@HassanAlthaf the people who go to war, soldiers, know what they are doing, in the free world at least they're not forced to go to war, they dedicate their lives to becoming experts ... you don't want fat politicians fighting wars, you want professionals ...
@HassanAlthaf they have pretty strong convictions, you don't shoot at strangers without thinking about what you are doing ... I don't agree with their conclusions, I don't think it's okay to shoot at strangers whatever, but I accept that war is necessary, history tells us, really loudly, freedom isn't free, you have to defend it ...
@JoeWatkins I know that you have to defend it. But most wars are not due to gain defense, but are mainly meant to take over a territory or whatever. And due to that reason, defense becomes necessary for the victim. If there is no action, there is no need of reaction.
@Abe I was pointing at the abbreviated language. At some point I felt like I was reading implode(' ', array_map(function ($word) { return $word{0}; }, explode(' ', $text)));
What was originally a 2 column form with a layout like A B C D
can now have questions spread over two columns, and I have no idea how to implement this because of how I built it up ._.
Each question is an object based on the type of input. All input/question objects have a render method. The form itself collects all of these objects, loops through them and builds it question by question. Having a second parameter for 'size' on the form object is trivial, but the problem is some inputs are actually split into smaller sections. Like 1a, 1b, 1c etc.
And the new designs now show 2 column questions which are like 1 | 2 ------ 3a 3c 3b 3d ------ 4 | 5 etc.
I dun goofed, now I have to find a non-hacky way to bring this in.
hi everybody .I need convert svg to png in code i am using imagick class but it get me Class 'Imagick' not found error .what i must do and is there a way for convert svg to png without imagpick?
i'm sure it is possible. but i only touch my windows desktop if i'm bored and i want to play a game. i don't develop on it. health concerns and all that.
i think in part its complex to solve cause jordi is pretty much the only one who controls all the architecture involved (servers, hosting, that kind of stuff)
@alcohol iirc, the biggest issues with it were: - getting rid of windows (broken SSL on it) - upgrading to PHP 5.6 ( @rdlowrey fixed the TLS shit in PHP 5.6 )
it may also be possible to just drop the command and force re-install tbh