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reading the man pages/google didn't yield anything interesting, looks like I will have to rewrite the script and go old school with mysql_*
/me is sad :(
@Sudhi That timeout is for waiting for a lock? It should run continuously ok, so long as it doesn't have to wait too long?
@Paul no locks, nothing fancy. Just a SELECT query to fetch messages from db, send it to SMPP server, then UPDATE query to set a flag telling the messages are sent, then repeat
I am using prepared statement as I have to individually decide the message_sent flag for each flag, got great speed up with PDO
@Paul are you suggesting that while(TRUE) { $sth = $pdo->prepare($myStatement); $sth->execute($parameters); //do something with data; } will run without problem ?
assuming that //do something with data will finish before the PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT value ?
(all references to database/SQL are MySQL only)
@Sudhi The only thing that would kill it would be a PHP timeout I would have thought? you can set that in php.ini though
@Paul no problem with PHP timeout, as it will be running on CLI , and timeouts dont apply to PHP-CLI
oh, I see. Well I don't have anything authorative to back up my idea, but you haven't found anything that would suggest that it really would timeout?
@OliverWhysall Make sure you escape everything that you need too. I don't use mysql_ functions (only PDO). I thought there was an escape function you could call to do that for you. mysql_escape_ something like that
@Sudhi if its possible you'd have that prepare outside of that loop wouldn't you?
@Paul yes, actually the prepare is in fact outside the loop
@Paul another dev in my office was doing some data intensive work, and he found that mysql connection dies out. He was using mysql_* stuff, but while googling I found the same can happen with PDO too
after all its MySQL connection, which, I presume will die/time-out sometime, wouldn't it? or maybe I am wrong here?
@Sudhi If you are selecting and updating you could also be using a transaction if there were any chance that the data was going to be modified outside of your control. There might be limits set in the mysql config?
@Paul umm, the problem at hand doesn't use transaction. When SELECTing I do 'WHERE status = :statusNotSent' and when I UPDATE (for each row, I try to send the message) and do 'WHERE status = :statusFromSendMessage'
anyways I think I figured the solution to problem, its actually simple and so obvious that I am laughing at myself. If the connection dies/times-out, I will get PDOException (I set PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE to exception) , and then I can simply die (with appropriate clsing the SMPP connection to remote server) in the script, then ask the daemon running the php-cli script to restart !
@Sudhi Yes, so long as you are the only one modifying that data.
@Paul yes, I would be the only one UPDATing the data, others might be SELECT/INSERTing the data, but wont DELETE or UPDATE it
Sounds good.
thanks @Paul for your help. I must run back to my desk now.
/me is waiting for the launch to happen, so that he can get back to SO#chat
@Sudhi have fun, good luck
bbye @Gordon : will come back to SO#chat once I my workload gets bit lower
for the sake of posterity, after little bit of discussion on freenode##php , I was suggested that I can solve this particular problem by using persistent connection (which needs to be set while you instantiate your PDO instance). I am trying it out, and will report back here if it doesnt work (and bug you folks for solution :P )
hey all
Hello @NikiC
hey @Donut :)
How are you, @NikiC ?
@Donut great, you?
@NikiC Awesome.
@Donut like barney?
never mind ;)
What is it!?
barney stinston from how i met your mother is what I meant ;)
Oooohhh, that one.
@NikiC :D
An article of yours featured on FD. :)
how to display pdf in a division for reading
@ChristianSciberras FD?
ah, that one
what is that list for?
Security, via the "full disclosure" concept (aka the "shoot first, check later" concept)
and also for trolling, of course. -_-
But yeah, sometimes people post new stuff there before anywhere else.
(including sploits, vulnerabilities etc)
somehow Tyrael is everywhere
@edorian Yeah, and he's nice.
Good Morning
Good afternoon, @ircmaxell
Yeah from the few encounters we had I've gotten that expression too :)
@ircmaxell What up
not too much, getting back to work
hey @ircmaxell
How's it going?
Heya! Hello Anthony.
Quick question....what should I use as latitude/longitude data type, in PHP, Javascript and mysql?
To be on the safe side, I'd say string...perfect precision :)
@all hello. i know its not php query but hope you reply it. i want to insert using mysql. my statement is mysql_query("INSERT into table (image) values ('$actual_image_name') WHERE name=mann ");
but it is not inserting .
whats wrong with it
When evaluating a bitmask with php, should the evaluation be in parens? E.g. if (! ($int & $flag)) or is if (! $int & $flag) fine?
@ChristianSciberras depends on what you're doing
@TimPost yes, with the parens
heheh, thanks for clarifying that :)
I do if ($flag === ($int & $flag))
just to handle cases when the flag is actually two bits...
(which should never happen, but better safe)
I check types earlier on here, I'm handling evaluating an array of friendly names and returning false if one isn't set
Evening everyone!
Still not a bad idea, thanks!
Hi guys, i have a really wired error, non of the sites hosted on my server are showing on mobile phones now. anyone herd of this problem?
Is it possible to somehow apply path of keys to some array and set a value for example set_value_by_keys_path( array $array, '/path/to/set/value', $value ), but in simple way? Or there's no such thing in php?
@ircmaxell So, returning based on a ternary evaluation (e.g) return $int & $flag ? 'string_one' : 'string_two';` should also have the evaluation in parens? (sorry for the triple alert)
@Eugene you'll find lots of questions on SO asking exactly that
and lots of answers.
@salathe Thank you.
@TimPost yup
@salathe I guess my search query is messed up. :)
It seems to work no matter which way I do it, but that's with php 5.3.8
(5.3.9 going in next week)
Although the ternary syntax does have lower precidence, a lot have higher precedence than bitwise and (for example, ++, --, ~, casts, !, *, /, %, +, -, ., <<, >>, <, <=, ==, >=, >, !=, !==, ===`...
I always wrap it just to be clear
Better safe than sorry, especially if I'm on vacation and it breaks :)
Thanks for the small chunk of brain matter :) Surely, you won't miss it at all.
@salathe Found one
Q: Array path from variable in PHP

KokosSo I wrote a class that can parse XML documents and create SQL queries from it to update or insert new rows depending on the settings. Because the script has to work with any amount of nested blocks, the array that I'm putting all the values in has its path dynamically created much like the foll...

But this is not quite as I imagened.
@Eugene hello. can you please suggest me something about my query above
@mann Try update instead of insert.
update is working fine. but thing is i want to insert multiple images for same name
update is simply replacing existing image
need to see table structure
i dont want to replace i want to insert more thing one image for same name in database
[email protected]
A: Setting a value in a multi-dimensional array using an array of keys

NikiCfunction insertValueByPath($array, $path, $value) { $current = &$array; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $part) { $current = &$current[$part]; } $current = $value; return $array; } $array = insertValueByPath($array, 'A/B/C', 'D'); // => $array['A']['B']['C'...

@Eugene my table contains 3 coloumns id, name, image. Id is primary key. now i want to insert many images for the same name
@NikiC Needs more recursion
@edorian @NikiC doesn't like recursion.
so my query was mysql_query("INSERT into table (image) values ('$actual_image_name') WHERE name=mann ");
Is this statement right?
@salathe, @NikiC I think I expressed myself wrong. I have for example array( 'all' => array( 'user1' => array( 'url' => '..', 'client_id' => '...' ), 'user2' => array( 'url' => '..', 'client_id' => '...' ) ) ) and I need to place like a new layer upon that another array for example array( 'all' => array( 'user2' => array( 'client_id' => 2 ) ) ) and in result there should be first example, but user2with new value of client_id.
@NikiC Well tell @NikiC to tell @NikiC that recursion has it's issues and then if you can break the loop all will be fine
@mann Fixed that GWOC (great wall of code) for you.
$array['all']['user2']['client_id'] = 2;
@TimPost sorry?
(try to make sure you don't post a bunch of whitespace)
yah sorry that was by mistake
@edorian But who will tell @NikiC then?!
No worries :)
@NikiC The bootstrap file
can you suggest something now plz
@mann Just do inserts with diff images, but with same name
Later if you will need to select by name it will be easy.
@TimPost yes i was trying to do that with query mysql_query("INSERT into table (image) values ('$actual_image_name') WHERE name=mann ");
but it does not work
where i am wrong
INSERT INTO table1( column1, column2, column3, column4 ) VALUES( value1, value2, value3, value4 )
@mann adjust for yourself
yah thanks but this what i wrote above. but it does not work
@mann Maybe pastebin the full code example? (or did you, and I missed it?)
@salathe Now there should be smiles here like in skype :) Otherwise I can't express my gratitude.
@salathe Thank you.
Who needs smilies when we have lolcats?
@salathe Yep. That's perfect. :) I'm happy exatcly like that. :)
@TimPost there is nothing i can paste there or show you. i have just simple query mate. mysql_query("INSERT into table (image) values ('$actual_image_name') WHERE name=mann "); where table is table name and image, name are columns . hope this helps
@all anybody suggest me something about mysql_query("INSERT into table (image) values ('$actual_image_name') WHERE name=mann "); where table is table name and image, name are columns . it does not work.
Hey guys, anyone familiar with YouTube API? I'm having a hard time trying to get a playlist feed based on the playlist ID.
@mann WHERE name=mann should be WHERE name="mann", if you're searching with a string. Otherwise, could you paste the query as it is sent (change mysql_query to var_dump), because there may be something wrong with the syntax after all.
@MarttiLaine thanks for your consideration. var_dump("INSERT INTO mainregister(image) VALUES('$actual_image_name') WHERE name="manjinder" "); i tried this not it shows error on "manjinder" saying syntax error
how can I pass an optional parameter to an object?
@alme1304 the same you pass any optional parameter
@Gordon and how would pass optional parameters
by defining a blank one nad filling it in with the optional possibility?
@Gordon great Thanks
@alme1304 np
what would the logic be for a newsletter submission script, where a user gets sent and email and if they click on the link they are added to the db
What GTK+ has to do with webapps and why it makes sense that PHP can make use of it ;)
Anyone remember the legal music site that was shutdown recently?
@hakre unfortunately PHP cannot make use of it because the php gtk project only supports gtk2 and despite them claiming the project not being dead it feels like it is
@ircmaxell In Germany the answer is easy: Every single one of them except amazon and iTunes
@Gordon hmm, sad story, didn't know. The vid is impressive anyway.
@hakre yeah, its cool
@Gordon it's not dead, as long as it lives in source code.. :-D
Case in point: SimpleTest, except that the gtk bindings don't even have imaginary use cases anymore :P
@mann That is because you are using quotation-marks for wrapping the query already. If you add any quotation-marks to the query itself, PHP will think that the query string stops. Switch to apostrophes, like this: WHERE name='manijinder' =)
@edorian I've had that very same experience...
if a user inputs their email address to be added into a newsletter list, how would I send the email with the random strign of characters that confirms his address?
@NikiC the key renaming version you accepted is faster despite working with 3 arrays. im surprised.
@Gordon depends on array size probably
@NikiC ive tried with 26 elements
Anyone care to take a stab at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/8890289/…
It's left me wondering if I've found a bug.
@GeorgeEdison I'd bet it has to do with the version of SQLite. 5.2 comes with 3.3.7 and 5.3 with 3.6-7 (depending on the exact 5.3 version)...
hello all!
@ircmaxell So it could be a bug?
not a bug, but a feature that wasn't implemented or something like that. Besdies, 5.2 is EOL and not supported
also, are you trying to use SQLite as a cache???
Hi all
whats up?
Nothing much, got home from first day of new semester. Waiting around for a phone interview in a couple hours.
How's it going for you?
good good ^_^
it seems people are hating on frameworks in here X_x
@Neal Eh, only because there's so many of them. I mean, who hasn't rolled-their-own PHP framework? ;)
@CharlesSprayberry :-P
I like it
@Neal What's that? Creating your own framework?
@CharlesSprayberry yea ^_^
Ive done it with smallFry. and it is still expanding
@Neal Yea, it's been a learning experience. I like having a deeper understanding of what is going on when I do something.
writing framework is not a good thing (or at least not always), writing library is (usually) :-)
If nothing else this newest evolution of my own work really got me into unit testing, so there's that I suppose.
what does TIL mean?
@KamilTomšík lol whats the diff? mine is basically a library
@NikiC In what context? (I've never heard of it but maybe we can deduce what it means)
@Neal difference is in design, framework traps you in its rules, library doesnt
@KamilTomšík That's a good point. Sometimes that is exactly what you need, a foundation of rules that can have useful libraries plugged into it. I want my framework to give me a set of clear, defined rules; flexible enough that I'm not confined, but strong enough that I have a clear path when developing an app.
@KamilTomšík ehhhh
@CharlesSprayberry yeah, sometimes - but that's also questionable, most popular frameworks force you to extend abstract classes, require separate models, views, controllers (fat controllers leading to anemic domain model)
originally, framework was meant to be set of libraries, I'd love to see that kind of framework
@KamilTomšík Well, you have to find a framework that gives you the path/rules that you want. I don't see any value in a framework beyond giving you a "convention over configuration" design process. Which I see the value in.
@CharlesSprayberry nope, I don't want rules - rules are irreversible, you can't say "whoops we've been wrong, let's reimplement it using framework xyz since it's not that much restrictive"
I also believe that anemic models and obese controllers is a result of bad design/planning. I don't see how any of the major frameworks force you into doing this. My CakePHP apps have fat models, skinny controllers yet you're forced into all those things that you mention.
or maybe it's just me who occasionally experience pushing frameworks to their limits :-)
@CharlesSprayberry fat models are a good thing, however you still need those controllers even when they're skinny. that just sucks :-)
@KamilTomšík I don't like how much magic is in a framework. I ultimately want a way to get my app easily configured, initialized and have a consistent way of sending a safe response to the user. Everything else, I believe, is under the "app" domain and not the framework domain
@KamilTomšík Eh, I can see this; I just disagree or it doesn't bother me as much I suppose.
@CharlesSprayberry well, my point was, it's just sad to see developers writing their own restrictive frameworks instead of investing energy into reusable libraries less depedent as possible. it's common to see lot of fw plugins, reading their configuration from fw central config, instead of accepting it in constructors - in that case, using central config can be handled by DIC
@CharlesSprayberry empty controllers is just one of many things. base classes & fw dependencies are imho the most dangerous things there
@KamilTomšík Ah, yes I understand this. I definitely don't like the central configuration idea. I've intentionally setup objects that need configuration details to accept a Configuration implementation. I don't think I have any dependencies that aren't interfaces and the interfaces are pretty easy to implement, or at least I think they are. :)
@CharlesSprayberry why restrict yourself (or anyone other) to interface? it's additional overhead if you're actually generate those configurations on the fly
@KamilTomÅ¡ík Ah, you are the no-typehint/no-contract guy, right?
@NikiC no-type-hint != no-contract
@KamilTomšík no-typehint = contract-by-call-to-undefined-method-error?
@NikiC class BadOne implements IWhatever{
  public function contractMethod(){
    throw new Exception("interface does not guarantee you anything");
except of existence of that method, of course
I am having an issue with Joomla 1.7 module development. There seems to be no current documentation. Anyone familiar with where I can find some decent tutorials?
Joomla 1.7 Module Development: forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?p=2566196 1.5 and 1.6 apply to 1.7 as well
I'd like to make my own php framework, is there something where I can start from? (Some examples, tutorial...?)
@Spec A good place to start is understanding what a framework is and does.
I already know that, in general, I need more concreete (kind of step by step, tutorial) text about creating your own php framework.
@Spec I would personally say that if you don't understand what you need to do next, then you don't fully understand a framework. Others might have resources, but that's my opinion.
However, I think all modern PHP frameworks should use an autoloader, so there is a good place to start.
That will require you to set up your project to be able to easily be autoloaded. That should help you quite a bit.
Yes, and that opinion is ok (in my opinion :) ), what I'm looking for is a link to some concreete tutorial
@Spec Have you ever used an autoloader before?
no, but I was reading code that it uses
I'm looking for something like this anantgarg.com/2009/03/13/… is there anything else I can read about that?
@Spec I'm not sure exactly what you hope to gain from this experience. I would suggest that you learn how to make an autoloader before you start on the overall framework. It will help you significantly.
@LeviMorrison I'd like to ship my own php app using my own code, that's the point. I'll need to google more about making MVC frameworks, I see...
@Spec If that is your goal, then I would highly suggest you learn more about the parts of the framework before you create one. Understanding and planning are far more important, unless you are on a deadline.
Good. I still need some links, I'll google them too
Oh smack yea! Just got a live interview setup for a possible entry level position in a web dev shop!
I was thinking, maybe somebody here was in the same situation and can share some directions where to find more info
@CharlesSprayberry What kind of position? Front-end? Back-end?
Sounds like you have no idea what you're doing. I'd recommend first learning an existing framework. Why not start at zendcasts.com @Spec
@LeviMorrison Back-end PHP
hopes he's not turning into teresko
@Anfurny Because I don't LIKE ZF, and of course, I do know what I'm doing, but I'm looking for some personal directions if somebody, as I already said, was in same situation
@CharlesSprayberry They are a development company? It sounds like a great experience. Good luck.
Well, @spec, I know paul is working on a framework, you could talk to him but he's not around now. But If you don't know how to make an autoloader I don't know what to tell you.
@CharlesSprayberry My advice: don't be afraid to tell them you don't know how to do something. Just be confident when you say it.
Okay, ready for the mock interview? @CharlesSprayberry
Anybody wanna do a code review for me BTW?
@Anfurny If I didn't write the code for autoloader (only in OOP code, I'm curently using some kind of "autoincluder" for procedural code that needs to be turned into oop code using framework) that doesn't mean that I can't write an autoloader or that I don't understand it :) wrong conclusion, mate :)
Then go crack open an existing framework with an autoloader.
@Anfurny Wish I had the time, mate.
Oh right, you do this from work don't you...
@Anfurny You mean that's the good idea to make my framework by looking at an existing one..? I was thinking about that.. so in the meantime I'm looking for some tutorials to make fw from scratch
@Anfurny If I you post it up somewhere accessible, I might find some time tonight.
@Anfurny Maybe you're completelly right, dude, I'll bear it in mind when I start to write the code, the my own step by step writing, by looking into an existing fw code, might be good
Okay, well you can stick around and ask people as they join. But not everybody should be taken seriously, and not everybody is gonna take you seriously unless you've already made a bunch of code. @Spec
@Spec I'm currently building a FW just for the xp.
Where's accessible? @LeviMorrison
@Anfurny Anywhere public: gist, codereview.stackexchange.com, etc. Just make sure it doesn't have anything sensitive in it :)
@Anfurny github works great, honestly.
@Anfurny I see. You mean the code concreetely for fw, I have written thousans od code lines in the last 6 years already, but I didn't write fw :)
@spec do you have some public code?
@HoeHoeHoe what's an xp? Is that code accessible somewhere?
Yeah, basically people wanna know you're serious about this particular project and didn't come up with it last night on a caffeine high and will forget about it by tomorrow.
@Spec He means experience ;)
@Anfurny Yep.
I'm trying to use it as a code-sample in job applications.
@Spec github.com/PeeHaa/MicroFramework but I just started adding my files to github so there isn't much of it there yet.
but I'm afraid it's costing me opportunities.
@Anfurny hahaa :) I really appreciate this comment, it goes to my favorite :) BTW, more funny, I'm not on caffein last 2 weeks and all in all I'll need my personal framework, to taylor it according to my style so I'm seriously considering makin it, but I'm currently discussing what to look at and how to start...
@Anfurny Well, perhaps because the example is broken: alexrohde.com/ALive%20Controls/example.php
@LeviMorrison tnx, I thought is that winxp maybe :p or exam..
Well good luck.
@Anfurny On Chrome, I see the combobox for users when I load the page.
No, that's correct @levi
because it starts with focus.
@HoeHoeHoe I don't, I'm collection information at the moment
or is it not attached or something?
@Anfurny My focus is NOT in the box. :)
@Spec You haven't written any public code in the past 6 years?
Well sorry, my app doesn't have gaze awareness yet ;)
@HoeHoeHoe Thanks, I'll see it
@Anfurny I mean, my cursor isn't in the box
Is the box highlighted in yellow, as chrome does when an element has focus?
Oh, no it's not.
Anyways, that's how I want that to operate (since everything else on the page relies on them picking a username)
@HoeHoeHoe Thaats... saaadly... truuue...... I was freelancing first few years and I was doing some code fixing, smaller applications for clients, but I didn't ship anything or wrote any open source code.. I'm finishing an application and will try to offer it on codecanyon, later I'll try to sell applications on my site (that I currently don' have :/ )
@Anfurny Why does the textarea box to the far right about departments randomly flash different colors?
Flashing yellow = attempting to save
Green = successful save
Red = Failed to save
@Anfurny What about orange?
All elements save when they lose focus if their value is different.
If it goes orange then green, that's probably what I'm calling yellow.
@Anfurny It appears from the colors that they save regardless of changes
@Anfurny "Replaced \t with four spaces" Bad texteditor? ;)
Dreamweaver @hoehoehoe
Do you guys sell your php software somewhere?
and btw what IDE do you use?
@Spec I don't sell it myself I only make my boss rich ATM :)
That's a valid bug @CharlesSprayberry on the select multi
I now use netbeans and love it
@HoeHoeHoe That's, I think, wrong..
@Anfurny I am confused by "valid bug"
If you know its a bug, can repeat the bugs behavior and you know its unwanted behavior I don't see why it does it.
As in, I can repeat it, and it is validly a bug
@Spec Why would it be wrong? My boss takes the risk.
Or rather, I have now, because of you, validated that and added it to the bug list
@HoeHoeHoe Agreed.
because you never get an opportunity to make serous cash, you only work fo salary
@Spec Your definition of serious cash and my definition of serious cash may differ.
@HoeHoeHoe Did you read Rich Dad Poor Dad? I've started :)
If you want to go freelance, and you're not a US citizen, you might try sites like oDesk? @Spec
@CharlesSprayberry Sure, but my definition is: you boss can make it and you can earn salary ;)
if you live in a developing nation.
I don't want to freelance anymore. Ever.
@Spec I haven't read it. But from the wikipedia article: "It advocates financial independence through investing, real estate, owning businesses, and the use of finance protection tactics."
Tha's why I'm thinking about my own product
I want a PONY. And a Job. And A pony I can ride to my job.
through investing yeah right real estate well thats going to suck here
@Anfurny I want a unicorn to ride to my job
@HoeHoeHoe I want a pegasus I can ride to my job
I just want a fuel-efficient car.
No fucking toll bridge
@HoeHoeHoe That's right, the author might talk about that areas concreetely, but a big message is that you should fire up your mind and think about making profit, not to work for salary whole life
BTW a framework will not make you money. Frameworks are totally free and people do it as an act of curiosity/charity
Sure, I'll only use it in my application, I'll not be selling fw itself :)
@Spec lol. There is nothing wrong with working for a boss. If you are good enough you will find a good boss eventually which pays (they don't like to but they will) what you think you deserve.
@HoeHoeHoe There are quite few wrong things when you work for your "boss":
@CharlesSprayberry Fuel-efficient? Only if it is damn fast :)
@HoeHoeHoe first, I don't need a "boos", I want to deserve my freedom, doing for boss simply doesnt sound acceptable for me,
@HoeHoeHoe I've grown out of the need to go fast. Will it get me from point A to point B safely? With my fiancee along for the ride? Does it get 35+ mpg? Count me in!
How old are you, and where do you live? @Spec
@Spec If you think you have a lot freedom as yor own boss... You couldn't be more wrong...
@HoeHoeHoe secong, doing for somebody else, you'll gen only small part of the profit, your wage, doing for yourself (and having a clue and bravity to take a risk and be persistent and patient) you have chanse to do something for YOURself, just like your "boss" is doing for himself...
@Anfurny 30yo and I'm living in Europe
@Spec where in europe?
What do you work, relative to minimum wage? And what hours?
@HoeHoeHoe yes, you have, just it costs and takes time.. if it was not so, your "boss" would give up. he has financial freedom.
*work for
@Spec I hate to break it to you, but nobody has real financial freedom
@Spec I don't mean to sound rude, but if you cannot build your own framework without help, perhaps your applications are not worth buying.
Well some perhaps. But not just any average boss
@HoeHoeHoe just as your "boss" has it ;) your is smaller than his (all in all)
@LeviMorrison Nooooo, man, I wanted to see your experiences, I don't really need any technical help about that :) (okay, I'll maybe ask something on SO, but I am able to do that :) )
@LeviMorrison and it's not rude, I see the point

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