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Hi, This is my first time chatting.
On SO, that is.
Is it acceptable to ask questions here?
"Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will."
NOW I see that, thanks!
Anyone have a good place to post PHP to have it reviewed/critiqued to optimize,improve,recommend, etc?
thats the one I meant :P
@HoeHoeHoe That is for talking about Software development, and mostly code reviews get downvoted.
ah, that's precisely what I'm seeking.
@Gordon could you help me out a bit? I use sessions automatically, but I never gave an exact thought to how they really work. Am I right, if I think, that session_start() creates a file on server which name is session id and stores session information there, also it sets a cookie with a value equal to session id and each time page is refreshed it checks for a cookie with session name. If there's none, then it creates one.
night all
I am trying to explode a string into an assoc array but it keeps giving me a standard array with two items instead, string - Type = R-38 Roof Attic returns - array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "Type " [1]=> string(16) " R-38 Roof Attic" }
`$itemArray = explode("=",$item);`
Any ideas?
@aknatn This is expected behavior from explode. You could manipulate the returned array: codepad.org/pweyHdXU
@CharlesSprayberry Still learning this chat system... Thanks I think I will move forward with that methodology.
@aknatn No problem, if you hover over a message in the chat you'll see a little arrow in the bottom right corner. If you click on that it will link to the message you're referring to and automatically put the name of the person in.
@CharlesSprayberry Thanks, trying that now. I refined it down a bit http://codepad.org/hLiYrdIe
Hi Everyone!
@aknatn sidenote: Please use proper names, waht is $k, $v.
Believe me this doesn't hurts, codepad.org/1acBlbMg
1 hour later…
@OmeidHerat I know I'm really bad at shortening while I am developing. I try to go back and be descriptive once a method is complete.
Goodnight All, my double overtime is done :-P
2 hours later…
Hi, was wondering how to make this preg_match case insensitive: if(preg_match('~\b(' . str_replace(' ', '|', $banned) . ')\b~', $command))
never mind, I got it
can any one help me figure out the logic behind those javascript buttons that fire php functions or methods?
Can someone please tell me I'm not going crazy?
I'm using PDO (the SQLite driver) to try and work with the table.
is cache a reserved word?
Carefully thinks...
Anyway, the really bizarre thing is that the exact same code works perfectly on PHP 5.3 on Windows and fails miserably on PHP 5.2 on CentOS.
Here is the code I'm using to fetch the data: paste.ubuntu.com/807059
doing it manually on fedora mysql works
I get the expected row on Windows. I get no rows on CentOS.
I've done some extensive debugging and the query works if I remove the second part of the WHERE clause.
(I'm beginning to think I should open up a question on Stack Overflow.)
are the timezones the same on both systems?
Yes, they are.
But it shouldn't matter since the timestamp is supposed to be timezone-independent.
I'll put the whole story into a question on SO.
One moment...
@GeorgeEdison It has to be the time though. You are positive that time() is the same on both systems?
Yes - but I've also checked the output of time() just to be double sure.
It's definitely reporting the correct time.
Now I'm going crazy too.
@alme1304 What is your exact question?
Q: Why does this row only show up when running PHP on Windows and not on CentOS?

George EdisonThis has been bothering me for the last two (close to three) hours - and it only manifests itself on one platform. Here is the schema for an SQL table: CREATE TABLE cache ( url TINYTEXT, data MEDIUMTEXT, retrieval_timestam...

Whew! My fingers hurt :P
If I have a file with contents of "<?php return array( // data );", then how do I get that array to a var later on? file_get_contents() does not seem to do the trick.
@Asko file_get_contents() will do exactly that - return the contents of the file.
I need to get that array
@Asko You probably want to modify the first file to set a constant and then just require_once that file from the other file.
define('my_array', array());
And then in the second file:
require_once 'first_file.php';
$var = my_array;
Is that what you're looking for?
Pretty much
@Asko The whole thing seems like a hack though. Why do you need to do that?
I never thought you could pass arrays to a constant tough
Oh... I'm not sure... I almost never use constants.
You might be right there.
thats the difference between const and define
Well, instead of doing <?php $config = array();, I wanted to return array and then make a function with what I can return the elements from, whatever file (array) later on.
function GetMyArray()
    return array();
Like that?
I've never found the need to do something like that. Are you sure its a good design?
I'm not sure of anything, I'm just an amateur. For the time being however, it seems pretty good.
The problem however is, that the "return array();" part is in a file. I need to fetch it from it some way.
From a remote location?
How did that file get created?
All is on the same server. And manually.
So, you could manually create George's function?
Example of the same thing I'm trying to do: github.com/laravel/laravel/blob/master/application/config/…
I just need to somehow return that array to a variable or a function. Something like, get_arr('file');
Do you write OO or procedural?
George's idea will work fine
Which one, the constant?
Either a simple function or simple class that can return you the array seem the best to me
My entire question was, how to fetch it, not where to fetch it.
function GetMyArray()
    include "that_file.php";
I think that would work?
That should be return include "that_file.php"
Update on my super-strange-bug: I can actually get the row returned when I don't use prepared statements. Odd...
I know. It will return NULL. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
it works with return
it doesn't return NULL, I tested it
Paste your code.
function GetMyArray()
return include "that_file.php";
not that code
return array('Yo' => 'It works');
and why did you change it to return include suddenly?
Because I got it wrong initially. But now I am a rocket scientist.
Indeed you are, thank you is in order.
No problems
...and hair pulling is in order for me :P
I updated the question, by the way.
@GeorgeEdison I wonder if it is a bug from PDO in PHP 5.2
It very well could be. I'd like to be sure, though.
5.2? Someone still uses it? O.o
I also added the SQLite file and query.
guys..i am trying to use mysqli but it is not enabled on my server...i am using iis 9..any ideas how to use enable it ???
IIS 9 ???
@GeorgeEdison what happened??
Drive by; vote this. Thanks.
btw, Hi!
God, I can't believe I've NOT been using netbeans all this time...
That thing, rocks!
Definitely beats Zend Studio and Dreamweaver imho
Which is strange since netbeans is the free one.
DW /faceplam.
Netbeans? I hate Java apps.
DW doesn't even come in the same cat, it's a WYIWY(might)G.
then ?
It's as good of a code editor as any, with the optional use of wysiwyg.
besdies the wysiwymg of the DW, it's just Notepad.
Has PHP, HTML etc support
oh wait.. it has a autocomplete which sucks speed.
ftp support
I think you just hate the idea of the product, not the product itself.
note++ has way more language support then anything else. still that is a text-editor (though it's the best it can get).
I personally prefer apps that I don't need to install (incl. IDE's)
So how do you use DW without installing ?
Who said I use it?
I've tried it, yes. I don't use it.
If you don't like to install. you can't code PHP.
I like to write as little code as possible while using as little installed applications as possible.
And yes, I can.
Ever heard of Cloud9IDE?
what do you use to parse the PHP ?
@Asko How do you unit test ? how do you configure your server ?
Completely web-based, fully featured IDE with git, svn, ftp support.
Don't get ahead of yourself, we we're talking about IDE's (or editors), correct?
Do they give you a Virtual Host as well ?
Hi Omeid, I still prefer Emacs
If I wanted to.
lol, there is still infinite power in the lisp, sometimes my code writes itself
@Asko I am not going ahead. Unit Testing, server configuration and installing external Extension and other stuff is just as much part of programming as coding.
@Paul Hahaha, the problem with emacs is that it stands on ESC-Meta-Alt-Control-Space :)
Well that you do the old fashion way, obviously. Cloud9 is just a really advanced IDE.
I use Vim, in terminal, Netbeans, even in my browser !
I use Vim on Linux, too.
Well, used anyway.
@Asko Your advanced IDE is written in EMacsScript. what I use is written in C.
And what you use you have to install
on each and every machine you use.
@Asko Heard of remote-access and SSH or system image ?
waste of time if you ask me.
Yes. I don't use that.
I don't need to.
@Paul Where did you go with your FW ?
@OmeidHerat my FW?
oh, framework, I'm still going through namespace changes!
oh, pardon me, I come from a web designer family.
@Paul It's a big change, isn't ? it forces you to make everything neat and tidy!
+900 lines, -1000 or so and counting
I took the opportunity to revamp my bootstrap. Its a huge change, but it feels worthwhile.
@Eugene sounds about right
@Gordon Could you correct me where I'm wrong?
@Gordon Or maybe add something regarding that?
posted on January 17, 2012 by Stuart Herbert

One of the questions I’ve been asked after yesterday’s blog post about Phix’s ContractLib is why not just use PHP’s built-in assert() function? I think it’s a great question, and the best way to answer it is to take a look at the key differences between two solutions. Side By Side Comparison Feature assert() ContractLib Implementation PHP extension written in C (ships as standard part of PHP

@Eugene no, thats pretty much how it works when you use the default session handler. you can change that though and then it works depending on how you implemented it. Also you dont have to use a cookie. its just generally more secure to do so. See php.net/manual/en/book.session.php for more details
@Gordon Thank you once again. :)
#PHP is a fun place. lots of trolls and stuff to laugh at.
Strange definition of fun
Hey, anybody here have a git project they're working on?
That is, any project of your own creation hosted on github
@edorian Haha, anything unusual that doesn't hurt is fun I reckon.
@Anfurny I've got some stuff on github
takes a look
your coding standards thing for php, does that reformat files or just throw errors when validations fail?
It generates xml config files for php code sniffer and php mess detector
I wonder will IE support text-shaddow or it will never happen.
So the 'throw errors' part. PHPs QA stack is quite solid and old there is not much stuff to do except usability
which, in turn, doesn't reformat code but simply asserts it meets a certain quality standard.
has any one use codeigniter?
any idea that can make ci develop faster
Yeah. There is autoformatting for php code in some ides and there are some small projects going on but nothing I consider worthwhile :)
@Eugene IE8 with a 90 degree change in the Version should do it.
Too bad, that's a project I'd contribute too.
bonjour mes amies
@OmeidHerat I would say 180
@OmeidHerat Or 360 even better
@Eugene Nope, 90 or (n + 1) 90 !
8 becomes ∞ :P
@emj365 drop CI if it's an option.
@Anfurny I have a PHP framework on github, its undergoing a lot of change at the moment though
company want use framework with php, and if that framework easy for beginner is better. so we choiced CI
link @paul
In a day's time my namespace changes will be done.
@OmeidHerat I see. Yep, sound about right.
which other frameworks have you tried? @Paul
@Anfurny There was nothing I liked, so I decided to write my own. The closest one for me was symfony. Although it still uses static stuff which annoyed me.
Have you written a blog post anywhere about your laments about other frameworks?
No, not yet. Do you see any good frameworks out there?
I like Laravel.
I don't use it, but I like it.
Bet you didn't try that.
: ( I want to use ruby on rails but manager decide we must use php
RoR is easier than PHP indeed.
@emj365 ror stinks
@Gordon :p why?
I have had a negative experience with ROR thus far.
@emj365 for being too magic, for using ActiveRecord as an ORM, for pretending scaffolding is not technical debt, for unreadable code, for its community, for making the webdevelopment community misunderstand MVC
I didn't like that I constantly had to restart the app.
unreadable code, Gordon? Really? And I suppose PHP has readable code then?
@Asko PHP is very readable when it is written well
Readable, yes. Very, no. PHP is a bloody mess to write.
I'd agree with gordon that ROR is difficult to read.
@Asko i find php code much more readable. yes. its much more verbose and takes more characters but ultimately i find more readable. i find rails code perlish and perl is unreadable to me
In fact, I think ROR is one of the most difficult to read (for errors). Sure it looks like english so maybe an untrained 6th grader can accurately speculate what a program's source code does, but an expert could also misread what source-code does.
In short, try to make source code read like english is a folly, programming is superior to english BECAUSE it has extra punctuation and therefore extra clarity.
I do not like ";" characters. They bug me.
That's just your ocd though. It's just like the period in english; you could probably get away without it, but it's worth it for the extra clarity.
I suppose.
I think ror develop so fast, that magic so nice.
@emj365 i never understood that argument.
Well if you develop throw away sites that are just a little to complex for wordpress its nice :)
Magic is imagination only, please don't apply it onto something that bare-bone like software.
There are no silver-bullets.
Magic is a technical term
@Anfurny Well, who has defined that technical term? ISO?
It means software doing strange things that aren't apparent from the source that can sometimes be super-convenient but also surprising.
@Anfurny I thought that was called "hard-to-debug-code". ^^
I'm not disagreeing with that facet of magic.
In fact, I get the impression that the overall attitude towards magic is negative.
But it's not a technical term. Programmers might use it to describe some esoteric behaviour, but I won't call it technical in any way.
It absolutely is.
It's used on PHP.net for example, "magic methods"
: S
@Anfurny So in the PHP domain magic is somewhat defined as it's related to some methods?
I'm sure if you google it you'll find it's in common usage.
If that doesn't convince you I don't intend to discuss this further; I find this non-productive.
@Anfurny So you actually say, you can't back-up your statement with some reference. That's okay in my eyes as that's exactly what I pointed to. urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=magic
Magic may refer to: * Magic (illusion), the art of appearing to perform supernatural feats using sleight of hand or other methods * Magic (paranormal), the use of paranormal methods to manipulate natural forces, such as witchcraft ** Ceremonial magic, a ritual system of esoteric spiritual development using occult techniques ** Magick, a specific system of ritual magic deriving from the religious philosophy of Thelema * Magic and religion, which may involve the intercession of deities or other spirits, such as prayer * Magic in fiction, the treatment of magic in fictional works Computin...
@hakre You are bored too aren't you
@edorian Yeah today is really slow starting.
But then again everything beats having the same weekly round of boring wrong dead beaten ror arguments from 4 years ago
@Anfurny "Magic (programming), an informal term for the use of code that handles complex tasks while hiding that complexity to present a simple interface"
There it's written informal not technical. I'm pretty sure that is a better description what you mean.
@Gordon That ZEND survey is quite broken isn't it?
@edorian Isn't ROR a framework and you shouldn't compare it with a programming language?
@hakre I didn't ask you to quote from it! :P
@edorian I will drop that now ;)
> Which of the following types of projects do you expect to be working on in 2012? (select all that apply)
> 40% Big Data
thanks a lot. I just read laravel.com, like it.
That has pretty much the same use than saying "I expect to work with a keyboard"
Not everybody does big data
they just need to define "big" better, and perhaps data better.
Maybe say "High traffic environments" > 300,000k users day
Yeah something like that.
and "large data sources" > databases over 2 tb
or 20 tb or whatever number makes that stat interesting
Well the last time someone said "Big data" to me he was talking 1PB :P
big data sounds like data-mining in my ears.
a centillion tb
now that's what I'm talking about!
> The survey further revealed that 46% of all developers are looking to build cloud skills, with a high desire to gain expertise among 52% of developers in large enterprises.
"to build cloud skills" twitch
yea, what exactly are "cloud skills" ?
I dunno, all seems kinda foggy to me...
Maybe the ability to sign up for a aws account
I think the "which music to you like" is the only valuable question in the whole survey that isn't marketing bullshit.. It doesn't make me trust Zend more
Anyways guys, it's 2 am here.
I'm headed to bed momentarily.
Where are you from?
If anybody wants to do a code review on my github project lemme know.
whats the link?
MY biggest concern is how professional looking my code is at first glance; my major goal is to shine up it (and or my skills) and use it as a code sample with potential employers.
anyways goodnight
you have a good readme at the start, thats a good sign
Well instead Blah Blah you should use Lorem Ipsum.
@edorian it has some unexpected expectations but apart from that, i think its okay for a business report. little findings presented big and some fancy charts. just what managers need. and the part about music in the end might give them a feeling that their code monkeys could be humans after all. you know, the whole oh i can relate to that thing.
Well ... bad managers that don't care about their projects? :)
Like I said: The only thing with value is the crap the put in to make it look like a proper survey.. and don't clutter up the chat like that :)
It really made the whole thing lag when scrolling
7 messages moved to bin
oO images make your browser lag?
I have no Idea
Fact is that Chrome 18 is bloody weird.
posted on January 17, 2012 by Fabien Potencier

Some watchful readers pointed out some subtle but nonetheless important bugs in the framework we have built yesterday. When creating a framework, you must be sure that it behaves as advertised. If not, all the applications based on it will exhibit the same bugs. The good news is that whenever you fix a bug, you are fixing a bunch of applications too. Today's mission is to write unit test

It's official, PHP frameworks suck more than PECL/PEAR.
How so?
@Asko Look to the stars
Is the star count supposed to explain to me why they "suck"?
Why people create them when they suck?
why people use PHP if that sucks?
I find the star count useless
A good developer can justify he's actions.
@Asko No, not at all. Simply, n people found the statements worth starring. See also chat.stackoverflow.com/faq#star
sucks or not, I like PHP :)
I find the one of the biggest issues is that it's like C++, gives the users plenty of rope to hang themselves ^_^
A statement is nothing more than a statement, it's value is 0 to me. I can also state that you suck, but I can't justify that. Hence, if statement has no explanation behind it, it's worthless.
There are quite a few arguments that can be made for languages
But the amount of rope PHP gives you is enough so you ALWAYS hit to ground
No tree is high enough to hang your self.. but you might kill yourself on impact anyways :)
@Asko What a nice recursive statement
:) yeah i guess the main way people kill themselves with apps (aside from unscalable code) is not understanding simple things like SQL injection. I just spent the last week reading over random code that people actually deployed just loaded with holes...) :P
@Asko I think you're thinking too much about this. The "* sucks" statements are mostly tongue-in-cheek anyway.
@KennyCason Most scripting language projects I've seen killed them self by relying on scaffoling and 'rapid development tools' that hinder development and maintenance more and more the longer the project goes on until there is a point where changes are so painful and cost inefficient that the projects need to be thrown away
I've yet to see anyone/anything die because they got hacked.. Sony at least doesn't seem to mind :P
I sometimes happen to over-think, yes.
@edorian yeah i guess you're right, i can't imagine an SQL injection being deadly to most people haha
@CharlesSprayberry Good morning :)
@edorian Good morning...although this early it is hard to see the good ;)
Well the Internet is working at least
@edorian Indeed. School starts back up as well today, maybe this semester won't be as boring as the last.
I like the sound of that
@Gordon what is the point of tags that do not exist?
@Gordon lol nice
that made my day
So basically a l33t language for this place?
So useless.
It's just appriviations for "close vote" and "delete vote"
but then again all you do here is complain about non php related topics anyways so why do i bother
@Asko its to give it more emphasis, in this case to the action you are supposed to take
Incorrect. I complain about both, non php and php related topics.
Nice link, need to remember it: stackoverflow.com/questions/ask-advice
@hakre For the first few questions you nowadays need to click the checkbox there anyways before you can proceed
ah okay. ;)
@edorian not that it would help much. they dont read it. almost like an EULA.
@Gordon But they already ignored it once,twice or thrice so linking to it again will probably not help
@edorian yeah, i know. but slapping them with the link feels good
Hi guys! coming back after a long time :) got lot of workload these days
@Sudhi welcome back
anyways, I will get straight to the point, I have a php-cli script which queries a MySQL server using PDO
@Gordon thanks :)
now, you are right thinking that I want to run this php-cli script continuously, but the problem is (if my understanding of PDO is correct) that the mysql connection via PDO will timeout(ping out)
with the old mysql_connect() I had the option of mysql_ping() to check if the connection is alive/active, and reconnect if not
how do I achieve the same with PDO ? (Yes, I know that reconnecting would mean I will have to prepare my statements again, but I will take care of that in the code)
@OliverWhysall Have you put debug statements in to see what is getting run? Are you sure it gets into if($row['usr'])
searched PHP man pages and found out that I can set PDO::setAttribute ( int $attribute , mixed $value ) , which for MySQL will set the timeout for connection
@Paul Hi Paul, I haven't yet, but I will do now and see the results
@Paul do i need the `` round pass in $querynewpass = "UPDATE tz_members SET pass='".$_POST['$passwordnew1']."' WHERE usr='{$_SESSION['usr']}'";

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