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@ircmaxell :) then İ ask you, pleeeasseeee answer to my second question, as you can :) pleeeeasseeeee, help...
re-ask it on the main site in a different question
@ircmaxell OK, how you want. I will ask, but I will wait answer from you too :)
@John This site is designed to get help from a community. If you abide community rules, then typically you will receive community help. That is how it works.
@John You cannot expect a certain person to answer.
@LeviMorrison sorry (
@John It is okay. You are new. You just need to follow the rules. :)
@LeviMorrison OK, I will )
@ircmaxell So, 64-bit stupidity?
not sure, it is on my 32 bit install, but I'm installing a 64 bit VM to try to get it to work
guys, I asked my question again. if anyone want to help (or can help) please answer. stackoverflow.com/questions/8903477/…
just answer 1st or 2nd way is correct ... stackoverflow.com/questions/8903477/…
@Charles this is REALLY weird
@ircmaxell PHP.
no, I'm getting different values when running via debugger as via command line
(int) (pow(2, $bits) - 1); gives me int(72057594037927935) on command line, and int(72057594037927936) in debugger. Which is where the bug is...
but why
I found it
and I do consider it a bug
Ok, so if you do pow(2, (float) 56), you get back a float. But since there isn't enough precision to fully represent the number (2^56-1) in a float, when I cast it back to an int, it casts to 2^56. So it appears that pow returns the data type of the 2nd argument. so if I do pow(2, 56), it returns an int, but pow(2, (float) 56) returns a float (that's not precise)...
so that's the source of the bug. I'll fix it in a second
i've updated the dns of a site, it looks like everyone can see it but me, i can see the site on my mobile, tried reebooting the modem, any logical reason you can think of?
clear your cache?
did that and history too
try telnetting it
hey all, anyone know why this query is producing no results: SELECT "reports".* FROM "reports" WHERE ("reports".unit_id = 1113) AND (time between '05/10/2011' and '05/10/2011') ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0 When I have 90 records in database all in this format: '2011-05-10 11:23:15'
thanks for response
why telnet? if i ping it i get timeout tho
@Charles: fixed. Just running a test build, then will commit
what's the url? @user101
Well it looks like you've selected an empty time amount @JohnMerlino
empty time amount?
what do you mean?
You say between two times that are the same time.
is there a way to ensure it grabs the entire day?
So it's a dns thing for you. A workaround would be to put annatifu.com in your hosts file as but it should resolve itself in time most likely @user101
between '05/10/2011' and '05/11/2011'
rigth so it's just a matter of time, i see. quit unlucky tho, mates can see it while i can't and i'm the one who should do some updates but i can't access the cp as domain isn't pointing to the ste for me, sure i can use a proxy but frustrating
thanks for response
@Charles: here's your fix github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-CryptLib/blob/master/lib/CryptLib/… (yes, 5 characters fixes it)...
Good SSH client for Mac OS?
@ircmaxell A simple floor?
so the bug is because pow(2, 54) is not exactly representable by a float
Multiple changes in the commit.
@Charles merge conflicts
and since pow returns the type of the second argument, the bug came in that (int) pow(2, (float) 54) - 1 returned pow(2, 54), which then caused the mask to fail to always be 0...
I'm going to open a bug for PHP tomorrow
You think pow shouldn't return type of the second argument?
@ircmaxell I'm sure it will sit for 2-3 years unfixed or be closed as bogus by Rasmus with a RTFM...
@Anfurny correct, it should return an int where possible...
@Charles The reason for doing it tomorrow is that I'm going to try to build a patch ;-)
good plan
the only thing is, how do I determine if both base and power can be converted to an int with no loss of precision... meaning, that it can be exactly represented
Why is the math wrong with the float, and overflow?
@Anfurny no, it's because a float can't exactly represent (2^55)-1
so it "rounds" to the nearest representable number, which in this case is 2^55
why can't a float represent...
36028797018963967 ?
In computing, floating point describes a method of representing real numbers in a way that can support a wide range of values. Numbers are, in general, represented approximately to a fixed number of significant digits and scaled using an exponent. The base for the scaling is normally 2, 10 or 16. The typical number that can be represented exactly is of the form: :Significant digits × baseexponent The term floating point refers to the fact that the radix point (decimal point, or, more commonly in computers, binary point) can "float"; that is, it can be placed anywhere relative to the sign...
see Range of floating point numbers
Okay, so an overflow
No, because overflow is different
@Charles: here's why 53 was the magic number
> On a typical computer system, a 'double precision' (64-bit) binary floating-point number has a coefficient of 53 bits
Any plans for PHP to fix that? I recall it was a major inconvenience for several people at a programming competition
huh? fix what?
Limited precision
Now, PHP could implement that natively like Python did, but for most uses of PHP, it doesn't matter...
Can anyone follow the answer to this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/8899352/… and help me out? I really need to get this so I can pay my bills :/ please.
Really would like some help :/
@ircmaxell aha, thank you
Well I'm sure you had fun debugging some difficult because Pow gave you an inaccurate answer without throwing any warning...
@Anfurny no, took me literally 30 seconds once I had the 64 bit VM up and running
any help?
Well consider yourself lucky.
@Anfurny No, I am just fluent with XDebug...
Well, what if you had been working on something bigger, and your values were stored in a database, and you only saw they were wrong on retrieval? Consider yourself lucky.
@Anfurny I would still catch that with xdebug
If you knew where to look. You'd first wonder if somebody ran a query changing all your results by one, so you might check the query history. etc.
eih, fair enough I guess. But it's not that hard to use xdebug
Don't get me wrong, I love xdebug, though it's not been perfect in the past anything pushing PHP out of var_dump is sorely needed
I have had bad experience with xdebug and eclipse, but that was mostly the eclipse that was to blame.
Yeah, Netbeans is much better at it
checking out PHP-Trunk fresh to make the patch
patch created
testing now
man, make test takes a bloody long time
@Anfurny Come on! xdebug has way more things that is a pain with simply var_dump.
btw, Hi everyone !
SKIP Test pow() - basic function test pow() [ext/standard/tests/math/pow_basic.phpt] reason: this test is for 32bit platform only
PASS Test pow() - basic function test pow() - with large exponents [ext/standard/tests/math/pow_basic2.phpt]
FAIL Test pow() - basic function test pow() [ext/standard/tests/math/pow_basic_64bit.phpt]
FAIL Test pow function : 64bit long tests [ext/standard/tests/math/pow_basiclong_64bit.phpt]
PASS Test pow() - wrong params test pow() [ext/standard/tests/math/pow_error.phpt]
ok, so I broke pow()
let's see if I can fix it...
@ircmaxell what are you doing ?
creating your own patch ?
@@ -599,6 +600,7 @@
 	zval *zbase, *zexp;
+        union ieee754_float *pbase, *pexp;

 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z/z/", &zbase, &zexp) == FAILURE) {
@@ -608,6 +610,20 @@
 	convert_scalar_to_number(zbase TSRMLS_CC);
 	convert_scalar_to_number(zexp TSRMLS_CC);

+        if (Z_TYPE_P(zbase) == IS_DOUBLE) {
+            pbase = (union iee754_float*) &Z_DVAL_P(zbase);
+            if (pbase->ieee.exponent == 0) {
+                convert_to_long(zbase);
IEEE754 isn't brook ?
like (0.00000002 + 0.0000000+1) != 0.00000003
even (0.2 + 0.3) != 0.3
Hey guys. Please help. How can I change netbeans line highlighting color while debugging ? prntscr.com/5et6n
@OmeidHerat huh?
IEEE754 is a Double-precision floating-point format, right ?
Cool, so with that standard. when you add 0.1 + 0.2 it's 0.30000000000000004 instead of 0.3
that's not true
They have implemented that in EmacsScript and it's pin in the ass when you work with decimals.
we're talking about double precision, so there'd be a lot more 0's
Well yes, there is more zeros in fact but as they are on the right of decimal point, they don't make sense to put there.
do you understand how floats work? That's normal...
Kind of, but I think it's way too cheap to be useful. at least not when you are talking about $$.
you shouldn't use floats for money anyway
@ircmaxell btw, maybe you should implement this function, quit useful I reckon.
eih, that shouldn't be too difficult, but I don't see a significant need for it (although there may be one)...
it kinda depends on the usecase
if you are using that for CLI , then you can always use php -c <file>
but if you really need to load a custom configuration for your script , then that custom configuration should be in php.ini
@tereško True, there is also something already like that ( a .user.ini file ) for CGI/Fast-CGI users. but if you wan't it as Module. there is nothing :|
hey ... stop beeping
hahha, I suck at Mark down. had to fix it.
dammit. I need to figure out how to run an individual test case... I need more info than pass/fail, and I don't want to wait 45 minutes for it...
@ircmaxell Pretty much every FW and project enforces they are configurations these days - and they should. -. So I think that function will make things clean and easy.
cool, one test fixed
@tereško do you hang out in #PHP ?
Q: How to check if float can be exactly represented as an integer

ircmaxellI'm looking to for a reasonably efficient way of determining if a floating point value (double) can be exactly represented by an integer data type (long, 64 bit). My initial thought was to check the exponent to see if it was 0 (or more precisely 127). But that won't work because 2.0 would be e...

#define M_DOUBLE_REPRESENTABLE_AS_LONG(zvalp) (Z_TYPE_P(zvalp) == IS_DOUBLE && (double) (long) Z_DVAL(zvalp) == Z_DVAL(zvalp))
#define M_DOUBLE_REPRESENTABLE_AS_LONG_P(a) (Z_TYPE_P(a) == IS_DOUBLE && (double) (long) Z_DVAL_P(a) == Z_DVAL_P(a))
almost got it...
@NikiC will be proud of me for this (even though it won't get into core)
Ohhh, and I caught a bug in pow() as well. One that was even tested for!
 --- testing: -9.2233720368548E+18, 9223372036854775807 ---
gist: A small script to remove the SOPA overlay on Wikipedia, 2012-01-18 06:14:00Z
  Please make sure to read the information in the overlay before you remove it. These laws should not be allowed to pass.

  USAGE - Drag the javavascript below to your bookmarks bar to create a quick bookmark to show wiki pages  

javascript:(function(){var divs=document.body.getElementsByTagName('div');for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++){divs[i].style.display='block';}document.getElementById('mw-sopaOverlay').style.display='none';})();
In case anyone needs to access wiki while it's blacked out
Looks like the PHP room is taking part in the SOPA blackout. There's nobody here! :O
JohnP: or you could just disable javascript for wikipedia.org
It's not a JS change, it's just a CSS overlay
The script just removes the overlay
Hey all.. just passing by..
morning @all
@salathe Should the consts in en/reference/datetime/datetime.xml / de2.php.net/manual/en/class.datetime.php have const foo = "asd"; (missing quotes) ? Is that something that goes into the xml or should the builder handle this?
@ircmaxell What will I be proud of?
@hakre @edorian hi
@ircmaxell Ah, the double / long check?
@edorian the quotes should go into the xml
All right. Will do. Thanks
@salathe Filed under anonymous #13831
waits for php going sopa
and you even attributed me blushes. Thanks :)
Holla everyone !
@edorian of course, that's the way we roll. :)
God! does anyone know a good place to score some premium or yet better free themes ?
themforest has good stuff. but accessibility is zero^2.
firefox themes != site themes
I was trying to miss the point my a mile to show the ambiguity of your question. did it work?
it did :P
hahaha, good one.
I want a simple template that is Clean (both code and look), obviously I will alter it anyways.
No dice then, all I could is google too. "I can't pretty"
Themeforest is what I usually use. The quality depends on author of the theme though
They are pretty good in terms of Design, but all I have seen so far sucks in terms of accessibility.
a:active,a:focuse,a:hover {//some nice style here }
a: { outline: none }
these are my problem with them.
The tag will be a lot of fun today
because of php.net blackout ?
CV Sports. Closevote everything
php.net is on the blackout today?
If they turn on http://php.net/index-sopa.php. Then again there are over 9000 mirrors
was suppose to be.
Maybe it's location specific
But the answer quality and amount on should do down as people can't just copy the manual
Even Google's got a doodle going for the US
@JohnP It's just not active yet
Pippa is hot, PIPA is not!!!
i think im gonna tweet that *g*
+1 googles to find out what pippa is
who not what :P
@edorian +1 for not reading celebrity magazines ;)
@JohnP People are objects until proven otherwhise
Btw: Why is everyone talking about that "exception versus if statement" performance post
It really makes we wonder what people use exceptions for
Everyone as in: "my twitter timeline" of course :)
posted on January 18, 2012 by PHP Classes

PHP Zeitgeist 2011 By Manuel Lemos The PHP Zeitgeist is an initiative that allows us to understand what were some of the main new trends and concerns of the PHP developers in the past year. Read this article to learn about what new things PHP developers have been searching more in 2011 and what are their needs that probably still need to be fulfilled.

which post?
The useful part would be: php 5.4 has faster exception handling but the "reporting on blog post media" kinda missed the point for the most part
A german site stating "He is showing that exceptions can slow down performance by a factor of 8"
@edorian i like that post. it starts with "Sometimes we use exceptions to manage the flow of our scripts." tells you everything you need to know
@Gordon At first glance I thought the same but then again it is true that exceptions change control flow :) Just the sample code is not to be taken as a real world case which is all I could ague against the post
@edorian imo exception handling is the same as error handling. would you put the control flow of your application into error handlers? error driven development?
Reaching the error handling parts of the code is changing control flow. Just like if statements and function calls. I didn't mean to say: "Use then for normal control flow"
I was just pedantic
yeah, error handling is part of control flow, but its a pretty particular piece of control flow and not interchangeable with general control flow.
@edorian All I see is "instantiating/throwing/catching an Exception takes some amount of time". Well, duh.
@salathe and i was getting annoyed with my timelien freaking out like this is the biggest revelation since the fact that php has error reporting
@edorian That's twitter for you.
But i took quite some care selecting the people I care about :(
Unfollow them!
@edorian random guess probably he did his 5.3 tests with xdebug and his 5.4 tests without and thus it's actually not exceptions being slow but xdebug being slow.
heh, and obviously, I was right :(
Q: Writing mocks/stubs for an object before you have written the class for that object?

Lewis BassettI'm designing a class that has two dependencies. One of the dependency classes has been written and tested. The other has not yet been written. It has occurred to me because the remaining dependency will be written to facilitate the class that will use it, that I should write the latter first, a...

exceptions sucks because they breaks execution of processes, which wasn't initiated by them
@NikiC Nice! Blogpost incoming?
@edorian No, angry comment incoming.
Also good
hum hum hum
Do people run xdebug in production?
anyone see the unexpected T_VARIABLE in this statement? $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tz_members (usr, pass, email, companyno, regIP, dt) VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."','".md5($passed)."','".$_POST['email']."','".$_POST['co‌​mpanyno']."','".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."',NOW())");
@OliverWhysall no, but i see Bobby Tables coming
what have i fucked up? haha
@OliverWhysall use prepared statements. that will likely also fix your T_VARIABLE error
like VALUES ('"$username"', etc
@OliverWhysall no
hi all, btw
and yes, that means you have to change your db code to use mysqli or pdo
thank you
you dont want to use the old mysql extension anyways today
A: mysql vs mysqli in php

GordonThere is a manual page dedicated to help choosing between mysql, mysqli and PDO at http://php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.api.choosing.php and http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.library.choosing.php The PHP team recommends mysqli or PDO_MySQL for new development: It is recommended to use ...

ive only ever used old mysql, not even looked at mysqli and PDO
@OliverWhysall old mysql is deprecated: news.php.net/php.internals/53799
@OZ_ no, its not
@Gordon will be
in 5.4
@OZ_ no
it will not be deprecated anytime soon
"Softly deprecate ext/mysql with education (docs) starting today" - that's what about?
it was only decided that it is marked as discourages in the docs
@NikiC read link
> Not adding E_DEPRECATED errors in 5.4, but revisit for 5.5/6.0
@OZ_ "Softly". I.e. doc only
and no one knows when that will come
I hope in 5.4 mysql will be deprecated and in 5.5 mysqli will be deprecated too
@OZ_ wont happen
well, bad for programmers. somebody can decide that it's good enough to learn and use it
@OZ Uhm, we did just tell you that it won't be deprecated anytime soon, didn't we?
@NikiC lol, and what? read that link
Btw mysqli is currently the semi-official preffered choice (I personally prefer PDO)
@OZ_ read the whole thread
@OZ_ Two people who are actually on the docs team, who follow the mailing list and IRC conversations and thus hopefully know what is going on are telling you how it is and you still don't believe us?
@NikiC damned, I wrote that it's just my hope, can you read?
@NikiC you, super important person, have any relation to that document?
@OZ_ are you trolling?
Okay, I'm out of this.
@Gordon I'm answering to blame
it was mistake to remove that troll from ignore. fixed
@OZ_ ext/mysql wont be deprecated anytime soon. the only thing that was agreed upon was educating people in the docs to no longer use it for new projects. @Nikic is absolutely right. Your hope for deprecation of ext/mysql or ext/mysqli is fine, but there is nothing in the thread you linked suggesting that this would happen with 5.4. - nothing.
web will be moving to git today, nice :)
@OZ_ and there is no reason to insult @NikiC for stating facts
hi, while goto is still in the language (and added not that long ago) mysqli doesn't worry me so much. What I'd really like to see is no way to write static methods.
@Gordon he is insulting me with "damned" words, so he is in my ignore list now and i don't care about him absolutelly
@Paul :D That would break even most of the better software, though ^^
@OZ_ he didnt insult you at all.
@Gordon let me decide. "OZ damned" insult me.
@NikiC I think everyone would be forced to write proper OO code without static, the benefits would be huge. (its never going to happen though)
@NikiC okay, didnt see but you changed it. so fine with me.
@OZ_ well, lets leave it at that now.
have i started something now?
@OliverWhysall nah :)
@NikiC web?
@Gordon bug tracker, master and so on ;)
@NikiC +1
@Paul In the ideal world ... realistically the code would probably be just as crappy ^^ With static replaced by lot's of different global state like registries
Thanks for the positive feedback on: stackoverflow.com/questions/8907777/… (I assume some is from the chat and that you have read it to some extends ;) )
@NikiC already seen it. im the commentor above ;)
@Gordon That was directed at @edorian, sorry for pinging you first ;) Are you foo?
@TuralTeyyuboglu hi
I want to store my websites messages in mysql tables. Want to set types for message as 0- neutral, -1 - fail, 1 - success. Can I use int type for this column?
I mean for negative values
@NikiC yeah, im foo. i cannot be bothered to identify myself on blog posts
@Gordon is foo :D
@Gordon Why?
@NikiC lack of control over comment
@Gordon hm?
@OZ_ plz take a look at my question
Good morning
morning @irc
@NikiC i dont like being unable to edit/delete in case i change my opinion at a later point.
How's it going?
@Gordon So you don't want people to see what you thought in the past and do not think anymore?
@ircmaxell fine thx. howdy?
doing ok, stayed up too late last night...
@NikiC yepp because its irrelevant then
@TuralTeyyuboglu done
@OZ_ thx very much
@ircmaxell btw, integers wouldn't be 64bit on windows anyways ;)
even with a 64 bit compile?
@ircmaxell Yes. Windows is an LLP64 architecture, so both int and long will be 32 bit and only long long and pointer will be 64 bit
:=| (Godwin's Law)
@Gordon ?
Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis. Godwin's law is often cited in online discussions as a deterrent against the use of arguments in the widespread Reductio ad Hitlerum form. The rule does not make any statement about whether any particul...
@Gordon LOL
@edorian Ah, okay, now: :-D
has anyone used the phpProBid script?
I at least haven't
@NikiC I just got back to the keyboard. Yes, you are right. I'd forgotten about globals.

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