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@AndreaFaulds I'd like to have writable code. That means, I'd really like to have the in operator for in_array/strpos because I never can remember the parameter order :-(
@bwoebi Maybe we could solve that with scalar methods
Well, I don't think scalar methods will happen BUT we will hopefully get UString, and we could add array methods
Consider me officially out on chaining.
chaining would certainly be a workaround for the problem… but it still doesn't fix the goddamn problem itself ...
Scalar objects are not chaining in any usual sense of the word
By "chaining" we refer to the pattern of returning $this from a method. Which sucks for everything but builders.
but it makes everything fluent!
@NikiC I thought chaining would be heavily using T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in one single expression.
More pipe, less chain
Well, then call it pipelining via the -> operator…
@bwoebi Don't want to argue terminology. Just pointing out that returning this (bad) is different from successively calling methods of an immutable api (good)
@NikiC I wouldn't really say it's so good...
hmmm, there's no way to decorate a stream with another stream, is there?
stream wrappers/filters are your only real options
And that API will make you want to punch babies.
as in I want a StreamWrapper which accepts a parent stream
so I can then decorate an underlying stream (and make it stateless, by maintaining a separate position pointer and making it immutable)
@rdlowrey To be fair, that baby was being kind of a dick.
@Danack Yeah, he was on my flight the other day.
I would give you sympathy but the flight time was what, about 3 hours?
London to Sydney, 21h 40m duration, 1+ stops
Any flight longer than six hours should charge double for passengers under the age of three.
I've done trips like that
@Danack I'll sorta do that this year. Just not all at once. :D
@rdlowrey Or free G+T's all the way.....which to be fair Singapore airlines do do.
NYC to Twoomba Australia - 36 Hours door to door - 3 flights + 2 hours driving
Pro-tip: Always bring a small pushie you don't care about.
Upon screaming, toss it in the general direction of noise.
@SaraGolemon I keep forgetting to break up the trip - I really need to plan ahead and spend some time in Singapore.
In the next 3 weeks I'm doing 20,000 miles
Note to self: only fly places Singapore Airlines will service.
New York - Belgium - London - New York - San Francisco - Kona Hawaii - Honolulu Hawaii - San Francisco - New York - Miami - New York
in the span of about 2.5 weeks
though London and San Francisco are both layovers
OH: "Dunning-Krugerrands" is still the best description of Bitcoin I have seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
dun dun dunnn
By the way
Other OS X-using internals contributors, do you get open_basedir test failures?
@AndreaFaulds nope
Hmm, I wonder if I'm doing something wrong
I've had them for a while now
@AndreaFaulds well, I get a shit-ton of failures on mysetup, which uses a VM running CentOS, with php-src checked out onto a shared drive (OSX folder shared into the VM)
@ircmaxell Wow...
Why that setup?
@ircmaxell if I use a vm, I usually just copy via scp, that avoids such issues.
By the way...
One of the things I'm quite proud of ^^
@AndreaFaulds E_WALL_OF_DOC please reduce your docs… I don't see the definitions between all these docs. </not really> (nice :-))
what's happened with styles on SE?!
@Andrea But really docs like "Subtracts two integers" when the function is called zend_bigint_*subtract*() … don't really help a lot. Comments like on divide are helpful though.
@bwoebi That's true... but I'd rather have one sentence for each function set, even if it is a little bit obvious.
@AndreaFaulds not going to hunt you for this :-P
Btw, I just committed some improvements for the bitwise operations and modulus, they are now even better documented :D
oh no! </sarcasm>
/* Shifts an integer right by an integer number of bits
 * This is an arithmetic (sign-extending) right shift, like C in most compilers
 * While bigints are not usually represented as two's complement, it acts the
 * same as a two's-complement arithmetic right shift
Imagine if zend_hash.h had documentation like this :p
Nah, I can't imagine it, nobody would ever bother writing it...
@AndreaFaulds I like using SublimeText2 in OSX, but don't want to compile with OSX...
@ircmaxell Why not?
@AndreaFaulds I don't think I do.
@bwoebi yeah, I could do that, but I choose not to as it's a PITA to keep synched. I could do sshfs, but nah
@AndreaFaulds PITA
@ircmaxell Hardly...
Everything you need is in brew and easy to install
@ircmaxell do you really need to sync so often?
@bwoebi bi-directional. Because I want to view test files in my editor as well
@ircmaxell my editor is nano and this one works very well on ssh to the vm…
@ircmaxell What problems have you experienced trying to compile on OS X?
@AndreaFaulds mainly installing the fucking deps by hand
@bwoebi I haven't needed to install anything by hand...
@AndreaFaulds I don't install xcode
and then there were things like the wrong YACC being chosen etc.
@ircmaxell Don't need to, the command line tools are a separate package
@bwoebi Yes, you just need to use an env variable to tell configure where it is, that's all
YACC=/usr/local/opt/bison27/bin/bison ./configure
@AndreaFaulds that path is weird
@bwoebi Not really...
You don't need to remember it anyway. Put it in a script. Never worry about it again
and this is why OSX sucks
well, one thereof
You have precisely the same issue on Ubuntu because PHP uses an ancient bison version
@AndreaFaulds never heard of /usr/local/opt
Actually, it's more of a problem there
@AndreaFaulds I would use /usr/local/bin or /opt but not /usr/local/opt ;-)
@AndreaFaulds nope, compiles fine on Trusty
@kelunik Well that wasn't my choice
whose choice then?
@ircmaxell Huh. I had to fetch bison2.7 from an old version's package repo.
I didn't compile that myself, lol
@AndreaFaulds meh, don't use that^^
@bwoebi Why? It means no manual dependencies...
these homebrew things sometimes do weird things
Not really
or sometimes just don't work/compile
Sometimes they have problems. None of PHP's dependencies have problems.
I like apt* because it just always works… but not liking homebrew so much because it sometimes doesn't work etc. also homebrew doesn't install into the standard paths (like /usr/bin)
that's sometimes annoying
Actually, it usually does, it symlinks into the bin directory, can't remember which specifically
It only doesn't if there's a conflict with an OS X pacakage
In which case you can symlink yourself if you wish to use it instead of OS X's
@bwoebi rotfl... apt* always working... hahaha, good one
@ircmaxell well, as long as I don't try special things…
and by special you mean anything other than a normal version-less package install
@Andrea I had other things I didn't like about brew… but don't remember exactly.
meaning if you try to install two packages that require 2 different versions of a dep, the whole thing turns into a shit show
@ircmaxell hadn't had that scenario yet.
I hit it quite often
CentOS/RHEL handles it reasonably well
Debian/Ubuntu basically tells you to f-off
well, I'm not too often installing new packages…
but it gave me some headaches when I wanted to replace the systems php binary by my self-compiled one.
finally ended up with creating a fake package for it…
which just creates a fake package with an unreasonably high version number to make apt* shut up and consider php like installed
only issue is that this end up in a mess where you totally loose control over what is now fake and what's real…
yeah, package managers make life easier…
@ircmaxell @DefuseSec Y'know, I've been harassing people for months to review this, and nobody's really cared.
no, worse, someone implementing their own crypto (who proclaims to be a security expert)
@voodooKobra @DefuseSec The question I would ask: why do it at all, when other libs do it all already and are well reviewed?
@ircmaxell @DefuseSec For my own education. Aside, I don't want to depend on Zend\anything ever
@ircmaxell @DefuseSec If Zend\Crypt was standalone, maybe. And if it wasn't written by those jerks :P
implementing something often leads me down little "oh, I didn't know about that detail" paths, so I'm pretty okay with someone doing crypto for their own education... as long as they never ever use the results or put it out there for others
this is in a production "framework"
oh goodie
@ircmaxell ... isn't a security expert the person to implement their own crypto?
(I understand they probably aren't as expert as they think)
(And in either case it needs peer review)
@LeviMorrison this person is not. He's learning, which is awesome, and his heart is in the right place, but no...
and a security expert won't implement their own in a production app just because they want to. They will use an existing library unless there's a reason why not to... Which he never provided
Uh ... "For my own education" is not a good reason to put self-rolled crypto code into production.
That's only an acceptable reason if you're writing some sort of research paper.
And even then it would be stupid to put it into production until it had been through extensive peer review for a significant amount of time.
Finally, I implemented two's complement arithmetic for bitwise operators in the LibTomMath backend :)
LibTomMath doesn't have native support for two's complement bitwise ops, which is annoying (GMP does). But because it doesn't, I got to learn how you have to implement them, quite interesting. My model was the Python source code.
Nice :)
I used to be so good at the math. I've lost almost all of it these last ten years.
Good Morning
hi. Need some suggestions regrading making Web Accessibility like this one - wave.webaim.org
@rdlowrey if I am passing two instances of an object of the same type via Auryn\Provider, it will not know which is suppose to be assigned to what argument since they will be the same type, right? I would need to use that param method you showed me earlier?
hi @crypticツ!
just passing by. wont be here for long. :)
@crypticツ anyway, does this look like your avatar?
@reikyoushin yes, that is suppose to be Rainbow Dash, but that looks like a knock-off. Reason they don't even call it by her name, but rather "Blue My Little Pony"
100% authentic my ass
@SergeyTelshevsky hi
Need some suggestions regrading making Web Accessibility like this one - wave.webaim.org
what do you want to do? a clone?
yes make my own engine
what do you want us to suggest?
means how to make this tool. We have the rules - w3.org/TR/WCAG20. But i can't understand the rules
can u give a proper reference that i can follow
what do you mean prper reference? w3 is the properest reference
here is the original
ok. Thanks.
@Sajal no, there is no 'easy' way to do this, you will use html parsers, write long regexes and stuff
@SergeyTelshevsky yes i am ready to do that .. i have used DOM to parse html and applied 3 rules. But i cannot understand all the guidelines by WCAG 2.0.
this is not a easy thing and i don't find myself comfortable to say a yes to my client for this task. So thats why i need some suggestion.
suggestion is not to take this task
you won't do it better than the ones above
yes even i feel the same. This needs research and development team. Thanks man.
@SaraGolemon that could have happened, I remember seeing you and thinking I should go talk to ya ... I remember nothing ...
morning all
I wonder if anybody could help me with this problem implementing the composite pattern: https://github.com/thplat/Composite/blob/master/Composite.php
posted on January 16, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by louim */

Hmmm did the layout changed of our frontpage?
... redecorated! I don't like it!
@JoeWatkins Not to worry, England is my adoptive country, I'll be back around soon enough.
Well, technically, I'll be there in 10 days, but only in the South, which doesn't entirely count as "close", and only for 5 days
good, I'll be brave this time @SaraGolemon :)
I am as south as you can be (isle of wight), what you coming for ?
Oh, I thought you were in the north. You're just in the past. :p
@Duikboot seems like that. At least it feels different
I'll be in Belgium for FOSDEM/Benelux. Coming up to Cambridge in between to visit friends.
Did anybody of you do the ZCE?
oh gosh, new fonts
q/a pages look shitteah :(
@Thomas No, but I helped write the first edition of the study guide...
I plan to sharpen my skills this year and attend 2016
@SaraGolemon o i c, I thought there was a conf I didn't know about ...
Is DigitalOcean made for running production websites? Or mostly for testing purpose?
We have a few production apps running on DigitalOcean. Nothing big though
Hmm ok. Where do you run large projects on?
Mostly on dedicated servers. Though I suggested to migrate to AWS. But until this is decided I'll probably not work here anymore.
@Joe Nah, just hangin' in my hood with my peeps
Cambridge is pretty ghetto ...
I like it
Yes, some parts are... sketch
Stay west of the tracks and south of the river and you're good.
wtf is with the logo? php.net
@SergeyTelshevsky If you're seeing a running elephpant, that's a random easter egg
@SaraGolemon no, there's something like "We do it with PHP FI"
Hey guys i am starting a php project to start learning on. Regarding user authentication and sessions. As far as security goes what is the best way to go about this. Following a tutorial to get a user login system set up, or utilizing a user authentication service like oauth php.net/manual/en/book.oauth.php the preferred method.
@SergeyTelshevsky perhaps isis are taunting us ...
@SergeyTelshevsky Pic or didn't happen :D Everything looks normal for me
and.. it's address is php.net/images/logo.php
what does FI stand for?
Lol doesn't look like that for me :)
Forms Interpreter
It used to be part of PHP's name
A loooong time ago
yeah, I completely forgot
am I the cursed one?
Same as the running elephpant, it's a random drop-in for the normal logo
easter egg
should put a <video>friday</video> instead of the PHP logo
even better: <audio>friday</audio> with the PHP logo changing to rebecca blacks face when hovering over it
hmm ... SO has altered the CSS in the primary site
Is it necessary to set the type attribute for a <link> tag when the resource in question is explicitly setting that mime via a HTTP header? I always assumed the header is the first choice, and if absent the attribute is used as fallback.
hi there
i want to improve the tag wiki adding some information but i don't know which might be the proper place to put that piece
how to add the watermark in video using php
i guess that the REPL tool for php psysh.org might be useful to add in the tag wiki
@crypticツ Most of the time I try to be more explicit. I don't actually write that much html so I can't really advice anything specific.
Gud Noon every one
how to add the watermark in video using php
apache 2 ubuntu default page?
@AkhileshSk PHP is so damn slow for that kind of operation. Take a look at OpenCV
@PeeHaa you've ruined the friday
@PeeHaa what sorcery... that is forwarding to localhost on my machine :s
rebecca.black. 3599 IN A
rebecca.black. 3599 IN SRV 10 10 0 your-dns-needs-immediate-attention.black.
hi all
may I ask a little "stupid" question to win some time please? :)
@Julo0sS: No. You may only ask stupid questions to get an answer to a stupid question.
with PDO, can i do this :
$query = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM table WHERE ((field1 = :id) OR (field2 = :id))");
i'm a bit confused with the ":id" which is written twice in the statement
and only declared once in the execute part
@AllenJB thats what i thought :P
@PeeHaa you've got me
@Julo0sS: Without double-checking, I would expect that to work. Try it and see (you could try a SELECT query if you want to try with something non-destructive).
@AkhileshSk take a look at ffmpeg
Breaker is out
@Julo0sS if you're using real (not emulated) prepared statements - it won't work
@Julo0sS unfortunately , you cannot even do it
IIRC, you cannot use that same named parameter twice in the query
Good furday
Guys I need some simple help with Drupal, I am stuck since many hours and not able to find a way to achieve that particular thing. Basically I am developing a website where each page has a separate design so am creating separate .tpl files for each page and loading them using hooks based on their alias name but for some reason this only works for 1 alias and fails for the rest, any idea?
@Mr.Alien @FlorianMargaine ^
Morning @hakre @kelunik @hakre @salathe @Mr.Alien
bloody heck it works now, what a crap
morning ~~~
@Mr.Alien can't help much without code
I wasted 3 hours and have no idea what was wrong...
A user error is an error made by the human user of a complex system, usually a computer system, in interacting with it. Although the term is sometimes used by human–computer interaction practitioners, the more formal human error term is used in the context of human reliability. Related terms such as PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard), ID-10T error (idiot error), and other similar phrases are also used as slang in technical circles with derogatory meaning. This usage implies a lack of computer savvy, asserting that problems arising when using a device are the fault of the user. Critics...
clear cache probably
my query is wrong...
it returns the only thing I want to hide...
and only that...
@FlorianMargaine I did I did every time I changed... first I made a new content type... say experience, made a menu item with an alias of experience for the same content type and used a tpl file with the name of page--experience.tpl.php and then cleared the cache.. still it showed the default page.tpl.php file...
so I was frustrated... xD
and now I deleted the file and created a new one with no code and it worked magically :p
function scratch_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
  if (isset($vars['node'])) {
    $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__'. $vars['node']->type;
thats what am using to load the custom template file based on alias
pretty classic, yeah
thanks anyways... will ping you if I stuck somewhere (I don't think now I will) :p
BTW @Mr.Alien I am going to bug you soonish about some opcache stuff. I am adding also apcu (user caching) info and want to ping you whether everything still looks ok if that is done. Also I have found a bug on smaller screens with the menu :)
For which I may have a solution already btw
@PeeHaa am free after Sunday so anytime :D .. got a crap load of work for this weekend
@Mr.Alien No worries. As usual no pressure. I will ping you when I have done the stuff on my end
sure .. I also want to fix that flicker which am having no idea whats causing that
What flicker is that? I think I have seen something like that but not sure we are talking about that same thing
in JavaScript, 18 hours ago, by Florian Margaine
@rlemon just released an awesome extension! Get it now!
hehehe that ^ was to be expected :P
when you switch the pages from left side nav, the content moves to left and then the left bar appears and it sets all well when the page is completely loaded
now am aint sure whether its cuz of your templating or its my side bug
@Mr.Alien Yeah notive that too sometimes
Obviously I blame you ;)
will fix it asap
/me reserves the weekend to quickly look whether it is it is on my side instead and secretely fixing it :P
posted on January 16, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Jono */

I hate these "wasted" gifs
ahaha.. I am not finding anything wrong in css, all am using is calcs...I do use js on side bar is to calculate the page height and apply... nothing to do with the width
enfin, je trouve qu'il y en a que tres peu qui sont bien faits
@Mr.Alien Damnit :P
Do you remember? I told you once that your templating actually embeds the footer html before the content html? Hence I left out the footer part(actually was useless) but still
so may be thats the case, it might be pulling the content first and then the sidebar
Do I really know @JoeWatkins?....
@Mr.Alien Will investigate
you mean Krak Joe?
Viber is such a garbage compared to Messenger.

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