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website with attachment to account package, after 6 months of 'testing' by the client, client says throw it online, (I check logs, barely anything tested, so I try to discourage him), I throw site online, after 1 day, full list of stuff that went wrong and needs to be changed.. WHY U NO LISTEN TO ME?!
I don't see how "client" and "testing" go together
well, so that the client validates the website.
So that a 'normal' person uses the website..
and all 'special' cases suddenly reveal themselves.. :P
those special ones that they always FORGET to mention in meetings :p
@NikiC Most real engineering things have Acceptance testing
^ :D
Anddd back to CSI
General announcement: if anyone finds tutorials with SQL injection vulns, XSS, etc, I've made a reporting tool: awooga.jondh.me.uk.
I tweet the link to authors of low-quality material, and have had a couple of assurances that material will be fixed. Early days yet, but hopefully it will make a difference!
Hi, most of you here are PHP core developers. Function calls in php are so expensive why don't you consider implementing something like the inline keyword in c, it doesn't have much benefit for c language because c is fast. but it will be great if we have it in PHP.
is it possible
@someone: do you actually have a speed problem with something at the moment?
Some problems are bound to database or disk speeds, so extra processing power doesn't solve everything.
@someone Because PHP doesn't a link stage. The inline keyword in C works (mostly) when the linking stage is done, where the compiler/linker decides, "hey it would be better to inline that function here rather than call it." That just isn't possible in PHP without a complete re-write of the engine.
@Danack inlining is compile-time, not linking time
it's also not impossible to imagine ways to inline code ...
@Danack it doesn;t need to be in a link stage like c, the parser will grap the function code and embed it in the caller. substitute the body of the function inline by performing inline expansion
/knows nothing then....
@someone it has a massive benefit in C
yes but the benfit will be greater in c
I suspect the bigger issue is you'd probably be breaking pretty much all existing code (not userland), right?
for php
@halfer Have you thought about teaming up with security.sensiolabs.org ?
i tried calling a function in large loop to search in a file , then i grapped the function code and put it in the loop it's faster in about 4 seconds
speed increase
it would be a great feature for functions doing heavy stuff
@Danack, not thought of that, no - good idea though. Thanks, I'll look into it.
function inlining can have a huge impact
the problem is it's not trivial to do
agree, really that's the biggest problem ...
is it so hard to implement ? i don't have experience with php core but the parser need to just grap the code and embed it in the caller
I know how to do it in Recki, but haven't actually done it yet due to wanting to do other things
@someone it's not that simple, because of things like exceptions, backtraces (debugging), return variables, goto statements, break statements, scoping, etc
@ircmaxell i want to learn about the PHP core i will try to implement it just for fun, if come up with good results we will talk about it
@someone Do you have xdebug enabled?
yes why
xdebug makes function calls much more expensive than they really are
You should check how much difference there is between inline/non-inline without it
they are with or without it but i will do some benchmarks to see if it's worth implementing
@rdlowrey It's alive!! bwahahahahaha
read: wb :-)
@DaveRandom thanks :)
also enable opcache, depending on the size of your replacements there might be a tiny price to pay for parsing the additional code
Would've been back after new year's but my sister's 30th bday happened so I had to celebrate by laying on a beach with an intravenous margarita drip for a week.
(and benchmark a later request and not the first)
So, you know you can typehint for an array()? And we have short array syntax? What do people generally think about typehinting for []?
public function __construct([] $data = [])
instead of public function __construct(array $data = [])
I'm not crazy about it, @Jimbo
please don't. array is the type, [] is just a different syntax to create an array
@Rangad Really? I had no idea! Thanks!
That'd be like typehinting callables like this: public function __construct(ƒ $func) {}
@Rangad has a point
array is the data-type, [] is array declaration
@Ocramius Fair enough
Although, before, array() what he said was also the datatype
the declaration, you mean
array() and array are not the same, though.
Okay... so.. function(array $array = array()
with great variable naming
Yah, I see
I hate the php-src/NEWS file so much.
@rdlowrey lol. Try rebasing that file.
merges are an horror on this file
I'm trying to do a merge up, but when I go in and rebase the commit with the code changes (to add the NEWS modification) it gets rid of the merge commit.
git merge --no-commit PHP-5.4 <-- fixes it. Just had to modify the NEWS file there before completing the merge.
I have no idea how the news file works, there is some git magic to it ...
some kind of merge driver setup you have to do iirc ...
I'm clueless
I spent five minutes applying a bugfix patch and testing it. Since then I've spent 30 minutes trying to get the stupid merges correct.
All right. Screw this. I'm just going to do the NEWS file in a separate commit.
@rdlowrey congrats ;-)
There has to be a better way to do the NEWS file than the way we do it now, right?
well, I have no idea what you did wrong…
posted on January 14, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by balta */

any cloud engineer, that happens to know/want to know python? cloud engineer = networking, virtualization, high availability clusters, file systems, etc.
I can only think of @DaveRandom
@FlorianMargaine I think you drank one too many glasses of marketing buzzword kool-aid
@rdlowrey yeh, my company is hiring.
@rdlowrey By dropping it from the repo ^^
thought it might be nice to ask people here if possible. Move messages if it feels like spam.
@NikiC actually you post it this stackoverflow.com/questions/3691625/…
Just learned a new git trick
which one?
$ git merge -s ours <branch name>
^ "I don't care what's in the other branch, use HEAD for all conflicts"
ah, yep
you can also use git checkout -s ours file if you're in the middle of a merge
ours|theirs, btw
How to kill a chat party in one easy step: start discussing git merge commands.
> git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.
@FlorianMargaine if you'd asked me a few months ago I might have been interested, but not right now
@DaveRandom k :)
thought so
To my shame I don't really "know" Python though, I'd very much like to but I simply have not had the time to do it
I've only ever done things with it that can be described as "dicking about" at best
@DaveRandom as I said, it's not a requirement
python is fairly easy to pickup TBH.
we understand that picking up a new language is not the most important...
I'm sort of torn over it. Significant whitespace is evil.
I used to love the whole whitespace mandate thing. Now it feels like a restriction of my personal coding freedoms.
Come and see the violence inherent in the system!
Attica! Attica!
yeah I don't really like that either
but well... the most important isn't the language imo
which is why you're chatting in php
@rdlowrey There's a big difference between coding style guidelines and breaks-program-if-wrong, though
@PaulCrovella exactly
@KevinMGranger yeah… explanation?
@rdlowrey you still didn't push anything?
Ah ffs
The symfony docs are incomplete when it comes to storing user roles in the db
@AndreaFaulds Maybe two votes could be held for the scalar type hints RFC. One to add the "weak" behavior (which most people seem to agree would be better than nothing) and a second for the strict directive.
I can't wait to work on a project which insists on strict_types=true… (\cc @AndreaFaulds)
It's kind of sad that it'll be easier for me to introduce strict_types=true to large areas of my horrible codebase than adding stuff like proper OO design and unit tests.
Hm, looks like all of the deprecated function removal votes are going to pass.
@bwoebi there is no explanation. Only SHAs representing normalized abelian curves
@KevinMGranger :-P
Q: Are Git branches, in fact, "homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space"?

Larry OBrienAs we all know: Git gets easier once you understand branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space Which seems like jargon, but on the other hand, All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by co...

I will say that the git one sounds way more like treknobabble than the monad one.
Ah, so that's not the true source then
The real git technobabble is to call it a directed acrylic graph, which is actually correct
Acyclic, sorry. We're not painting here.
A previous developer needed a CSS class with a very narrow line height. He named it pro_ana. ಠ_ಠ
Anyone had basic experience with storing user ROLEs in the db?
(ROLE entities)
Actually, I got it sorted
I can finally go home
@tereško That's what I do, but currently there's no reason for that.
the reason can be summed up as "PSR-4 autoloader is kinda shitty and often falls short"
@kelunik why do that rather than set vendor/autoload.php as the bootstrap file?
@ircmaxell I think I had some additional code there to test something, but as I was trying to say: There's currently no reason to have an extra file.
@bwoebi yeah the ssh key from the computer I was using wasn't registered on my php.net profile so I stopped and got some lunch.
Just sitting down now. Will push that in a bit.
@rdlowrey use a password, makes life easier, as long as you don't choose a brute-forceable password and not too complicated
@bwoebi Nope, ssh keys make your life easier.
@kelunik yes. When ssh keys and password are allowed.
@bwoebi How often do you use SSH on a computer you do not own / use regularly?
define "regulary" ?
I've had too many instances of https being down with github. There's nothing worse than not being able to push because the github https isn't working. Very annoying.
@kelunik not computer, but sometimes working from a vm.
currently that list would contain ~8 different systems , also about a half of those use ecdsa keys
@rdlowrey never had that issue…
@bwoebi actually you should use both
@tereško well, that's what I do ;-)
because that way you prove you identity because you both "have something" and "know something"
oh in that sense… well...
Hence ssh keys with passwords on them
I mean I use passwords, yet I still need my computer for KeePass
@KevinMGranger yesss
And for super added security, there's TOTP pam modules out there
So I could aswell use ssh keys, just never came to my mind
Yes, modules that specifically work with those ^
There's a yubikey that you can even put your GPG key on, not sure about SSH keys. But there might be a plugin that lets you use GPG for SSH... but now we're getting crazy here
/closed chat as too broad.
the point is that loosing the device with all of your rsa/ecdsa keys should not automatically mean that all your systems are immediately compromised
@tereško that's why you combine the 2nd-factor with a first-factor (like a password)
hence why they are called 2nd-factor in the first place :-)
@ircmaxell I keep passing it near the phone: annoying :P
@ircmaxell bookmarked, thought I am not entirely sure how it would play with BSD laptop (which is what I intend to get at some point)
it works with linux at least
on completely different note: tried watching Heroes tv series
it is terrible
I think they can act as generic keyboards when you push the button? I might be imagining that
or mixing it up with something else
And hey, the first season was good...
@KevinMGranger the basic one does
but keystore models are more sophisticated
@KevinMGranger it was average ...
uninspired .. kinda like what the new Flash series seem to be
I have up on it after 4th episode
stackoverflow.com/a/27950870/871050 - Anything I got wrong here?
@tereško Are you following Parasyte?
@SecondRikudo following ?
I read it years ago
@tereško It got an anime adaptation
A really good one at that.
@SecondRikudo well sort of, you're answer is of course correct, but I think that guy just needs to switch to method="POST" and upon refreshing the page the browser will send the same POST request again...
If you liked the manga, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
@MarcelBurkhard ugggh
oh ... now that you mentions it, I think it was talked about in one of previous PodTaku episodes (podcasts on youtube about manga/anime)
oh wrong info in form
@PeeHaa I'm not saying javascript validation wouldn't be fancy but I think that would be the quickest solution to his problem...
yeah agree. Missed a part of the question
@MarcelBurkhard The actual solution would be to display errors once, and then clear them if the user refreshes the form
It's not once I've seen an error message persist even after I close and reopen the tab, and it's really annoying
is there a way to get out array key as string?
I am sure jquery would solve all of OPs errors btw
example: get_key($arr['key']); //output: "key"
/me is finally going to finish the apcu work for my project before the code starts to rot
@SecondRikudo now what do you mean by "refreshes the form" and why would anyone (besides a developer changing smth on the form and looking at the result) do that?
@SecondRikudo wouldn't you just fill in the missing field and submit using the Submit button or enter key?
@PeeHaa actually I missed a part of the question aswell, I guess he's quite good ad hiding relevant information in his sentences.
@animaacija If the array pointer is on the element you want, then $key = key($array)
$array = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3];
$a = key($array); // 'a'
$b = key($array); // 'b'
glawesome! Thank you.
@animaacija are you in a foreach?
foreach($arr as $key=>$value) {
$str = strval($key);
@MarcelBurkhard i'm in other loop, that strtr (string translates html's), just decided to use translation array keys as id's there.
@DaveRandom General FYI: I'm going to have a crack at a new API targeting PHP7 to add lots more socket option capabilities for clients and servers. That's going to be my main php-src focus in the near-term, I think.
posted on January 14, 2015 by PeeHaa

This release fixes some minor typos. Bug fixes: - [Fixed typo in the readme](https://github.com/PeeHaa/OpCacheGUI/pull/56) - [Fixed typo in a docblock](https://github.com/PeeHaa/OpCacheGUI/pull/56)

So I'm out of the loop: is it a foregone conclusion that PHP5.7 == PHP7 now?
Hey everyone :)
@rdlowrey yes, no 5.7.
@RouvenWeßling hola
@rdlowrey no, yes 5.7!
feels like forever since I've been here :D
Good to know ... Although "7" requires the same number of characters as 5.7 so it's no real benefit ;)
/me politely steps off the 5.7 hype train
I've also kinda stopped reading php-internals. Is there a feature cut off date for PHP 7? I have a bunch of old patches rotting in my fork that I should try to get in.
@RouvenWeßling Given that timeline, you'll be fine to merge things as late as October. :)
I still can't use PHP 5.4 features because some clients have php 5.3 so whatever :D
So ... do we think it would be an acceptable BC break to completely revamp the stream_socket_*() functions in 7? Like removing terrible API function signatures and paring them down?
stream_socket_server($address, $errno, $errstr, $flags, $context);
^ e.g. killing the terrible by-ref $errno/$errstr out params?
@salathe Right, but I need to write RFCs for a couple of things. So I guess I have something to do on the weekend.
@rdlowrey No… but a new, better API?… stream_socketi_*() :P
hmm ... I hadn't considered something completely different. That might make more sense.
@MarcelBurkhard thank you, this was the loop! :D
it'd stand a much better chance of getting in
@ircmaxell Yeah, I have been insanely busy yesterday/today. Simple mistake. I believe the announcement on-list was correct.
@rdlowrey BC breaks always kinda suck :D
@animaacija you're welcome
Man, I love doing review of code samples potential new hires submit. If you use ECB mode in crypto code and submit that, expect to get quizzed on it....
I'm a bit hesitant though because the whole streams abstraction needs replacing ... and that's honestly not something I care to take on.
It needs to be a group project.
At least two people.
Thanks for volunteering, Levi. :)
Regarding those stream_socket_*() functions, how do you even use those? With some sort of sleep loop and unlimited execution time?
no sleep, yes loop
@LeviMorrison of course :-D
@salathe ^^ Absolutely not. Not right now anyway.
You set your sockets to non-blocking and loop using system select() or an extension like libuv/libevent/etc to notify your code when a socket is readable/writable
I haven't really checked voting; I assume it's a landslide yes so far given the previous voting results?
Ok but that sounds more like stuff you don't do on a regular shared hosting you can't even reboot the webserver on I guess...
still I'll read up on it
@MarcelBurkhard right ... you definitely wouldn't host a non-blocking php server on a shared host
@Feeds what is that, @PeeHaa? D:
are we supposed to flag answers not written in english? if so, which flag?
@rdlowrey which means I can't use this at work : - /
"Remove assignment of new by reference?"… I wonder why a bunch of the "old guard" are voting no.
@salathe Because their code uses it.
@salathe because there's no point in dropping it.
Actually, there is a point to dropping it; you just may not agree with it ^^
@Ocramius ?
Hehe, I thought there might be some technicality where it's actually an invaluable tool that shouldn't go away. Guess not!
@LeviMorrison premature congratulations on the return types RFC. It's a great step for PHP IMO :)
@rdlowrey :) Thanks.
heh, yeah, @LeviMorrison your RFC is probably the one with most "yes" votes
@PeeHaa a feed that reads tagged versions?
^ that
While I understand that you don't add new type declarations It's still sad that function numberOfSomething(): int { ... won't work
saw it :-D
and it's amazing
@MarcelBurkhard maybe Scalar Type Hints will go through, then we can see what happens
yes Scalar Type Hints would be awesome too
/me still doesn't care about scalar hints
I really feel like there's no way to do it and make people happy without fundamentally changing what PHP is.
There are plenty of languages that will do that for you if it's what you want ...
I do and I guess its because I started my programming "career" in Java..
@Ocramius it makes me want to play Transistor
@rdlowrey Well you would still be able to not use type hints, wouldn't you? Same as now...
@MarcelBurkhard that falls under the category of "do it and make people happy"
Goddamnit. I hate developing with enabled cache :(
hehe, yea
@Ocramius That is amazing.
@MarcelBurkhard You could pick a better statically typed language than Java, bro.
Not using java anymore
learning C#, what do you think about C#?
My opinion of C# is largely inconsequential because I've never actually used it.
C# depends too much on .NET framework of frameworks for frameworks
new gravatar \o/
@rdlowrey o.O hitman lowrey
cuban cigar rdlowrey
@MarcelBurkhard when choosing which language to learn next, the most important question is: what will I gain from it?
for example, if you are a web developer who uses mostly PHP, then learning proper JS might give you the most benefits
...when choosing anything, the most important question is: what will I gain from it?
hello guys
is there a php code that can clear history in firefox ?
@GeoffreyHale that's not really a question which haunts me, when I am choosing the brand of beer
@macroscripts I suppose maybe if PHP is running as the same user as Firefox on the local machine, and if Firefox is closed, you could use PHP to manipulate the sqlite files, but that's very unlikely to be true.
You'd also have to make sure that PHP was compiled with the same version of sqlite as Firefox was using.
so no easy way
@macroscripts no, you will need JS to manipulate browsers history and even then the scope of alterations will be highly limited
You'd also then have to be very familiar with the Firefox Places database. It's not as straightforward as you might suspect.
ok but is there a way I could visit a webiste and clear history in firefox. Like some website link
@macroscripts No, that is downright impossible.
@tereško you must not be a microbrew guy
@tereško aha. Can you point me to some JS solutions?
@macroscripts By "manipulate" he means "move backwards and forwards and replace recently visited URLs on the same domain"
Google: browser history api
@GeoffreyHale I don't see how it would change anything
what I am definitely not is a "hipster"
@tereško that makes sense, but for me the gain in learning C# is extending my horizon so that I would be able to find a job in C# (ASP.Net) web development when I feel like it. I know js already well enough. But first I'm going to make the Symfony Certification anyway.. so I got some time to think about this.
Looking for easy first PHP framework or library collection for simple MySQL projects. Have seen arguments for Lenovo, CakePHP, am going with CodeIgniter. Any strong opinions?
@GeoffreyHale None of those.
Especially given one is a computer company, not a PHP framework.
But not Laravel either.
No, it's a facade for a computer company.
@GeoffreyHale CodeIgniter is somewhat outdated, and not as strong as say Symfony or Laravel when it comes to design patterns.
@GeoffreyHale codeigniter and cakephp are two of the worst frameworks in PHP .. followed closely by yii
@salathe lol how have I not seen this before!?!
@GeoffreyHale Learn PHP, not a framework. Use small libraries first, not frameworks. Implement separation of concerns yourself, using libraries. Learn web MVC and how much it doesn't work the way people think it does. Only then can you pick up a framework and not damage yourself.
^ that
@GeoffreyHale you might find this post somewhat helpful: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208
also, I would recommend reading "SQL Antipatterns" book
Thank you both!
@GeoffreyHale how much time do you intend to spend on this?
also, to gain some perspective: they have been advertising that CI 3.x will require php 5.2 (it was released some time in 2006th)
@MarcelBurkhard hour per day for the rest of my life or until i get a web development job, whichever comes sooner... realistically hour per day until october
@tereško so still no namespaces I guess :D
@GeoffreyHale I would start with making your own library of things you will use. In other words, find some small problems you can solve with code. Once you've solved problems with code you'll not only be in a better shape to take a job doing it, you'll probably learn to love coding in the process.
@GeoffreyHale well I think an hour per day isn't going to cut until october it if you want to follow @Charles advice and implement the patterns yourself before using a framework. Unless you already are familiar with those in another programming language
Learning about separation of concerns is easy and requires learning no official design patterns.
Hell, it doesn't even require objects. I mean, it's ugly as hell if you do it all procedurally, but it can be done.
@Charles I consider SoC a design pattern, one of the most important ones of course, but still a design pattern.
@MarcelBurkhard BSEE, been playing with PHP/MySQL and pushing pixels for a decade now, just started really diving into web development in hopes of career change
@MarcelBurkhard That's not a pattern
@MarcelBurkhard it's a principle, not a pattern
^^ Them.
Hi-o, peeps
Well ok then, I wont refer to it as a pattern anymore, sry
yo @SaraGolemon
Morning, @SaraGolemon
I'm not english native nor fluent so I didn't know there is a difference between patterns and principles
Q: Difference between Pattern and Principle

Chandi GoromWhat is the difference between Object Oriented Design Patterns and Principles? Are they different things? As far as I understood both of them try to achieve some common goal (e,g. flexibility). So can I say a pattern is a principle and vice versa? Design Principle = SOLID (i.e. Dependency Invers...

@MarcelBurkhard "patterns" are shorthands that you use when describing the code, that has already been written
principles are what you keep in mind, while writing said code
@tereško so you're saying that a Factory is a shorthand?
@MarcelBurkhard yeah, it describes a class which will create instances of other classes
well this discussion is kinda obsolete anyway... let's skip it
I got it its not a pattern
factory is a pattern
yeah I mean SoC
So DRY would be a principle aswell, right?
Thanks!!! @Charles @MarcelBurkhard @tereško @PaulCrovella @Machavity
@GeoffreyHale Good luck!
@GeoffreyHale You're welcome. Enjoy :)
How would I go on about it If I wanted a symfony2 chat room?
considering this ain't irc where I could simply do /join #symfony2 ;D
@Machavity thanks


This room is about symfony2 standard edition, a popular PHP we...
now the challenge is to bring people :)
>questions tagged php
>questions tagged symfony2

I guess there might be three people in that room at some point :P
@MarcelBurkhard /me enjoys linear assumption humor
@rdlowrey Hustler Lowrey? Where are the ladies?
With that fat wad of dough I would expect drugs or ladies or something ^^
@LeviMorrison Don't you see all those singles in the fat stack?
Well it was a Cuban cigar, which is technically illegal, fwiw.
(not for much longer though, I suppose)
@rdlowrey ^^ Is it all singles?
Some of it was DR denominations of 100 and 1000. But that was right after I changed $60 into singles so I could tip for service at the resort.
Was in the Dominican Republic.
100 DR == $2.50 or so
Probably only had ~$150 USD there.
Withdrawing 2.5 million from my bank account in indonesia was fun too
50 bills of 50'000 indonesian rupiah
worth slightly below 200$
big pile of money
@AndreaFaulds I have reread Stas' default constructor RFC. I noticed you voted against it; any particular reason?
@LeviMorrison I'm not sure I like the idea of blindly calling the parent constructor function
@AndreaFaulds is like js inheritance in that way?
I dunno if it's discussed in the RFC, but a potential side-benefit from default constructors would be ReflectionClass::getConstructor() could always return an object, rather than potential null
please no :<
@DanLugg probably won't as there isn't going to be an actual default constructor, it's just that calls to parent::__construct will always succeed (as long as there is a parent)
@PaulCrovella True, but ReflectionClass::getConstructor() should reasonably return a ReflectionMethod in all cases.
I'm not suggesting it would be a side-effect of the implementation, but that the implementation should consider that scenario
it is a weakness of the implementation though considering it becomes "okay everyone, let's all pretend there's a constructor here"
I don't think we're "pretending" there's a constructor; its implicit, but still.
Pretty easy to rationalize every class defines function __construct() { } unless explicitly defined otherwise.

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