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hmm.. K.. I'll try that out.. it still doesn't make much sense to me though..
@ShyamK Try out.. reading about streams? Don't change to file_put_contents, that was merely a joke.
@Bracketworks bit.ly/eEZydj
@ircmaxell Dammit, now I have to listen to this all day.
Does anyone know why if I edit a row and don't enter a time, PHP selects this: 1969-12-31 19:00:00? pastebin.com/DLfCvzZ9
@ircmaxell Aww, if you change flavours, it starts over
Brainsplosion D:<
Trait naming convention recommendations? Looking to follow the interface + trait-as-default-implementation "pattern".
@Bracketworks It may be a little verbose but I've followed the same convention I use for interfaces and abstract classes: EntityAbstract, EntityInterface, EntityTrait
evening , everyone
hi there ;)
evening/moring :)
.. not bad when you have free wifi on a bus
evening all
@rdlowrey Verbosity isn't so much an issue as consistency. The "post-fix-hungarian" naming isn't one I've actually used in the past, however I'm starting to see value in it. Perhaps that'll be my choice.
@ircmaxell Still nyaning.
@Bracketworks I never liked it until I started using PHPUnit and setting a *Interface.php filter in my phpunit.xml for code coverage reports.
@rdlowrey you use case sensitive filenames ?
it usually is kinda a bad idea
@rdlowrey Yea, I always used the "I-able" notation for interfaces (despite not having come from Java or C#)
I use the filenames that mirror the class/interface names, so if the capitalization matches, then yes.
class MyClass --> MyClass.php
Also ... AnythingInterface , is a bad naming convention
the name of interface should describe what capabilities it adds
Printable, ArrayAccess .. etc.
Well, I only started doing it for the aforementioned ease of mass-filtering files from test coverage reports. Maybe it's not a good enough reason.
With .htaccess, how can i redirect from https:// to http://
Google seems to be ranking my site in https and i have no idea why
And it's very verbose
I've tried something like this
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.site.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ site.com$1 [L,R=301]
Then why do you have RequestClass and PrimaryControllerClass ? @rdlowrey
There may be naming convention changes in my future.
You're right :)
Consider me convinced
Naah .. i think i will keep on kicking you , while you are down .. to hammer the point home
Since the only time a trait can really be justified is when it's fulfilling an interface contract I think it would make sense to still go with EntityTrait if your interface is named Entity
It does make sense to make the interfaces descriptive, but then you get twice as many names to invent. That could become a mess in itself if you are using heaps of interfaces. I'm not convinced on a mass rename yet.
Well, that was the original issue I had -- you don't know what is what from looking at a file list
Which is fine when you're in the midst of writing the code, but weeks or months later it's very difficult to tell without manual investigation
I use an interface for nearly everything, just imagining that one day someone might want to use a different class of object than the specific one I am hinting.
Though in natural language you don't think of an abstract concept as a "ConceptInterface" or "ConceptAbstract" ... it's just a concept.
A recliner is a Chair, not a ChairInterface
that's why people keep saying that "naming things" is the hardest part in programming
Namespacing solves any problems with name collisions, so that's also a strike against the explicit post-fixing of -Abstract or -Interface
no wonder that i have made a search shortcut in opera, which goes to http://thesaurus.com/browse/{$word} .. just to make it easier from me to find synonyms
@rdlowrey , what methods would chair interface implement ?
probably not the best choice of interfaces to use an inanimate object with no behavior as an example :)
@rdlowrey, that would be completely wrong
I know, I'm just justifying my dumb metaphor (stream of consciousness typing)
the ChairInterface would be the same as StumpInterface .. because you can sit on both Chair and Stump and a Desk or even Ground
Good Morning
Chair::squeak() Chair::acceptWeight($weightInKilograms)
@ircmaxell Morning
how goes it?
it goes ... caffeinated ...
@ircmaxell Hungry, but good non the less
im on a bus .. in middle of nowhere
sounds like a Gary Larson cartoon
@ircmaxell how long did the talk run? (saving it for this evening)
More importantly, how many painstakingly crafted slides did you blow right past? :)
hi out there
@rdlowrey only about 1:30
@rdlowrey none, but one slide didn't work
does someone of you know a channle where I can ask questions about facebook programming?
not too bad ... nothing worse than having to hurry through material you put a lot into because of time constraints
yeah. I'm still pissed, because the slide works ont he computer now, and it worked on my phone right after the talk
and it was an important slide...
Is it possible in .htaccess to redirect from https:// to http://
for more then 3 years now , i have been using only PDFs for slide
I can't find how to
@ircmaxell ahh, yes, the triangle picture. The whole talk was very interesting, it was actually a pretty good way to wake up.
because the do not break so easily , and i can always put a portable version of sumatraPDF on a flash, if the computer where i need to show the presentation, does not know how to open PDF
@tereško which programm are you using? beamer?^^
@ircmaxell I did not watched talk yet, But silides are really good.
Is new really that bad? :(
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}
RewriteRule .* http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
@Donut yes it is , because it creates tight coupling .. your code gets tied to the name of the class
Would something like that work?
clients who like to hear their own voice == facedesk
@CarrieKendall Never had one that didn't like to hear his own voice
This reminds me of FloatFactoryFactory.getInstance(FloatFactoryFactory.defaultInstanceDescriptionS‌​tring).getFactory(Locale.getLocale("en-US")).createBuilder().setString("1.5").getResult()
no sure how they are related
@HarryBeasant That looks good for a moved permanently redirect.
The problem i am having is
Google keeps ranking my pages with https
Which is annoying me beyond belief, because i have no idea why
site masters is pointing it to rank as site.com
Still makes no difference
@HarryBeasant Make sure the links on your pages aren't hard-coded to https as well. That and the redirect should take care of google for you.
That code gives me a Internal Server Error
But the ranking are odd
only some pages
only my index and forum
and the forum was only added a week or so ago
@HarryBeasant I'll have to leave the rest of the problem with you. But your redirecting idea seems to be ok.
php nublet here, I have added a directory called /account/ in my www root but when i try to include same header and footer as the index.php, there is a path error. Same for my /includes/global.inc.php.... what can i do so that i can fix the paths without having to include everything twice?
i know a framework i dont even have to worry but im trying to learn the basics... many thanks for anyones help
show us the source
hello Nick
Good morning!
root/account/index -

require_once 'includes/global.inc.php';

<?php include_once('../header.php'); ?>
When you do if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to check if the form was sent, submit should be the name property of your button?
@Jon , that does not look like source
my globals are in /includes/ and everything else is in root/ but i have account (index,login,register) in account/ directory... which bit of source do you want to see?
@Trufa , in this case i would use if ( array_key_exists('submit', $_POST) ) , because the submit button might not have a value set
@tereško why not just set one
the button right now is <input id="botonComprar" type="image" src="img/comprar.png" name="submitButton" width="126" height="42">
but I could change it to whatever it more convenient
@Trufa is this your submit button
@Nick yes
@tereško And what happens if no value is explicitly set?
@Trufa shouldn't you have type="submit"
@tereško Except that no HTTP request variable can ever be null. It would be empty string in that case
so isset($_POST['submit']) would always be true in that case
@ircmaxell , i honestly do not remember , it it was sent as null or an empty string
@tereško neither, it sends the name...
and what if there is no name set ?
@tereško nothing would be in the HTTP request
yeah .. got confused
i am still working on a half-brain .. and the damned pills a wearing off again
@Trufa did you get that?
More or less, what should I look for then?
@Trufa so as long as you have a name in your input, you can use if(isset($_POST["submit"]));
Hello, I've been thinking about this pattern or design implementation etc. I have this WebService kinda api and I was thinking about the methods that actually do request. Should the method return the response or should I store the response to a member variable and then the client code should always after each request call the getRequest() method..
Somehow it just dont add up to me because somehow it just makes more sense to give the response as return value that store it to member variable.. For example when doing database queries via PDO the PDOStatement stores the result somewhere.. I've gotten used to that but when designing my own classes it just wont add up..
@Nick that sounds great, I'm trying it out...
Hi hi all
@Trufa btw in my example name is set to name="submit" instead of your example name="submitButton"
@PPPHP , neither
@Trufa so if you use name="submitButton" your $_POST looks like $_POST["submitButton"]
@Nick yeah but it doesn't seem to be working
@Trufa might be your <form> tag
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post">
now the button is <input id="botonComprar" type="image" src="img/comprar.png" name="submit" width="126" height="42">
`if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
@Trufa I was told that using <? tags is not good practice
@tereško Okay... hmm
@Nick hmm ok thanks, I'll get rid of them...
but I pretty sure I have short tags enabled so it should't be the issue
@Trufa you have but others might not
@Trufa I'm also guessing that this ...<?=$....is just a typo
@Nick shorthand echo
no it's not
@RepWhoringPeeHaa oh weird
didn't know that
@Nick it is
yeah, it's a shortcut for <?php echo
@Trufa Are you testing on firefox or chrome?
or either :S
@Nick chrome
but could use any
have you checked the Network tab in your Developer Tools ?
@tereško So what would you do?
@Nick hmm not sure what to check for there... the post is being sent
depends on your codebase
If I check for another $_POST['fname'] it was created
You should never check if a button was subitted
just use $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" instead
in an 'if' statement ofcourse
The reason is, is that you never know if a browser also includes the "Send" button in the POST array. And obviously, your browser doesn't do that.
@w00 I'll give it a try...
@w00 that seems to be working great!!
@w00 thank you!!
thanks @Nick
@PPPHP , what now ? You asked a vague question , and got a vague answer .. wht the hell else you want ?
do most people in here use a php framework ?
@Jon, you might not be aware of it , but there are a lot of php frameworks out there
and yes , most of us sometimes use a framework
Anyone in here understand PEAR's Auth class?
but we all have sent a long time learning php before we even touched any of frameworks
Trying to understand how to use PEAR's Auth class to track authorization across multiple pages. Figured out how to authenticate against an LDAP server, but how to verify this on another page?
I refuse to use anything coming out of PEAR that isn't PHPUnit ...
Every time I try I get massive E_DEPRECATED and E_STRICT errors. I can't program with garbage third party libs.
@george , why would you use something like that ? It is written for php4
i want to learn, spent three years at university they didnt teach me anything but how to draw and use oscommerce... now i have a useless degree, know nothing i'm told to be on my way and read...
just write your own authentication thing , and stop wasting the time on this relict
Mar 12 at 20:11, by Levi Morrison
@Incognito If it is in pear and it isn't PHPUnit, it's probably old.
but I disagree, you can learn loops,for each and the likes but to put it all into practice, to be able to understand why simple includes and requires dont work, you need guidance from someone else... how did everyone else start? was it pure death always getting it wrong? did you wish you had someone that knew to tell you, do it this way and youll be fine
Hmm, interesting. I didn't see much in the way of Authorizing against LDAP outside of PEAR
At any rate, I guess the problem would be the same. If I authenticate against LDAP, then generate a unique session ID - what's the method for tracking this across pages?
23 hours ago, by ircmaxell
@markustharkun extending that: failing is the best way to learn :-)
@Jon ^
Thanks teresko, I did look through them first. It wasn't immediately apparent how to use those functions to authenticate a user; perhaps it was just my lack of understanding LDAP in general.
@Jon , you could start by reading a book on PHP .. this one is quite useful
@tereško wrong link there.
@Jon Read, hang out in places like this, and break stuff regularly.
More questions, sorry :)
I'm doing $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $_POST['fname'], FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
Oh, and always try to reinvent the wheel once (within reason) as to understand why it spins.
And getting an empty string
I've checked and $_POST['fname'] is not empty
AM I using it wrong?
@Trufa filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'fname', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
But why not just use htmlspecialchars?
Also, I doubt that you want to escape entities already when fetching the name from the request
@NikiC great, thanks!
@NikiC Gordon recommended me that function
You basically only sanitize like that (or with htmlspecialchars) when displaying html on a web page
never when you're about to store the value in a database
@w00 I'm going to send them by mail
so I need to be sure
ahh, well in that case it can be usefull to sanitize certain inputs :)
@Gordon cv= close vote?
gist: A brief description of cv-ring and cv-pls, 2012-01-27 15:55:00Z
# What is 'cv-ring' and 'cv-pls'

In the [Stack Overflow](http://www.stackoverflow.com/) [PHP chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php) you may notice that the regulars use a tag called `cv-ring` and `cv-pls`.  These tags are used only in the chat room to communicate with other users that a question or answer may need more votes to be closed.  You see, PHP has a lot of inferior quality and duplicative information on Stack Overflow.  We feel that these questions bring down the site and make it harder to find good information, particularly about PHP. By closing and merging these questions as appropriate you'll find the information you need quicker.

`cv-ring` is just a 'funny name' we give to the process and `cv-pls` is simply an in-chat tag that communicates "Hey, this question may be of inferior quality.  Check it out and, if you feel appropriate, cast a close vote."  

There's been a question on [meta.stackoverflow.com](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/) that [asks whether the community should vote-to-close in this way](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/120275/is-asking-others-for-a-close-vote-appropriate/120278#120278) if you feel the need to provide feedback.  If you have a problem with the process or notice abuse please post something on meta or talk to us in chat.  This process is meant to *help the community* but can easily start *hurting the community* and that is not our intent.  I hope this clears up a little more about what `cv-ring` and `cv-pls` means.
@Gordon thanks :)
Stupid gists oneboxes :(
@tereško Screw it, I'm just gonna use base26-alpha timestamps for everything, and sort out the names for RCs
@RepWhoringPeeHaa what the hell is it with this questions!
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I agree ... the gist one-boxing is usually more annoying than helpful.
So many low quality/duplicates in the php tag!
@Trufa welcome to :(
@Trufa which function ?
@Nick what?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa say it loud and say it proud :D
@Trufa sorry im referring to this
@Nick ohh I meant filter_input
ohhh just got it
Hi everybody
is filter_input really that secure ?
I have an array of keys: $keys=['a1','a2','a3',..]; length of it may be different. How to fill another array with such a path: $arr[$key1][$key2][$key3][...] = $some_value; ? (assuming that keys exists in that array)
@Innuendo What have you tried?
@Nick I don't think it should be a matter of security....
@RepWhoringPeeHaa .com
@Trufa really how so ?
A: add a string in an array regarding the uri in php

NikiCYou can do something similar to this (demo): function insertValueByPath($array, $path, $value) { $current = &$array; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $part) { $current = &$current[$part]; } $current = $value; return $array; } $struct = array( 'folder' =&g...

@Innuendo Have you tried recursion
@Nick I'm a complete newbie to php but I guess when you do filter input with FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS it shouldn't be more secure that htmlspecialchars, it should just be a matter of practicallity
since both should be doing the same
@NikiC thanks.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa, I didn't try. I have an idea in theory - using & (references)
I see that reference was really that I needed ;)
@Trufa Both things are different
I wouldn't use the filter already simple because I can't specify the charset
Also htmlspecialchars has several options that are really handy in practice, like ENT_SUBSTITUTE
@Trufa FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS or htmlspecialchars still don't think those two do the job that well
@Nick it does it's job. Just remember to set the encoding
@Nick what should I be using then?
@NikiC, if my $arr is already got as reference (from function argument). Than I just write $cur = $arr, or I need $cur = &$arr
@Innuendo you need &$arr
ok ;) thanks
there is no reference-to-references in php?
@NikiC interesting because my website in in spanish
@Trufa I mean it really depends what you're using it on, but @RepWhoringPeeHaa said it does the job and I would trust that guys judgement over mine
@RepWhoringPeeHaa lol saw that when I was stalking @Trufa's SO account
@Nick ahh... the good times!!
A: Understanding "randomness"

Jancomy answer to all random number questions is this So I guess both methods are as random although my gutfeel would say that rand()*rand() is less random because it would seed more zeroes. As soon as one rand() is 0, the total becomes 0

@Nick that's where I got it from :)
still can't fathom you got 500 upvotes for 5 lines of text, totalling 26 words
so much sweetness in that question
haha yeah i read all the way through, so interesting
Hi everyone
@RyanMurphy Hello
I have zend studio. and starting a zend framework project, it says do I want to use zend framework or full featured with dojo
what the hell is dojo
i seen there site, but still dont really know what it is
what does it do
is it worth it with zend framework
its a javascript framework, similar to jQuery
ok. is it popular or not
any good?
I've never used it, so cant comment on how good it is.
any one else?
is this an auction or what?
i was under the impression it was a chat room, not an elitist forum
you were wrong, it's an elitist chat room :P
i said elitist forum
but thanks for being so kind you combined both
very nice of yo
yes, please use Google for general informations and you are welcome to ask any specific question, IMHO...
ok then:
What specifically is Dojo?
Specifically, Dojo is a collection of JavaScript utilities providing solutions for a vast array of problems faced by the professional JavaScript developer. dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.7
It's an Javascript toolkit/framework with mission similar to jQuery, write less, do more, and be cross browser compatible...
cool, thanks/
I googled it :)
i like how his question where in this order :
1. what is dojo ?
2. is it popular ?
3. is it any good ?
thus clearly showing that popularity is more important then quality
yes, that is always the case, like we program in 5.4, because 5.3 is so last year...
That's why I don't use it, it's so unpopular. All the cool kids use jquery.
Popularity is to some extent related to usability, quality, and level of documentation though.
So its not un-important
popularity is a function of hype
Partially a function of hype
Are you saying that the quality of a product has nothign to do with people wanting to use it?
pow right in de kisser
And wordpress isn't a very useful product?
wordpress is god-awful
WP is only useful if you don't know what you're doing. I wouldn't wish it on anyone who's a solid programmer.
@george Code quality and usefulness are two independent metrics that don't always correlate with each other.
Of course, it's largely a product of it's pre-PHP5 origins ...
wordpress is the most popular PHP product, which has lowest quality you can achieve in PHP...
I wouldn't argue that the correlation between popularity and quality is 1:1; only that popularity is absolutely a useful metric for many aspects of a tool / framework etc
o rly
@tereško yes, the more popular, the more likely its crap because it means the noobs understand it ;)
@george most popular php frameworks are : cakephp, codeigniter and zend
Popularity by definition means appealing to the lowest common denominator.
@rdlowrey thats the euphemistic version of what i just said ;)
@george it just so happen that they also are the 3 most horrible php frameworks out there
Other times popularity can be "forced" upon a group of people. Example given, Internet Explorer.
I'd call that dictatorship :)
or monopoly :)
Either way, proof that popularity is not always a good metric and must be looked at with context. Also, the popularity of something should most certainly not be higher importance then quality; at least when it comes to software development.
Again, I wouldn't disagree that popularity is not the most important aspect. But often things become popular because they have useful qualities; I would say that is usually the case.
name one useful quality for codeigniter ?
"it is popular" does not count
wouldn't know, I've not worked with it.
I won't allow ZF flaming
@webarto lol you homer
@george , then name one useful quality for jquery
Are you going to argue that jquery is crap?
/me slowly ... backs ... away ... from ... hornet's ... nest
what about prototype.js
/me follows @rdlowrey
@george , you mean that it exists , or that this documentation is good and promotes high code quality ? api.jquery.com/css/#entry-examples-1
I've generally found it useful... ;
in any regard, if you want to argue that jQuery is crap, that's fine, but i think the burden of proof is on you
I can honestly say your the first person I've seen refer to jQuery as not having any useful qualities
@george not in the least, show me one respected person that says jQuery is a well designed API
@george I think the whole point is that the coefficient of the quality variable in the popularity equation is insignificant as compared to those of the other variables.
posted on May 23, 2012 by Anthony Ferrara

There has been a lot of traction lately on the topic of the PSR "PHP Framework Interoperability Group". They are introducing two new proposed standards: PSR-1and PSR-2, both dealing with code formatting standards. Actually, calling them proposed is a bit of a short-fall, since they both already have enough votes to be approved. I have read both, and actually agree and think they are quite good.

@ircmaxell is that on HN + reddit? I wanna upvote!
Not that I know of, I can put it there though
at least reddit ... may not be HN kind of post
@ircmaxell your article was a good read, thanks
The comments on the related post from when PSR-0 was under consideration for core inclusion are ridiculous.
@ircmaxell how does it miss it?
I mean, they do have a google group and afaik it is public
Apr 5 at 21:36, by rdlowrey
I'll consider the PSR standards gospel as soon as the people writing them don't have massive design flaws in their frameworks.
do we have any security guru's inhere? I'd like a little direction but no one is in the security exchange chat..
omg, again with the gurus...
You should ask if someone is here or can help. Don't tell us your problem Everyone will help regardless of if they want to :]
@NikiC I think it's a difference in approach. Saying "we welcome feedback" is very different from actively pursuing community involvement...
@rdlowrey Agreed.
It's true ... everyone says they welcome feedback, but having a google group with no public web presence outside your github isn't "welcoming feedback."
@rdlowrey Why can't I star past posts :(
It's like telling someone that there was a notice posted at the community center for several weeks saying that they were going to bulldoze your house to build a bypass. It's not their fault you didn't actively visit the community center to find out your house was about to be bulldozed.
@rdlowrey comment on the post
that's a very good point
I will ... PSR has an Arthur Dent problem.
if i wanted to set my own 404 and 500 pages, i would use .htaccess? does it work differently on localhost?
depends, define localhost
@rdlowrey , which one was that ?
forgetting to fall ?
it's from the original Hitchhiker's Guide
you will have to spell it out
because, IIRC , Dent had many problems
9 mins ago, by rdlowrey
It's like telling someone that there was a notice posted at the community center for several weeks saying that they were going to bulldoze your house to build a bypass. It's not their fault you didn't actively visit the community center to find out your house was about to be bulldozed.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa spl_autoload_register case sensitive ?
@vascowhite didn't notice that thanks
I tend to assume case sensitivity, it seems to save a few headaches :)
maybe the function isn't, but the OS could be.

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