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This is the sort of thing which makes me really dislike PHP sometimes...
@SaraGolemon ew
@SaraGolemon Does PHP just have a liberal deserialiser, or does the serialiser produce that?
creates RFC for deprecating PHP's built-in serialize....
@Danack do
I'm pretty sure the 'random bug' on bugs.php.net must be broken - because why the fuck is this still open? bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=58020
@AndreaFaulds The serializer produces good output, but evidently people fsck with their stored data (per the referenced github issue). PHP's deserializer is liberal enough that they can get away with it,.
@SaraGolemon :(
It makes me sad, yeah.
maybe I should make my own PHP serialisation format that's JSON-based
I thought JSON was the serialization format :p
((Yes, I know, it lacks a few things we'd want for PHP))
There are a few things it leaves to be desired
1) weird arrays where the key order matters
3) objects
that's it I guess
>> Points at the part where I said I know it lacks a few things
By the way
Python has a deliberately broken JSON serialiser that produces malformed JSON
waits with anticipation
Python, because eff you
>>> Infinity = float('inf')
>>> import json
>>> json.dumps(Infinity)
@TheodoreBrown That's my backup plan
@NikiC using `T_ECHO` works, I still don't see why `<?=$abc?>` produces `T_CLOSE_TAG(377) '<?=
T_NUM_STRING(312) '$abc
` using the EmulativeLexer. Are the tokens defined in Parser.php not directly matched to the ids returned from `Lexer::getTokens()` or am I tired enough to not see what's wrong with that? `$lexer = new EmulativeLexer();
$tokens = $lexer->getTokens();`
it shouldn't produce a T_CLOSE_TAG for sure
is the method called if I just get the tokens from the lexer?
well, it should be called in the constructor but the map is never used if I immideatly grab the tokens from the lexer. And it works when used in getNext token. So the issue is clearly on my side
@NikiC thanks for your time. The bug is as always in front of the screen. I still don't know why I got a close tag when using the token array directly but using getNextToken results in a valid (T_ECHO) result.
> [if] PHP [7] is incapable of running perfectly valid code that was written for PHP4 does [it] not deserve to use "PHP" in its name. Instead it should be called something like FUBAR.
I like these bugs…

In dev everything is working and nice, ready to push.
In production then we notice that everything breaks fatally…
@Danack that's entertaining
This time it was GROUP_CONCAT truncating after group_concat_max_len bytes which defaults to 1024… Yeah, well, everything broke then.
@Danack I can't wait until the Tony Marston PHP fork arrives with support for register_globals, since you know it worked fine for so long, but then the damn PHP core devs had to remove it.
There is actually a case for continuing php 4 Or php 5.2 support limited to doing security fixes.
I really doubt people would be willing to pay for the developer time though.
that's my exact thought
like adding a paid support
I want to ask some help,I am converting some desktop application into web application.Now I get into trouble on how can I produce report in the web
Fixing register_globals doesn't cost so much time…
@bwoebi unless it's error prone
@zerkms hmm?
if you have a large codebase that uses global variables + register_globals then "fixing" it would be painful
in terms of both time and bugs
well, I'm talking of that scenario… it's not so hard. Except well… the codebase itself is horrible.
s/minimalist/word explosion/
@Danack have you read it entirely? (I closed the tab after scrolling a bit)
@jemz reports? You can create PDF files
@HamZa I'm sure it's not safe to do that
@HamZa Life is too short.....and even if I was immortal, staring at a wall would probably be more fun.
@HamZa, do I need to do the report manually ?
@jemz no, you can hire someone to do that for you
@Danack lol
@jemz dude...
the desktop has crsytal report,I wonder If i can also do crystal in web
@jemz what's that special in "web"? It's still a server that may run programs
@jemz Why are you asking here, and not using google?
@Danack, I ask here because I know you already done this in your project
@jemz very few people use crystal reports.....and I in particular haven't.
I did!!
Tony Marston became very popular.
Am I the only who haven't heard of him before?!
@zerkms, I'm worried for the subreports,the desktop application have many subreports,then I need to follow this in web.
Yesterday is my first time :^ )
@jemz okay
@Danack, so you did not try yet to call the .rpt through web ?
What "through web" means?
2 mins ago, by Danack
@jemz very few people use crystal reports.....and I in particular haven't.
@zerkms, calling the .rpt in the browser,so for example if you have a form in your web application that generates invoices you can call the .rpt file and view it as pdf
"calling the .rpt in the browser" --- I don't know what it is
not to be rude, but are you sure you understand how browsers and HTTP work
I honestly don't see any difference in implementing it as a native windows application or as a web application
you just generate a report from the data that comes from somewhere
@zerkms, so have you tried to use .rpt in your web projects ?
what is the difference?
between a "web project" and a "native application"?
and, yes, long ago I did generate crystal report reports on a server
(it was asp.net mvc app though)
and I'm asking you: what is the difference so you're asking about it explicitly?
@zerkms, sorry I can't answer your question about the "web project" and a "native application"
what kind of answer do you expect then?
@Danack hehehe the thread is funny
@zerkms,..I just want to know how do you generate report,like invoices.
exactly the same as you do in a native windows application
@zerkms, yes in windows application we use crystal report, but in php I don't know how to call the .rpt,..I already tried mpdf to create pdf file in my reports,but it takes a lot of coding ,unlike the crystal report you can just drag the fields any places in your report.
what prevents you from using crystal report on server as well?
hello @everyone is it possible to use Curl Php to register/signup from a site? are their any laws behind this?
@zerkms, I apologize, what do you mean "what prevents you from using crystal report on server as well?"
Do you able to use crystal report on server?
@jemz Turing test failed.
okay forget about crystal report..so what did you use to generate pdf report ?
@rdlowrey using Arya, in my controller ctor I am setting properties to the passed dependencies. So $this->prop = $dependency The same dependencies I do this to for all my controllers. Is there a way for me to set the properties so that they are accessible to all controllers, and I wouldn't have to repeat the assignments in every ctor?
@crypticツ yes.
you can say "all occurrences of this parameter name in a constructor should be filled with this value" (courtesy of auryn)
(example forthcoming)
$injector = new Auryn\Provider;
$injector->defineParam('myValue', 42);
$app = new Arya\Application($injector);
@jemz you could use mdpf, it takes a lot of memory, but works.
^ now ALL constructors that specify a parameter named $myValue that do not have a class typehint will be injected with the integer 42.
@rdlowrey so in any controller I can access $this->myValue and get 42 without having to assign it in the ctor?
Well your ctor would still need to actually do the assignment like so:
class MyController {
    function __construct($myValue) {
        $this->myValue = $myValue;
Arya would just always inject 42 when it instantiated a controller with that parameter name
public function __construct(\PDO $db, \Twig_Environment $twig, Logger $log) {
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->log = $log;
        $this->twig = $twig;
like I am having to do that in all my ctors
Well you could do this if you wanted:
abstract class MyAbstractController {
    function __construct(\PDO $db, \Twig_Environment $twig, Logger $log) {
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->log = $log;
        $this->twig = $twig;

class MyController extends MyAbstractController {}
And just do that for any controller where you don't want to repeat the same code over and over.
sweet, thanks!
@rdlowrey would the function visibility be public/private/protected?
I'm assuming protected?
@crypticツ Well for a constructor you always want it to be public
the most of time but not always...
Let's nuke WP from orbit
please god, can we?
uh oh, what did WP do now?
@crypticツ just generally
user image
ok, i just built php...went to use "interactive mode", and it doesn't seem to do anything more than just say "Interactive mode enabled" and wait for the script on stdin. i'm used to having it act more REPL'y. is there something i'm missing?
nvm...had to enable readline support
but that gives me this ominous warning that the readline module will NEVER be thread safe :P
@RonniSkansing 'morning... almost sleep time for me
Sleep time? It's ~6AM here and I should get some sleep ~_~
@HamZa 9PM here in California desert
=] I would normally sleep now... but time are changing.. Work from monday and got a inteview for another job in ETA 2 hours.
@RonniSkansing Have fun
@RonniSkansing goodluck hf
Thanks, I will [=
Good Morning
much early...
so much early ...
The http_build_query($output); is converting the [] to different character. Anyone knows there is a way to make the url look same as sort[]=first&sort[]=second&sort[]=third , rather than replacing the characters after it is build ?
This is what I am talking about gist.github.com/harikt/337a3691ab56c1e4fe4b
@HariKT what is your input data?
early mornin
@JoeWatkins can something like uopz be bundled with core at some point, writting good test seems to be in most peoples interest .. and it is really easy to use
@HariKT AFAIK, no. there's no such thing as an un-indexed array, and i don't see a flag or anything to http_build_query to tell it you don't want numeric indexes
you can of course do it yourself
but if you pass that string back to yourself as a query string, you'll get the same array
What's the difference between GitLab and GitHub?
@nosille you can search for that phrase you just wrote
I did
and the description is the same as with GitHub
I got lot of great results
posted on January 15, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Jiedara */

hi all
is anyone a wordpress developer here? i want to get into learning wordpress.i already know procedural php. Does anyone have advice on learning wordpress? and is wordpress procedural or OOP?
it is a mix
mostly very old style php, by standards of code quality, extremely poor
I would recommend you only to learn the basics if you really need to, you can find all the info you need on their codex.wordpress page .. if you got any questions there is wordpress.stackexchange.com dedicated to it.
@cHao , @sectus input data is array('sort' => array('first', 'second', 'third'))
@RonniSkansing i see many jobs for wordpress developers thats why i want to learn it.It Do you know a good resource to learn wordpress?
@HariKT , everything is fine. [] should be encoded.
@LukeSmith yes their webpage
What do you want instead?
@sectus yes it is wired to see the encoded characters . ie the only reason .
it looks nice when it is sort[]=firstname .
is there any issues without encodeing the sort[] ?
@RonniSkansing thanks but when you say code quality is poor what do you mean?
may be I can build it myself encoding only the value .
"sort[]=" . urlencode($value); something like that
@LukeSmith I mean it is really poor. It is like mcD food. Many people like it, but it is shit food
made of shit
@RonniSkansing that made me lol.
@RonniSkansing but why so many people use it then? and why are there so many jobs?
Exactly the McD reason.. looks "great", requires no knowlegde, very cheap setup, hosting everywhere
@RonniSkansing i already know procedural php , will wordpress confuse me?
@RonniSkansing i see. lol
yes, but that is not because of procedural, but just because of wp
I really encourage feeling just a tiny bit compentent in php first, as wp sometimes degrades it's developers
@sectus ok. Thank you.
anyways I g2g.. good luck with it
and code your plugins / themes with classes, namespaces and as much seperation of logic as possible
and watch out, the marked is bad, desperat 3. world developers titled expert ready to work 8x times more and 100x cheaper
@RonniSkansing thanks man.
Morning guys
I'm currently a bit into the observer pattern and have a quick question about something. blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/03/handling-plugins-in-php.html
> Another key point is that the Subject does not pass along any information about the cause of the update
Is that by definition of the Observer Pattern? Because in my implementation I indeed pass along the type of event that happened.
@HariKT array('first', 'second', 'third') is exactly equivalent to array(0 => 'first', 1 => 'second', 2 => 'third'). there's no such thing as an array without indexes
and the rest, it's perfectly normal to encode
if something breaks because of it, that something was already broken
@ThomasDavidPlat at least not in the definition provided by GoF
@cHao was not mentioning it was breaking. But it looks ugly when you want to give that as an api result.
I thought we only need to encode the values of the query string.
now I guess we need to encode the name also.
yep. the spec allows you to have any name you want, and PHP doesn't know where you're sending that query string to
@cHao so you mean for the name it is ok that we don't need to encode ?
in practice, you can usually get away with an unencoded [ or ] -- the characters are technically special in urls, but don't have any meaning past the hostname iirc
Thank you @chao . Thanks for your time.
@tereško digitalocean now supports freebsd
fuck em
I have been hosting on Tilaa for more then a year
I just remember you liked that
@tereško Need a new VPS host?
I know one that provides a 2GB o/ RAM box for $5/mo if you ever need. Give me a shout :)
@SecondRikudo how much traffic?
@SergeyTelshevsky 3TB
is the traffic unlimited, can I install freebsd on it, is it outside USA?
wtf, where's the catch?
@tereško It's 3TB, you can install freebsd on it, it's in the USA.
5$ for 2gB + 3TB sounds too good
oh, USA :(
@SergeyTelshevsky I'm having it for over a year and have no complaints.
would like to check latency with them
both sides
@SergeyTelshevsky ping madara.ninja
That's where my server sits.
Well, if anyone wants, gimme a yell :)
is it public?
Bootstrap underlines my anchor tags, how do I overwrite the rule?
@SergeyTelshevsky Yes
share a link, please, if there's a ref, I will submit you if I'll decide to switch
@SergeyTelshevsky vpsnodes.com/clients/aff.php?aff=051 My ref link
Go Services > Order new Services > VPS > Xmas promo 2GB
If you can't see it, go and start order of any VPS, then you'll see it in the top menu
looks like you have to be registered to see that menu, mine has support stuff only
and to register you have to order something :(
Open affiliate link, begin order of whatever
Hit "Home" in the menu
"Go to order form"
Then you'll see it
found it
thank you :)
My guess is that they forgot that it's there
(Since I bought it before last christmas XD)
@SecondRikudo don't see freebsd available there
@SecondRikudo I use ubuntu or fedora, though
Huh, odd
I was sure it was possible
maybe on another plan
it's probably really not there
it's quite hard to actually find BSD hosting
I should probably just stop trying
good mornings
also, I found out that mine was not the only post about this error message
and the other posts too expressed worries about SQL injections
The comments on that are great
> Just use letters and numbers, its really not a big deal.
I laughed
on a different subject
why is it that frontend devs want to hardcode EVERTHING ?!
Good moaning
@tereško it's like to talking to the wall when we talk to stupid people like them. We got to speak directly to the developer.
Good mooning @salad
I just said something very weird.
in JavaScript, 30 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
@tereško ... you always get to see the positive in situations. You're a very optimist person.
posted on January 15, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by MrJ */

@Feeds , what is the original video?
Q: Virtuemart Pricing issue

PrabhashI have installed vm and show product but now i have faced one serious problem related to price. When i have added product in cart and the price that show and calculate the total is different. Means VM calculate the total is differ when i calculate all the price in simple calculator. i show but i ...

@Feeds lol
can anyone solve it
@Feeds this basically fits every company I have ever worked for
Ooh finally have Dynamic Return Types plugin working.
morning Paul
@SecondRikudo WHAT?! You have a NINJA server? ;)
well, he's the second rikudo
@Naruto It's a server where instead of wires and transistors we have messanger hawks and chakra.
It's like the allied shinobi command center, with the big water balloon collecting data? :P
Last night, at about 4am, I went to the toilet, came back, closed the door. Pitch black. I knelt on my bed and, with a smile, opened my arms and fell toward my pillow. It turns out I had misjudged where I had knelt on the bed and, smiling, with my arms out, faceplanted the wooden headboard.
So I now have a nice big cut right on the bridge of my nose.
(and have had to recount the story to colleagues about a dozen times)
Just admit you got drunk and had a bar pub fight...
@DejanMarjanovic +1
OK. it's sooo much fun reading Tony Marston's site (the guy against php7 removing php4 constructor support). Especially this . (radicore is his framework. Here is an excerpt from the include.library.inc file)
oh right, this file is 7101 lines long the last one being empty and the 7100th being ` ?>`
@SergeyTelshevsky , truth is different for anyone
@sectus it's just not right, in any possible way
@SergeyTelshevsky Who cares, he's stuck in 1990s according to the websites.
@sectus if you write in style of php4, keep your php in version 4 and don't bug the development
I need more excerpts...
is_True: 208 matches across 52 files
@SergeyTelshevsky Ooooooooh it's the radicore guy. That explains a lot
@PeeHaa today was the first time I heard about radicore, actually
@SergeyTelshevsky I have seen that guy (I think it was of reddit) before. He was an idiot then he is still an idiot now
@PeeHaa I don't think he's an idiot
@SergeyTelshevsky Imagine how much time he invested in this, that's fucking huge
@nikita2206 I simply look at that and think that this is a couple years work at least
which could have been invested in something better like learning about composer, performance overheads, cache, etc.
@FlorianMargaine Oh right we call them "special" people :D
What is the license of radicore?
@Patrick What's that?
@PeeHaa eur chf ratio
the national bank just dropped the artificial 1.2 rate. usd and euro are really cheap now if you have chf :)
I mean where does that drop come from? WHat happened?
@Patrick ah :)
Wow, looking at the graph, it was so stable
@PeeHaa when someone is stubborn as fek, has enough motivation in what he believes is right he either becomes an established genious, either a freak
fuck ... I have to figure out where to eat =/
@PeeHaa no, really... just because he doesn't agree with your ways, doesn't mean he's "special" or "stupid"...
@FlorianMargaine I understand what you mean, but sometimes you have to stop and tell someone to stop doing bs for his own good
it was at 1.2 since 2011
Time to plan some cheap holidays I guess :D
download the radicore, it's available after registration (no email verification required), see the amount of code and effor
@FlorianMargaine He is saying that every php-src contributor that doesn't agree with him saying the ctors oldstyle should stay shouldn't have anything to do with php-src
That is stupid
@PeeHaa if he has a justification, then no, it's not stupid
people justify stupid shit all the time
5 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@PeeHaa no, really... just because he doesn't agree with your ways, doesn't mean he's "special" or "stupid"...
I have the feeling we both have read a different post
"4 reasons why all php frameworks suck" ?
it's kinda painful
and now I am even hungrier
@JoeWatkins moin
@tereško wtfsigte.com
@PeeHaa ah, didn't see that
> In post http://news.php.net/php.internals/79086 Nikita Popov said:

I've lost count of the number of times I had to debug some "completely impossible" behavior I got while writing quick testing code (which is obviously not namespaced), because I accidentally created a class "Test" with a method "test" or similar.
Again, if you don't know how PHP works then you are surely not competent enough to be changing the language.
Amongst other things he quotes and says nobody should contribute anymore
Unless they do what he wants of course
@FlorianMargaine I had a feeling we were talking about different things :P
that was funny for the first five minutes ...
guys guys guys, what's that site that can test multiple versions of php with one single code?
Thank you Paul :)
(and Joe)
@PeeHaa I'm torn on what he says. I kinda agree with him tbh.
As of now he has had 6 years and 5 months to update his extremely outdated code, code that was normal ~13 years ago. By the time PHP7 is released he will have had 7 and a half years ...
fuck, will I really need to eat in Piens ?!
By the time it's a good idea to even run PHP7 on production servers we are looking at 9 years since the EOL of 4, which was determined way way before ... more than a fucking decade is long enough ...
@FlorianMargaine That entire quotes section is full of bullshit

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