Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well - Any suggestions on which Javascript library would work best with Laravel? I'm looking to start developing in Laravel and looking for a JS library to side with it. Thoughts? :)
this cat seriously created a sock puppet, plagiarized the only other answer to his question, then accepted the sock puppet's answer ... wtf is wrong with people stackoverflow.com/questions/30094759/…
No thanks. I've had a firefighter role before. Being constantly barraged only by how people have fucked things up did a serious number on my Cynical Asshole Syndrome.
my question is my server timezone is Europe/Berlin now i should get same date from Php Date and Php DateTime function but i am getting 6 hours difference
@Sameer There's nothing there that should make it run twice. Maybe check your access logs?
@Sameer Although, the route points to UserBundle:User:sendEmail, while the action is called resendEmailAction, not sendEmailAction, maybe you have a sendEmailAction as well? How does that look (easiest to update this in the question).
I have two arrays in Collection - one holding objects that give a number when getId() is called and one array for objects that return null (as in, not stored in DB yet)
the ones with IDs are stores in private $indexed = [];
I need a name for the other array
(and I suspect that $new might fuck with older PHP versions)
I guess it's the standard reaction when color schemes change. remember when spotify changed their app icon. everyone was freaking out for two days. lol
@MadaraUchiha I read it and didn't just copy-paste codes.... The link just fails to check the file-size of the given URL.... which is a crucial part of the equation
@ErickBest If you had read, you would have seen that curl_get_file_size is not an actual function in PHP, but one that he explained how to implement in the answer.
So I'll ask, again, please read the entire answer, before deciding that it isn't suitable for you.
@MadaraUchiha there is a given function... read the Accepted answer and try the suggested function with the link : "http://www.dailymotion.com/rss/user/dialhainaut/" ... this link contains Valid XML file... we need to check the file size and restrict it going to the DOMDocument if it eceeds 10MB
Determining the body length of a HTTP response message is not as trivial as people often think
If there's a Content-Length header then you can use it, but there won't necessarily be one. Content-Transfer-Encoding: chunked and Connection: close (either or both) mean that the server need not include a Content-Length, and frequently will not.
If you are trying to implement a client-side size limit, you can shortcut a lot of the time using Content-Length but you have to be prepared to transfer the body and bail out after $limit bytes
Is there a way to move a file between two "filesystems" which doesn't involve loading the file into memory? The problem is that I'm writing a file upload handle class, which accepts a "filesystem" interface. If the filesystem/storage isn't the local one (e.g. AWS), how should I pass the tmp_file location / details into the filesystem for it to handle?
@FlorianMargaine So the idea is that I would pass a file stream resource through to the storage/filesystem class, and expect it to use the stream to write the file to the correct location?
@JoeWatkins iirc at the beginning phpstorm "callable" didn't include [$arrays, 'method'] and "Foo::strings" so that is how people may have annotated the type
@JoeWatkins Maybe someone will write a function that will iterate an array, or the characters in a string, at some point in the future so they will also accept a callabck to lazy fetch the subject data at execution time. It would be insane, but it's a "valid" use, so any string or array must pass
@DaveRandom yes, but as far as we can figure, it doesn't matter what order you type the hints in, we have to have a predetermined order to perform checks ... so if callable is present, it needs to be assigned a priority, if we don't check it when string|array is present, its ignored ...
@JoeWatkins Well I guess my point is that all present "primitive" types (i.e. a zval IS_*) should be checked first, because they are the cheapest checks
@DaveRandom FileSystem interface has a method to accept file stream and path, and write the stream contents to the destination path. Was intending to use fopen('...', 'R') for the first param, but I'm not sure if: a) it's acceptable and b) it's type checkable
It doesn't check that it's a file handle (e.g. it could also be a stream_socket handle), but that shouldn't matter to what you are doing anyway @Sean because you are treating it as a stream of data, not specifically a file
@JoeWatkins think of it this way: userland still does not know what the type is after the check has passed, and there's no concept in the engine of type priorities (you can't say to the engine "I'd prefer this x but I'll also accept y").
@Wes This should be optimised at compile time to A, but we can't do that I guess :-(
@JoeWatkins I get the impression you may be over-thinking this. Go make a cup of tea of something :-)
user knows as much about the type if they are performed in the order they are written as they do if order is determined, it doesn't make any difference
@MadaraUchiha please see the Accepted answer for somewhat what I was looking for.. link: stackoverflow.com/questions/36761377/… ... ..and UpVote the Question...
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to thing() must be callable, string given, called in /usr/src/php-src/use.php on line 6 and defined in /usr/src/php-src/use.php:2
@FlorianMargaine what do you think of this other wonderful Answer by @Mawia HL any suggestion? .... stackoverflow.com/questions/36761377/… ... See his DEMO
@FlorianMargaine Yah... test with files like : http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/xmldatasets/data/pir/psd7003.xml which contains 683MB it quickly tells you the File is too big
Hm. Reckon it would be better to request a stream resource from the filesystem class and fwrite into it, or pass a stream resource into it and have it run something like file_put_contents? Or at this point is it just six and two threes :p
@Sean file_put_contents() requires that you have the whole block of data available in memory. To minimise memory usage and maximise performance, everything should be done with streams
@Sean also note that what you are doing is a big part of what amp is designed to do
If data is a stream resource, the remaining buffer of that stream will be copied to the specified file. This is similar with using stream_copy_to_stream().
Thought that would mean it wouldn't really hit memory as it is still just using streams?
@Sean stream_copy_to_stream() is a lot more efficient than file_put_contents(file_get_contents())
The former writes small chunks to the destination as and when they arrive from the source, whereas the latter reads all the data first then writes all the data second, in sequence
amp (and similar things) use non-blocking I/O to enable you to do this with more than one pair of streams at the same time
Ah, think I've been a bit confused. It wouldn't be file_get_contents though, it would be a stream resource. Thought behind the scenes it would have just leveraged stream_copy_to_stream