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I can't listen to @ircmaxell and @rdlowrey arguing with him all the time ... that would be torture ...
I could -_-
Half the stuff I learn in here is you guys battling it out
they would argue about absolutely everything ...
you won't learn anything from an argument about the background colours on reddit, or the sexist nature of the imagery used in cook books ... they will argue about everything ...
Entertaining though. :P
@JoeWatkins How does one become a PHP maintainer?
just start maintaining shit ...
Just send pull requests?
yeah, fix bugs
mostly bugs
new features are usually met with a wall of resistance, from anyone, people like it if you fix bugs tho ...
Fixing bugs is fine for me, I dont have any feature ideas right now except being able to typehint ints/strings, which will NEVER get past the resistance :P
@JoeWatkins well that has reasons..
@Suhosin ircmaxell has literally the perfect implementation of it, he rfc'd it and even he was met with resistance ... it's one that he withdrew
@NikiC wrote about it, good read ... nikic.github.io/2012/03/06/…
@JoeWatkins gimmeh! :Q___
that small? O_O
yep, errors could be better, probably no need for new token, but yeah, that small ...
(maybe smaller)
errors are pretty precise
PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 1 passed to test() must be an array of Face, member of class stdClass given, called in /usr/src/php-src/test.php on line 13 and defined in /usr/src/php-src/test.php on line 8
but could be better, something tells me "member of class stdClass found at %d|%s" would be mucho bettero
I see that it needs to iterate at runtime - guess there's no way around that :|
@JoeWatkins do you have link for that RFC?
not really, no, it's not ideal, but is a limitation of the type system that hinting need not suffer for, it still allows more precise code and saves the programmer from doing the same in userland ...
@JoeWatkins do you think Traversable could also be accepted?
@AlmaDo no rfc, kinda hoping phil will do it ... I find internals tiresome ...
@Ocramius you're up against another limitation there, the engine doesn't know that Traverseable IS_ARRAY, in places it manipulates it like one, but not enough ... so no ...
someone has the idea to have array|ArrayObject $arg hints
I kinda like that ...
but it's tricky ...
@JoeWatkins Except that ArrayObject doesn't behave the same as array, at least for things like array_key_exists(). :-/
might have been arrayaccess, I dunno, it solves the basic problem that an array is none of the things in spl that pretend to be arrays
and would solve it for zend ce's too ... so I think that's probably a better solution that trying to solve it just for this ...
@JoeWatkins Hmm, are you considering taking this further? :-)
I'm considering seeing if phil wants to take it further ... I had my fun :)
Cool. Because I wanted it first, can I have a php.net account & voting priviliges? :D
btw, @JoeWatkins I haven't read that NikiC's article - thanks, it's very interesting
@Jimbo hehe ...
@AlmaDo yeah it is, I actually wrote a patch a few weeks ago to do it, came in here and asked anthony about it and he pointed me at his rfc, it's actually much more complicated than it first seems, but his latest revision of that patch solves all possible problems as far as I see and is ideal ...
@JoeWatkins Also I’m not really sure as to whether we really want incoming parameters to be cast, instead of just being validated - that's about ircmaxell's proposition - and I agree with this
if there is a "PHP Way" then converting stuff to the expected type is definitely it ... it's the best fit, I think ...
@JoeWatkins I'm stuck in my ways, I like to know my ints are ints :(
stupid thing ... why doesn't it understand a * in a url ?
search convert_to_*, it's what you do in a loosely typed dynamic language ..
@JoeWatkins [<url>](<url>)
Oh wait it ate the * from the actual URL
You'll have to percent encode it I guess
Yeh that works without screwing about with it
how many programmers does it take to post a single link ...
the answer is at least 2
you learn something everyday ...
I don't know, I'm not sure a constitute a whole programmer
why the heck is array_merge slower than foreach and manually accessing the array? O_O
Certainly not on a Monday
@Ocramius watch it execute and find out
well, already watched it execute :X
you mean opcodes?
yes, I mean opcodes ... watch what it is executing and it will be obvious ...
@Ocramius Because your array_merge triggers a COW, your foreach doesn't
I like NikiC's proposition more (not sure it's his proposition), i.e. "Strict weak type hinting" - so without casting, but with checking of being able to cast without data loss
coercion is what we do, every single function in php does it for nearly every parameter accepted ...
Also @Ocramius not a totally fair test anyway, what you'd actually do would be $map = array_merge($this->bigMap1, $this->bigMap2, $this->bigMap3);
That should be faster
@DaveRandom can't know the number of maps upfront
@Ocramius I suspect cufa would still be faster than a nested foreach
(as in $map = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $maps);)
Bring on $map = array_merge(...$maps); :-)
yes, multiple params is faster...
@DaveRandom that's a good reasoning btw
/me waits for @DaveRandom to say "Good ... sunsets are good, newborn babies are good, I am fucking spectacular" ....
@Ocramius It's something I look out for a lot, I have a very bad habit of micro optimising as I write
@JoeWatkins Why state the obvious?
Yeah, looks like this is causing massive perf issues in classmaps
yeah true, I waste words, I shall whip myself ...
aaaaand CUFA is quite similar
good good
CUFA sucks balls. Splat is soooooo overdue.
What am I doing wrong here?
preg_replace( '/\s+|&nbsp;+/S',' ', $content_no_tags );
I want to replace duplicate spaces and &nbsp; with a single space..
@Ocramius Did someone say perf issues in classmaps?
@Dan your + modifier will be applied only to ; symbol. First sight
nvm :)
Composer doesn't that array at all - the info already lives in OPcache.
@Danack that one looks like a psr-0 loader <_<
@Ocramius Well I'm sure you could update it to the new one.
nono, I don't mean that
it's just that classmaps are for projects that suck balls @ autoloading
the generated ones are perf only indeed
@Dan Group the matches and repeat the group. That treats " &nbsp;" as two separate matches so you get two spaces
(\s+|&nbsp;)+ ...?
@Ocramius Do you have a link to how you do your autoloading?
Goddamnit what is wrong with me today
currently composer only. I'm mainly checking this, @Danack
@Dan yes
@DaveRandom I'll give it a shot now. Let's see if I can **** this up :)
@DaveRandom Nah..still something wrong, they are still in the string.
string(254) "This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;
@Dan 3v4l.org/4JrEv #worksForMe
It does indeed. I wonder what else is going on...
this is strange, can it be something else wrong?
I just used a dash and the replacement.
$stripped = preg_replace( '/(\s|&nbsp;)+/S','-', $content_no_tags );
It replaces every space but leaves the &nbsp;
Composer not affected since it has a single classmap...
Why this guys rep is wrong?
I might be off here, but could it be some other formatting from the WYSIWYG editor?
@Dan var_dump($content_no_tags); (on pastebin if large)
He got +2 and -2 on this so he should get +6rep here, rest he accepted 3 answers, so should be 3x2 sums up to 6, so should be 12
@DaveRandom It's just repeating what I already posted.
string(254) "This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!&nbsp;This is my content right here!"
I'll delete this afterwards. Now I'm really trashing the chat room : \
@Dan Did you view that dump in a browser? If so, your &nbsp; may be double escaped
Make sure you view source rather than what the browser renders
Actually that's generally kind of odd, my editor reports that that string is 283 chars long, not 254
@DaveRandom I'm in chrome dev tools and it shows the nbsp;
in the source, it's not there, just spaces?!
@Dan You have literal non-breaking space chars in there
@DaveRandom No, I don't think so.
That's why I think this is something else. I must need to strip the string another way..?
It certainly sounds like it if in the source, it's not there, just spaces?!
How else can I strip the string bare of everything?
I took the tags off, and want to delete duplicate spaces as you know. I didn't even consider nbsp because I didn't expect them to be there.
@JoeWatkins No you're right. I've probably wasted two full days with people being wrong on the internet in the last week. It's counterproductive. Phil and I disagree fundamentally on things but at least he's a smart guy. The majority of people on reddit don't know there ear from their elbow (as you probably learned releasing pthreads).
The FIG HTTP thing is really awful and misguided, but I can just ignore that.
@PeeHaa cool. ;)
Commas are extremely important http://t.co/FI557AegH9
@rdlowrey Don't think of it as arguing, it's enlightening.
@Dan try /(\s|&nbsp;|\p{Zs})+/u
@Fabien I think of it as a waste of time. I can do more good for more people by writing code.
@Dan Ay! There can be only one Dan!
Effing multi-ping.
@DanLugg ; )
@DaveRandom - just trying this out, thanks.
@Ocramius 1) PSR ALL THE THINGS. 2) Yeah, it looks like the zend one doesn't have a list of all the base directories that a class could be in, which my autoloader depends on having. I still say full classmaps are just a bad idea though, as they are almost all just duplicate information.
@DaveRandom - ok, that's a lot better. Some odd things popping up though, black diamond with a question mark in it.
@DaveRandom but the nbsp; 's appear to be spaces now. Did you match a unicode character or something?
@Dan Doesn't seem to work before 5.3.3: 3v4l.org/SXNVm also assumes that input is UTF-8
@Dan RTFM regarding the /u modifier ;-)
@DaveRandom Yeah, I'm running 5.2.17 or something.
guys i need some help please, i'm switching to PDO... any idea about how can i fix this ?
@Dan header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
@DaveRandom Really? the page is UTF-8 and so is the admin area.
A factory that produces either an SplFileObject (for usage) or an SplTempFileObject (for testing) - it's probably better to have two factories, the interfaces of which extend a common interface, right?
@Dan Yes, but did you tell the browser that it's UTF-8?
No. I wasn't aware I had to.
You have to tell the browser what to expect. It's not magic ;-)
Chrome is ; )
@Danack well, it's one strategy implemented as a class - using it right or wrong is up to the end user of the fw
I'll put it in, and see what happens..
Use a content-type header to declare the charset, and also put a meta content-type as the first tag in the <head>
@Danack there's some use cases when your classmap is fragmented across many packages - that's what I had in some projects...
ah, apparently happens only when i use $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
if i use emulated prepares it works fine
@Wes You cannot use the same named placeholder twice in sql
only in mysql's driver native prepares actually, with emulated ones it works
stupid, stupid mysql
@DaveRandom This is a fascinating read. I think, I've I had a formal education in programming, I would know more about this.
I was too busy doing music instead haha.
@PeeHaa do you think i will get substantial performance improvements in using native prepares or i can go with emulated ones with no problem at all?
@Wes It's not really about performance (which is negligible in most cases anyway), it's about some edge cases where emulating prepare evaluates the wrong variables, for example.
A: PHP mysql PDO refuses to set NULL value

Madara UchihaThe following works for me: <?php $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "root", "pass"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO `null_test` (`can_be_null`) VALUES (:nu...

Example where that might happen
@akrabat just found what I believe to be the best bug report ever: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONF-32190 - #OCD madness!
this deserves an "OCD" medal
@Wes What @MadaraUchiha said
@MadaraUchiha i'm not understanding why bindValue(':param', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL); could fail with emulated prepares :\
@Wes Seemingly, it doesn't send the NULL value properly. Don't know why.
welp. fu*k... that's incredible. are you guys sure that this wasn't fixed in the meanwhile?
going to check...
anybody still has the old cv reasons somewhere? @MadaraUchiha
@Ocramius Wow ... this makes me feel a lot better about my own neuroses.
@PeeHaa Old old?
Not a real question etc?
minimal understanding
Ah, no problem finding it
Q: How Can I Solve This Normalization?

Adam CrothHow can I solve this problem? Create a normalized database schema for the relation below. Each relation in this schema must be designed in most suitable normal form. Display the steps of normalization clearly. Also check if {SongID} attribute is a possible candidate key for the given relation or...

So @webarto @PeeHaa @bjori or anyone else ... I'm about to have a metric ass ton of documentation updates to do for my 5.6 work. Can anyone link me to guides for how to use the doc editor or basically point me in the right direction?
@rdlowrey I'm not much of help me thinks. I just copy existing pages and use that :)
Also if you are going to do a lot I suggest to do a checkout instead of having to work in that horrible thing
@krakjoe yeah I absolutely want that. Might be inconsistent now that variadics type hint against array contents though.
@PeeHaa @MadaraUchiha i checked, worked in both emulated and native ones, with any nullable string|int|double type, so that problem was fixed... php 5.5 + mysql 5.6
@Wes ?
@PeeHaa okay ... so can I just use git then? Are there separate branches to commit to? Like a 5.6 branch?
@rdlowrey svn :D
oh good god
@philsturgeon show to me two things that are consistent in the implementation of a language and I'll show you a language other than PHP :)
@Wes aha
I don't know how to use svn at all ...
@rdlowrey 5 minutes is enuff
@rdlowrey Checkout -> edit -> commit
Like all Americans, I'm afraid of things I don't understand! What is this svn voodoo? This is going to be terrible!
svn is fine until you have to use it in a team :)
agreed. since it's not distributed, someone can f-up the central repo anytime
So there's not like ... a branch or anything? It's all just one big repo for all docs?
There are branches (kinda)
It's basically just like git for most things only clunky and different :P
I might just create all the docs I need using markdown and ask someone who knows what they're doing to add them for me. I don't have enough time to write code and foobar the entire manual for everyone.
@rdlowrey Just use the doc editor, it sucks but at least it won't come round and kill you in your sleep.
Maybe I'll just procrastinate. That solves all problems.
@rdlowrey You can get a local copy of the repo from github (@salathe has mirrors) then you can diff it an copy pasta into the OE
Also means you can test the build locally
@PeeHaa Or fix bugs in anything other than HEAD.
if you use svn and get whitespace wrong you will feel the fury of #php.doc ...
the editor is meant to do all your indentation properly, I always use it, because I'm incapable of getting it right otherwise ...
@JoeWatkins This is what I'm afraid of ... I'd prefer not to break things. I'll probably just use the doc editor even though it might spit in my face and eat my future unborn children.
too rude... -_-
@rdlowrey It will only eat one of them, SVN will eat all of them and may also eat your cat for dessert.
Save the cats; don't use SVN
@rdlowrey I've read s/children/chicken
@reikyoushin The doc editor is omnivorous. It will go meat-grinder on anything that gets in the way.
@krakjoe oh! Yeah, let me get up and at 'em then we'll talk on Skype. I'm always happy to argue for good.
my sneaky plan paid off ...
I noticed the choice of Skype over G+.
Google is totally rubbish
that's honestly the worst bit of kit I ever tried to use, it all seemed really obvious to phil but sara had the exact same issues as me, only for longer, it's crap ...
lol, first you write SOLID OO components; awesome. Then you write a big fat facade made out of spaghetti and bad dreams; not so awesome. How do we fix this? Well, someone carefully wraps the facades under another layer of pseudo-SOLID OO components; uh...
Good Morning.
@DanLugg yeah it's idiotic. because the authors don't understand OOP.
Not tried a proper hangout (video), but otherwise I am okay with G+
@rdlowrey It's deranged and alternating turtles, all the way down....
This is why I object to FIG. You have people who don't even understand the concepts they're trying to force on everyone else.
so much fucking win.
moin @Orangepill
@rdlowrey Yea, I was rather sad to hear that the HTTP abstraction spec is devolving.
Naming question.... at what point do you stop calling something a factory and start calling it a builder?
@Orangepill When you want to change your naming convention within your application?
Same for Provider isn't it
To me, builders are often one-time usage; it's tied to the specific concretion its configured to produce.
Awesome site for testing ie6 compatibility.
@Danack lmao
@Orangepill If you had an immutable Uri type; you may have a UriBuilder which provides a simple, fluent API. Each instance of UriBuilder will typically be used to produce a single Uri (or at least multiple instances with the same data)
lol @Danack
That's how I see the distinction.
@Danack =p
@DanLugg That makes sense.
So singletons are out and facades are in?
service locator == global
That's all you're doing with SL.
It doesn't matter how much you try to hide it behind fancy OO method calls.
Right now I have a Product Factory which depends on an Option Factory which in turn depends on a Validator Factory.... seems a little Factory heavy.
My experience is that if I'm passing a factory to my factory I'm doing it wrong.
I've seen a FactoryFactory before :(
FactoryProvider ;)
@rdlowrey I'm giving my first talk in march - about DI, service locators, and Auryn ;)
@rdlowrey uhh... not really...
it's global only if you make it global
@rdlowrey How would you tackle it..
it's still local to the app
@Ocramius global meaning outside the scope of the object in question, through hidden coupling
@Ocramius But it retains all the negatives of global regardless of semantics
kinda, not really imo
assuming that you make your services stateless (you do, don't you?) then you don't have the problem
IMO Service Locators aren't inherently evil ... as long as the service locator is used to manage dependencies as opposed to becoming a dependency.
@Ocramius sure you do, you still have deep coupling
@Orangepill They aren't evil: they're suboptimal.
so it's not as bad as "global state"
@ircmaxell yes, that indeed - still better than global state imo
@Orangepill if it's only used to manage dependencies, it's not a service locator, but a IoC Container
I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying that it is not global state =D
Except that your code then relies on that IoC container
@Ocramius eih, not really...
@Jimbo Awesome. I have a fully functioning framework built on it if you wanna try it out. It's basically silex except for literally 40x faster and without all the bad practices. I don't want to open source it because I don't have time to test everything right now. I'll add you to the repo if you like.
@rdlowrey Awesome, sounds good man
@Orangepill it becomes a service locator once it becomes a dependency for non-creator classes
@ircmaxell that is an interesting PoV - gonna write it down
@rdlowrey =oO can I see?
@Ocramius Well, that's the very definition of SL. You can have registries and managers, etc without it being Service Location (it'd be IoCC or DiC). But once a non-creator object (everything but factories basically) gets the container as a dependency to pull its own dependencies, it becomes a SL...
@crypticツ yeah sure -- I'll add you to the repo. I just don't like to make things public without excessive testing these days. The private repos let me version control things on github without having to make things production ready.
Full root composition is entirely possible and works fantastically with a proper DI container. As soon as you pass that container around after the bootstrap, you're creating unnecessary dependencies and other devs have to read through your code to find where you use the container and what you use it for. DI on the other hand proves everything straight from the method signature.
FWIW @Ocramius did offer the first semi-valid defense I've heard for SL the other day ... namely if you really need lazy loading in an environment with tons of arbitrary busines requirements when you're using an ORM and you may have any number of things that could happen given a particular event. Granted a Mediator pattern may be able to alleviate that but still ...
@rdlowrey either a mediator, or factory injection. A factory can access the container without it becoming a SL. So inject the factory to do the creation, and you don't really need SL...
But that's because a factory is used case-specific, not as a global tub of glue, right?
@ircmaxell True ... I've done this with great success myself (giving the factory access to the injector)
@rdlowrey Doesn't the factory then become dependant on the injector? I could've done this the other day in that Auryn Issue but didn't want to
I find it rather confusing, that intelligent people can justify using poor practices by obfuscating them under layers of good practices.

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