@nikita2206 I'm back again with the same memory problem running functional tests. Is it normal for PHPs memory usage to be going up by 2MB every second when the tests are runnning
It just rises and rise until it hits the point where PHP hits it's memory limit
Is it just not possible to run over 100 functional tests with Symfony and PHPUnit all in one go? This is driving me crazy. I have removed all references at the end of each test(at least the ones set in the testcase) but I still hit a memory limit at around 100 tests
Each second PHPs memory jumps up by 1 or 2MB and continues to grow. I don't want to just increase PHPs memory limit to solve this because something else has to be going on
@FlorianMargaine Sorry for the prodding, how are you meant to handle things going wrong with stream_copy_to_stream? It only returns the number of bytes copied. Not really sure what else I can do other than check if it's > 0.
Actually, found a question on SO which I overlooked previously
I'm facing a problem where both recursion and using a loop seem like natural solutions. Is there a convention or "preferred method" for cases like this? (Obviously it is not quite as simple as below)
Item Search(string desired, Scope scope) {
foreach(Item item in scope.items)
Is there a performance hit if we use loop instead of recursion or vice versa in algorithms where both can serve the same purpose? Eg : Check if given string is palindrome.
I have seen many programmers using recursion as a means to show off when a simple iteration algorithm can fit the bill.
Does ...
@tibanez there's a reference somewhere... It's not easy to find where is the leak happening, if you're storing an entity or a client or container or anything that was involved into processing the request it can leak.
@Xabby you can find PHP help in here, not necessarily help with any application that happens to be written in PHP.. magento.stackexchange.com is a better bet
But yeah, that's the one. I still find it weird that it just doesn't give you the option to add a new one when you type something in the issue label search box.
I just managed to sort out my car tax in 10 minutes without having to phone anyone. It would appear that the government are starting to become something approaching competent. I assume this means the end of days is here.
@NikiC If I could choose a single function to be included directly in VM as opcode, my choice would be substr() ... It's easily called a few hundred thousands of times per second in typical Amp (= parser-heavy ;-)) code…
Everytime I see a random "m <plant face in keyboard here>" morning greeting it makes me think of this: youtube.com/watch?v=9gSQg1i_q2g (/cc @PeeHaa @Ekn ;-))
@PeeHaa i'm testing the infamous collection library i'm making. when i input sample data into those collection i'm adding an "element of random", for instance new HashSet($this->shuffle([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])) and because inputting data in order is more readable than inputting it randomized manually.
I'm undecided if I should keep this kind of stuff or get rid of it. It helped me spotting bugs in just few cases and I'd probably say that happened accidentally
I took nearly direct quote of Zeev's publicly made statement and posted it to another public discussion forum and a fair number of people seem to think that is somehow public shaming. That isn't public shaming any more than sharing the publicly made statements by political figures or major OSS contributors like Linus Torvalds. The anti-criticism culture is starting to really annoy me.
And the ensuing discussion on the thread essentially proves I'm right; Zeev is out of touch? Want to know why? Because he doesn't use IRC or reddit or any of the major PHP discussion places.
I'm fairly certain he doesn't even know what generics or templates are based on private discussion.
that doesn't prove anything, dmitry doesn't go in those places, and you can't say any of the things you get away with saying about zeev about dmitry, because they just are not true and everyone knows it, but nobody really knows zeev ...
Oh, @NikiC thoughts on removing mt_rand state from globals? I don't think the rng is reentrant and seeding in one thread affects the sequence in other threads... right?
you have influence, we have influence, he is one guy ... one vote ... he can't even get dmitry to agree with him a lot of the time, and I don't think he even tries ...
Unless it's his job that he's not doing, no one can really demand of him to do anything he used to volunteer for. More than anyone can complain if I choose to stop being a moderator
This is the same with Zeev with regards to type systems. He doesn't comprehend them really at all; they are just syntax to him.
It's not like I'm flinging mud; I'm citing examples where a language that had been around for over a decade got generics and it radically changed the language.
you can't just say he doesn't understand you, or whatever you are talking about, and that's why he disagrees ... what if you're wrong, what if he has something to say and you're so busy not listening that you miss it ...
I think if he challenges you in public, through the normal channels, then respond, via the normal channels, but anything else is a waste of your time ...
honestly I haven't read generics conversation, it's a total waste of time ... so I dunno about that, but he does have stuff to say on unions/intersections that make sense ... even if you don't want to hear it ...
Don't get me wrong @LeviMorrison, it's an important discussion to have, but the difference between discussion and throwing accusations is only the number of participants.