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if nothing, ZF documentation is awesome...
Any advice for improving this question, it didn't get much traction:
Q: How to sanitize and validate contact form for printing in screen and sending by email

TrufaI would like to know whether these precautions are enough. I have an html form like this in my index.php: <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post"> <select name="Alimento"> <option value="someValue">An option</option> </sel...

Is it clear at least?
logic is OK, but HTML in PHP is a no...
@Trufa by making trivial function like this, you can avoid writing HTML in your "logic" part...

function messageBox($message = '', $class = 'errorMsg')
return sprintf('<span class="%s">%s</span>', $message, $class);
@webarto makes sense, much more sustainable, I got lazy because it's just 3 inputs...
Thanks :)
I would suggest that you use some framework ASAP, or you will get lost in the giant bowl of spaghetti code...
And though it will be delicious, it'll be terrible for your application ...
:) is this ZF thingy backwards compatible, let's say, 1.11.11 and 1.9.5 ...
it is, unlike Kohana lol
1 hour later…
Hey @Sam
@Nick hey
How's it going ?
how's it going?
cool here
got recruited for some social network application; currently working on the design
thats awesome
lol....it doesn't look awesome currently; seems like a whole load of work
lol if you feel like sharing i'd love to see, I'd love your design inputs on my project too
your in charge of design or front end? or both? are you doing any coding work ?
php ?
not front end
I can't be an application's designer....lol; you know u; coding's our style, not designing
yeah....using PHP
lol im trying to do it all
its the worst your either a good programmer or a good designer
of course;
well, I'm trying to be an excellent programmer and a good great designer
I wanna make applications sexy
my design skills are still sucky though
yeah i got really into it before I got into server side scripting. So interesting to see different approaches to design according to the target audience
lol....I bought a book on Photoshop; only read a couple of chapters
same with Illustrator
yet, I keep devouring articles and books on coding
yeah haha, funny i've never fully finished a book on coding
I can't learn that way
but I really should, especially for coding theory
and good structured programming
just have hard time sitting down and reading lol
lol....well, one will need reference materials every now and then
and of course, there are times you got no choice, but to read
quick question cos im a bit new to this ... in order to use mysqli instead of mysql in PHP scripts is it as simple as replacing mysql_query to mysqli_query ?
yup......but mysqli_* also come with an object version;
how do i know what one i would need =/
which is more preferable for you as time goes on
lol.....you'll know, when it's time
object or procedural ?
ah ok
what about the connect script ? mysqli_connect?
basically is everything just add an i to it :P
ok thats a simple edit then
thank god :P was hoping i didnt have to relearn SQL completely or sumin
that should help you out
I used the object version - never the procedural-, so hopefully, all my info is right
I think I might be wrong with the mysqli_connect
how much better is it to mysql for performance?
although i don't care much for Apple, I look to them for inspiration
well, using mysqli is better for you, both on the short (probably, depending on how much editing you have to do) and long run
but is there a benefit in terms of performance
mysql has been deprecated; so, unless you want to wake up one day, and find that your connections don't work
I don't believe there's a performance issue;
at least, I haven't read about it anywhere yet
mysqli offers better protection for your data
you can use prepared statements
so, you don't have to mysql_real_escape_string everytime
your code looks cooler
it makes you look smarter
and let those taking over your applications appreciate your work
it doesn't have the power to get you a girl though :)
oh...it also supports transactions (if you are using InnoDB engine) :)
if you execute more than one sql statements, and one of them fails, it can revert the other statements too
that way, all work, or none work
data's safe that way
oh ncie
not sure i follow how thats setup but sounds funky
lol....if you are building an enterprise application, you'll want valid data
Anyone from Perth Western Australia here looking for a full time job?
you don't want a bank customer to withdraw $100 from an account, and still have the same amount left, do you?
well, the customer would be happy though, just not the bank
I'm sorta looking for a job
I'm just not in Australia
i am also facing this problem ,help me out stackoverflow.com/q/10443848/1327376
Any PHP developers looking for full time job in Perth WA ?
@Dave mysqli is going to be better for performance where you need it the most - running lots of similar queries. Prepared statements will improve the performance of those. Also, consider using PDO instead of mysqli if there is a chance you will change to another database (like PostgreSQL, Oracle, sqlite, etc.)
I haven't done that before, but since all image tags start with <img, and end with />, you can use preg_split for that; it takes each image, and dumps them all in an array
so are they no longer like mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id ='$id'") or die(mysql_error()); ?
hi @Paul
how's it going?
Its going well here, and with you?
very good here.....things are cool, so far
@ad369 I just gave you a suggestion
@Dave There is no mysql_error function for mysqli/PDO. However you can use exceptions which are a better way than dying.
die is very appropriately named, it really is fatal.
you know, people use die a lot; it's weird
especially since it exposes the error to everyone
@Sam i only use it during construction when i go public i use a function to store it in my database
then i have an admin panel for it :P
@Paul so if their is the a syntax error how do you display the mysql error to help fix the mistake?
nice; so, you peruse your whole application, looking for where die exists, in order to replace it?
    die('you are screwed now');
catch (Exception $e)
    echo 'Please let me reincarnate';  // Nope, you are screwed, you won't get here.
notepad++ can use a find & replace on all scripts in a directory. i simply search or die(mysql_error()); and replace with or die(custom_function());
please, for big boys' sake, use try....catch
never heard of it =/
never heard of try...catch?
no - i self taught myself from dissecting scripts
i only learn new things from people telling me on overflow :P
A: Error logging, in a smooth way

PaulTL;DR Use trigger_error for raising errors and set_error_handler for logging them. Firstly, I'd like to commend you for looking at the standard error methods within PHP. Unfortunately error_log has some limitations as you found out. This is a long answer, read on to find out about: Errors ...

@Dave I have a lengthy answer I gave on error handling and exceptions. Its probably not going to make sense to you the first time you read it without doing some cross referencing against the manual. Its definitely not aimed at a beginner. It might generate more questions than answers, here it is though:
thanks ill bookmark and read it when i wake up
5:20 am here :P
morning all
@Dave by the power vested upon me by the SO community, I decree that thou shall not create any other application, until you've read about try.....catch
morning, Shyam
the best way i learn is looking at example scripts - i just cannot do it from a "learn php" book it puts me right off :P
yep, its a pity there are so many examples out there with die in them. I remember using that for a little while too.
every programming language uses try.....catch; it's not a PHP thing
@Paul yeh i found or die - alot so naturally i assume that was the best way cos it was common... but i guess that equally is what fuels it becoming over used
die has helped me alot.. pretty much like echo did. :)
you dont use echo ?
@ShyamK you use die!?
apples and oranges, Dave
infact now i think about it - i dont use echo at all
well i haven't yet in all my scripts i've made
@Paul yes.. is that a bad thing?
how do you output your contents? print?
I rarely use echo, because I write XHTML and its structure is a tree rather than a string. echo is good for flat structures like strings.
i json_encode all my content to javascript.
then let the user's hardware loop the array data to display etc
@ShyamK It is fatal, you don't get a chance to recover from it?
I have started storing my strings in arrays, imploding them and just print them out; that way, instead of using multiple memory to concatenate strings, I only use one..:)
@all, anybody have knowledge on apple push notification services implementation on server
i wanting know just what are the requirements on server require to do
apple and PHP do not mix, Hungry :)
@Paul I haven't used try catch though..
@Sam, please read my doubt clearly then ask
apple & PHP ?
@Paul haven't got any seriously heavy duty programming on my hands yet.. so its not been as bad as you say.. but ya.. I get your point
apple is a programming language ? :S
@Dave apple script? or apple the company?
@Sam @Dave, i wanting help for server side code for push notification service
well, you don't have to use try...catch, most PHP functions return false on error; so, a simple if....else statement can also work
@Sam ya thats true
The world was so much simpler when Apple and BlackBerry were just fruits.. :)
@iHungry I still don't understand the question much, though;
@iHungry you should looking into Ajax Push Engine
that's true
apple and blackberry
@Sam, @Dave, u need to read first what is push notification services and then comment here
strawberry would have been nice
@Sam lol
@ShyamK Fair enough, so long as you know what to write when you come to something bigger.
most ppl like that
well when u say push notifications im thinking push like long polling
see this @Sam, @Dave, @ShyamK stackoverflow.com/questions/10300423/…
@Paul what should I write in that case.. (just in case my thinking is all bonkers)
are u 'sure' that question relates to PHP @iHungry cos otherwise you're asking the wrong crowd
@Sam me too.. love strawberry.. yum yum
yes i have doubt regarding server side coding php
@Paul lol that's AWESOME.
i just wanting know if anybody here, who wrote php code for push notification services
@Sam, @Dave
@ShyamK There are two choices, triggering an error or throwing an exception.
@Paul but why would I need to trigger an error.. for checking functionality?
@rdlowrey lol, awesome would be an Artax 4.0 implementation (for all the wrong reasons). Interesting is your 5.3 retro version.
@Paul Yeah it took me like 5 minutes to remove all the BC breaks in the source code. Then an hour to remove them from my unit tests :)
Stupid 5.4 5.3
@ShyamK An error can be good for saying, something was wrong, but I can fix it for you (I've logged this, you should fix this, but I used your default value).
I've been writing quickstart guides and cleaning up/correcting wiki entries all evening so that everything is legit as I'm getting closer and closer to a 1.0
@ShyamK its all covered in the answer I linked above (a page or two up ^^)
Which will really only be a personal high-five on the way to finishing all the projects I'm using it for ...
oh nice, yeah, my documentation lags the code way too much.
Yep: that's a big part of why I'm writing my static site generator ... so I can parse out the file level docblocks, throw markdown at them and auto-generate HTML prose documentation.
Have you and Levi starting work on HTTP yet?
Not enough to be worth talking about :)
I've spent a bunch of time on it the last couple of days, but it's that "every other day the repo is 90% different from the last time you saw it" kind of work.
that isn't reinventing phpDocumentor?
@Paul I'll search for that. Thanks :)
pffff I hate phpDocumentor.
And I wanted to write my own static site generator so I can host a blog on github pages that's entirely made from raw text files in markdown :)
And I'm addicted to rolling my own. All the time.
I use doxygen myself. I'm pretty happy with it, but its output format is starting to look a little dated.
yes, lol. maybe tomorrow you can walk into the chat room and tell us you are writing your own social network.
Well, I'm of the opinion that the source code should always be the definitive documentation, so I don't worry so much about API documentation. Don't like duplicating work on the prose side, though.
Yeah, me and all the other noobs who roll into chat talking about the social networking site they're working on :)
@Paul any idea what you wrote in that ?
@Paul Anyway, I'm gonna catch some sleep. Just wanted to let you know I really appreciated your try/catch die() wrapper :)
@rdlowrey hehe, goodnight
@ShyamK How do you mean? You found the link? stackoverflow.com/a/10538836/567663 I wrote it, so I understand all of the ideas I was trying to get across.
good morning every body
can any one help me in joomla
hola y'all! I have a php/get form that creates a url based on the parameters of checkbox selections- anyway to shorten the link though? It's pretty mega....php?x=17&y=21&id[]=1+&id[]=2+&id[]=3+&id[]=4+&id[]=6+&id[]=7+&id[]=9+&id[‌​]=....
@Paul Nah.. I hadn't found it.. Is that the link? wowie.. detailed..
@Commandrea , why cannot you do just index.php?x=17&y=21&ids=1+4+5+6+8+9 .. or is there som magical meaning to your URL ?
hi do you know a way to reuse a embedded font in a pdf?
@Commandrea use post then you cannot see the long url^^
No, POST should be for posting things to the server. You won't get caching of POST requests. +1 for what tereško said.
Well that looks like something which comes from a form but of cause i would also suggest to do tereškos way
ugh- I'm posting arrays from checkboxes as parameters-- how to lose the []s?
give them real names ;)
$data = array("id" => $_GET['id'], "time" => $_GET['timeShow'], "band" => $_GET['bandName']);
$url=str_replace('&amp;', '&', http_build_query($data));
und: foreach($_GET['id'] as $key => $id) { $_GET['id'][$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id'][$key]); }
$in = implode(', ', $_GET['id']);
I've tried :)
I may missed that but what should that code do?
anyway if you don't want to generate something like a perma link. I would suggest to hide the url and post the data instad. and don't forget to redirect the user to a second form after getting the data to prevent sending the data twice by pressing f5
hi anybody is there?
I have a doubt for password validating
@rekire I have a password field which must contain at least one (1) UPPER CASE letter, one (1) LOWER CASE letter, one (1) numeric DIGIT: (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), one of the special characters (!@#$%^&+_|~-=\{}[]:?/),not contain more than 2 identical consecutive characters (AAA, iiii, $$$$$ ...) and at least 8 characters long
Eg: TbM&htr1.
I have written the code for all validation except those special characters. Can u help me ?
not very simple
shall I share my proceed?
that would it make simpler
function validate( str ) {
var i = 0, c;

while( c = str.charAt( i++ ) )
if( c === str.charAt(i) &&
c === str.charAt(i+1)
) {
return false;
return true;

function validateChangePassword(){
var oldPass = document.getElementById('ed_pass').value;
var newPass = document.getElementById('ed_pass_new').value;
var cPass = document.getElementById('ed_cpass_new').value;
var re = /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])/;
if(oldPass == ''){
alert("Please provide your old password.");
But in it only 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit validation and more than 2 identical consecutive characters are validated
you could also make a real question of that it is complex enough^^
But I am unable to post any question over the stackoverflow
why that? did you never accept answers?
sorry rekire- i stepped away-
that's why I bound to ask over here
Ya I used to accept that
I mean accept answers
@Srim This is the PHP room. That is javascript.
anyway he has to check that on server side too
I have a form that's all checkboxes, the results are posted on the next page and a link to a url w/ their selections is created-
yeah actually nobody was there in js room
The first two lines are the attempt to create a variable from the array w/ http_build_query
and the rest was the query for returning the selections
brb breakfast
@Commandrea Are you trying to implement what tereško suggested?
yes please
oh hey Paul!
Hi, so, what have you tried? Now that you know you want indexp.php?id=1+3+5 etc.
I have: $data = array("id" => $_GET['id'], "time" => $_GET['timeShow'], "band" => $_GET['bandName']);
$url=str_replace('&amp;', '&', http_build_query($data));
I think that coma seperated would be better the + sign is may be contverted to a space by unurlencoding the content
and tried: $data = array("id" => $_GET['id'], "time" => $_GET['timeShow'], "band" => $_GET['bandName']);
$url=str_replace('&amp;', '&', http_build_query($data));
ah- that's better rekire!: index.php?id[0]=1+&id[1]=2+&id[2]=3+
wait..is it?
that last url is just a assoc array
@Commandrea I'd recommend doing var_export($_GET); so you can see what the form of your GET array is that you are manipulating.
try something like that ?id=1,2,3 and $idArray=explode($_GET['id'],',')
@Paul is var_export a alias for var_dump?
@rekire it writes it in a format that is able to be imported, (it matches the way you write the code). I find it easier to read, but var_dump is better when you may have recursive structures (because var_export can't deal with them).
@paul php is very redundant there is even print_r, are there any more?
i just tried both- that first x and y are mysterious-
the id= are all i want
@rekire i think that is the lot of them.
the x and y are the image for the submit button
I unset that from the array on the results page- trying to figure out how to do it on this end
i don't understand why this property is so often set there are really only some rare cases where the cooridinates matter where the user has clicked
Hello Omeid, how are things?
Hey Paul.
I am good thanks. just busy with new life in melbourne.
How are you ?
@rekire It is always set for input type=Image
really oh then i mixed it up with an other attribute
I'm good thanks. Not much is happening here in Adelaide.
@Paul true that, but I already miss the calm of Adelaide city.
$url=str_replace('&amp;', ',', http_build_query($idArray));
@Paul Pretty creative piece of code, haha.
@rekire- is that what you meant?
@Commandrea I mixed something up...
@OmeidHerat lol, yes, not one I use very often.
@Commandrea I thought on this here
@Commandrea and @rekire I am not sure what you guys doing but there is urlencode/urldecode functions there.
@OmeidHerat I don't know what @Commandrea want to achive so i didn't refered that functions
@Commandrea If you understand the structure of your GET array and know what explode and http_build_query do you will be able to solve it yourself. (Which is why I haven't written the solution. Give someone a fish and you feed them for a day, teach them and you feed them for a lifetime.)
this fish has til 5am friday to solve this
and it will be obsolete 6/3
Mornin' everybody
i'm trying
i've tried: $params = array( 'id' => $id, 'time' => $timeShow, 'band' => $bandShow);
echo '<a href="scheduler.php?' . http_build_query( $params ). '">';
and I still get the +
can you paste the output of var_export($_GET);
array(1) { ["id"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(2) "1 " [1]=> string(2) "2 " [2]=> string(2) "3 " } }
this is using: $data = array("id" => $_GET['id'], "time" => $_GET['timeShow'], "band" => $_GET['bandName']);
$url=str_replace('&amp;', ',', http_build_query($data));
and w/ the first three id's selected
ok, so you notice that $_GET['id'] is an array.
what will http_build_query do when it tries to build the query and it gets an array within the array that you are building?
i don't know how to say...
@Commandrea You saw it earlier, click on this message (at the left to see what I am replying to) to see what happened. Convert what happened to an english description.
I am asking basic things because the solution is basic too.
I'm still trying to find the msg at the left...
:) oof
that little left arrow just to the right of the pen.
ok i think i found it- the @reply to rekire
my eyes
i see now
hi all
any1 here work on TWILIO integration (VOIP Libray for iPhone )
@Commandrea which one?
so, in words what did it do to an array?
id[] equals 1 plus and
but idk why the and is there...
& is for each GET parameter. So it broke the array into parameters for the GET request.
I mean the +
the & is there because we have str_replace('&amp;...
no +
Forget about str_replace for now, tereško suggested a format of id=1+2+3 etc.
how many get parameters is that?
correct. What does + represent in a query?
no, it represents the space character.
How should you pass "1 2 3" to http_build_query?
(oops, I pretty much answered it).
you are bad at leading questions
lol, yes. That should be How should you pass id=1+2+3 to http_build_query?
I'm sorry- I'm usually a very eager student-
I'm sapped
oh oh
no nm
@Commandrea you can also edit your text in this chat just hold your mouse over your written line
I want to know is it possible to leak the facebook photos of anyone
as it's image has hash names
yes simply save the url and wait that the owner deleted them. facebook won't delete the images just removes them from the walls and so on :P
ower?means owner
visit this link and report me what you have seen fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/…
$url= str_replace('','', http_build_query($data));
@Commandrea If you followed my logic from above you would see that str_replace isn't the answer here.
@Webtecher some guy who looks like from india
you have no relation with this boy but still saw his image now i want to know is it possible to generate name and trying to download them from any supercomputer
@Webtecher facebook is evil i thought that all users knows but ignores that.
@Friend stop spam
@friend are you sure that these dots are included in url
@Webtecher with that many digits, I'd say you were unlikely to find a hit very often. There are at least a more than a tredecillion (10^42 woah, thats big) numbers represented by that string times the number of people on the planet.
I heard from a google guy that they could download wikipedia in about 30 minutes. I think that could be possible^^
@Paul Yeah i agree but by chance..
How do you think facebook would react to the number of failed requests you'd need to generate?
I think there are so many access to their content servers how should they save all the data
Ok lets leave fb now
emm ... are you actually still using it ?
the last week when i daily logged in into facebook was like 2-3 years ago
I just use facebook to learn how to implement social bullshit :-D
I use facebook to know my results announcement dates

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