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1:00 PM
@DaveRandom noice, I thought command parameters were separated by spaces? Or is that just limited to two?
@Wes I haven't seen latest yet but I do agree it's too staged. It's just like most popular US TV :/
@DaveRandom kinda makes the !!help change redundant now :P
!!reminder foo in 7 seconds
Reminder set.
@Ekin foo
@DaveRandom you wot mate?
1:04 PM
@JayIsTooCommon last check says not limited? (or did I misread your question)
@JayIsTooCommon They are and no they are not limited
github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/commit/… It was this line that made me ask
oh for alias
dunno what that manc guy tries to do :P
ooooooh wait wat
Imma just ignore the commit message and think "that's cool"
but I mean if parameters are defined by spaces, why would you implode a parameter on spaces? Or am I missing something :P
I don't remember why we needed to implode when using $command->getParameter($index) etc again
lol. yeah
1:09 PM
something something normalizing it
ok ok
The honest answer is....
^ /cc @bwoebi @Trowski
1:10 PM
It's my fault
wait wat
Let me read again what you are all trying to say
@kelunik o.O must be glitch, @bwoebi isn't that good.
yes. No idea what he's doing there
It's a bug
It doesn't do anything
getParams doesn't accept an arg iirc
What is my fault though is that we do implode(" ", $command->getParameters()) a lot in the project
public function getParameters(int $skip = 0): array
/me shuts up now
I thought it didn't too :D
1:14 PM
I thought it was getting the 1st parameter
Nope that's getParam
without the s
I hope
Not sure about anything anymore now
makes sense now :P
1:15 PM
while you're both here... rust tonight? :D
Errrr maybe :P
do it boy
hellweek is over me thinks
1:17 PM
that's bf mode, right?
but I got 60k something rp, so :P
poop :(
@Ekin Does that get transfered?
That would be pretty nice
yes :D and you know this
1:18 PM
I do?
once again.. @PeeHaa stop being such a social auntie and sort a mic
oooh not transfered, but non whiped
ah, yeah those stay
you win rp when you blow up those topkek builds
@JayIsTooCommon bitch please I want to, but I've been... ermmm busy? :P
pfft :P
1:19 PM
@Ekin wat
@kelunik wtf :-D
@PeeHaa oh lol :D
And you kept that from me why exactly :P
hahaha I thought you... would just realize it
1:20 PM
Would you guys work for 6 months as an intern for $1000/month
I just thought it was funny to blow them up and that's it :P
omg I feel stupid now :P
New rule: if you find out about anything in game just consider I have no clue what I am doing and just tell me :P
Let me ask you something else... when you want to chat what key do you use to open the chat window?
@samayo Depends on where you live.
this blew my mind..
1:23 PM
Switzerland @DejanMarjanovic
if she knows this one too I am going crazy
You've basically covered bread and water.
@PeeHaa chat window? I just use t to type or hit enter? can't be sure about enter atm
you kinda confused me now, lol...
show off.
@PeeHaa kk :D
1:24 PM
You knew about enter...
@JayIsTooCommon I might be around later tonight, picked up a cheap Rust on the humble bundle
@DejanMarjanovic I am on welfare so, the 1K is additional
also you knew about t, you told me that
@Leigh \o/!!!!
@PeeHaa ^
1:25 PM
yes. t. And just t
Bread + Water + Milk from Aldi
You're a parasite, that's what you are.
Going out for a meal though, might not be drunk enough to play by the time I get home
1:26 PM
@Leigh You're so cheap
Why wouldn't you work then? @samayo
Blame Brexit
@DejanMarjanovic I would rather find a real job, I am too old for internship.
inauguration could do with a cancellation
1:29 PM
Can anyone ELI0 puppet?
I am having it confused in between docker/vagrant
@JayIsTooCommon He'd still be president of the yunited states
@Trucy would he? /me has no idea how the world works
@JayIsTooCommon Yup. At noon 20th January, the old president steps out and the new president steps in
oic, didn't know it was automatic
1:31 PM
Hopefully it is
Imagine if in 4 years the president refuses to do the inauguration
Hello php experts
@Trucy :P
wow, I'm now a PHP expert /me edits her resume
Can any one help me with codeigniter with MSSQL queries
@Leigh yeah, nah mate.
1:33 PM
@tereško Happy birthday and all the best wishes
@fabor I believe that did not work
@Danack Not sure what you're trying to say.
'yeah nah' => 'I understand what you're saying but hell no to that.'
"Sydney, Australia"
I knew it
@Danack So you think that is acceptable code?
1:37 PM
@samayo puppet sucks. Use Ansible. ELI0 enough?
@Gordon Weren't you the one touting for puppet here :)?
If it wasn't for you, I would have no need for a puppet to begin with
Not even slightly....it's the type of code that makes junior devs feel good ("Look how productive I'm being") - and then is a complete pita to comprehend when you come to maintain it.
Right, thought you were saying "hell no" to the fact that kind of code is pissing me off :p
1:40 PM
@samayo no. I always hated puppet. it's ruby and they use the term class for something that is not a class. or maybe it is, but I am dev and have the term class mapped to something else. Also, I failed to setup a lamp stack with it in four hours, so I gave up and decided to hate it instead.
@JayIsTooCommon no it (effectively) does a direct string translation /cc @PeeHaa github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/src/Chat/Message/…
@DigantShah the query in the error message bears no resemblance to what you're attempting to do in your code. Either you've made a mistake in how you're using the codeignitor query stuff, or there is something else stupid going on.
You should either find a query that is working in your code base, and look at what the difference is between that, and the code example you gave, or step through the code you are calling with a debugger, to understand what it is doing.
@Danack this my model function paste.ofcode.org/uaKJeNM4dTV743DBcVq7AH
@DaveRandom My bad - i thought getParameters(1) was asking for the first parameter. So didn't understand the implode(). Now I understand
Yes it's not obvious what that does, unfortunately
1:42 PM
@DigantShah at the risk of getting meta - why did you reply to my suggestion of how you should debug your problem with sending me some more code?
And yes that's true about !!help @JayIsTooCommon, but by the same token I always wanted !!help to be built-in (i.e. not possible to remap)
So in that regard it's better to be hard-coded
ugh, also right now it's possible to do this
@DaveRandom I have been running for 1 hour, 9 minutes and 22 seconds, since 2017-01-20 12:36:16
!!alias uptime friday
Command '!!uptime' aliased to '!!friday'
!!unalias uptime
Alias '!!uptime' removed
ah it bypasses the inbuilt protection
yes, need to patch that
1:46 PM
Hold my beer:
!!alias alias friday
Command '!!alias' aliased to '!!friday'
god damn it
This is the best
!!alias unalias friday
of course.
@Danack hehehehehe
ok ok, enough of that, don't make me have to manually edit the json files :-P
1:48 PM
just need to alias unalias now :P
@DaveRandom too late
we pwnd ur b0t
@DaveRandom I have been running for 15 seconds, since 2017-01-20 13:56:01
@Gordon that sucks, I hate to admit though I got relief knowing I am not the only one who wastes hours on trying something out
1:56 PM
!!unalias alias
Alias '!!alias' removed
@samayo thanks
you thought you were being clever, but I am cleverererer
oh right :D
I will attend the meetup just to get the general idea, and move to ansinle @Gordon
1:56 PM
!!alias unalias !!friday
@Trucy I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
!!alias unalias friday
@JayIsTooCommon Command 'unalias' is built in and cannot be altered
1:57 PM
r11 now does pentesting
Although I must admit I'm now considering making !!uptime translate to !!friday on fridays
@DaveRandom Do it :D
(also other easter eggs)
[ Jeeves ] [ c41460c ] I hate you people - Commited by: Chris Wright on 20.01.2017 13:55
2:07 PM
rofl :D
Never noticed before that Russia looks like a silhouette of a guy who's mid-faceplant
How can I star that commit? github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/commit/…
@tereško what's the bottom-left one?
2:10 PM
a russia
Ah I see :-)
@Shafizadeh USSR
oh !
@tereško Were you even alive while it was still called that? :-P
.. obviously @littlepootis and @DaveRandom don't do history
2:12 PM
you guessed right
@tereško and you do?
@kelunik hence I ran !!changelog here ^^
@littlepootis :-)
2:13 PM
@Shafizadeh both my brother and my father are historians
really?!?! great :-)
I have acquired some knowledge due to proximity
nice ..!
now that I think about it, everyone in my family tree is either historians nor medical doctor
Your brothers have more age than you?
2:14 PM
@Ekin Missed that.
@Shafizadeh a bit younger
ok :-)
have they married?
creepy question? ^
Sooooooooooooooo it looks like it's not me
That's horrible
needs more gradians
Needs less cards
2:17 PM
> if you don't like this look, just delete all your google cookies from your browser and you'll see it's back to normal.
might work
1 sec
Or use duckduckgo
@Trucy Can't
I don't like it very much
Eh, why so?
It's not that bad
2:19 PM
Google results are better. And having to remember shortcuts is hard
@Trowski @bwoebi @WyriHaximus @daviddan github.com/async-interop/promise/issues/42 < Any ideas?
!yt friday
Can !!issue open issues on otter repos at some point in future?
@Ekin not unless pre-configured, requires auth
2:25 PM
just as soon as we have invented otter repos
oh wait
lol, yeah realized the typo a few seconds later, kept anyway
yeah, I liked it :D
@Ekin probs not, it would be from Jeeves all the time. Probably wouldn't be practical
someone already invented them, but accidentally committed a dog to the otter repo ...
2:28 PM
git blame doggo.dog
@JayIsTooCommon Hmm. I probably wouldn't mind that much alas Jeeves profile or something makes it clear it's Room-11 org.
But that's just me.
not sure if repo authors would like it though
My initial thought was it might have been useful for repos people work in here, anyway.
who can use issue ?
2:30 PM
!!admin list
Adil Ilhan, Andrea, bwoebi, Danack, DaveRandom, Ekin, Fabor, Florian Margaine, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, Gordon, ircmaxell, JayIsTooCommon, Jeeves, Jimbo, Joe Watkins, kelunik, Levi Morrison, NikiC, Paul Crovella, PeeHaa, rdlowrey, Ronni Skansing, Saitama, salathe, Sean, tereško, Tiffany, Wes
then we can assume it will be used sensibly
@JoeWatkins @Jimbo is in there
@JoeWatkins @PeeHaa is in the list
seems useful to allow issue to be used on other repos anyway ... a few times I would have used it for other-than-jeeves things ...
2:32 PM
whats with the otters today. my colleagues are rambling about otter juice all day long, too
@JoeWatkins @DaveRandom yay / nay ?
I'm fine with it but it's a complicated impl in order to be useful, needs config which probably needs secret keys
I assume
I guess the github API won't just let you create issues willy-nilly on any repo with no key
or will it?
it will
lolwtf :-P
2:35 PM
the key is against the account, not the repo iirc
oh right, it's user level
aye, as long as the user can create the issue, so can the API. i think.
Well yeh, I would suggest then in that case that you have a !!repo-issue endpoint, that expects a user/repo as the first arg
while you're working on it ... it would be nice to be able to get whole conversations in the body of an issue ... or at least a range of messages ...
That way you can do !!alias php-issue repo-issue php/php-src
2:36 PM
That'd be very nice indeed
@JoeWatkins hmm
something like !issue We found a thing : 35213777 - 35213822 [~35213812]
would be quite powerful ...
php-src doesn't accept issues ...
Yes, a browser extension could let you manipulate that in a sexy gui way
@JoeWatkins example :-P
oh right
2:38 PM
@Danack broke @Jeeves, then @DaveRandom fixed it. I finally caught up on recent chat events.
Just anotter friday in r11
anybody aware of BC breaks with the Auryn 1.0 release? we are still on 0.14 and I want to update... the release notes dont mention whether api changed or something....
Technically I also broke it, @Danack just pointed out how badly I broke it
^ @kelunik maybe?
!!issue Command ID - Get command iD to postMessage() in chat client.
2:39 PM
@JayIsTooCommon Issue created - github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/issues/143
@kelunik not yet, but about to go into a meeting will respond later today :)
@Tiffany you also forgot that today it is friday
@Trucy oh I know. I can wear jeans on Fridays.
@Trucy :P
@Tiffany What?
2:44 PM
gawd, trump has arrived
Sorry yeh, I had beans for breakfast
you're such a dad.
This graveyard looks overcrowded, people must be dying to get in there
@JayIsTooCommon does it mean that the whining will end?
2:45 PM
@tereško nope
... well .. at least it might stop the escalation in USA-Russia relations
yes, I see the positive side to that situation too. The rest is a shitfest
I swear every time a new general syntax gets proposed someone always wants to special case something.
@Trucy at work. I have to wear professional clothes on weekdays, except Fridays, which I can wear jeans. :D
@Tiffany I assume that you have to wear a dress on weekdays?
2:49 PM
@JayIsTooCommon to me the worst part is the implosion of mainstream media
but that might be just my experience
@Trucy nope! they couldn't make me wear a dress. I wear slacks.
anyway, I'm gonna try watching this live stream: youtube.com/watch?v=4epSD3a8oUo ... should be entertaining
@tereško I'm sorry
@tereško youtube.com/watch?v=y60wDzZt8yg this one has pretty decent shots if that's shit
2:53 PM
@Tiffany I'm gonna be paying more attention to the shitloards doing a live commentary
(hence my choice of stream)
@tereško I didn't realize it was a troll stream until I linked it to soemone else
@tereško How are you going to watch the livestream with Sargon interupting it every 4 seconds
2:55 PM
@samayo yeah, that's a bit of a problem I have noticed too

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