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Does anyone know why I wouldnt be getting emails sent by sendmail, even though it's showing dsn=2.0.0 and stat=sent?
Or moreso if someone knows where I would start to try to debug it
2 hours later…
@Saitama @Saitama @Saitama .....
!!annoy @Linus
just reached the episode when itachi dies and came know about his truth:(
Naruto, eh?
meh, I watched till probably when the lads meet with kaguya, and go into that infinite-fillers-jutsu... I stopped after it because the fillers were incredibly boring and since I've already read the manga, I gradually lost the interest at all to see the last few non-filler episodes
morning 2
@Gordon ;-; y u do dis? I cri evrytim
https://twitter.com/Nora/statuses/909926336306675712 https://t.co/uoFEfA1tWJ
Crap comment I inherited with my client's codebase:

// get state if its defined and if this is not a state
Even if you can make sense out of it, it's in an area of the codebase with the most bugs
@Wes lol
so my car got hit by a marten on saturday. took it to the garage yesterday. they fixed it. this morning, same warning indicator blinking again. hmpf
@Linus could I have some maths halp again please :P
@Saitama yeah
wait, lemme make the latex
TIL you can annotate readonly properties using @property-read in phpdoc and phpstorm has a decent support of it
Good morning all
a_1, a_2, a_3, ...., a_n are in A.P. then how can we prove hostmath.com/…
@Saitama wait
alright :)
I tried rationalizing the terms, but they are not making any sense after that
@Saitama ok what are you getting in denominator after rationalizing?
@Linus wait a sec, I might actually figure this out, I'll ping you with what I got if I can't solve it in, like probably ten minutes?
@Saitama ok see denominator will be same if you see = d
yeah, that's what I actually got, after I gave it a proper thought :D the common denominator would be (-d), right?
If my cli app outputs formatted messages as it runs. Like "Searching for items..." then "Found 15 items." and this is under v1.0.0 If I change the code so it now says "Collected 15 items" does that mean it's a potential breaking change, and I need to bump major version? The reason I ask is I see so many cli apps doing things like grepping for output from other cli apps.
@Linus so after simplifying the L.H.S. I get HostMath.com/…
so, now, I have to simplify the R.H.S. as well, right?
@Saitama no just rationalize it again the equation you are getting
@Saitama (a1-an)/(√a1+√an)d it will become like this
HostMath.com/… this right?
then the R.H.S?
@Saitama it will be + in denominatior between two terms in bracket
oh... :P yeah, just mistakenly put that + in the editor :d
now look at an in numerator you can write it a1+(n-1)d right?
@Saitama yeah :P
@Linus it should be a_1 - (n - 1)d, like - instead of +
@Saitama no i am it's +,you must have done some mistake in calculation a1 cancels out
Ugh... Yeah
@Saitama sure,if having any confusion then ask :P
Then, how do I cancel the d out of the equation, because there is no d in R.H.S....
@Saitama when you write an=a1 +(n-1)d a1 cancels out each other and (n-1)d will remain then d cancels with denominator
Oh right right
yeah, got it
@Wes is that guy Italian?
how can you tell :B
that's how all people looked in the 70
but yeah he's italian
@Wes lol, idk, probably because of all the maths I've been doing lately?
or maybe because the guy's name is Giorgio
or because you know that Giorgio Moroder is a disco legend
@Dereleased repong
posted on September 19, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Saitama done?
@Gordon I actually didn't know that
great brb
See, I'm not a 70s, 80s, or 90s child, I listen to what the cool kids do
@Linus <3
@Saitama I know you didnt know. all you know is tentacle porn
@Saitama your "cool kids" are likely heavily influenced by him though
@Gordon lol
meh, tentacle porn is not that bad as people say it to be
for instance, Daft Punk featured Moroder on their last album
"Giorgio by Moroder" is a song written and recorded by French electronic music duo Daft Punk for their fourth studio album, Random Access Memories. It is the third track on the album. The song features a monologue by Italian musician Giorgio Moroder, who speaks about his early life and musical career. "Giorgio by Moroder" charted in France and Sweden due to digital downloads of the album. == Background == Giorgio Moroder first publicly mentioned his collaboration with Daft Punk as early as May 2012; he revealed that he had recorded a monologue about his life for a track on the album. Daft Punk...
also, lately I've been enjoying genres like dreampop, shoegaze, post-punk
what? where?
I didn't say anything like that :P
alright, something related to php now.. :P I've got this gist.github.com/SaitamaSama/afdfb0e335719a0d04892beb01ed3289
I get this: gist.github.com/SaitamaSama/… what I can't comprehend is why I get a 400...
okay nvm
I updated the Authenticator.php thingy and now it results in a 404
when I try to access the POST location in my browser tho, it goes 200 okay :/
anyone good in laravel ?
i need guidelines to work on it
@FairyDancer guideline 1: don't use laravel
moin o/
then what ill use
@FairyDancer depends
how did you settle on laravel? what was your thought process?
i confused with files
i added node in laravel
now my package size become 180mb
while uploading to server do i need to upload node module folder ?
@FairyDancer I can barely decipher what you are saying, but you sound confused
Node, Laravel, uploading to a server?
Im using vue with laravel
wait, what is happening?
i have some doubts in laravel
thats what im explaining
@FairyDancer so you are using node, vue and laravel but you don't know what you are doing?
If you want to use a new framework, maybe start with one at a time?
this is first time im working with vue so im getting lot of confustion
i know laravel but working with java framework is new for me thats why im troubling you
it's javascript not java
only "some doubts"?
@Saitama just fined watching one punch man
I thought saitama was your name until I discovered the movie last night
awesome manga btw
also morning @ll
moin btw :-P
Do checkout my writings on javascript codepen.io/grumpy/post/undefined-scope-in-javascript
lower temp today is 5°. i hate this frigging weather
@AL-zami Do go into the javascript room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript
@JayIsTooCommon i did. Trying to reach out to web dev community.
@Wes come to Bangladesh. It is 32-C here
mornin all
@AL-zami do you have elephants in Bangladesh? @Wes loves elephants.
@Gordon squids :P
i prefer african elephants tho
/me is working at home with a stupid eye patch
so annoying it is
You playing fancy dress?
fake piratekin
I hate this StackOverflow OAuth thingy
why don't they just provide a proper API
@Ekin yarrr
@Ekin how apt given that it's Talk Like A Pirate Day today
hah, great
@JayIsTooCommon it's fabulous
@tereško \o/ finally
Anyone using Docker and got signals working correctly without --init?
@Wes i can send you to zoo. You will find some there surely.
just kidding
you'll feed the fishes soon
Just downloaded a movie with hardcoded Chinese subs off a Russian torrent site! #TalkLikeAPirateDay
lol har har har
Hi. I'm working on a new project where in there is this new biometrics that is mssql db and our existing db for biometrics is mysql. What is the best option to transfer the data from mssql data to mysql existing data?
@kelunik I haven't needed it so far but maybe github.com/Yelp/dumb-init could be helpful
!!lxr pcntl_signal
[ /ext/pcntl/pcntl.c#990 ] PHP_FUNCTION(pcntl_signal)
@Ekin Yes, read about it, --init does basically the same.
@EarvinNillCastillo how many tables, and do they have the same structure?
@DaveRandom there are some same structure.
like the in and out name id number
like that but if you mean all are the same, nope.
@EarvinNillCastillo then you probably need to write a script to transliterate the data between the databases
so write a script that connects to both, SELECTs the data from mssql and INSERTs it into mysql in the correct new structure
so what script should i use?
i have the idea but the language or scipt on what should use.
You will have to write a script, I personally would just write a PHP script
Really you can use any language you like as long as it has bindings for both mssql and mysql
and how should i trigger it?
Well isn't this a one-time operation?
just run it on the command line...
oh no. this will be running for timekeeping
there… have some fun cs.nott.ac.uk/~psxasj/3dme
public function isUserRegistered($userEmail){
	    $sql = "select * from auth_user where email= :userEmail;";
        $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindParam(":userEmail", $userEmail);
        //return ['email' => print_r($userEmail,true)];
        $rowNumber = $stmt->rowCount();
        return $rowNumber;

when i pass a parameter my email through the function, the number of rows is 0. Although when i run the same query directly on the db it finds rows. I have tried to log the email, but it is passed well
you haven't executed the query, you just prepared it
also, check the manual:
> PDOStatement::rowCount() returns the number of rows affected by the last DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement executed by the corresponding PDOStatement object.

If the last SQL statement executed by the associated PDOStatement was a SELECT statement, some databases may return the number of rows returned by that statement. However, this behaviour is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied on for portable applications.
so, if you want to make sure the user is registered, you exec the statement and check that the resultset contains data
> You are talking about slight differences in human-to-human communication
> which is totally irrelevant.
Yes, because it is far more important that a computer understands me than my colleagues do.
im an idiot
thanks @Wes @Gordon
@Gordon It can, however, be relied on for mysql. And since no-one has ever, once, written a "portable application" in the context that the manual is referring to, what really matters is whether the RDBMS that this code fragment is dealing with has that behaviour.
Nickel is a very good catalyst for organic reactions
@DaveRandom not unless you set PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_FOUND_ROWS, right?
Good mornings
you theoretically can create alcohol by adding potassium hydroxide to bromo methane, tho, drinking that alcohol might be a fatal mistake
@Wes that affects whether the total number of rows matched by the WHERE are returned, vs the number of rows actually affected (or in the case of a SELECT, the number of rows in the result set)
I'm not sure whether it changes the return value in the case of a select
@DaveRandom It doesnt mention mysql in the code :)
nope you are right
@Gordon no indeed, but I do feel that that warning on the manual page is something of a red herring
I have brought this up on the docs list before and others do not agree :-/
The point really is that, 99.999% of the time, what matters is whether it works with the driver you are using
I don't agree either. Maybe the emphasis on portability is a little bit off, but if this is not reliably working on all rdbms, then it's worth to mention
sure, it could just use some rephrasing although I'm not sure how exactly
I think it's fine the way it is. It's not wrong.
A table of driver support at least would be good
@DaveRandom agreed
@Dave ping
@Saitama pong
@DaveRandom since you are familiar with SO OAuth thingy, could you point me out as to where I'm going wrong gist.github.com/SaitamaSama/afdfb0e335719a0d04892beb01ed3289
I keep getting a 404
@Saitama I'm not that familiar with it tbh, although what precisely are you trying to do?
and even when I try with my browser to login on the openid login page, I keep getting a 404 on my browser
@DaveRandom I'm trying to oauth login with SO, like as mentioned in github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/wiki/OpenID-Request-Flow
18 hours ago, by Saitama
okay, so what I'm actually trying to do is creating another interface for this chat (don't ask me why) and for that I figured out I'd have to log in the user, and openid was probably the choice since I've seen that Jeeves uses it.
@Saitama we use github.com/Room-11/OpenID, last touched a year ago, I have entirely forgotten how it works and @PeeHaa actually wrote most of it anyway
I think it's mostly just the original code from Jeeves
@DaveRandom does that lib have amp as dependency? :<
probably, but it wouldn't be super difficult to separate it
it uses artax
hmm, taking a look into it :)
@Saitama yes it's not particularly tightly coupled anyway github.com/Room-11/OpenID/… only 2 files reference it
you could pretty easily switch that out for a psr HTTP client or whatever
seems easy to decouple artax
Why not just use artax, btw?
@kelunik there's also fpco/pid1 I saw on a 2nd look but it's always an init process in one way or another. Wondering why you want to avoid --init
btw @Saitama that works specifically with SO, I know it doesn't work with other SE sites
I always meant to figure out why
nah, I'm doing thingsy regarding SO
18 hours ago, by Saitama
@Sean meh, amphp. I'm not much comfortable with amphp
also, it was a misping in that message :P sorry @Sean
@Ekin I'm just wondering why it doesn't work.
@Saitama Time to get comfortable. :P
@Saitama exactly what are you doing? There may be an easier way that what you are doing. Jeeves has to do all that tap-dancing because it's pretending to be a human, but depending on what you are doing you may not have to
@DaveRandom I'm tryna build another chat interface
any one have experience on html2canvas jquery library??
@Saitama You want amp for this
seriously, you are gonna have a bad time without it :-P
And with it, you can just use github.com/Room-11/StackChat
well, maybe its time to get out of my comfy zone prolly
I'm going to use aerys for the server
@kelunik you mean signals not working without an init?
@Saitama you mean… gasp… you wanna try actual literature
@Ekin Yes, they're just ignored.
@Gordon nah, literature won't beat tentacle porns for a long long time
that's what the tentacle said
on a side note: I played Day of the Tentacle Remastered last weekend
Why does Travis not properly sync when I click sync -.-
just realised we have a Traits directory in src.
the only thing I want to know is if that contained some pr0ns in it
@JayIsTooCommon oh no! :|
@DaveRandom Would be awesome if you could compile your changes for the process wrapper. :)
oh right, moment
@JayIsTooCommon I wonder how haven't bruised you face with all those facepalms chat.stackoverflow.com/…
github.com/kelunik/retry < If somebody wants to review before I tag v1.0.0.
also seems like you are slowly metamorphosing into @tereško
@Saitama Yes, I started the year thinking maybe people aren't all bad. Now I hate everyone but dogs and @PeeHaa.
@kelunik this is quite clear about why you need an init process / it's responsibility
bu.. but... what about all the cates?
zip contains debug symbols (the pdb files)
you don't need them present to run it
@Ekin I'm aware of the zombie problem, but that's another problem. I'm really just trying to find out why signals aren't triggered correctly if php has PID 1.
@DaveRandom Isn't that rather 2.0 alpha? :P
amphp/windows-process-wrapper v1.1.0-alpha1 released. https://github.com/amphp/windows-process-wrapper/releases/tag/v1.1.0-alpha1 https://t.co/oY5YPbcaPn
Should probably disable that for that repo.
@kelunik errr... yeh :-P
tbh I should probably have tagged the initial as 0.x anyway
when it actually works I will redo them
it's not like anyone else is actually using it
I've largely abandoned semver at work in favour of a jetbrains-ish approach because our release cycle is just way too quick and haphazard right now, I've forgotten the rules of semver :-/
@DaveRandom We should just use year.month.day.attempt for amphp/windows-process-wrapper.
@kelunik 2 things: $throwable could probably be an array (in case you want to allow multiple unrelated exceptions) and you could get rid of the goto with a while and a flag :P
@pmmaga Why not just a goto? :P
yeah.. that's more a matter of taste i guess. no real reason to avoid it :)
coz velociraptors
!!xkcd goto
@kelunik but but but pid 1 in a container ignores any signal with the default action. It won't terminate on sigint or sigterm unless it is coded to do so, hence I wonder what the php process there is doing
and on that note, imma pull myself out of this rabbit hole and go find the next one in the new debian 9 server I have
@Ekin I wonder what's the "is coded to do so" is, because Aerys has these signal handlers explicitly registered.
Oh it's aerys running there, huh
@pmmaga It should probably default to \Exception, not \Throwable.
What is Kekistan? - video, [18:23]
@kelunik probably, yeah.
seems like jpauli blog is moved, now all those bookmarks are 404
and I need to somehow make all sites dark theme'd
@Ekin wear sunglasses
I am, but it's not enough it seems :-( ... could find a darker one maybe. whitespace hurts like hell still
@Ekin adjust the brightness on your monitor
already on one up from the lowest
Does "whereas" mean "while" ?
yeah, the sunglasses seem like an actually good solution then, @Ekin
yep and I found a darker one now
do you have a migraine, @Ekin?
eye infection, but any sort of light gives me a terrible headache and eye pain
ouch :(
hope you feel better soon
thanks, I hope so too
I was going to give suggestions for migraine, since I'm very familiar with those
@DaveRandom Shouldn't github.com/amphp/windows-process-wrapper/commit/… be bytes_read - 1?
@kelunik oh you're right
working right now, will sort in a little bit
@DaveRandom Error messages work at least, but the tests do still pass.
@Ekin you probably should download few audiobooks and stay away from screen for few days
Why we always have to debug facebook share posts URL before share?
When we share URL in facebook page that time GIF image can't auto play but if we debug this URL and scrape than it's working.
i.imgur.com/MbwbHp0.png < @DaveRandom Fixed, works fine now, will cook now, maybe I can test with a fixed binary afterwards. :)
@tereško wish I could do that :-( I have max tomorrow too at home before they need me back at work
why are you asking here? @HiteshValaAhir
because my question limit is over and stack over is best platform to solve issue in ASAP.
@Ekin then no screens today and tomorrow :P
@tereško but but but all those interesting things on screens :P
audiobooks, upload them to your phone and turn of the PC
right, I could certainly do myself a favor with them
@Wes do you have a VC15 build env?
I only have VC14
@kelunik are you OK with requiring composer for this? There's no sane way to detect the VC version at run-time without executing php -v. If we require composer we can use a hook to generate a file with a constant in it with the path to the correct exe
@DaveRandom We use composer everywhere anyway. If it's just Windows, I couldn't care less.
@kelunik OK, let me know when you are happy with what you've done and I'll put something together
function array_group_by_key($array, $key) {
    return array_merge_recursive(...array_map(function($array) use ($key) { $keyval = $array[$key]; unset($array[$key]); return [$keyval => [$array]]; }, $array));
not sure whether I can write that in a more elegant fashion…
Takes one key present in a 2d array and groups the arrays by these. [["a"=>"foo", "b"=>"baz"],["a"=>"foo","b"=>"qux"],["a"=>"bar","b"=>"blah"]] => array_group_by_key($array, "a") => ["foo"=>[["b"=>"baz"],["b"=>"qux"]],"bar"=>[["b"=>"blah"]]]
@bwoebi yes, use multiple lines :P
@pmmaga not from a formatting point of view :-P
ugh stop trying to write clever code
I admit, a foreach loop would have done it too :-D
Which is what you should do
Also morning room
(Which I also did - that version was just for fun)
You and your "fun" :P
BTW @DaveRandom the libgit binding is kinda broken :P
Not sure what I should do now.I can either say fuck it and forget about native calls now or say fuck it and fix it
@bwoebi you're weird.
@JayIsTooCommon you're captain obvious.
> captain
thank you.
8 mins ago, by PeeHaa
ugh stop trying to write clever code
^ that.

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