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room for sql is empty so will try here to ask, sorry for offtopic
in oracle 10g express editon working with HR database, can i somehow avoid hr prefix...

FROM employees;

instead of hr.employees; ?
when connecting to the DB, specify the used database
USE hr;
@nikiC how to do that ?
55 secs ago, by webarto
USE hr;
What's the best way to validate the input argument types for a function?

e.g. if a function operates on two integers, should it let PHP handle type-juggling questionable inputs? Or should a guard clause explicitly verify that the input is an integer with is_int()?
I'm strictly talking about domain/business logic...not anything that should be touching raw user input.
@Srle Your Database API provides some way to do that. E.g. with PDO you specify it in the DNS string. Or, as @webarto mentioned, you can also manually issue a USE query.
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
@Srle What database are you using?
Ah, Oracle
I thought you're using MySQL ^^
@Srle what sql server are you using?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Oracle ^^
@NikiC MySQL is owned by Oracle, just to add to confusion :P
@webarto Yeah, and Oracle sucks :)
@NikiC sorry I'm blind :P
@JoshuaJohnson It depends ... strict scalar typehinting in that scenario is basically saying that you don't trust yourself. I find it increasingly rare that I have many scalar arguments anyway. Often, object typehinting covers my bases. If you aren't dealing with outside user input it may be best to simply perform a cast (int) on the data.
Symfony is starting to suck now, i tried using forms with symfony and i hate code generators with 0 customization, when building a site on a mvc framework, is it ok to use only the bare minimum?
I'd never use a "code generator" because I'm way too much of a control freak.
@Yohann closing as not constructive
@Srle I really have no idea about Oracle, but just looking at the docs (php.net/manual/en/function.oci-connect.php) it looks like the third argument is the database name
@Srle are we talking about PHP or commandline?
tuff, i can avoid these with something like
create public synonym employees for hr.employees;
@RepWhoringPeeHaa constructive? @rdlowrey me too , i was thinking of only using routing controllers, entity classes
@Yohann "when building a site on a mvc framework, is it ok to use only the bare minimum?" what does this mean?
As long as you know what you're doing you can't go wrong rolling your own. You won't get much sympathy from this room if you're having "framework problems," though :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa the essential non-code-generating-behind-your-back parts
@rdlowrey well i dont really mind frameworks sometimes doing stuff automatically to reduce the load on the developer, but doing that and not documenting it is painful
@rdlowrey Maybe this is a whole other can of worms...but it seems like distrusting callers is a good thing. Am I wrong?
@rdlowrey replace framework with learning.. still win.. it is the ultimate replacement
@JoshuaJohnson I agree, that's why I said it depends. An object is preferable because you can typehint it. With scalar parameters it depends on the method. If it's a private/protected internal method, it's only ever going to be called by your own code, so there should be no need to check it. If it's not coming from user-input, scalar arguments should be fairly rare.
@Yohann You'll find @CarrieKendall agrees with me on this: people often use frameworks because they don't know how to do something themselves. Learning is always preferable to a framework.
chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=tag%3Acv-pls&room=11. 993 and counting. I don't know whether to celebrate or just be really really sad
@rdlowrey yeah before i tried out the framework, i actually wrote alot of php , and i found it simple and easy....frameworks are too large for me
while at frameworks, what do you guys think basic one should have... 1) autoloader 2) routing 3) ...
@webarto it depends on what you need
It may just be me, but the plugin makes me feel smarter. Having the vast, overarching stupidity of the general public constantly brought to my attention is at least a reminder that I'm not an unqualified moron (like the OPs in bad questions).
it makes me feel popular.. then i alt+tab :[
@webarto I agree completely agree with @RepWhoringPeeHaa ... there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all framework. You should have a collection of tools that you can mix and match for a lightweight solution to whatever you're trying to accomplish.
@CarrieKendall lol same
@rdlowrey Makes sense. Have any favorite references (internet/print/etc.) on the subject? Code Complete is the only book I've got that touches on the topic.
Mind=Blown. IE8 helped us debug an issue that neither Chrome nor FireFox could. What is this world coming to???
@ircmaxell oh snap.
yes work done off to home
IE tends to actually be more strict than most browsers
at least with the DOM
one such instance is really malformed innerHTML calls
IE is going to become the new Hipster coder browser of choice ... I just know it. All these years as a punching bag.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa @rdlowrey guess it always depends on needs, there's no real asnwer
IE ... it's the new PBR in a brown-bag.
"hipster" is the new "fascism"
it is completely devoid of meaning
Well, IE is the old fascism. It's like white upper-middle class American kids wearing Che Guevara tee shirts.
I'm referring to an umbrella term which is used as a pejorative but no longer has a tangible definition
I agree with you completely. I'm just making jokes :)
It was debugging a Flash-JS bridge. IE exposes the methods as dom methods on the dom object, Chrome and FF hide them
ExternalInterface right?
I loathe that API
What would be the best way of separating a string with a comma into two parts? explode?
@KevinMurphy by reading the manual
Trying to shorten this: $accepts_limit_and_order_for_update_and_delete.
Anybody have a better suggestion than $updateAndDeletePeripherals?
posted on April 05, 2012 by Bradley Holt

Use of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern is generally accepted as a best practice in modern web applications. Like all design patterns, MVC is a reusable solution to a common problem. The MVC pattern is intended to address the following concerns: Support for multiple types of clients Reduce duplicate code when supporting multiple types of clients Isolating domain logic from the u

@KevinMurphy There are a ton of ways to do it. If you're comfortable with explode and it meets your requirements, just use explode
@rdlowrey alrighty thanks
@Feeds , that promises to be something horrid
@tereško Rule of thumb: if (false !== strpos($title, 'MVC')) skip();
@tereško Actually, it makes a good point or two
i still haven't read it
then read it
"clean the damned room" takes precedence
( if that's the correct word )
It's not too long, which is a plus in my book
it starts off well, then takes a left turn, but the first 2/3 is googd
@ircmaxell Basically, when it hit the part about Slim.
I turned at Slim :)
up to there, I was happy with it
@LeviMorrison Avoiding what the article mentions in terms of "Fat Controllers" is essentially what I was getting at when suggesting one controller class per HTTP verb "action"
there's no need for that
Maybe not, but there's no harm if the exact controller class you need is autoloaded transparently
that leads to classes like this:
I'm not strictly advocating that, just saying generally if I had, for example, vastly different behaviors for a PUT request vs. a GET request I would likely split them into two classes instead of one Controller class with Controller::get and Controller::put together
:3188306 Haha ... I don't think it's a good idea to go that far :)
final class Class_View_Helper_MakeStringURLFriendly extends Views
    final public function makeStringURLFriendly($string,$lookup='')
                        return ModelClass::makeStringURLFriendly($string,$lookup);
                        return '';
const METHOD_GET = 'GET';
const METHOD_PUT = 'PUT';
this code is hilarious
@ircmaxell I'm saying more along the lines of the following where you isolate functionality that you need for a specific resource in a RESTful context ...
class UserFriends
    protected $dep;

    public function __construct(Dependency $dep)
        $this->dependency = $dep;

    public function get() {
        // do stuff

    protected function somethingOnlyGetMethodNeeds()
        // ...

    protected function somethingElseOnlyGetMethodUses()
        // ...

class UserFriendsStore
    protected $dep;

    public function __construct(Dependency $dep)
        $this->dependency = $dep;
I prefer RMR actually
What is RMR?
How do I create a mysql timestamp in php? Can I use SQL to generate one?
Q: Which open source PHP project has the 'perfect' OOP design I can learn from?

aditya menonI am a newbie to OOP, and I learn best by example. You could say this question is similar to Which Scala open source projects should I study to learn best coding practices - but in PHP. I have heard-tell that Symfony has the best 'architecture' (I will not pretend I know what that exactly means...

Anyone cares to give a good answer to this one? ^^^
@ircmaxell I agree with that, RMR then. I guess my argument rests on the scenario where you have a lot of protected/private functionality in your class that only applies to specific methods. And it just occurred to me that such a situation likely represents a design failure rather than a need to split the related HTTP method verb mappers into separate classes.
@YannisRizos The two existing answers are so terrible
@YannisRizos certainly a good laugh can be given
@YannisRizos /cc @rdlowrey Antrax is good, right? Put it there :)
@NikiC LOL yeah for sure.
That's what SO is for, right? Shamelessly promoting your pet projects in answers to blind questions?
@rdlowrey You got the gist.
And rep whoring.
Oh yeah, I think both of those are in the F.A.Q. somewhere
@rdlowrey Hm?
@ircmaxell One of these days I'm going to have a thoroughly nuanced opinion on something and change your mind (as opposed to the other way around). And there will be much rejoicing.
@YannisRizos The answers to that question are garbage, IMHO.
@rdlowrey Yes they are, I've hovered above delete more than once. The question isn't stellar either, but I think he comes from a good place and don't want to close it, at least not before he gets a decent answer.
A: Which open source PHP project has the 'perfect' OOP design I can learn from?

ircmaxellWell, personally I would say check out Symfony2. It's pretty much the best end-to-end large project that I've seen yet. That's not to say there aren't bad parts to it, but as a whole, it's pretty good. Now, Zend is in the middle. If you look at the public API, it's pretty good. There are som...

@YannisRizos Nevermind, check the answer @ircmaxell just posted.
@ircmaxell Great thanks.
hey all
@ircmaxell I wonder, where does your 419 reputation on programmers come from? You only had that one single answer...
Oh geez ... now I need to accumulate 25 more rep points on programmers just so I can return to that answer and down-vote.
@AndyPerlitch hola
@rdlowrey lol
@NikiC +30 deleted answer.
@rdlowrey @lol
@YannisRizos copy and paste please :P
ah, okay :D
You didn't expect that now, did you ;) That was the answer...
That's a typical +30 answer :D
@YannisRizos Is this why all PHP conferences have beer?
@YannisRizos I passed Facebook test i.minus.com/iPkNsXTUeZmZ6.png :P but if heard it, then it's OK. They have variety of jobs, it's no top secret.
@webarto ;P
@levi you should see debconf (debian conference), that was some weird s***.
wonder if anyone got the job at Facebook, from Stackoverflow :) they were recruiting like mad...
@LeviMorrison Last saturday I posted an answer on Programmers while exceptionally drunk. Long story short, it got to +10 (which is quite good on Programmers) and accepted. Ballmer peak is real...
@YannisRizos It is real! I'll never forget ... right before the toughest exam I had in all my university years I downed three beers because I was so stressed. The first 5 minutes of the test I just stared at the paper and didn't do anything. After that, project DOMINATE THE PROFESSOR commenced and I aced that bad boy.
He actually emailed me over the holiday break to tell me what a well-written exam I submitted. All thanks to the Ballmer peak.
@rdlowrey So, I was meshing all the parts of my project together.
I have a repository, the app, which contains a submodule Artax. Artax also contains three submodules.
There needs to be a git updateEverythingIncludingSubSubmodules.
Otherwise you do stuff like
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd Artax
git submodule init
git submodule update

just to get all the code base.
@LeviMorrison sorry :) I'll make sure I update everything when I make changes going forward.
And I'll do that now too.
I still haven't even switched to the dev branch to get the code!
Nice :) Okay, everything is updated now. Shall I merge Http-dev with Http-master while I'm at it?
@rdlowrey I would have had some great stories, if only I could remember anything in the morning...
@rdlowrey Sure. Once less thing for me to keep track of.
@ircmaxell Thanks again for the answer, the question is getting close votes so I'll probably close it soon, but at least the poor guy got a good answer... Back to fighting the flag queue...
Hi all
Silly Q:
Q: Does C++ have less functions than PHP?

LinkskuI'm learning C++; I'm already fluent in PHP. I read up the differences between C++ and PHP. None of the articles that I read mentioned that PHP has far more built in functions than C++. Right now, I'm trying to split a string in C++ and I found this: How to split a string in C++? In PHP, I can s...

Woah I didn't know you got bonuses for associated accounts. Will that keep happening if I turn into a Stack Exchange slut and join lots of other sites?
@rdlowrey You only get 100
But it's nice to not have to fight to get those super basic privileges.
@LeviMorrison It is. Okay, all the submodules and the top-level repo are fully up to date.
@NikiC I had another that was closed
lol, it's a bug in SE
but I'll keep the additional reputation
I had an epic answer to a post
@YannisRizos :-D
@rdlowrey THanks. So, how do I use your dependency injection whatnot?
@LeviMorrison Depends on what you want to do. What you should avoid is passing the container in to objects on your own. That turns it into a service locator.
@rdlowrey I have a controller that requires a model in its constructor.
If using only the Core libs you shouldn't need to directly interface with it at all. The mediator instance simply uses it to lazy-load class listeners from their string name.
Can you typehint the model class in in Controller::__construct?
Then that's all you need to do. Router::dispatch will automatically invoke the controller with an instance of the typehinted model.
As long as it's specified in the constructor it's loaded automatically.
I specifically disallowed scalar parameters in constructors as far as auto dependency injection is concerned.
You can also typehint Interfaces or Abstract classes and they will be auto-injected for you but you have to pre-specify a definition so the DIC knows what type of object to pass in.
@Neal: no it doesn't answer the question. There are many ways of handling something like that, and you say you don't know right in the answer
> 500 Internal Server Error exception 'Artax\Core\ProviderDefinitionException' with message 'Provider instantiation failure: Controller\Queue doesn't exist and could not be autoloaded' in /var/sites/lol/php/Artax/Core/src/Artax/Core/Provider.php:399 Stack trace: #0 /var/sites/lol/php/Artax/Core/src/Artax/Core/Provider.php(265): Artax\Core\Provider->getInjectedInstance('Controller\Queu/ . . . .
@rdlowrey So . . . I have another autoloader, but yours panics when it can't load it.
really? Throwing exceptions from an autoloader?
@LeviMorrison No, that has nothing to do with the autoloader
@ircmaxell I did say on the 2nd line
The bundled autoloader checks if the class name starts with `Artax\` and returns if not.
@Neal: read my last comment
@rdlowrey: does it ever throw an exception?
It just does a require
Oh ok
does it do a file_exists first?
The exception results from the fatal error
Ah hah
Is there a need to file_exists? If the class can't be loaded it should be fatal.
PHP will fatal for you
let other autoloaders take a crack at it
I know, the autoloader doesn't throw.
via require without file_exists, it does
Right, I understand that. But if it's an Artax package, the autoloader will handle it. Period. It's not my autoloader that causes the exception.
It's the fact that the class can't be found by any autoloader.
well, what if it's an artax package that lives in another location (and hence has another autoloader for it)
But that would require messing with the internals after distribution which someone shouldn't do anyway, right?
@LeviMorrison That error is caused because no autoloaders were able to find Controller\Queue ... the built-in autoloader should have nothing to do with that ...
@rdlowrey I see. Maybe my test cases for my autoloader and my app environment aren't the same.
The first line of the built-in autoloader is:
if (0 === strpos($cls, 'Artax\\')) {
So if it's not in the Artax namespace the autoloader returns immediately.
@ircmaxell I understand what you're saying ... I just disallowed that behavior right now to avoid the unnecessary disk access because it's not a possibility ... I think it's a bad idea to have 20 different autoloaders creating unnecessary disk access "misses" for each autoload. I can at least ensure that if you haven't hacked up the Artax internals you won't have any extra disk reads that you didn't need.
Also, the autoloader is only registered in the bootstrap file, so if you're using component parts outside the scope of the full bootstrapped version you're expected to provide your own anyway.
@rdlowrey So I have a class that requires a Pdo, but obviously I need to provide default parameters.
How to do that with your provider?
@LeviMorrison I have an example ready for you for that specific case.
@LeviMorrison If github will let me access it to find the link ... hold on
@LeviMorrison Okay, you have a couple of options. First, do you only use a single PDO connection for the entire life of the script?
@rdlowrey Naturally :)
@LeviMorrison Okay, then it's easy.
The only drawback with that method is that you'll be establishing a PDO connection for every script execution regardless of whether you end up needing one or not. You could alternatively wrap your PDO connectivity in a decorator object so that a connection is only made when the decorator is instantiated.
And use the Decorator, call it ConnectionManager, as the typehinted dependency that your model class requires.
And possibly specify a Config typehint in the ConnectionManager::__construct to house your db credentials to avoid hard-coding them into the ConnectionManager
And mark the Config class as shared in the context of the DIC.
@rdlowrey The only page they won't be using the database on is the landing page, so it is not big deal.
Cool. I thought about it a bit and decided it would be better to force myself to use a more OO paradigm than to allow scalar injection parameters. And you can get around the aforementioned issue with some simple OO manipulation like I mentioned.
@rdlowrey Found a bug. Your sharing class names are case sensitive, but they aren't in PHP.
There aren't many cases where you want to ask for non-objects in your constructors anyway ... though PDO is an exception.
@LeviMorrison Please elaborate. Not sure I totally understand what you're saying.
$pdo = new Pdo(

$axDeps->share('Pdo', $pdo);
Fails, because the defined name is PDO.
Also, I requested it as Pdo, so that's not the issue.
Okay, let me see if I can't fix that real quick without breaking tests :)
It's amazing all the things that you're never able to account for in tests because you think like you and not like someone else.
I'd ahve just fixed it myself, but I'm on a tight timeline lol
@LeviMorrison no problem. Any chance you can tell me the line number you got from the exception? Or did you just see that it was a problem?
'Cannot provision PDO::__construct: no typehint or default NULL value specified at argument1' in /var/sites/lol/php/Artax/Core/src/Artax/Core/Provider.php:505 Stack trace: #0 /var/sites/lol/php/Artax/Core/src/Artax/Core/Provider.php(419): Artax\Core\Provider->getDepsSansDefinition('PDO', Array) #1 /var/sites/lol/php/Artax/Core/src/Artax/Core/Provider.php(265): Artax\Core\Provider->getInjectedInstance('PDO', NULL)
@LeviMorrison thanks
@LeviMorrison I haven't been able to duplicate the exception with differently-cased class names. Can you paste the code where you explicitly create the PDO instance and share it? i.e. ...
$pdo = new PDO("sqlite::memory");
$axDeps->share('PDO', $pdo);
Oh, I'm a moron, didn't even see that.
20 mins ago, by Levi Morrison
$pdo = new Pdo(

$axDeps->share('Pdo', $pdo);
K, back to work :)
@LeviMorrison Okay, that bug should be resolved. All tests are back to green.
committed and pushed to submodule and main repo
@LeviMorrison Pdo :(
@NikiC What about it?
@LeviMorrison The case :P
I'm usually pro-camelCase for everything but it never occurred to me to use Pdo over PDO
@NikiC Consider XMLHTTPRequest. That's ridiculously ugly. XmlHttpRequest is much better.
@LeviMorrison PDO is PDO. It isn't Pdo. Don't change the case. Don't use PHP's case insensitiveness.
Use it like it was defined
If it's defined as XmlHttpRequest, use that. If it's defined as PDO, use that.
I just can't stand it when people use something in a different case. strPos. strLen. Ugly.
@NikiC Inconsistency drives me crazy. I'm going to use the same case for everything.
@LeviMorrison That always makes me wish that PHP - like any sane language - was case-sensitive.
In PHP only variable names are cs.
@LeviMorrison The problem was that the shared instances are stored in a key => value array, so that share('Pdo', new PDO(...)); results in $shared['Pdo'], but when the comparison was done from the constructor parameter reflection, PHP reports PDO as the typehint, so it wasn't finding your Pdo shared instance in the storage array.
Because 'Pdo' !== 'PDO', obviously. Anyway, no longer an issue.
Good reason not to use non-standard case.
It might work when writing out plainly, but will fail in other cases.
a couple of simple strtolower calls (at least for my purposes) solve everything.
For libraries that point of failure is typically the autoloader.
@NikiC You know, I used to lament the case insensitivity. But then I realized that people shouldn't be able to create three classes: XmlRequest, XMLRequest, and xmlrequest.
As long as you aren't doing pDo like a moron I don't care how you do it :)
Especially with the rise of PSR-0 rolling out your own casing is dangerous :)
Reminds me that I should change my autoloaders away from using PSR-0 directory mapping
So that people like @LeviMorrison could use it ^^
leet-speak class naming!
@LeviMorrison In my eyes case insensitivity is just trouble. Think of all the trouble caused by the Windows filesystem.
@rdlowrey needs more leet
I know ... I'm a 1337-n00b
@NikiC But should C:\Windows and C:\windows really be allowed to co-exist? I think THAT causes much more confusion.
Not in the least
It depends more on what what you're aim is: developer ease, or user ease
@LeviMorrison The answer, as always, is: It depends.
I'd argue that even though it is possible to create /usr and /Usr and /USR on Linux, still nobody does it. There doesn't seem to be a problem with it being allowed. But if you do need it, you can.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa nice
Technology === 1337 :-)
In anything user-facing, user ease is king.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Lasers === 1337 ... Sharks with frickin' laser beams ... uber-1337
@LeviMorrison Sorry for my reaction over that Pdo. I have a serious coding style problem :(
@NikiC As do I, and we differ :)
"Remember that non-voting members are not obligated to follow the PSR standards.
Once inside of voting, you are likely to implement them, liking or not.", camelCase will win, unfortunately :P
Sure it will.
Are there alternatives?
I'm in serious need of the weekend.
Even if there were no alternatives, forcing something is not good, just because coding style is different, that piece of software could get labeled as bad because it does not follow standards.
you wouldn't like the method I use to judge libraries :D
It basically is to open an arbitrary file in the project and a) check whether it uses tabs for indentation and b) whether it uses static methods :P
@NikiC Now THAT is funny.
@NikiC and should libs have both or at least one of them to be good?
@LeviMorrison The method has proven to be very accurate :P
I'll consider the PSR standards gospel as soon as the people writing them don't have massive design flaws in their frameworks.
And not before.
when I finish coding, I remove \n to make the code faster :D
and \t of course
@NikiC care to explain what is wrong with little static methods? :)
I never finish coding.
@webarto . . . are you serious? That's awful!
@webarto If you give me a particular example, I can tell you what's wrong with it :P
I prefer tOgGlE cAsE: xMlReQuEsT
It's the right type of typing for boozed coding sessions @ night.
@hakre I think your capitalization strategy just got loose and ate a small child for breakfast.
This is my preferred static metaphor at the moment: daedtech.com/static-methods-time-to-hit-rock-bottom
And I think it's time for a patch so it's possible to enter some numbers instead of letter to allow 1337.
@rdlowrey static methods are fine if you're well with procedural programming and you have a master degree in static global state.
So OOP is for those who don't trust their own skills ^^
Yeah, but the static global state programs are so hard to get admitted to!
Those coders are that much in fear that they need to encapsulate everything and double-check their mess with tests all over ;)
@LeviMorrison well you have to close the file eventually :P Of course not, just kidding.
@LeviMorrison I think I'm going to change the Mediator instance variable from $artax to $mediator and $axDeps to $container or $provider after boot to avoid ambiguity and make it clear exactly what's happening. Any opposition before I do so?
Wouldn't it be technically possible to put two us-ascii chars into one byte and by that shrink the size of a typical PHP file to ~50%?
Anyone here recently install cakePHP on HostGator site and can help me out?
And this would also reduce I/O load by reading the files from disk.
@hakre Just run gzip over it, you'll get much better compression results ;)
@rdlowrey No, I just have to rename some vars in one file :)
@LeviMorrison Should I change Provider to Container while I'm at it? What is your preference between those two?
@rdlowrey I actually like Provider more than Container.
@LeviMorrison Okay. Done. I'm going to push those changes in a minutes, so next time you pull you'll need to migrate $artax --> $mediator and $axDeps --> $provider
Do you firefox guys still want the cv helper plugin?
I used to be a firefox guy ... chrome is just sexier. FF people should come over to the dark side. If nothing else do it for the sweet cv helper plugin.
A started using FF because IE sucks. Then I started using Chrome when FF started to suck. How long will it take for the chrome devs to fuck things up?
Which reminds me ... I need to register at stackapps so I can upvote stackapps.com/questions/3298/cv-pls-helper-chrome-extension
and so should others ...
@NikiC I'll quench it with 7zip ;)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa yes
on my laptop, IE8 is performing better than Firefox, dunno whats up with it...
@rdlowrey yeah, the settings page looks just gorgeous.
@NikiC k. will see what i come up with this weekend
@hakre :-) it sure does
@RepWhoringPeeHaa yes from me too
k. It should be pretty easy to port if I'm not mistaken.
time to sleep
night, me too, tired, I fall asleep now ;)
later 2u2 :)
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