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few hours
30, 30 time
@JoeWatkins Then definitely you spent more time ^_^
user image
@Wes nice
@Wes LOL
Including the last 25 or so minutes here on SO I don't think I've spent more than an hour.
Also, it's off topic but Zeev doesn't understand parallelism vs concurrency, or he's just really loose with language.
I didn't point it out because it's not related to type systems.
well okay, I spent more time on it, but how far did you move forward ? any movement at all ?
We need better concurrency. We already have parallelism via the SAPIs.
now I'm going to say that I don't know what that looks like, and you're going to think, "but you said that last night" ...
but serious, I dunno what that looks like ...
@JoeWatkins I actually did start working on a patch - I have the grammar laid out and am looking to hook up to AST.
Hi, i'm back :)
But you already are farther than that.
it's not finished, but at least it's a conversation worth having now ... and we can move forward a bit quicker ... you need to just figure out the rules really ... and the null/void thing, and defaults ...
I'm sure what I've done isn't right ... it looks roughly right ...
There's still a big divide on what to do with weak types.
I guess you reviewed it fully by now, I just done what seemed simplest ... this whole thing with only one line changed in vm is not bad going ...
Some want it excluded. Some want conversions.
what do you mean excluded ?
you don't have that choice ...
I don't think ...
Unions would not be permitted with scalar types.
(Scalars being bool, int, float, string)
I hate that idea
(I clarify because "scalar" doesn't mean what we use it for in PHP a lot of the time)
it will take another 10 years to finish ...
@JoeWatkins As do others, but more than one person has voiced the opinion it shouldn't be allowed because it's too confusing.
Or ambiguous.
there's no reason for it anyway, I'm sure there's a set of rules that make sense and are consistent with what we already have ... they gotta be pretty close already as they are ...
not exactly consistent, because we don't have this ...
but you know what I mean ...
find the rules and push on with the thing ...
if it falls down on that, then that stuff can be removed, right ?
Can anyone help in setting up proxy server with IP Address of different region ?
oh lol
@SergeyTelshevsky thanks for cakes
Happy bday
@JoeWatkins Possibly.
Still has to pass internals vote.
sure, if it doesn't then stuff can be removed, but the best version of the idea for php includes scalars and coercion ...
whose birthday is it ?
@JoeWatkins SergeyTelshevsky..
Hi I got a clarification in a code
in foreach anybody for some help?
aww, I missed that, happy birthday @Sergey
have you cloned that branch yet @Levi ?
I just want to make one last adjustment there ... okay to force push to keep history clean ?
found a couple of mistakes actually ... will push in a few minutes ..
It's fine.
I haven't cloned it yet.
@Leigh What globals? EG-style globals?
Global in PHP generally means thread-local
@NikiC yea the ext/standard globals, BG
Those are thread-local
but cross-request?
okay, pushed @Levi ...
Whether values are retained across requests depends on how it's implemented specificalls (i.e. what happens in RINIT/RSHUTDOWN)
@NikiC I guess what I don't understand is: If BG is thread-local, why does BG need to exist at all?
@Leigh Because otherwise you wouldn't have thread local variables ^^
Nowadays we sometimes directly declare variables as ZEND_TLS, but that possibility didn't exist back in the day
And probably also has all those weird issues with DLLs on Windows
lets see if I can unconfuse myself. TLS is required for multi-threaded SAPIs so they can maintain independent states?
Ok thanks, I had it backwards. I was worrying about the use of rand_r that I removed when I aliased all of the rands to mt_rand
but because it works on BG(state), it is effectively reentrant
@NikiC How difficult would this be to move it to per-request?
@LeviMorrison Isn't it per-request?
same thing
"Per-thread" is the same in this context?
We don't run multiple requests on one thread simultaneously
So it is essentially the same
Ah, but that's what I want.
@LeviMorrison I saw your messages about that, but I don't think I quite understood how you want to realize that
M:N style concurrency and parallelism
M requests on N threads, each independent.
never mind globals, the code zend generates is not re-entrant
This would enable serious improvements in concurrency.
nothing about php is suitable for that ...
@JoeWatkins To be clear here, you mean the bytecodes?
@LeviMorrison So you don't want just green threads?
Or lexer/parser? Or both?
@NikiC Green threads basically are putting state per request, not OS thread.
yes, the opcodes, but nothing is thread safe, refcounting would be an actual nightmare ...
@LeviMorrison If you want to run multiple things on one thread, that would be possible
yeah, green threads
but not hybrid
I suppose that restriction may be okay because of FastCGI.
But actual multi-threading, nope.
Unless we introduce something like the GIL ^^
It wouldn't quite be as good because of load balancing across processes.
I think far better than what we have now though.
@NikiC Like the python GIL?
I'd be careful of what you are removing there ...
@Leigh Global Interpreter Lock.
(or was that a twisted thing only)
@Leigh yes
That's the only way of easily making something that absolutely isn't multi-thread into something "multi-threaded" (quotes intentional)
@LeviMorrison I know :) I had a horrible time with pythons GIL when I was injecting bytecode into a python VM with remote threads.. cough
@NikiC How big of project do you think that would be?
we don't need more threads
What changes are necessary?
@JoeWatkins Says the developer of pthreads :D
These changes are possibly necessary for generalized async/await as well.
async/await is green threading
@NikiC I'm right ...
Yes, that's what I'm asking.
@LeviMorrison You mean with GIL or without?
anyone know a replacement for mysql_real_escape_string()
To be clear: multiple requests on one OS thread, one OS thread per OS processes.
I'm trying to save a string with an apostrophe and its not working
@MSU_Bulldog prepared statements
@LeviMorrison What do you mean by "requests"
prepared statements?
Don't use mysql_* functions. They're ded.
I don't see the point of running multiple full-blown PHP requests on one thread
If you mean "requests" as in Aerys, that's a different matter
You don't?
I don't really see how that would be possible ...
Whenever performing a known blocking operation you start it and yield back to the scheduler.
The application still behaves as if it is blocking but the OS thread isn't wasting as many cycles by doing this.
So... first up, streams overhaul
This scheduler is not the OS scheduler.
@LeviMorrison So why not rely on the OS scheduler for that?
Because that is expensive.
a known blocking operating ... start it and yield back to the scheduler ...
show me how you do that ...
Is adding curl options just a matter of adding the const here and in here?
@LeviMorrison Doing the same thing for full PHP requests would be no less expensive
show me how you make libxml or curl yield ?
@NikiC This is not true; we don't have to use system calls.
We have to do similar things but that doesn't mean it is similarly expensive.
@PeeHaa not quite :) you also need to make sure that particular const is handled as having a string parameter
But isn;t that what is happing in here lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_7_0/ext/curl/interface.c#2024?
@JoeWatkins Extensions need to be scheduler aware.
but not extensions, every third party ..
there's so many of them ...
I am aware.
So when you do a curl request it does it async in C but from PHP it still appears synchronous.
this is not doable ...
@PeeHaa Oh right yea, scrolling down a bit, yes
by a bit, I mean like 200 lines
@littlepootis I don't understand what you mean by prepared statements?
That looks actually not that hard to do \o/
It's definitely a large change.
I don't see any value in green threading unless it's controlled from user space
As in async/await
@PeeHaa nope, it's easy, now... are you also going to add all of the other constants ? :D
I'm not saying it can't be controlled from user space.
Everything else is just us reimplementing the operating system ... badly
Just that it doesn't have to be.
@Leigh I blame my terrible linking to the horrid code
I can get behind that ... I still don't know how it will work, but I don't see any glaring problems that would stop me trying ...
@NikiC No, it's not badly. It's application specific. And it can be done a LOT better than a generalized OS can.
@Leigh I want to try. Not that useful to cherry pick only a couple / single one
Orders of magnitude of performance better.
This is basically why Go can put up the numbers it does.
@PeeHaa indeed, if you find one that has a more complex data type, ping me I should be able to help
Awesome tnx
(or maybe just one order of magnitude, but that' still huge)
urgh, ext/curl has library version checks going back over 12 years... maybe it's time to bump the minimum
@Leigh They'll probably tell you that they are required because RedHat's curl version is 20 years old
:30088985 sudo
@NikiC totally fair if they're forced to use a 20 year old version of PHP too then right :)
@NikiC I don't always use putty, but when I do I su right after login
I've been getting on quite happily with babun when I'm using windows
hooray for ssh that supports EC keys
Does it support tabs by any chance?
@LeviMorrison these few syscalls aren't really that expensive.
oh nope. It's just powershell
@bwoebi Uhm. You are aware that's hundreds of cycles, right?
@LeviMorrison hundreds of cycles? that's like one fcall in PHP.
Green threading can usually be done in much fewer than a hundred. I'll try to find the articles and what not to demonstrate it.
@littlepootis I read over the link you posted and still am not able to save.. I posted a question, could someone check it out? stackoverflow.com/q/36776354/3543861
@LeviMorrison sure, but syscalls are by far not the bottleneck in PHP.
If you were to write a high-performance C app heavily interacting with the threads, I'd agree.
So let's say we have green threads - how do you switch between them?
(Meaning for async await)
It's explicit in those constructs, right?
Why can't we just expand that to all known latent commands?
If the infrastructure is there why not?
@LeviMorrison for async await, we defacto have some sort of green thread in Generators - we copy VM stack pointer of them back and forth.
@LeviMorrison unless I'm missing something…?
@bwoebi substr() behavior for invalid arguments is crazy...
@NikiC yeah, sometimes it's false, sometimes it truncates to start or end
@bwoebi and in a super inconsistent way
yeah :-/
I'm afraid to touch that code ... it probably all is needed to achieve maximum inconsistency in all edge cases
me too
maybe we should just fix it ... return false for all invalid inputs
under weak typing it doesn't matter ^^
and people using strict types pass correct arguments
@NikiC yeah, but things like substr($str, 1, 100); == get up to hundred chars after first … thus it's quite valid
@bwoebi bah
Hey guys does anyoen know what exactly the following time is? Like what the format is called? Its not Epoch/Unix anyway so what is it? 20160421112000
milliseconds instead of seconds
No that's not right
No its definitely some kind of format :/
It's just a yyyymmddetc
@ShinyMK not sure if serious ...
Im serious lol
@ShinyMK What year is it now?
2016-04-21 11:20:00
oh wow
anyone here familiar with VB.nET?
yea, that's why I had to ask...
@ShinyMK Even if somebody is familiair with it nobody is crazy enough to make it public
@ShinyMK not sure if serious...
This is a part of my query: . . . WHERE col = :value. Also I col column is unique. Now I want to know, should I add another index on col column because it is in WHERE clause? Or because it is unique then I don't need another index?
@Leigh So would the following DateTime string return the currect value if I remove the : etc? yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
@stack everything you use in a WHERE clause should have an index
@Leigh unique index is different with a normal index?
Hi, i need to convert excel to csv files,any idea please?
use jquery
!!package phpecxel
@PeeHaa Usage: !!packagist vendor package
@stack Hm, I think unique is a constraint on top of a normal index, sorry I misunderstood what you meant
!!packagist phpoffice/phpexcel
[ phpoffice/phpexcel ] PHPExcel - OpenXML - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine
@Leigh So I need both unique index and normal index or just unique index is enough? :-)
@ShinyMK YmdHis will replicate your format
so YYYYmmddHHiiss?
How would I be able to convert these to Epoch?
@stack No, I don't think so
@Jeeves there are many examples github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel/tree/1.8/Examples
@ShinyMK not sure what you're asking, date('YmdHis'); will produce the output you started with
@Devilion Yes?
Ahh I see thx
> [General Relativity] basically says that the reason you are sticking to the floor right now is that the shortest distance between today and tomorrow is through the center of the Earth.
@Leigh AH, thank you. (just to be sure, a unique index is enough, right?)
@stack yes I believe so
@PeeHaa i need to convert excel to csv file, there is a library in github github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel/tree/1.8/Examples ,i need to know which one of the following examples i should use?
@Leigh thank you again
@Devilion I told just told you about the lib ;-) The example you should use is the one that can reads excel files
1 message moved to bin
@NikiC was that on physics.se?
@RonniSkansing :D
@PeeHaa hehe
that made me giggle
General prayer day... You better be praying tomorrow son :)
Did I tell you I found a lame report in the last wp release also.. so its two releases in a row .. 4.4.2 and 4.5
Found a couple more, but nothing fun, just weak stuff
Nope don't think so. What's it this time?
and about 20 dubs which they just "havent" fixed it
It was a CSRF to turn off script compression
@RonniSkansing Are they public yet?
only the ssrf, i havent made a disclosure request on the csrf
@PeeHaa thanks :D
cause I think it's abit tame
I got 2 or 3 waiting.. one a info disclosure, 2 csrf more
I need about 200 more in bounty so I can buy a new laptop for the gf
@Devilion Seriously though the library is pretty straight forward to use. It;s not that hard to find what you are looking for
@RonniSkansing :)
What are you up to lately, still able to live of the business?
Yeah pretty much. Has been a bit slow year up to a couple of months ago and now it's just crazy busy again
> Great Prayer Day is basically a collection of minor Christian holy days consolidated into one day.
I like your efficiency
btw I need to have a look into jeeves
awesom work
Awesome work of the amp people and in specific @bwoebi
I still want to build something more public with it. It deserves the exposure, but as always time < projects
yea, time is so hard
sometimes it is also just nice to relax
Build a support chat
like zendesk and etc
… amp support chat? :-P
@kelunik's chat is also a awesome project
async supports all? @bwoebi
guys, i have a field in a table, i want to update this field based on the the value of another field of the same table, a time stamp, should i use a view or should i use and event ?
@RonniSkansing @JoeWatkins thanks :)
@Joseph Neither?
@SergeyTelshevsky You drunk yet?
well the issue is the following, after 24 h i want to automatically change the status of some value
use a cron?
@PeeHaa oh.. for the last few years I haven't been drinking much.. can't say I enjoy it anymore.. as well as sports. so it was a few champagne's here and there :)
Let me open another beer then on your birthday
@PeeHaa that's nice of you, you may as well have a couple of vodka shots :)
Good idea. Will do. Thanks
Now I feel responsibility for your actions
At least somebody should
[18:19:58] error Error: Call to undefined function Bugcache\Captcha\json_decode() in /root/bugcache/src/Captcha/RecaptchaVerifier.php:42
Did I seriously compile without json support … ugh
Now is the time to convert it to yaml
> “Swagger already dominated the API description landscape. The new YAML syntax brings an API design-first workflow, making Swagger even more compelling.”
Jabascript people love it. And it's still better than github's effort at documenting an API.
"Great repository names are short and memorable. How about north-american-octo-computing-machine." Thanks @Github. That is very helpful.
If we take github's api the bar is pretty damn low :)
@Danack hehehehe
Javascript is one of the few languages where refactoring your code makes things worse
I liked that doomed-rubbish-project tweet
@bwoebi This is why I prefix function calls with \, to make them unambiguous. :P
at least the error messages will say "Call to undefined function json_decode()"
@ScottArciszewski hehe
and don't be tempted to polyfill it: exploit-db.com/exploits/39679
@ScottArciszewski oh … my … god…
@ScottArciszewski WAAAAT
@ScottArciszewski beautiful
@NikiC userland json_decode() polyfill with create_function() -> RCE
doesn't affect the actual json_decode()
@ScottArciszewski I understood that part. What I didn't understand is how anybody could be stupid enough to implement JSON decoding using eval()
it's daniel kerr & co.
they're as stupid as they are vitriolic
if anyone ever asks "should I try opencart?" point them to openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2016/01/19/16
@NikiC They can do it in JS, so why not in PHP ;-D
also their hash_equals(): yo dawg, I herd u like chosen-prefix string truncation equality vulnerabilities in mbstring.func_overload & 2 !== 0 mode
@bwoebi totally different situation in js...
@ScottArciszewski Actually that part is reasonable
@NikiC yeah … I know…
People using mbstring.func_overload must be punished.
dat encryption
People complaining that code doesn't work with mbstring overload or if locale is changed, that's a clear Won't Fix condition
can we get rid of that feature?
in like, 8.0?
What's the phrase about how information should only flow in one direction in an application? e.g. the application code can be aware of a library. The library shouldn't be aware of the application layer.
@ScottArciszewski Sadly there's always people who think security is a secondary concern
@ScottArciszewski Oh, you're not a 10k user. Quick, someone serial upvote him. He needs only 6
@NikiC well, you shouldn't write locale sensitive PHP code though
@bwoebi PHP code is always locale sensitive
Because the float to string cast is
please don't serial upvote me
@NikiC I mean coding to another locale than C locale
yeah it breaks when using dumb locales.....
@bwoebi oh yes, I mean that I would not support code to run on other locales
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 quite a bit
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 Nearly everything
@ScottArciszewski I only gave you one. They undo serials automatically :P
It's like a repository of all the things you can possibility do wrong when using mcrypt :D
unauthenticated encryption, ECB mode, a block cipher that hasn't been studied (Rijndael256 isn't AES), null byte padding with trim() on decrypt
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 There are infinitely many things wrong and just a small finite subset correct.
SHA256 isn't a secure KDF, etc.
i think it will take me some time to understand those ^..
btw thnks masters :)
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 github.com/paragonie/awesome-appsec might help
is that same as your blog posts??
looks intersting thnks ScottArciszewski
no, this is a reading list mostly consisting of things other people wrote
@Ekn First time you hear of Screeps?
Who had that genius idea of opcache.protect_memory? :x
@bwoebi When in doubt, blame PeeHaa.
@MadaraUchiha nah, he's not a core dev.
If in doubt here, I blame @NikiC.
@bwoebi Plan B. Torch everything. Salt the earth. Leave no survivors.
@bwoebi It is a genius idea...
Makes SHM corruption bugs trivial to find
@Wes Girls solve the hardest programmers problems easily :-)
@Wes Actually that just means that any off-by-one error will read out of bounds and cause a segfault.

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