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@kelunik I forgot about analytics, I don't have it ...
I don't think ... unless they do it by default, do they ?
I haven't excluded anything other than mine
Nope, they don't, but it's the first thing I enable for new projects now.
I enabled it for pthreads.org, a thing I don't even use .... but not for blog ... I'm the most disorganized person ...
@Abe this is scary goings on ...
@abe i think turkey has the right to take down the craft isn't it?
@JoeWatkins I don't need to generate mass. I already have mass. Just need to work them out and develop muscles. xD
@MaryDaisySanchez that depends who is telling the truth ...
can't tell which is more mad, the corrupted turkey government, or putin...
Considering both Turkey and Russia are NATO countries.
I think it is Russia's fault.
is there a chance for ww3?
It should've been more careful.
@MaryDaisySanchez Yes, a lot in my opinion. Wars are increasing these days.
war inevitable
I better start writing a program which defends me from nuclear explosions.
so russian has the right to declare war on turkey?
I don't know. It depends. Turkey did apologise and say that it was mistakenly done as they thought it was approaching towards their land.
Here it is not about the rights, if Russia is really pissed off, then they might.
nothing will happen anyway
russia arent so dumb
all countries will both take sides?
No idea.
there will be just "Cold war" experience
whats cold war?
conflict would not last long enough to progress into a war, there would not be time to take sides ...
something like
@MaryDaisySanchez WW3.
don't underestimate the will of putin of keeping his throne. he could start a war on purpose
im going to have war with you
but .....im not
psychological war
Imho, that should not happen.
I think the world is dumb to kill innocent civilians in war.
war is necessary
i think there will be economic sanction
business would likely be affected
War is usually due to political decisions, and therefore, should only be limited to that people.
of course
you want politicians to go to war ?
us against russia who would win?
US has a lot of support from Britain, Israel, etc.
it wont happen
doesn't matter
But, at the same time, Russia might get backed by China, who is the KING imho. :P
but russia is way too deadly
@JoeWatkins Yeah. They have their fights, let them solve that stuff themselves.
if russia + china VS US then US is gg?
You can't predict.
it wont happen ok
after ww2 ppl are all so afraid of war
thats why there is cold war
In my honest opinion, the Middle East is the strongest.
so i dont think it will happen again
@SunnySunday Cold war as in mass destruction?
it will be more deadly
if it happen but didnt
because everyone is nuclear armed
@HassanAlthaf the people who go to war, soldiers, know what they are doing, in the free world at least they're not forced to go to war, they dedicate their lives to becoming experts ... you don't want fat politicians fighting wars, you want professionals ...
but wars today mostly based on nuclear weapons
@JoeWatkins But why should those soldiers give up their lives due to some arrogant and stupid politicians?
its the same guy again haaha
what can you say about china's aggressive action against neighboring countries?
they suck
hahaa although im a chinese
too much greedy?
I don't want to live in this planet anymore.
lets migrate to mars ok?
we make a startup
space y
by us
Nah, I think we can make a change, if this is the attitude world has.
not ellon musk
That way, we can achieve world peace.
hope so
@HassanAlthaf they have pretty strong convictions, you don't shoot at strangers without thinking about what you are doing ... I don't agree with their conclusions, I don't think it's okay to shoot at strangers whatever, but I accept that war is necessary, history tells us, really loudly, freedom isn't free, you have to defend it ...
actually, im so sick of human greed
thats sucks why does china pushing other neighboring countries?
because they want control over the region
@JoeWatkins I know that you have to defend it. But most wars are not due to gain defense, but are mainly meant to take over a territory or whatever. And due to that reason, defense becomes necessary for the victim. If there is no action, there is no need of reaction.
the most recent serious conflicts aren't much to do with territory ...
so much greed
it's chinese
im actually a chinese
so i know how they feel
@JoeWatkins Yes. People have got too used to fighting.. lol
@SunnySunday why are you not on your countries side?
why should you be ?
unconditional patriotism is dangerous ...
think for yourself ...
@MaryDaisySanchez im a chinese but not a china citizenship
@MaryDaisySanchez Because he is an Aussie.
ah i see
@MaryDaisySanchez because im not a china citizenship.
oh dang...my isp lol.
I agree to @JoeWatkins
oh war sucks look at syrians
For them, missiles is as common as some rain fall for us.
In my opinion, all wars, fights, etc is more like a plot.
does PHP cover war?
hhahaha yes
if wars coming will die coding in our seats
$war = new War();
lifeless till death
thats a harsh reality
oh nooooooo
no ide
no life
$humans = new Humans();
No one knows about war now.
commit it
i'll update
go to ur git
git commit
ya ya
super nia
ur mouse would be ur shield
if wars will start you keyboard will be ur guns
I'm off to listening to lectures.
how old are u all?
@HassanAlthaf ok. Enjoy!
26 u ?
i'm getting old
no u aren't
except u are 62
hahahaa im i that old gosh
morning all
Did the language of the channel switch from English to cavernish?
no, it went from English to dwarfish
so u are all programmer?
ugh, you beat me to it @Epodax
haha sorry guys
@MaryDaisySanchez why sorry?
@Naruto Huzzar!
@Epodax who's bringing in the booze? :D
so nice to chat here
didnt know stackoverflow can be so fun during working
@Ocramius @Epodax that's.... not nice, actually
Working? :P
@Abe it isn't ;-)
my english is not the best either, felt a bit offended by cavernish and dwarfish
ya ya
@abe me too
@Abe Not my intention. Didn't really pay that much attention, although god knows that my English is far, far from perfect.
#nodrama though
yeah me too felt a bit offended T_T
@Abe I was pointing at the abbreviated language. At some point I felt like I was reading implode(' ', array_map(function ($word) { return $word{0}; }, explode(' ', $text)));
but i know @Ocramius, he's black or white. knows no gray :D
who offended who?
did i?
nobody cares ...
thanks god
no we are all friends. i shouldn't have even said that since came from @ocramius xD
many things offend me ... so what ...
I dunno what that word means though, is it like the N word ?
dont make this place rotten
that's about the only word that offends me ...
I like Lois CK's stance on the whole offended thing ^^,I like him in general.
@JoeWatkins which word?
WoW stuff comes up ... what does it mean ?
sorry, wrong song. This one starts better
@MadaraUchiha congratz dude for becoming a mod!
@HamZa thanks :)
@MadaraUchiha \o/ finally!
grats @MadaraUchiha
Thanks :D
@MadaraUchiha if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have even tried this time :D you owe me a "get out of jail ban" card :D
@Sean looks tasty
So I kind of messed my implementation up
What was originally a 2 column form with a layout like
can now have questions spread over two columns, and I have no idea how to implement this because of how I built it up ._.
Each question is an object based on the type of input. All input/question objects have a render method. The form itself collects all of these objects, loops through them and builds it question by question. Having a second parameter for 'size' on the form object is trivial, but the problem is some inputs are actually split into smaller sections. Like 1a, 1b, 1c etc.
And the new designs now show 2 column questions which are like
1 | 2
3a 3c
3b 3d
4 | 5
I dun goofed, now I have to find a non-hacky way to bring this in.
hi everybody .I need convert svg to png in code i am using imagick class but it get me Class 'Imagick' not found error .what i must do and is there a way for convert svg to png without imagpick?
so, stackoverflow chat is a real thing
@zohreh have you actually installed and enabled the imagick extension?
no how i can do it?
can i enabled imagick extension on my host too?
depends on what privileges you have on your host
how i can install it on localhost?
what operating system?
windows 7
oh, hey, look, coffee time
i'm sure it is possible. but i only touch my windows desktop if i'm bored and i want to play a game. i don't develop on it. health concerns and all that.
so, no idea how to install it on windows.
that's not fair man.
it's wordpress.
plugins, specifically
not sure what you were expecting. 10% is quite low if you ask me.
You probably underestimate the impact of this on a system as widespread as WP
no, I just don't take wordpress very serious.
Ah, me neither on that
I just like this sort of article because of the "I told you so!" factor
it's like a kiddie playground. everyone has to start somewhere.
true, true
i'm sure we have security issues in composer too still. somewhere, hidden deep within. but nobody dares to look there.
@alcohol was the HTTPS stuff for self-update ever solved?
That's the biggest one I can think of
got an issue by any chance?
as in, a link to a github issue
if that is the one, then no, i guess not
yes, that's the one
Does anyone know if CakePHP is protected against CSRF attacks by default?
@KevinCittadini nothing is protected from CSRF by default :-P
actually, nothing is protected by default unless proven
/dev/null is pretty safe
@alcohol EvanDotPro was working on this, but then dropped out from all the PHP stuff for now
@Ocramius thanks
i think in part its complex to solve cause jordi is pretty much the only one who controls all the architecture involved (servers, hosting, that kind of stuff)
@alcohol iirc, the biggest issues with it were:
- getting rid of windows (broken SSL on it)
- upgrading to PHP 5.6 ( @rdlowrey fixed the TLS shit in PHP 5.6 )
it may also be possible to just drop the command and force re-install tbh
Dropping < 5.6 would be sufficient here
yeah you basically listed 2 things i dont see jordi doing in any foreseeable future
Yup, I know, because "inclusiveness", but whatevs :-P
gotte support those poor lost 5.3 souls man
I could just list < 5.6 as non-secure, tbh
( packagist.org/packages/roave/security-advisories if you remember that one :P )
I could add the PHP feed to it <_<
also he will never drop windows support, since he develops on windows himself
Aware... dammit, that's hardcore
god damnit man, the internet. now I got irc, slack, gitter, and stackoverflow.
enjoy :P
posted on November 26, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Thibault */

someone pls write a chat consolidating service
you forgot twitter tho
i only have twitter cause of reasons. i dont like it to be honest. but cant go without it as a freelancer it seems.
Hi everyone
anyone having experience with google distance matrix api
@alcohol pretty much where I get jobs as well
holy crap reflection is slow
$b->test(); vs (new ReflectionMethod(B::CLASS, 'test'))->invoke($b);
the latter is 13x times slower
by caching the reflectionmethod instance it is just 4x times slower
actually less than that. constructing the objects is heavy
@Abe reflection is faster than most folks think :P
it's "new Reflection*()" that is actually slow, i think
Yeah, but not that much. You have 3 method calls vs 1 method call above FYI
plus indeed, reflection does initialize some stuff internally
yeah, i was thinking to save the instances somehow rather than constructing them every time
Use my amazing LazyMap :P
lol, what's that :D
will just use a php array, it's under the hood stuff so it doesn't have to be pretty
That's why I built this btw, for under-the hood ;-)
could use the same design
it's a 5 LOC lib
feel free to copy
> // assignment and return is not possible since PHP will segfault (bug report will come)
@Ocramius did you report it? :D
Hmm, need to check
lemme try
@Ocramius do both return $a = 'b'; and return ($a = 'b'); segfault?
bah, why can't phpstorm simply accept that I will never install phpunit globally?
hmm, it fails with a notice, weird
public function & __get($name)
    return $this->$name = $this->instantiate($name);
probably because it's the result of an expr here
considering you wrote that in 2013, might be older php versions have more trouble with it?
yeah, possibly PHP 5.3~5.4 failing with that notice
meh, I don't have 5.3, 5.4 nor 5.5 installed anymore
so yeah, CBA :P
there is only one php, and it's 7
(till we get 8, of course)
pretty much, yeah... I only use 7 for testing too
CI does all the legacy stuff for me
Not until December (;
@Sean compile from master, then you got 7.1 ;-)
Can't be pulling the purist card until it's fully released though :P
i feel php7 was really good since the first snaps. i have had way more problems upgrading minor versions of php 5
even if it's not released yet, it's already good enough
Can't sell it as a release candidate to my boss / team though for upgrading.
@LeviMorrison i'm having another mad idea. generic unions. union Foo<$T1 is Baz>{ Bar | Stuff<$T1>| Rofl<Bar<$T1>> }
but i will do this later :P
Defined the best closure. echo ${'(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ'}('┬─────┬'); // ┻━━━━━┻

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