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by the way, this absolutely should not in a swapping scenario.....the page is taking just over 1MB to display....
@Danack the files in /proc/sys/vm/ should tell you the used memory (and swap)
@Danack what about other processes?
e.g. top doesn't have any obvious culprit?
nope. There's approximately zero load on the box.
that's weird
I failed at finding spooky music: youtube.com/watch?v=0CiXuZafwUg
Yeah...it's weird. The behaviour is exactly as if the heap size was being reset on each heap....which is not impossible. /stares at Imagick.
@Danack imagick has a custom malloc?
Or rather ImageMagick does.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Thanks Dude.. Yea i went through the setting i glanced over it.. The server error where being displayed.. i guess that what you get for copy and paste coders... ^^
So im getting a token from twitch. it suppose to be reusable.. But its not working after 1 use?.. . any thoughts?
Sorry, I've never used twitch
@Arsalan you possibly need to re-read the documentation. It's reasonably common for oauth to give a temp token, that needs to be upgraded to an permanent token, after the oauth is done.
Oh "PHP Notice: Undefined variable:" - you ought to ensure that all errors are being displayed on your development box....
@Andrea what was the benchmark you were running for the AA bug?
@Gordon Congrats on stepping down, and does this mean that you'll have more time to waste discuss important stuff with us?
Danack is asking the real questions :D
@rdlowrey Here's some nostalgia for you. It's been 3 years :D
@rtheunissen a simple script that indexes into an array with a few string keys 300000 times
I'll make a gist with it
Would be interesting to see a comparison against 5.6 as well.
@rdlowrey the yield from is THE BOMB
this codebase would be so messy otherwise :O
twitter.com/Ocramius/status/669353128962166784 - this code may induce cancer to some.
grats @MadaraUchiha!
hi good morning
I have an some query related to php file upload api
please check this
Q: Create Dynamic fileupload api in php

Azad chouhanI am working on file upload api in php. For Now I just create this simple php which will upload the file from an html page to server. But in this code the fileupload control's name is fixed so I pass that name in my php code for upload the file. But I want to create this api for third party. If a...

is LeviMorrison around perhaps? :P
1 hour later…
A: Can php.exe run for applications that run for weeks or months together, continuously, without crashing?

Joe WatkinsVersions of PHP below 5.3 didn't have a garbage collector, this caused seemingly simple code (loops, recursion) to consume huge amounts of memory: <?php class Foo { public $var = '3.14159265359'; } $baseMemory = memory_get_usage(); for ( $i = 0; $i <= 100000; $i++ ) { $a = new Foo; ...

writing my first rfc! a small one
Make sure you share it here. ;]
we spawned another minion @Abe ...
afk, drop misses at work, will look at it later ...
it's a very simple concept, but possibly an hard implementation.
good luck at work! i'll let you know when i finish it :D
Good morning!
And congrats @MadaraUchiha
@MadaraUchiha Congrats mate. ;]
@JoeWatkins wait, does that mean you aren't going to work today? not used to that way of saying :P in case, enjoy it
@NikiC yeah, but MM is always allocating in 2 MB chunks, so…
I wonder, is there a general reference text for the whole "Show us what you have tried / SO is not a teaching portal"
posted on November 25, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by tresorclub */

That feed is so weak, I almost laughed at how terrible the "joke" was
the proof human can and will make up sexual oriented joke about anything
@Abe I don't go to work any day, I sit about in my office at home in underwear, smoking, looking at kittens on tha interwebz and occasionally some code comes out ...
point out to me the part where I work ?
lol. i don't know what "drop misses at work" means :D
take her to work, she doesn't drive ... because LAZY ...
cannot compile. unexpected way of saying
nah, she's getting a license, I haven’t' finished paying for it yet ...
I'm in no rush for her to get a license, if I didn't take her to work I wouldn't get to ride bike most days ...
nor is she, she finds driving really boring ...
imagine when she'll use your beloved subaru :D
sold it
I'm totally over it, got a diesel family and dog carrying box thing, dacia duster ...
@Abe motorcycle does 0-60 in 3.1 seconds, 0-100 in 7 ... I don't need a car for going quickly and fun anymore, there are no cars that can compete with a big bike (that I'll ever be able to reasonably buy) whatever
I just got it
"drop the miss at work"
@FlorianMargaine now i get it too :P
@JoeWatkins that's a bit scary though. motorcycles are way more dangerous :D i hope you don't test the 0-60 daily :D
if you're not sensible, you die ... I'm sensible ... actually haven't seen 100, it records maximum speed (proof, stupid), 94.4 it says and I dunno when that happened, probably just overtaking something ...
ehehe :P something > a porsche :D surely not a lorry
probably was an articulated lorry ...
usually the misses is on the back and the throttle can't really be opened when a tiny girl is on the back, because they'll fall off ...
(she's literally tiny, I call her "tiny", it's tattooed on my wrist)
not being condescending ...
there are literally two miles of bypass (70mph speed limit roads) on the island, do the math, I was doing that speed for a few seconds maybe, as I passed a big lorry is most likely, happy to sit behind cars normally ...
lol :D so strange that you said you hate rain because it always rains in the uk but still you bought a motorcycle :D
yeah and also when overtaking is way less dangerous doing it as fast as possible
exactly, I didn't want to say that because I thought it sounded wreckless, but that's exactly it ...
you don't want to hang around next to a lorry, especially on a bike ...
turbulent air and what not really affects you ...
nope you are totally right :)
and it's the same with cars
yeah, much much worse on a bike though ...
feels horrible ...
can imagine that
I do intend to leave the UK ... I cannot grow old here ... once my kids are done being educated, I'm out ...
somewhere hot ...
rain doesn't stop you, but it does ruin everything ...
@JoeWatkins south of France? :)
we'll drink pastis together
maybe, popular destination for uk folk I believe ...
afk school run ... which in case not clear, means I'm going to take my chidren to school ...
I say these things every day, I can't believe no one understands them !!
i wish i could suggest you to come in italy :P i mean, italy is beautiful and weather is nearly tropical, but it's not actually the best place for a programmer to live. although with your skills you could easily have a job in big companies... and those aren't bad
@JoeWatkins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but I still believe you ^^
@JoeWatkins "misses" was too much for me :D
@Abe I can take my job wherever I go ... and will ...
I don't do offices or people ...
lol :D
offices and people take up too much time, and I'm not good at either ...
i share the same thought, probably. it's 2 years that i've quit my job and working from home
i kind of miss the office fun though
but working is way more enjoyable now
it never was fun for me, awkward, time consuming, confusing ... but never fun, I been home for more than ten years now ...
I have done offices before and a tiny bit during that time ... but still hate it ...
@JoeWatkins you still go now and then right?
I can't read people like code, I dunno what they want me to say or do ...
not if I can help it, not required too at current place @FlorianMargaine
@JoeWatkins you've never gone to your office?
they came to me once ...
all of them :D
Hello all! Is someone competent into exporting MSSQL database to MySQL ?
@JoeWatkins perhaps you were just working with the wrong people...
nah just my immediate manager, and his mate, my mate ... we're all friends, they're all totally great ...
but, going to the office is tricky, they have an office in serbia, there is also one in the united states ...
wouldn't you love being in the same room working with, say, ircmaxell, florian, peehaa, daverandom, etc etc? :D they are smart nice chaps
I've been in the same room as a few of them ...
that doesn't happen however, I don't need to be able to read these people because I can interact with them as engineers/programmers ...
I can't do other people ...
you see.. you probably just need a more stimulating team
no but you have to do other people, HR, interdepartmental stuff ... and if you say "I'd rather not do that because I'm an extremely awkward guy and find other people uncomfortable", you don't get the job in the first place ...
so you have to grin and bear it ... which is the bit I hate ...
yeah, well that's a problem of every programmer. we can only communicate to other programmers :D
not really
plus, working from home as I do, I do get to interact with those brilliant people and a bunch more, way more than I would in any office ...
@JoeWatkins lol what a bunch of bs. you are a brilliant man. how can that be awkward :D
you know a digital me
it's others that are supposed to understand your personality (which is very common to all programmers) rather than you feel sorry for them because of your personality
oh, i'm probably like you. but i don't care, i am how i am :P if people don't understand me it's their problem. that's my thought :D
@JoeWatkins at least the people I've met only digitally until three days ago turned out to be very fine in real too :-) … so, why shouldn't that apply to you? ;-)
irl I can't do normal things, find my way around, remember stuff that's said to me, faces, places I've been, I stutter and repeat myself quite a lot ... people like me can deal with that, even to the extent that some don't see it, and I'm so comfortable around them it doesn't always surface, but normal people, it's the most prominent thing about me and makes a bad impression ...
don't know, after all you've managed to survive somehow and find your way to us :-)
Also, I'm a bit awkward too in some way, I guess… I'm very bad at speaking much when we're more than three… and three is already hard enough …
@JoeWatkins serious question: when you stutter and we get what you meant, do you want us to finish your sentence or answer or let you finish?
again, that's very common to brainy persons @JoeWatkins and also your reaction is very common
I hate it when people finish, or interrupt
or laugh
or otherwise point it out in some really patronising way ...
well, that you hate when people laugh is obvious… but I'd consider to not hate it too much when you do a longer pause and people finish for you… we're just trying to be helpful ;-)
rofl. it is fine to have that personality though, but you shouldn't preclude yourself opportunities by default. sometimes you should try new things
@bwoebi I'll most of the time not talk, I can't think words through fast enough, by the time I have, the conversation moved on ...
Till we get a few pints in him :P
@Abe like I said, I occasionally do engage in some office stuff because the opportunity is interesting, but I still hate the office bit enough that it's enough to convince me not to bother trying it again on a full time basis ...
@Fabor hehe
@JoeWatkins mhm, I thought that were more a typical problem for people with hearing aids like me… but okay … ;-) I'm not better than you there ;-)
@bwoebi hah, didn't know you had that too
@FlorianMargaine that I'll most time not talk or hearing aids?
@bwoebi latter
(I have them too)
@FlorianMargaine well… but you'll better not try mines… they're really loud on higher frequencies ;-)
@bwoebi let's not go down this rabbit hole
like I'm beginning to hear at at least 90 dB after 1 kHz … ^^
why's that a rabbit hole? :o
I'm at ~95dB for 2k-4k and 6k-8k, and completely missing out of these frequencies
@JoeWatkins happens to me all the time... but you shouldn't feel awkward because of that because it's mostly because you aren't used to do that
@FlorianMargaine ever considered to wear a cochlear implant?
because because because
@bwoebi no, it's mostly fine with the hearing aids
@FlorianMargaine well, it was mostly too for me, but after all, it's just much better with the cochlear… I don't regret having one (hearing aid on one side, cochlear on the other)
never considered it
In order to not feel awkward though you kinda have to interact with strangers/people more and more. But that's only if you want to be able to.
^ that
good moooorning~
@FlorianMargaine do you often feel in bigger conversations like you are just missing out some parts what's said, still get some part of the essence, but never get to really bring yourself in?
@bwoebi definitly
you just can't participate meaningfully if there are more than 3 people, or if there's too much noise in the room
I really did think hearing aids had it sorted ...
@FlorianMargaine that's really the part which got much better for me since I have the implant… At least when there's some noise I can still have a nice conversation (when not too tired) with two people or even follow three or four people when it's totally quiet…
so they don't work well with low frequency noise ?
@JoeWatkins yeah, if you're at like -50dB, but not for people needing +95dB
cochlear implant sounds clever, does that have it sorted ?
It's a bit like just too much of the information being compressed into a smaller range of loudness…
@JoeWatkins there's some hearing test with noise at 65dB… I can hear 50% when information is up to ±3dB more quiet than the noise… Impossible with my hearing aids.
@bwoebi hm. I'll try to gather some information, that's interesting...
> A previous study has shown that people with cochlear implant achieve an average of 80% sentence understanding, compared with 10% sentence understanding for hearing aids
that's a remarkable improvement, if true ...
@JoeWatkins uh, it's even more than 80% for me in noisy environments in a conversation with two people … when speaking lux or german… any maybe 80% with a language I'm a bit less used to like French… I'd say it was more like 60% for English.
posted on November 25, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by v Clement Oliva */

But I have to admit; I was told that I'm hearing really well among implanted people… I begin to hear at like 15 dB with my implants and words with just a single syllable are at 95% for me…
I can't find the study, but guess it was quite a large group of people with an average of 80, so wouldn't be surprised if some people saw close to perfect results .... it really shows hearing aids are shit though ...
moin @Jimbo
@JoeWatkins they are not shit, but they have their limits when having to make sound much louder…
@Feeds Busted image, anyone?
but I really thought until a few minutes ago they actually had it sorted, like problem solved ..
@JoeWatkins also, there's one reason why I haven't switched to cochlear on both sides… more precise frequencies… with cochelear you have only like a max 22 electrodes of which max half can be active at the same time
with hearing aids there's a whole frequency spectrum evenly and you intuitively hear more differences
what is that a limitation of ?
people, or the device, I mean ?
the device
so it could be improved ?
@JoeWatkins definitely not
there's some fun devices though
@JoeWatkins absolutely… technology is still improving… after all there were no such implants thirty years ago ;-)
like I have a bluetooth thing connecting my hearing aids to my phone directly
@FlorianMargaine question… does it help much?
it's like when someone speaks directly in your ear
exactly… and that's the issue…
that works really well for me
It's feeling wrong and irritating me that it feels that way
I can phone in the car now (as a passenger, ofc)
which is why I'm actually better off without that :o
can you get ones that can allow you to hear outside the normal range ?
@FlorianMargaine the issue is when the other one (the one who you talk to) is in the car…
@bwoebi no problem there either
@JoeWatkins haha, that's really not an issue we think of :-P
@FlorianMargaine I mean when he's using some free-speaking thing…
yeah but ... according to all comics, that's a legitimate super power ...
@bwoebi ah
hasn't been an issue so far
and you hear the background sound well ;-)
@JoeWatkins I was perfectly happy when I couldn't hear noises over 15kHz and the whole room was crying
and I was like "sup bro?"
Actually I feel like I can filter out well monotone noise (cars ;-)), but it's going to be much harder with a noisy crowd making random noise over all the frequency spectrum…
makes me think
do you hear lyrics in songs?
And I definitely like being able to sleep regardless of any noise :-)
(I don't)
(hear lyrics, not the sleep thing. this one is awesome.)
I also have a disabled parking card, btw, that's pretty nice too
Why do you have that? (if it's not to personnal)
@FlorianMargaine rarely… well, when it's very quiet and song is loud… but it also depends a lot on how loud the text is compared to the music…
@FlorianMargaine seriously? ;o)
@Naruto because I'm officially disabled according to my government
can I get one too? :-D :-D
@FlorianMargaine bah… there's mobility disability and otherwise disabled for me… pff ^^
@bwoebi no idea how it works in lux :P
yeah, in France you get the card based on the disabled status only
I think it'd be interesting to be able to experience in some way the hearing that another animal has, like a dog or cat, gazelle ... being able to hear what an alligator does underwater ... seems interesting to me ...
and also, I'd be able to wear a cape, because super power ...
@JoeWatkins you're already able to do that
(wear a cape)
not legitimately, I'd feel stupid ...
@JoeWatkins AFAIK the problem with these frequencies is really at the level of the cochlear… we'd need some device directly being able to interact with the hearing nerves…
@FlorianMargaine than the real question is: mentally or physically? Must be mentally right? ;)
@JoeWatkins or you'd feel like a superhero...
ask any kid...
Super joe! :D flies in at night to fix your code ^^
dogs hearing is fascinating ...
> This means your dog can hear the pulsing of quartz crystal within a clock
not useful, but I'll bet there are useful things to be heard, they seem to be much more aware of what's going on than I am ...
so is a gazelles, and some other prey animals, or big hunters, underwater ones especially ...
it seems possible ...
wouldn't it be nice to map a dog brain to a human body and see if their natural ability to walk can adapt to human physiology?
@FlorianMargaine how do you wake up in the mornings?
@happy maybe we should transplant a dogs head on a human body and just watch what happens?
I would think you'd walk as a dog, but it would be nice to know what's so scary about bad weather, or people in high visibility (bright yellow/orange, road worker/safety like) clothing
At least I realized that nothing really wakes me up… Whenever I tried vibration, that stupid thing always fell of the bed etc., was on the wrong side or whatever… Always need someone to wake me up or go early enough to bed ^^ @FlorianMargaine
@FlorianMargaine so, yeah, vibration…
I put the vibrator under my mattress, it never moves
and it does more than enough vibration
under the mattress? hmm… never considered that…
@bwoebi t have you tried electric shock? prezi.com/8xd9_kad4v3d/…
@happy lol
@bwoebi yup, between the spring-bed and the mattress
works really well
more seriously I put my away from my bed
my wife was surprised at the beginning ^^ then she got used to it, and since it's not on her side, it doesn't vibrate that much for her
Well… I'm usually woken up by my mother (when I'm home) … I somehow really like that :-D ^^
@FlorianMargaine how came it that you began hearing that bad…?
I had some really grave middle ear infection at the age of two…
@bwoebi Yes, but we also do a number of allocations through malloc
@bwoebi no idea, may be from birth
@NikiC only at MIMIT mostly, at run time barely, except some external deps…
@bwoebi yeah, not very good for when you'll want to move away from parents' home
@FlorianMargaine only issue :-P
and she probably has to fit her schedule to yours too... kind of a burden on her
@FlorianMargaine uh,well, she's working, so anyway getting up at 6:30…
last time I woke up that early was because I had a train to take
well, yeah… Usually I'm not having to get up early at all when I'm home (at least since I'm at uni)
then I'm just waking up by myself…
and when I'm at uni… it's everything in the afternoon, so not too much of a problem for me when I'm in Karlsruhe…
I've just missed one exam until now :-( … at 8 in the morning… bah :-(
But in general it's rare that she has to wake up earlier than she'd anyway … so not too much of an issue for her ^^
I know I couldn't live without the alarm
@NikiC and even then at runtime, we alloc and then free again… but not very large chunks… I doubt we see much of brk syscalls…
@FlorianMargaine well… at least if you regularly have to get up earlier than your wife… ;-)
@bwoebi or when she's away
but goig very early to bed nearly always helps anyway ^^
@NikiC you could have just fixed it though instead of mentioning on-list that namespace\int isn't handled…^^
@bwoebi I'd like to have xinchen's change reverted as well, that's why I'm just mentioning on list
I kindof don't want to have two extra parser rules for namespace \ array and namespace \ callable as well
well, I don't really care about that one though…
also… why does a simpke git-pull without new data consume like a 150 KB :x … I'm only having 18 MB left currently :s
and a push is even 450 KB …
@tereško legitimately cannot tell if it's a fake or not.
i've finished the rfc!
@bwoebi it has to fetch the hashes
150KB sounds like a lot though
@FlorianMargaine it just could compare the hash at the top of the branch though…
@bwoebi the protocol is fairly well documented
gist.github.com/WesNetmo/83104b56b88b5380e066 well, it is actually a draft. feel free to suggest anything about it, including about english and wording
@tereško Got to be a joke
and feel free to add it to php's wiki if you want (as draft)
@Jimbo if you google the product, it's quite real
@bwoebi oh, I think it's because of your ssh options actually
@FlorianMargaine using https ^^
@JoeWatkins take a look at it when you have some time ^ :P
@bwoebi same idea
@bwoebi Nope, wouldn't work with force pushes.
for pull, against github…
@bwoebi you have to send all these http headers and receive them
@kelunik ? it's safe to assume that hashes are unique…
@FlorianMargaine hmm… well.
anyway, bit off for now…
@Jimbo nice
@Jimbo wat, no music :D
@Abe likely licensing issues with such an idea
I had it mentally though, as I'm sure we all did :P
yeah same :D
the best answer
> Well, in the spirit of an open source community, you can fork the repo and rename the file youself so that it can become part of your safe space.
@Abe You just have to turn it on.
@nikita2206 Lmao
A: Can php.exe run for applications that run for weeks or months together, continuously, without crashing?

Joe WatkinsPHP Versions of PHP below 5.3 didn't have a garbage collector, this caused seemingly simple code (loops, recursion) to consume huge amounts of memory: <?php class Foo { public $var = '3.14159265359'; } $baseMemory = memory_get_usage(); for ( $i = 0; $i <= 100000; $i++ ) { $a = new Foo...

better I think ...
Yo naggers o/
@JoeWatkins That graph is scary
super duper scary ...
posted on November 25, 2015 by krakjoe

- Fix intermittent fault caused by freeing global strings too early

Should that be updated to include "7" once it's stable?
nah it's from the ref counting basics bumpf in the manual ...
same kind of pattern for 7
we're looking at the pattern there, not really the numbers ...
@PeeHaa maaaaaaaateeeee morning :D have a look at this :D gist.github.com/WesNetmo/83104b56b88b5380e066 my first rfc!
$wes->expects($peehaa)->method('thoughts')->willReturn('it\'s freaking horrible');
got patch ?
like it ...
nope :P C and i aren't good friends
dunno if patch might be problematic ...
iirc it's something I've tried before ... pre ast ... I couldn't get parser right ...
probably someone better at parsers ... like anyone, could ... you should harass bob for a patch ...
bob always thinks my ideas are weird :(
nah, it's not weird ...
yeah that's actually just the same behavior of C#, literally
yeah it looks right
but I'm usually wrong ... but I don't think it's a weird thing to want ...
i'm not sure about abstract classes though. perhaps we could disallow casting to abstract classes
i've added you guys to the rfc repo i've just created, in case you want to change something

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