, like xdebug
i'm looking at it again and AFAIK it's not actually zend_ but a regular extension. maybe i'm not finding the entry to register the zend_extension but it seems to be a regular one
it used to be until a certain point in time: github.com/krakjoe/uopz/commit/…
could be, but there's github.com/krakjoe/uopz/issues/6
although that's php 5
thanks @pmmaga
8:41 AM
np! :)
Null pointer dereference in zend_mm_alloc_small() – #75241
:P great, I've got the latest ext but uopz_backup and uopz_restore was removed from uopz 5 onwards
and that's pretty much what I needed to do
9:00 AM
9:08 AM
ok saitama has ruined it this time.
9:13 AM
@Saitama You should know the rules before you play the game boy
9:45 AM
8==3 - - -
user image
9:58 AM
Hi all
What is optimal way for comparison using if (is_null($var)) or if (null !== $var) and why? Does calling is_null() cause additional FCALL in VM and pure comparison using operators not?
apart from it's the wrong way round, probably if (null !== $var)
or maybe it is special cased - 3v4l.org/pbkdg/vld#output
Anyone know what the normal stupid caused is when doctrine refused to load datetimes from a DB? All the other data is loading, the datetime appears to have valid data (i.e. manually creating a datetime object from it is fine) but the member property is just null, for the datetime.
oh ffs.
> /** @Colunn(type="datetime") **/
10:17 AM
That typo was brought to me by the same person who doesn't see the point in using codestyle checker on the project. Although it wouldn't have caught this, you can imagine the other things it is catching.
... and this is why I prefer to do my mapping manually
@Danack ftw yoda comparisons are
@brzuchal is_null is mostly useful as a callback, IMO
10:34 AM
false === $thereIs->somethingToLoseByDoingIt
See, I can't read that.
true === $danack->shouldGetGlasses
Should Dave stop putting things in an illogical order? yes.
Not, yes Dave should putting things in an illogical order stop?
10:43 AM
do {
} while(true);
If a new person comes into the room right now it will be "*sigh* nerds <closes tab>"
From what I heard, people started using the yoda comparisons to avoid mistakes of assigning instead of comparing. null = $test would fail to compile while $test = null would silently change the logic
That is one advantage, certainly, although probably doesn't actually catch much in PHP, there's a notorious linux kernel commit where something did uid = 0 instead of uid == 0, allowing someone to get root by specifying a weird combination of socket flags
in reality I doubt that catches much though
I tend to do it specifically for complex expressions, because it's easier to read the constant value and use that in the context of reading the complex expression, that than the other way round
also it removes the ambiguity (and thus the need for braces) in constructs like while (false !== $var = some_operation())
hello my friends, thank warm welcome to flowstack. I have issue i need assist with. I write code and error is words. it says "error contact admin" pls help
2 days ago, by Danack
@WillParky93 don't troll.
good morning to you, too, danack.
@DaveRandom Command '!!will' is already mapped. Use !!command list to display the currently mapped commands.
@LeviMorrison for the record, I'm reasonably certain some people who take part in /r/php are doing so for the sole purpose of stopping there being reasonable discussions in that subreddit.
I got banned from /r/php
.. imagine my shock
10:59 AM
@Dereleased needs to be used on caller side … and that's what I'm typically doing … but too many places aren't using it, and that's annoying: extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS);
11:13 AM
@DaveRandom thx
11:27 AM
@bwoebi Could you have a look at the mysql issue?
@kelunik yes
@WillParky93 good riddance
Don't tell the mods but I made a new reddit account so I could post again.
Sep 11 at 13:13, by JayIsTooCommon
4 hours ago, by JayIsTooCommon
@WillParky93 please go away.
You're hurting my feelings Jay
11:39 AM
that sucks
why would anyone want to post something on reddit unless they are a troll?
it's like writing something on a toilet wall
I reported your post, I hope you noticed it
@WillParky93 I invalidated your flag, I hope you noticed it
It still has a blue icon next to the message
so, no, i did not notice it.
11:41 AM
no, it doesnt
Sir, I assure you there is still a blue box
he assures you Gordon, watch out
He Sir'ed me. That's much more concerning
he assumed your gender.
that's not why I am concerned
11:42 AM
I placed a blue circle around the blue box
seriously, please go away.
Time for someone to have a timeout.
What why
Rename this chatbox to "No fun allowed"
room topic changed to PHP: Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, just ask. Username auto complete is *tab, not enter. No fun allowed. Chat Guidelines : guide.room11.org [php]*
afternoons o/
11:45 AM
Thanks for the clarification. How can I upvote you for that.
@Gordon Wat, the room description uses a different markdown parser than the chat messages?
Morning Saitam
@kelunik You sound surprised? It's SO chat
@kelunik you make this sound as if polyglott programming was a bad thing
you cant upvote me for that, but you can buy something from my Amazon Wishlist
11:47 AM
Ah, you take bribes?
@Gordon have you actually gotten anything from it?
@tereško nope
Good, otherwise I started to think, that people don't like me
I mean.. it's not like you try :B
@Gordon @JayIsTooCommon The really funny thing is that I'd say that both are broken. gist.github.com/kelunik/f6c6ad3f2dd4bd492afa177067e894d8
11:50 AM
has anybody tried packagist for private repos yet?
nop. Isn't it exactly the same, you just have to pay for it?
i have no idea
they also have this Satis thing, static repo generator, which is open source
I was looking at both today
@Wes take it to the vet :(
hell the prices lol
11:59 AM
setting up satis takes time. time is money. now you can compare.
also, getting support versus figure it out yourself
the price is ok for the average company. i'm not the average company, i wouldn't use it much. i don't think small companies should pay the same price of companies that use "unlimited packages"
it's 170$/year it's not much, but "generic" commercial plans are a huge mental barrier for me
@NikiC I've updated the RFC and implementation to take onboard your suggestions regarding whitespace constraints. Please let me know what you think.
I have a feeling, though, that adding semantics to the whitespace used for indentation is going to be unpopular (and mildly complicates the overall semantics of the proposed change).
some key differences between satis and pp:
- authentification and package permissions: satis doesn't have auth
- integration with bitbucket, github, gitlab: no setup needed and permission take from repos
- auto-mirroring of public packagist with fallback to public packagist and some additional features
- commit hooks to github/bitbucket/gitlab vs cronjob with satis
- web interface
and now that @naderman is here, you can ask him everything you want about private packagist
@Ekin, @Wes, @JayIsTooCommon ^
@kelunik No, the room message just doesn't support markdown, and that was posted as a regular message. The * in the room message breaks the chat markdown.
@DaveRandom But the link is markdown and there's a * at the start and end?
12:13 PM
ok, @Gordon why aren't there cheaper plans for broke people like me? :P
@Wes one of the main points is the mirroring, so you'll end up using it quite a bit no matter how many private packages you have, the number of packages really doesn't factor into it very much.
@Wes I suggest you email contact@packagist.com with details of your use case to inquire about the pricing?
@kelunik The enclosing * is added by the system to italicise the auto-generated message. The link is just linkified, but not as markdown (notably, [description](url) syntax in room message doesn't work)
When you change the room message, the system generates a post of *Room topic changed to %s* which is thrown into the regular chat message parser because it's a regular chat message
@Feeds can do special stuff, but the room change message is just a user message
@naderman Where did Noah keep the woodpeckers?
maybe i should try the trial first
oh, about private packagist
12:17 PM
@JayIsTooCommon lolwut
I got excited when Gordon said I can ask him everything.
In my case, I have a lot of private git repos since I got the $7 developer plan and I'd like to use some of these via composer in other private repos without open sourcing them before I really can. But in my local currency €14 monthly for that is just... not worth it
Yeh but you can just do that with "vcs"
I can?
/me looks up
12:27 PM
yeh, you add the repos to "vcs", you add the server's ssh key to your deployment keys, Bob's your uncle
I do it all the time at work for bitbucket private repos
It's a bit slower to update but it works fine
that's great to know
TIL, thanks
TIL Bob's your uncle is a phrase
to mean "and there you have it"
Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt
really hope this iced coffee is decaf
since they forgot to put in sweetener... and decaf isn't marked on the cup
12:34 PM
Cut to: 3hrs later, @Tiffany standing in the middle of a cross roads shouting incoherently while a SWAT team slowly advances
I honestly wouldn't be surprised. The last time I had starbucks coffee with the regular amount of caffeine, holy fuck I was too wired
please make video in case
Oh @Ekin the problem with "vcs" is that it's not inherited. So if one of your dependencies specifies a private repo, you'll need to add that repo to the "vcs" of the top-level project. If you are just doing it during pre-public dev phase then that's fine, but it can get a bit crappy for will-always-be-private things
I would be prepared to club in for a #11 private packagist if anyone else is interested
oh it's per user :-(
yeah seems so
@DaveRandom I see, I don't have any will-be-always-private ones in my personal account at least
Just many that cannot be public for a few more months and some that I have to finish properly :P
12:49 PM
@Ekin in my experience it's rare that you end up with a significant depth here anyway
like, I rarely have a project with > 2 levels of private dependencies
Hi guys, I'm pretty new to MySQL but I have a question that is very important to myself. What's the best way to future proof myself to stay in work after 2038?
@MadaraUchiha halp plz
just use 64 bit machines @WillParky93
@WillParky93 last chance, stop trolling.
@Wes I use 128 bit machines
Well, my machine is made of 128 bits, that's the same thing, right?
12:59 PM
yes. you are covered for the whole life expectancy of the universe in that case
assuming it is flat, it's probably flat
@WillParky93 If you are a developer you probably won't live that long
here's praying i die soon!!!
he's just telling the truth. i'm 31 and i'm a programmer
deploying Docker Compose to production https://t.co/PYR55krUIM
I think they forgot to make it decaf
1:07 PM
surely thats a win right?
@Tiffany drink a bottle of water
@Tiffany have another cup, please.
buenos dias
1:11 PM
@bwoebi Could you also have a look at the mysql examples? Some are hanging for me.
Which one is correct?
- Which flavor are you using?
- Which flavor you are using?
@kelunik Still with the newest fix?
@Shafizadeh Which flavor are you using?
@bwoebi Will test. Second example:
php: src/unix/core.c:876: uv__io_stop: Assertion `loop->watchers[w->fd] == w' failed.
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
1:14 PM
@Tiffany thx
Looks like you are missing your lookouts, Kelunik
that looks similar to what makes gitamp coredump
@bwoebi Seems fixed. \o/
@kelunik not for me
1:17 PM
@bwoebi Ok, works with newest php-uv.
@kelunik I just got a conflict for the very same thing you just fixed… Was too slow :o
@bwoebi Wait, but example 3 now.
evenings o/
@bwoebi Did you see my new config generator? :P
@kelunik works fine for me?
1:19 PM
@Wes chugging water from my water bottle
@kelunik yes, already used it right now
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:examples bob$ ~/php-src-X/sapi/cli/php 3-generic-with-yield.php
Table successfully created.
Insertion successful (if it wasn't, an exception would have been thrown by now)
Where's the problem @kelunik ?
@bwoebi Getting a lot of logs like that by mysql:
2017-09-21T13:19:49.631601Z 38 [Note] Aborted connection 38 to db: 'default' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
@bwoebi Seems to happen randomly, maybe I executed it before mysql was completely ready.
I'm testing with docker run --rm -p 36000:3306 --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -e MYSQL_DATABASE=default mysql:5.7 --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
@DaveRandom sup?
1:22 PM
@bwoebi Yes, confirmed, it fails with that error if mysql isn't completely up yet.
@kelunik so no problem on my side?
@bwoebi It's a problem on your side, it shouldn't fail with that error if mysql is down.
@kelunik not sure what I can do if mysql down?!
@bwoebi Hm, no, if it's down then it fails with that:
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Amp\Socket\ConnectException: Connecting to tcp://localhost:36000 failed: timeout exceeded (10000 ms) in /home/kelunik/GitHub/amphp/mysql/vendor/amphp/socket/lib/functions.php:136
Which is quite strange, it should probably get a connection refused immediately.
@bwoebi It only happens if mysql is booting, but not yet ready. Dunno what's happening. But a segfault is clearly not what should happen.
@kelunik uh, is there anything being sent? (define("MYSQL_DEBUG", true);)
1:29 PM
@MadaraUchiha perpetual troll trolls perpetually
K.. I say one thing some times and I get thrown the book at about being a troll
other times you all sit in here talk about decaff coffee
K m9
There is a difference between idle conversation and deliberately trying to provoke a response and/or annoy people.
Yes, but we don't purposely talk shit to get attention or a response.
I don't provoke a response. I'm not sitting in here constantly trying to troll you. I litterly say one thing i believe would put a smile on your face when I enter and then nothing after.
Jay, you clearly don't like me just get rid of me from the chat so we can resume to 1945
OK, but you have been told repeatedly that it is not amusing, by several people
1:33 PM
@bwoebi no.
You are welcome to participate, but that is not participating
>when i enter the room
But k
I'll stop
@kelunik so, what's happening? connection accepted by server and immediately aborted?
1:39 PM
@bwoebi Yes, seems like it's getting an instant FIN, ACK for each connection.
@kelunik could you please run phpdbg -qrr -Ooplog 3-generic-with-yield.php? And give me the generated oplog file?
(when it crashes obviously)
@bwoebi Sent via telegram, might take a while.
@kelunik is that p2p transfer or first uploading to their servers and then I have to download it? Not getting any significant downstream here from Telegram.
@bwoebi I think via their servers, but the issue is my upstream, not your downstream.
1:54 PM
@kelunik With not any significant downstream, I mean I have like 27 KB downloaded until now.
Fixed the checkbox bug with @Danack's and a couple other's help. :D
not the most efficient of code, but it works
@kelunik how big is that file?
@bwoebi 167 MB. :D
It's fully uploaded now.

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