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the code is probably wrong, but you get the idea...
need to find the strength to start a C extension. hard drugs or religion?
@nikita2206 I'm back again with the same memory problem running functional tests. Is it normal for PHPs memory usage to be going up by 2MB every second when the tests are runnning
It just rises and rise until it hits the point where PHP hits it's memory limit
Is it just not possible to run over 100 functional tests with Symfony and PHPUnit all in one go? This is driving me crazy. I have removed all references at the end of each test(at least the ones set in the testcase) but I still hit a memory limit at around 100 tests
Each second PHPs memory jumps up by 1 or 2MB and continues to grow. I don't want to just increase PHPs memory limit to solve this because something else has to be going on
@FlorianMargaine Sorry for the prodding, how are you meant to handle things going wrong with stream_copy_to_stream? It only returns the number of bytes copied. Not really sure what else I can do other than check if it's > 0.
Actually, found a question on SO which I overlooked previously
php -r 'srand(0);var_dump(bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(16, 2)));' yep, repeatable IVs...
emm , what is the exception, that I get, when attempting to delete a row in MySQL but being stopped by a ON DELETE RESTRICT in a different table?
(I don't have access to PDO currently)
@tereško :D
hmm ... I think I figured out
it should be PDOException::getCode() returning "23000"
which one is better goto statement or recursive function?
performance wise
I think Recursive is best
you should NOT use goto anyway
Is there a symfony support group? I am worried about my mental health
Q: Recursion vs loops

zildjohn01I'm facing a problem where both recursion and using a loop seem like natural solutions. Is there a convention or "preferred method" for cases like this? (Obviously it is not quite as simple as below) Recursion Item Search(string desired, Scope scope) { foreach(Item item in scope.items) ...

Q: Recursion or Iteration?

OmnipotentIs there a performance hit if we use loop instead of recursion or vice versa in algorithms where both can serve the same purpose? Eg : Check if given string is palindrome. I have seen many programmers using recursion as a means to show off when a simple iteration algorithm can fit the bill. Does ...

@SergeyTelshevsky are you russian? well, must be close enough. got a better cake for you twitter.com/CrazyinRussia/status/721511223221690368 lolled hard
@tibanez there's a reference somewhere... It's not easy to find where is the leak happening, if you're storing an entity or a client or container or anything that was involved into processing the request it can leak.
@nikita2206 Yeah it was a reference. I found a magical piece of code which solved it all
Now I can run 130+ of the tests and the memory stays around 41MB
@Wes that's an old one :DDD
I don't think I saw it go above that
looks really odd ...
@JoeWatkins oh, wow … I'll have a look a bit later :-)
yeah only a little bit to do, I think ...
I left some comments in there ...
I haven't replaced the old way of doing things ...
I don't think we should ...
@JoeWatkins Like … last 10% of work need 90% of total work time?
also, I can see how to do intersections ...
nah, I don't think so ... happy to finish, there are more questions that answers now I think ...
I'll look at it shortly as said… :-)
like null/void, the order of verification, the int/float thing ... that sort of thing ...
Any Magento Help here?
Index manager not working in admin.
@Xabby you can find PHP help in here, not necessarily help with any application that happens to be written in PHP.. magento.stackexchange.com is a better bet
ok thanks :)
how do/can i add a new label in github's issues? i can only choose within a set of predefined ones
@Wes I believe only the repo/organisation owner can do that.
i am the owner of the repo, still can't find the option
@PeeHaa ty :D
np :)
Ah, beat me to it :)
@Oldskool That's loser talk :P
But yeah, that's the one. I still find it weird that it just doesn't give you the option to add a new one when you type something in the issue label search box.
@PeeHaa So it sounds familiar to you?
@bwoebi hey it's been 14 days. wanna go to a vote on short list syntax?
@Andrea Don't oppose :-)
@PeeHaa can you take a look here ? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/108611/test
I love these crashes inside zend_gc_collect_cycles
is any one created query variable for woocommerce my account page
how can i create a page
@bwoebi madness
@JoeWatkins yeah, totally spurious and not reproducible :s
@Leigh Yeah, :(
@ScottArciszewski also http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/30079417#30079417

I know we're in the process of nuking it from orbit, was just sad to see an invalid parameter handled that way
if I just wrote some internals code for 7 that uses triple indirection ... shall I kill myself ?
@JoeWatkins triple sounds rare but acceptable
if you add a fourth indirection in PHP 7, you should.
in 5.6 quadruple indirection is the limit.
@bwoebi So quintuple is right out?
it's okay, nobody will notice, probably ..
@Leigh fire ion cannons
I just managed to sort out my car tax in 10 minutes without having to phone anyone. It would appear that the government are starting to become something approaching competent. I assume this means the end of days is here.
@PeeHaa how can I ask you a private question ?
Nothing about @PeeHaa is private.
PHP can old handle a few million ops per second :s
@VicSeedoubleyew I think you can do that
anybody noticed if there are issues in phpstorm 10 with methods named "new" ?
@NikiC If I could choose a single function to be included directly in VM as opcode, my choice would be substr() ... It's easily called a few hundred thousands of times per second in typical Amp (= parser-heavy ;-)) code…
@Wes Yep. It reads it as a class instantiator
thanks, you saved me some pain :B
@bwoebi would it effect anything like wordpress/drupal or any of those too ?
@JoeWatkins dunno.
they must have a fair amount of that I guess, probably no parsers ...
PeeHaa busy? have 2 min?
On the phone with client but I can multitask :)
@MadaraUchiha 'yes' is the answer of the question (that I cannot even see but got notified) :p
@Ekn moggoihf
indeed :)
:D it's gonna be a super sunny day... yay
@bwoebi substr probably does not benefit much from being in the vm
After all, the function performs actual work (alloc and memcpy)
@NikiC typical allocations are in the range of 1-16 bytes
@PeeHaa Happy Prebeccaday!
Everytime I see a random "m <plant face in keyboard here>" morning greeting it makes me think of this: youtube.com/watch?v=9gSQg1i_q2g (/cc @PeeHaa @Ekn ;-))
and that point actual work is relatively small
Seriously jeeves. I need it
Resurrected jeeves I see
rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble
Jeeves 2.0 now with extra logging
@PeeHaa i'm testing the infamous collection library i'm making. when i input sample data into those collection i'm adding an "element of random", for instance new HashSet($this->shuffle([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])) and because inputting data in order is more readable than inputting it randomized manually.
I'm undecided if I should keep this kind of stuff or get rid of it. It helped me spotting bugs in just few cases and I'd probably say that happened accidentally
@Wes What does $this refer to?
phpunit base abstract class, which i've extended
the shuffling result is predictable anyway, i'm using a fixed srand(), so i don't get different results by running the tests multiple times
@bwoebi you can start by cleanup up all those conditionals at the start
The look very convoluted / reduplicative
It helped me spotting bugs in just few cases and but I'd probably say that happened accidentally
I see. Well it sounds like a useful thing to have for you
@Machavity 3 answers
If it helps make your tests easier / more mainatainable by all means keep it imo
@Jay Found it because of this review (where he gives the same answer 2 people gave)
@PeeHaa so you would keep it? strange, i've asked you specifically because i was expecting a "wtf is that shit burn it with fire" :B
@JoeWatkins Ping.
@Jay Well, it's two weeks old, so that's not that bad.
okay tho @PeeHaa thanks :D will keep it
@Wes My thoughts about things are subject to change though ;-)
Ah didn't look at the date, presumed it was new
anyone else see any benefit in HPKP support for Curl in PHP 7.1?
@JoeWatkins What is u.last? What's the meaning of 'last' here?
@ScottArciszewski Yes obviously :)
ok, I might have more on my plate than I can handle right now :(
if anyone can make it happen, that would be a massive security win for API integration everywhere :D
@ScottArciszewski shouldn't be difficult
@ScottArciszewski Nope you can't do that. Ask whether I want something and bail out. Now you'll just have to make it happen somehow...
haha, if I had 4 months before the 7.1 cutoff I probably could
@PeeHaa make it happen, it'll be a 90% copy/paste job
@Leigh It would be a nice php-src intro me thinks
I'm agile though. Let me put it on the backlog :P
@ScottArciszewski does that need anything more than supporting the option?
@NikiC you can try to; I don't see anything optimizable here…
because that should be a matter of declaring the constant and putting it in the right position in a place
@NikiC curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY.html just setopt with a char* of the cert
We should really sync all new curl options ...
That's something I can do if nobody else calls shotgun
"that should be a matter of declaring the constant and putting it in the right position in a place" :O
@ScottArciszewski I wanted to say switch instead of place
I'm not sure how that happened
The keys are like right next to each other
5300 is one of my favorite bash.org exchanges :D
@NikiC sw and pl are on the exactly opposite places of the keyboard :-P
@LeviMorrison last name
I took nearly direct quote of Zeev's publicly made statement and posted it to another public discussion forum and a fair number of people seem to think that is somehow public shaming. That isn't public shaming any more than sharing the publicly made statements by political figures or major OSS contributors like Linus Torvalds. The anti-criticism culture is starting to really annoy me.
well it probably wasn't very productive
you know zeev doesn't go on reddit, he's not there to defend himself
@Ekn yeah, did a bit of digging myself to find out the answer
Zeev doesn't go in irc either, or anywhere else.
This is exactly why I claim he's out of touch.
Always nice seeing anime loving devs out there, even if @Gordon doesn't approve
he goes on internals, or even twitter, or you could email him ... why go stand in the street and shout about it to passers by ...
I directly emailed him privately.
It's not like I'm avoiding him.
and that wasn't enough ?
And the ensuing discussion on the thread essentially proves I'm right; Zeev is out of touch? Want to know why? Because he doesn't use IRC or reddit or any of the major PHP discussion places.
I'm fairly certain he doesn't even know what generics or templates are based on private discussion.
that doesn't prove anything, dmitry doesn't go in those places, and you can't say any of the things you get away with saying about zeev about dmitry, because they just are not true and everyone knows it, but nobody really knows zeev ...
Dmitry uses IRC.
nor does pierre, jpauli
a bunch of people avoid reddit ...
It's not just reddit.
but you weren't on irc, you went on reddit, a place where you know he doesn't go, and is not there to defend himself
No, Joe, I went to him privately first.
And then I just publicly shared his already public statement.
And the ensuing discussion demonstrates that at least the community on Reddit also thinks he's out of touch.
Oh, @NikiC thoughts on removing mt_rand state from globals? I don't think the rng is reentrant and seeding in one thread affects the sequence in other threads... right?
This isn't to attack Zeev where he can't defend himself; it's an attempt to get him to wake up.
you didn't need to share it, as you pointed, out it was public ..
Why does it matter if he's out of touch?
but he doesn't care about what gets said on reddit, he wouldn't get up in the morning if he did ...
Because he has significant influence in Internals and it's not okay for him to be ignorant like that.
It's not just ignorance; it's willful ignorance.
Is he getting paid to be an influence in internals?
you have influence, we have influence, he is one guy ... one vote ... he can't even get dmitry to agree with him a lot of the time, and I don't think he even tries ...
@JoeWatkins He can influence way more than one vote.
sure .. we can influence more ...
Take a break for a second and let's talk about something else:
Is it bloody annoying when completely unqualified people dominate a particular discussion?
Lester, yasuo, etc?
sure, I said what I think ... I wouldn't have done that, and wish you hadn't ...
Unless it's his job that he's not doing, no one can really demand of him to do anything he used to volunteer for. More than anyone can complain if I choose to stop being a moderator
This is the same with Zeev with regards to type systems. He doesn't comprehend them really at all; they are just syntax to him.
It's not like I'm flinging mud; I'm citing examples where a language that had been around for over a decade got generics and it radically changed the language.
assume good intentions @Levi
He doesn't understand generics.
you can't just say he doesn't understand you, or whatever you are talking about, and that's why he disagrees ... what if you're wrong, what if he has something to say and you're so busy not listening that you miss it ...
He doesn't understand that templates are different; he thinks any difference between them is "subtle".
@JoeWatkins Yes I can. I held a private email conversation with him.
@LeviMorrison and you're speaking about a third party that can't respond to you
Even if what you say is true, no need to get personal here
I understand what you are saying to some degree.
Here he can't defend himself.
But that's only because he choses not to.
And same for reddit.
And same for the ML.
well you don't really expect anyone to follow you around waiting for you to say something worth their defending, do you ?
And you can trash talk me all you want in the PHP internals and I won't be able to respond, because I choose not to
It's not trash talk.
That's not a valid argument. You can't expect someone to have your expectations of social involvement
that's what it looks like, to me, to outsiders ...
There is a distinction.
I know, was just making a point
And you guys saying it is trash talk further annoys me.
It's not, again was just making a point
> The anti-criticism culture is starting to really annoy me.
well it kinda seems like that to me, I haven't seen the other side of the conversation, and nor should I, it's private ...
@JoeWatkins You can see the beginning of it publicly.
Criticize someone to their face. Not to a bunch of other people
All the private stuff does is solidify it.
I think if he challenges you in public, through the normal channels, then respond, via the normal channels, but anything else is a waste of your time ...
That's what I do, and that's what I expect anyone to do for me.
I did criticize him to his face.
Why are political debates held publicly?
Because the people care beyond the direct participants.
It's the same here.
Choose a medium that's acceptable to both of you
He only choses the ML which is the worst medium.
honestly I haven't read generics conversation, it's a total waste of time ... so I dunno about that, but he does have stuff to say on unions/intersections that make sense ... even if you don't want to hear it ...
@JoeWatkins He said it's mere syntax and can't take PHP to the next level. That's fine, but that's not a reason to vote against it.
Fixing bugs doesn't take PHP to the next level, nor do a host of other activities that we do.
about generics ?
@JoeWatkins All type system changes; not just generics.
@MadaraUchiha Pistols at dawn
What is "the next level"?
well he's entitled to his opinion, and he can be wrong ... but so can you ...
@Machavity Texas style
Does internals even agree on that?
@Machavity 40 paces
@JoeWatkins The issue is that he doesn't understand these things. To understand and think differently is one thing, but that's not what this is.
And that's why I am talking about it at all.
Don't get me wrong @LeviMorrison, it's an important discussion to have, but the difference between discussion and throwing accusations is only the number of participants.
@MadaraUchiha Right, so why suggest reddit is a bad place? I brought more participants.
@JoeWatkins Btw, this is where it is not just generics:
I said:
> Please do not reduce type system enhancements to mere syntax.
He said:
> For the most part, it is
he can be wrong ...
how much time have you spent on this ?
is it as much time as it took me to write that patch ?
Not as much as you might think.
@JoeWatkins I dunno; how long did it take you?

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