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I downloaded the trial version and PHPStorm thinks the following code is a syntax error:
Why would somebody want an IDE that can't distinguish between a syntax error and a code styling error?
does it rely on white space for parsing?????? D:
IDK, is part of their code base open source?
Their PHP 7 support is sketchy at best. It still considers this a syntax error: ($this->callback)($arg);
Group use declarations are also flaky. Sometimes it doesn't recognize something that has been imported.
wow, why can't they use php as a linter as a first layer of checks and let their static analyzer do the job on a second step?
It feels like 10 was very rushed so they could say PhpStorm supported 7.
that tells something about the underlying code base for sure, it's probably not pretty. It's funny, because the syntax highlighter was working fine during these same tests.
syntax highlighters are much simpler
they don't really have to understand the code at all
they're often just regexes
I think everything, except the static analyzer, can be simple if you keep the layers of checks apart from each other. But I have a hunch they have the steps interleaved because performance?
/ downloading PHPStorm again to see if the bug is still there
@marcio works for me, what version are you on?
@marcio because people write code to be deployed on servers that have a more advanced version of PHP they have on their dev machines, or they just don't have PHP installed at all.
When writing an SQL query, is there a way to further seperate results into smaller (sub tables) for rows with same results in certain attributes?
@methhead Not that I know of, and yes it means you need to de-duplicate stuff which is annoying
Basically i have a table. let me create a mock:

mtitle year
stuff 2001
stuff 2001
mtitle year
stuff 2001
stuff 2002

I want to be able to group all 'stuff' which is in 2001 together and all stuff which is in 2002 together
Sorry for multiple comments, finger auto hits enter key xD
mtitle | year
stuff | 2001
more | 2001
more | 2001
stuff | 2002
more | 2002

This is more clear.... I basically want to write query with groups everything according to what the year is. So i basically want to have a 'sub' table of 'stuff' which also has attribute 2001 if you get me
you can just press up to edit comments. And yes I get what you want - you can join the data together to a single result with grouping:
 SELECT student_name,
    ->     GROUP_CONCAT(test_score)
    ->     FROM student
    ->     GROUP BY student_name;
but there's no way in sql that have 'sub-results' from a query. You'll need to either just write code to do it, or find a library that does that.
what is the GROUP_CONCAT(test_score) doing
@Danack it was the 10.0beta, but it looks fixed with 10.0.1, group use decl appears to be fine too ^^
Ok, the query i have so far is:
SELECT mods.mid, mtitle, credits, enrl.ayr
FROM stud, smod, mods, enrl
WHERE stud.sid = '154279'
AND stud.sid = smod.sid
AND smod.mid = mods.mid
AND stud.sid = enrl.sid
ORDER BY enrl.ayr DESC

Which basically sorts all of the years in desending order. But from there i dont know how to actually group together xD
4 mins ago, by Danack
but there's no way in sql that have 'sub-results' from a query. You'll need to either just write code to do it, or find a library that does that.
i.e. write PHP code to do it.
Could you help point me in the write direction to do so. I'm still fairly new to the language.
@methhead something like:
//Do the query
$results = $mysqli->executeQuery();

//Create an empty an array to hold the results.
$resulsByYear = [];

//Loop over each of the results row
foreach ($results as $result) {
    // get the year.
    $year = $result['enrl.ayr'];
    // Put it into the 'group' array
    $resultsByYear[$year] = $result;
Doing var_dump($resultsByYear); will show you what's in the final variable.
OK ill try this now, thanks!
if (known_non_numeric) {
    op->extended_value |= ZEND_KNOWN_NON_NUMERIC;
I think this is a good flag name ^^
pasted in your exact code and added var_dump but nothing seems to be returned
@methhead then you should learn to use a debugger, to step through code to help you understand what it's doing: youtube.com/watch?v=LUTolQw8K9A
Ok thanks :)
oh, it still has problems with anonymous classes.
git checkout PHP-7.0 && git pull && ../config --disable-debug && make && cp sapi/cli/php php-unfixed && git checkout ae43375f31b284c9969d23858c625a68d4cdc05c && ../config --disable-debug && make && cp sapi/cli/php php-fixed && git checkout ArrayAccess_fix && ../config --disable-debug && make && cp sapi/cli/php php-optimised
god, I love UNIX
"Expected string got string" << 97 warnings
"Expected semicolon" << 12 warnings, but semicolon is already there
But hey, at least it is not a syntax error anymore. It's just their analyzer giving false positives. Still not usable unless you ignore the messages.
what the hell?
@NikiC removing the optimisation makes my test script run quicker.
Have you looked at the raw assembly it generates? It could be more different than you would imagine.
I could look at the asm, that might be informative
But I'm guessing it's just the lack of a branch
Possibly, it's a case that because the code is now easier for the optimizer to understand, it's able to inline a bigger chunk of it.
- if (dim_type != IS_CONST) - more difficult to analyse
+ if (!known_non_numeric) - herp derp, it's a zero flag.
No no, this is without the new optimisation
Removing the check entirely
My new "optimisation" appears to be slower than PHP was originally, unfortunately
Whereas just removing the original optimisation and putting nothing in its place gives us a perf boost
what IDE are you guys using for your C?
PHPStorm :-/
I use vim.
JetBrains has CLion, I got it but don't know C yet to use it.
I could try out NetBeans perhaps.
@crypticツ I've heard good things about it, but it only supports cmake currently as the build tool, and I can't be bothered to learn that, or even the minor differences between phpstorm and clion.
only supports cmake?! wtf
<-- has no idea what cmake really is
@Andrea Imagine you were given an option. "Do you want to write an IDE that only supports cmake, or do you want to support make as well?"
it's a build system
@Danack you don't need IDE support for the build system, though
I mean, it provides benefits, but you could fall-back to user-defined commands
Or just use PHPStorm, and run those commnds via command line.
Is that what you're doing? :p
@Danack you using the C plugin for Pstorm? It's not available for newer Pstorm versions.
@Andrea tbh, the only c I do is php core or imagick....so I'm going to be running a PHP file immediately after doing any compilation anyway....so having two separate IDEs open seems to be not needd.
@crypticツ No, I just use it as is, and it doesn't do any autocomplete or anything. It's just that I know mostly where to find anything anyway, and the searching is still very fast.
meanwhile, me
If you're wanting to learn C, you should check out clion.
or NetBeans or Code::Blocks or something
don't worry about my search terms in that screenshot. I am not trying to diagnose myself, I'm wondering what causes those symptoms after I saw someone on reddit had them from going full Soylent
The food substitute thingy?
I eat drink that stuff
not as my diet, but as a protein shake between meals.
as a "snack" of sorts?
also, I should complement you on your fine choice of avatar :)
yeah, I don't eat meat so I get some added protein in between meals. I use my Magic Bullet blender to blend Soylent, berries, ice cubes, agave nectar, and vanila almond milk. Tastes just like a smoothie. Soylent really has no taste so flavor it as you will.
makes sense
1 hour later…
I think this Guilherme Blanco chap needs to say what he really thinks instead of holding back.
@Andrea interesting to see those benchmarks re: #63217, though it's sad to see that it might not make it to 7.0.0. Who gets final say on things like that?
@rtheunissen It might well be in 7.0.1, don't worry
I would now have to explicitly specify ">= 7.0.1" instead of passing for "7" in general. Sure it's a minor update, but if a public API relies on it, what's minor for some is major for others.
Haha unless I can come up with a case where it's a security bug.
A potential performance increase as well as a bug fix when no final release date has been set is a no-brainer. What are the chances of an RC9, given the other bugs that have surfaced over the last week?
I do understand that there's a process though. :)
how to disable if condition when button was click?
is that possible?
@winresh24 if it's a button in the browser you want to look at javascript. You can set the 'disabled' property to true on the button when clicked.
@rtheunissen good point
I should maybe lobby for 7.0.0
@rtheunissen can't get it bro
@winresh24 then give me some more context to work with. Would need to be more specific.
Currently I have an if condition which will redirect to something
if(ipaddress == 'ipcountry'):
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != "/?lang=nl") header("Location: /?lang=nl");
> However, if that is how it has to be, so be it.

Would it make a different if I mentioned why I'm so invested in this bug in the PR? I'm not familiar with the protocol of the release process, but if there's anything I can do let me know.
it will redirect correctly when it detect the country but what I want is when the user choose other language that code I send earlier will be disabled @rtheunissen
secure.php.net/manual/en/function.define.php#90282 is this bad practice? I can't find anything in docs about setting a namespace for a define() constant. Also phpcs gets mad since it breaks PSR-1/2 since needs to all be uppercase.
@rtheunissen who knows, it might make a difference
@winresh24 what do you mean by the code will be disabled? For what it's worth, you should parse the entire request URI and check if "lang" != "nl", then set the location header, and exit().
@crypticツ it's not mentioned in the docs, but basically everything that accepts a name string will accept a namespaced name string
unless you need to generate the value at run-time, you could just use const instead
@rtheunissen I have language choices eng/germany/nederland when any of the language was selected the redirect will be disable
@Andrea might help to get someone to review the fix asap? I would if I had the rep.
@winresh24 try exiting after setting the header?
I'm still not 100% sure if I understand what the problem is.
I might ping Dmitry since I wonder if this change might cause some weird opcache issue
@Andrea sounds good. I'll add my 2c to the PR.
yes, I tried, The problem is for example our current location is germany but your language is not german even you click /eng/ it will redirect to german language because of the redirect condition @rtheunissen
@winresh24 but shouldn't it then redirect to eng? If you use ?lang=en it should go to en. If you don't specify any language, it should default to some sensible default, right?
@rtheunissen do.
Oh, you did. Great!
Morning all
s thanks givings day?
you new to the room?
never seen ya b4
i'm always online
hmm really? How old are you to this room?
i think
since 2 years
havent you notice a female dev?
not other than andrea
which is pretty sad
there's a few ladies floating arround
I only know actively chatting people.
I'm a UI designer then studied backend coding
I see.
Self taught or some college?
just self taught , i've been using codeigniter
are you well verse in angular?
still learning that part too
i hate being a dev we are always updated on new things
reality sucks
imo that's the best part of being a dev
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. - David Frost
I love programming. ;] @MaryDaisySanchez I don't think the industry will like you if you don't like to update yourself. :P
Time to javascript
@Orangepill Man your PHP code is beautiful. :)
too much energy
what do you mean
@HassanAlthaf What php are you talking about?
ur github
that's just toy crap for the most part but thanks
Did you use and books/courses to learn to code so neatly?
lots of reading... books and other people's code
and hanging out in this room... the genius here rubs off after a while
Who is the genius?
tons of them here joe, ircmaxell, levi, rdlowrey, danack, igor, orcamius... just to name a few
what php framework are you using?
and how much does your per hour cost?
I don't use a framework.
I don't work.
usually if I use a framework it's silex... when I freelance it's between 60-85/hr depending on what kind of work it is
$60 to $85?!
iterateable? thought it was just "iterable"
i see nice pricing
@abe it is in java :)
is this a states hour cost? @HassanAlthaf
i mean USA?
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/iterateable 404
I assumed he stated his pricing in US$.
i see mine is AUD
which is $18 only
wow the price is so huge
I charge overall.
If I ever work.
That is only once, in my life.
at the begin, i worked for way less than 18$/h :D
And I miserably had to use the Laravel framework.
@Abe My freelance rate is $10/h.
So yh.
Can't wait to change my stupid profile picture.
I am so sore, can't rest my arm on desk ...
@JoeWatkins what you sore from?
three hours of tattooing on my arm and hand, started having right arm sleeved
joe must be a very interesting person to meet :D
Damn, I'd love to have a tattoo covering my entire arm.
But my religion restricts me.
it will eventually cover both arms ... both arms have tats all over them, but my right arm is total mess, because I done a lot of the tats myself, and am terrible at it ... so starting with covering up right arm, left arm is next ...
never been a fan of tattoos, but i used to wear piercings :D
ew piercing
I don't do god ...
first the bike now getting all tattooed... you getting all bad ass and stuff :)
my eyebrow is pierced, nipple used to be, but took it out the first time my kid tugged on it ...
@JoeWatkins do you know what tongue splitting is? that could have happened during my teenage years
@Orangepill am already covered in tattoos, just a new layer ..
yeah seen it on a few people ...
@JoeWatkins I think your wife might get worried now.
I don't do god, but am confused by the notion of a being so powerful it can create universes, or at least a universe, but which also cares what you wear on your skin ...
tongue is normal now though :P eventually the split disappeared, almost entirely
I can't get tongue done, I was always really annoyed about that ...
so is my misses :D
ew the tongue thing is ewwww
i hate all sorts of piercing lol
ladies like the tongue ...
tattoos and muscles is all what i want.
but i'll have to cut off tattoos from the list
you don't want muscles if it's something you have to work real hard at ...
I have a passion for working out and programming.
But unfortunately, my parents don't let me join a gym.
my brother was always same size as me, two years my senior, he's a sergeant, has been in army for ten years now ... he embarked on a body building course at the start, he beefed up, now though, he has early onset diabetes and has to take all kinds of medication ...
he really messed up his body doing that ... eating chicken for breakfast is wrong, however you look at it ...
I eat chicken everyday for breakfast.
Btw, I didn't mean hardcore muscles.
thats all i meant
Amazing arms, feet, abs, and chest.
But looks like 5 years+ of workout.
Btw did your brother use steroids/supplements?
not allowed
he's in the army, they are drug tested
supplements like whey protein and whatever, sure, if they are off the shelf it's okay ...
but it mostly came from really horrible stuff, eating raw eggs, chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner
would never do that
if you're not allowed to use steroids, you have too ...
if you want your neck and arms to have the same muscle mass anyway ...
it's really horrible if you ask me ...
it is indeed
and it doesn't make you strong, stamina and strength don't come from muscle mass ...
and now pills for the rest of his life ...
so bad
before he started eating stupid and weight lifting, he was conventionally really fit, could run 10k with big bags on his back ... once he started trying to put on weight that went away completely ... but he thought it looked good ... it's really pretty tragic, it will cut short his army career ...
just found out I have a long weekend off
because of americans ... thanks americans ... wherever you are ...
posted on November 26, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by peyo222 */

@JoeWatkins yay! :D
'tis pretty sweet ... Americans don't seem to work a full month ... I'm always getting days off for American things ...
dammit. i refactored some code and i broke everything :(
whats ur nationality?
@Abe you shouldn't refactor before fridays ... everyone knows that ... newby mistake ...
user image
this is from blogger admin ...
SEO is confusing ...
@JoeWatkins i noticed it too
@JoeWatkins do you have an adsense on your blog?
no, people hate ads
I'm a people, ergo I also hate ads ...
are you fond of monkeys? :p
@JoeWatkins ahahah
@JoeWatkins Did you exclude other hosts than your own in filters? I know that Google Analytics has those issues with people using the unauthenticated endpoint to send spam to the collection API.
Good morning

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