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@DanLugg no, it's because the factories responsibility is creating and managing objects. If the responsibility is to create, it is ok to know how to create...
@Jimbo It does but the point of the factory is to create the object. If the factory needs the injector to do that correctly and efficiently then the injector is a real dependency of the factory as far as I'm concerned.
@Orangepill Regarding the linked message, see above ^^ ... this is why I see little use in passing a factory into another factory. Just make the object you need without nesting factories. That's the factory's job.
@rdlowrey there may be cases where nesting factories is ok, especially if you have complex construction of multiple objects (like a builder)
@rdlowrey what do you do for C# using() (or java try(..) or python with) in Aerys?
but in general I agree
@DanLugg wait what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Every route target is a callable. As such things like that will be GC'd automatically when the callable's scope is cleaned up after execution. If you're using generators to do non-blocking stuff with co-routines it's the non-blocking lib's job to manage things like that. Is that what you're asking or do you mean something else?
@rdlowrey what about an abstract factory?
@rdlowrey so RAII?
@BenjaminGruenbaum basically
I think that might be the core of the problem... is I'm implementing a builder and calling it a factory... perhaps I should be creating a factory for each of the types and create a builder to manage the composition of the objects gotten from the factories.
> little use
^ @BenjaminGruenbaum and @ircmaxell have both pointed out places where nesting factories can make sense, though.
If a factory nests factories - it's an abstract factory.
That's what "abstract factory" means...
@rdlowrey Oh, don't get me wrong, in general I agree that nesting factories is generally not a good idea. Just there are times it may make sense...
It's easy to make abstract factory == overengineering. That's what I'm saying you should avoid.
@ircmaxell yes, I was more referring to the way you expressed the concept
fair enough
@Jimbo and @crypticツ I added you guys onto that repo. Sorry there's no documentation -- just look in the /examples dir. Sessions work differently than you're used to; I'll push an example for that in a few minutes. If you have questions just ask.
@ircmaxell @rdlowrey yes, factory injection is what I'm technically doing. SL is at its core as an implementation detail of the factory that does the lazy loading
/me is trying to find a good hotel in Amsterdam
@rdlowrey about that resources question. Let's say you want to work with a database, do you have to call .close explicitly?
@ircmaxell I can recommend hostels but I don't think that's what you're looking for
@Ocramius then I'd argue it's not a Service Locator then, but semantics...
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, no, looking for a proper hotel :-)
@ircmaxell still needs a locator
however you wanna code it, I didn't find a way to make a lazy reference without using the actual service identifier
@Ocramius you realize that a DIC and a SL look exactly the same from the outside right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum nope, a DIC may be a SL
told it over and over and over again
@Ocramius those are names of patterns
Pimple is advertised as a DiC, but it's still used as an SL in all the examples provided by Symfony and Silex
@Ocramius That's like saying Command may be a stategy - that statement is meaningless.
It's really not that hard..
yes, and I used Zend\Di (a DIC) without using it as a SL - gosh, how many time is this discussion gonna loop?
$service = new Bazinga(); $di->inject($service); $service->run();
@BenjaminGruenbaum Or saying that something is a Facade when it's really a Proxy :-P
@ircmaxell I'd like to use its worst name: compiled static singleton service locator facade
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right now, yes. You'd need to manually call close. However I would think you'd want to have a long-lived connection pool as part of the db lib in a node-style server and closing would serve little purpose.
it has all of them
@rdlowrey how do I get to it? I don't see it listed anywhere, nvm
@rdlowrey node does this horribly
@ircmaxell haha
@Ocramius I think I'm going to troll @rdlowrey and create an issue for Auryn to be able to generate arbitrary factories that will build the appropriate class that should have been injected but the factory allows you to lazily init them.
@Ocramius you said something, I said that the statement is meaningless - then you eventually agreed with me and complained that you're "looping" in the discussion... I don't get that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I really think this is the role of a good DB lib. You should be able to configure it for an elastic connection pool that handles those things automatically for you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just made an example of a DIC that is not a SL =_=
@Ocramius that's not what I replied to..
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's the whole reason why I'm adding non-blocking Postgres support for PHP5.6 ... so I can do something like this.
@ircmaxell well, it's still a "facade" that simplifies the problem of retrieving application resources to laravel users (probably)
assuming that's a complex problem for laravel users...
No, it's a proxy
@rdlowrey How would you ask for a connection? Or close one?
a facade puts a new API over an entire subsystem. a proxy stands in place of an existing API using indirection (to enable lazy loading, etc)
@crypticツ If you're logged in you should be able to see it on my github. If not, here's a link.
@ircmaxell yes, what I mean is that to a potato, getting access to a "router" instance is a very very complex problem/subsystem.
@BenjaminGruenbaum never agreed on a DIC and a SL looking the same from outside.
@Ocramius did you just call lavarel users potatoes?
@ircmaxell exageration
You got me laughing, so :-D
afternoon @ircmaxell ...
I leave it for free interpretation
@rdlowrey Just reading docs, this looks ACE
@Jimbo I don't have anything about route arguments in there right now ... I'll try to add a bunch of docs today. But the basics should be understandable.
@JoeWatkins How's it going my man?
I just heard someone compare users of a certain modern PHP framework to potatoes. Not sure what to make of it, but it got me to laugh...
@ircmaxell not too shabby :)
@Ocramius go read a book then :)
gist.github.com/krakjoe/8398629 is that so similar to variadics as to be redundant ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum already read all of prasanna's a couple of months ago O_o
Is it not possible to sort a multidimensional array by one of its units?
for example:
@BenjaminGruenbaum myDic.buildApplication() and mySl.gimme('application') are radically different
@JoeWatkins I don't think so, because it accepts an array, not a splat
sort that by "id"?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Regarding that ... here's an example of how it will work once I do the actual db lib:
function myRouteTarget(Request $request, MyPostgresLib $db) {
    try {
        $conn = (yield [$db, 'getConnection'] => NULL);
        $query = '...';
        $result = (yield [$db, 'query'] => [$conn, $query]);

        // you could optionally close $conn here

        yield sprintf("Hello world! db result: %s", $result);

    } catch (Exception $e) {
        yield new Response(
            'status' => 500
            'body' => 'Oh noes!'
that's what I think ... it's a similar kind of thing, but not the same, one of them doesn't make the other redudant ... twitter.com/krakjoe/status/422695746899439616
guy there thinks it does ...
@Ocramius I don't want to "sigh" since I hate those people - Sl and DICs are both containers of dependencies that map a requested type to an implementation of it (or how to create one with sub typing etc). DICs only differ in the way resolutions are performed. A DIC pushes dependencies (in constructor/ set etc) and in a SL you ask for them. Internally they are similar.
They're just containers of dependencies, whether pushed or pulled.
@Danack Exactly
@ircmaxell why do I have a feeling it’s about laravel
@BenjaminGruenbaum The coroutine lib I'm working on throws any exceptions from the non-blocking calls back into the generator at the yield statement location so you can handle them yourself.
@rdlowrey what if $db->close throw an exception?
yay I have to parse domdocs for the job!
@ircmaxell Insecure much? :)
lol @ircmaxell
@rdlowrey Illuminati much
@rdlowrey what if db is null when you try to create it, are you closing null now?
@BenjaminGruenbaum The server captures it and returns a 500 error itself. The questions you're posing are the job of the db lib, however.
hehe ... he's right though isn't he ... I mean there's no way to talk about modern frameworks and exclude laravel ...
@JoeWatkins I don't think they are redundant
i guess it ain't possible
@rdlowrey Look at the code that copies one file to another file in Java - it has nested try/catch and complex logic in the finally null checking things. In Java 7 you avoid that using AutoCloseble (or using in C#, or with in Python)
I'm asking if you can avoid that.
especially since varidacs must be at the end of a signature, and that they must be splat-ed (meaning each object listed separately)
@ircmaxell I think he got it ...
@krakjoe @philsturgeon apologies for my confusion. +1 for the `type[] $types` syntax!
this accepts an array natively, and you can mix and match them since it's an individual parameter
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you mean avoid an AutoCloseable abstraction or avoid the complex finally logic?
@rdlowrey avoid finally logic
@ircmaxell ah I hadn't even considered the last parameter limitation ...
foo(Bar... $bar) and foo(Bar[] $bar) are almost interchangable, but biz(Bar[] $bar, Baz[] $baz) is not possible today
@JoeWatkins you really want a full array lookup just for passing one arg?!
I'd rather do that at the level of zend than at the level of the application, sure ...
sigh I think I just hit a major wall
and there is no lookup, it's traversal ...
@JoeWatkins You are saying that has to traverse the array to do type-checking, yes?
but a single traversal, at the C level...
@BenjaminGruenbaum The way I'm planning to write it that would be avoided by the DB lib. If it encounters an error during its execution the DB lib should clean up after itself and throw. No further processing is needed by the consumer of its API. If the application itself throws then I don't see a good way around the problem of cleanup other than to (1) put logic in finally or (2) implement a standardized thing like the AutoCloseable you mentioned.
@rdlowrey I'll take it as "I haven't considered it yet" :P
@LeviMorrison I see that it's bad to rely on the contents of the structure to implement checking, however variadics is already doing that, and there is no other way to do it, there is no way to have the compiler check something that hasn't occured yet and zvals cannot express their type beyond the basic set of supported types, and you can't hint with those anyway ...
@ircmaxell so concerning old boy.. i was thoroughly unimpressed until the last 15 minutes to which i shat bricks
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're right -- I haven't really. I've only worked on the server to this point. Things like that will come along soon once I start working on libs to use with it :)
@rdlowrey cool, in Node it really sucks.
@CarrieKendall and then it all came togehter into a masterpeiece? :-D
@rdlowrey the server and all the internals are filled with state. Domains mitigate the issue but don't dispose correctly.
@ircmaxell into this brilliant, disturbing story..
@JoeWatkins Variadics does type-checking? If I knew this I have forgotten.
I can confirm that @CarrieKendall did indeed shat bricks ;)
yes, you can hint against a variadic parameter
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well core node doesn't really concern itself with that stuff, does it? It basically says, "here's your non-blocking IO abstraction -- use NPM to get libs to work with it" right? I would say those behaviors are more in the realm of "framework" than "server" right?
also, @Pandagrrl says this when he goes into the sushi bar.. " i hope that's not... " i am not going to spoil it, but you can guess how creeped out i was that she predicted it LOL
@BenjaminGruenbaum they still don't look the same from outside
hi my question is not related to PHP. It's related to domain etc. Can I ask ?
@CarrieKendall wow... wow... wow
@BenjaminGruenbaum you know, a chicken and an eagle are similar, but they don't look the same from outside - they're the same if you refer to them as "feathered birds"
I didn't see it coming at all
this is it...
I recently bought a domain name (lets say foo.com) at very cheap rates, from qux
I also wish to buy foo.org . But, qux is selling at very high rates. Also, bar is selling it at low rates. But, ultimately wat I want is that both addresses must resolve to same server. Is it fine ? Or should I continue with qux only
@Ocramius that's a really dumb analogy.
maybe, I tried my best :P
@rdlowrey it concerns itself with it, it just does a bad job ^^
@Ocramius You know the saying: if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, but it takes batteries, your abstraction is probably messed up...
you're basically saying that the sl and the dic are the same because they both act as factories
@Ocramius no, that's not what I said at all - re-read my message.
@Ocramius in terms of the implementation of it, yes, they are the same. The only difference is how you use them
@ircmaxell I had hoped I was wrong but I also did not initially understand in the flashback scene who it was
@ircmaxell so they don't look the same from outside ;)
since the implementation details are what differs
@rdlowrey the issue is, you can always include code that uses something like setTimeout and throws in an unsafe environment which means you're screwed.
by implementation details, you have to look how the application uses it...
@BenjaminGruenbaum please then, since I'm kinda confused on what you're discussing or trying to push to me - cite the original message
16 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Ocramius I don't want to "sigh" since I hate those people - Sl and DICs are both containers of dependencies that map a requested type to an implementation of it (or how to create one with sub typing etc). DICs only differ in the way resolutions are performed. A DIC pushes dependencies (in constructor/ set etc) and in a SL you ask for them. Internally they are similar.
SLs and DICs are not factories.
They're both containers of dependencies. The difference is in how you use them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I still don't think that's true. A DIC may use SL internally, but it's not a map of objects. A SL is a map/abstract factory, a DIC is a factory
@Ocramius you realize... an "abstract factory" just means "a factory of factories" right?
so I don't get the "same". There's quite a difference in "similar" and "same"
@BenjaminGruenbaum a factory that maps to other factories, yes
@Ocramius have you ever actually implemented a DIC?
Try that.
I think it'll become a lot clearer.
@BenjaminGruenbaum worked a lot on Zend\Di, Zend\ServiceManager and other dirty experiments of mine
so yeah, I wrote a DIC and a SL
and a DIC that is an SL
@ircmaxell it was similar to Trance, although old boy's plot is much better IMO
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's true ... things like that are why non-blocking IO is not right for the uninitiated. However, at least with aerys your server is running in its own isolated process. If you do something stupid like that the server will gracefully close all connected clients, send the appropriate 5xx responses, die, and be automatically respawned. Your server won't just go belly-up. So it's not much different from a typical php web sapi in terms of error recovery robustness.
@rdlowrey sounds like a lot of DDOS potential.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's even making me infuriate - you basically are telling me "you know no shit, go learn" - use a different approach if you want people to pick up discussions
@BenjaminGruenbaum Only if you have a lot of errors in your program. That's a DoS vector under your control as a developer. Not the same.
@Ocramius I'm not saying "you don't know shit" - what you're describing is very common in students that have not written a DIC in my experience - not saying that's your case here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so I'm saying that I wrote a DIC, that I wrote a SL and that I wrote a DIC that is also a SL
that's why for me SL and DIC are not necessarily congruent
All DICs are SLs if you pass them into application classes.
@rdlowrey no - $dic->buildApplication() is not a SL
it does not "locate"
it is not acting as a "map"
@Ocramius I don't include that in "application classes"
That's bootstrap/wiring logic.
@rdlowrey you can still inject such a container in any lazily initialized component
$routerBuilder->gimmeZemRouter() in a subsystem of your app for example
@Ocramius Right. And if that component is an application class (not a factory or something) then it's a SL.
gimmeZemRouter() sounds like SL ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's not giving you a router by name
@Ocramius Are you explicitly asking it for a dependency?
No reason to push the SL into a router. The difference is doing this:
$routedControllerTarget = $this->router->route($request);
$controller = $this->container->get($routedControllerTarget);
^^ That's wiring logic.
Passing the container into the router is a mistake
Anyway, I don't care about SLs and DICs ... just do what you want :)
^ that
I was just trying to be helpful and correct a common mistake I see in students... I just came here for @rdlowrey asking about resources in aerys ^^
I have a function that throws an error if something goes wrong...the error is handled correctly and all is well until I need to use it later in a loop
If one thing fails, everything afterwards fails.
Oh, I think I know what to do...
Funny how far I get when I talk something out =D
@BenjaminGruenbaum use a different approach then. @rdlowrey you know I work a lot with lazy loading and I write libs around it - that's where I do this stuff all the time
@Ocramius Yeah, I get it ... you know what you're doing :)
I don't have a problem with it.
yay! I'm booked up for Amsterdam!
Watcha' making @Ocramius?
@BenjaminGruenbaum are you a lecturer?
@andho no, TA.
@ircmaxell Which hotel?
Also, congrats - it's a really nice city.
Who can help me with yii?
@BenjaminGruenbaum NH Barbizon Palace
@Fabien paid work atm - next thing for me is working around nikic/iter for routing
@BenjaminGruenbaum this will be like my 9th or 10th time there
@JoeWatkins any updates from jobzorz?
@donadev throw it in the bin ... then burn the bin ... then scatter the ashes .... in space ...
@ircmaxell fancy fancy ^^
was pretty cheap actually
thank you, but I must use it
@webarto nothing yet ...
Ok, I'm probing one, maybe legit...
@ircmaxell Personally I avoid hotels except on work trips where I need a desk in my room and cleaning service/food.
Is it business or pleasure?
@webarto sounds good, keep me updated, and many thanks :)
@JoeWatkins you should make a video tutorial series for people who have not used a debugger before on how to use phpdbg - or get someone to do so :)
(Fun fact - you probably did not know this but most entry level PHP people don't debug :P )
Get Ask Phil to do it.
I have a feeling I would be quite bad at that, it's too pretty ...
what would you be searching ?
@JoeWatkins Main thing is that you're over qualified for most of the jobs :P
Amagad: "OSX Terminal: hold option and click a position in the current line to move your cursor to that position. #yearslost"
@Danack wtf… thank you.
@webarto Most PHP ones perhaps.
That's a slight at PHP jobs, not Joe
Explaining OO to a brony:
class Unicorn extends Pony implements Magic {
He needs php related job, not php per se.
Yay, 8k :)
gratz :)
I keep hearing that ... it feels great for about a second ... but I don't have a damn job, so ... really need to sort it out, I can decide if I'm over qualified once I fixed all the problems they have that they are hiring for ...
@Jimbo nice :D
Danke all
@JoeWatkins I clicked on the phpdbg tag in the twitter feed
@Jimbo ?
ah I dunno how to change that, it'll be something twitter api related ... @webarto you wanna look at that when you got a minute, please ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I like having a "secure" place to keep my stuff, without worrying about people going trhough it...
@JoeWatkins Yes, needs twitter.com in front of it. Thanks.
@ircmaxell yeah, that's true :)
@webarto ta :)
note the quotes, I know the staff can still, but that's not "anyone" :-)
@MadaraUchiha he was referring to Sharon
ping @PeeHaa
> I'm simply advocating for good sense, education and minimum competency. There's a reason why you can't get a driver's license by reading your car's manual -- that's my point.
@ircmaxell it's usually the staff - but the room probably has a safe if it's a 5* hotel so you can use that.
@rdlowrey hah :)
and I do, all the time
@BenjaminGruenbaum (in response to someone arguing it's fine for people to use frameworks as a substitute for knowing the language)
@rdlowrey You should submit the pgsql stuff as a PR
@NikiC That's the sort of input I was looking for. I'm still unsure about the protocols for those things.
@rdlowrey PR is always useful for review, as you can't comment otherwise (even if you have php-src karma and don't need somebody to merge it)
@Lusitanian jo
@NikiC can't people just comment on a commit?
@rdlowrey I mildly disagree with the notion, but I certainly disagree with perpetuating it.
@NikiC Good point. I'd prefer to have review before merging things.
@bwoebi yeah, but if there are multiple commits you'd have to click through the individual ones to find the one that changes the line you want to comment on ^^
@webarto ta :)
@NikiC ... why I never should say something I know the problem with already... :-D
@Lusitanian @PeeHaa I was guessing that, but what's your connection to Sharon? :|
Can anyone help me with understanding how Git hooks work?
Do they need special names? Permissions? etc?
@MadaraUchiha None other than that I'm Jewish
@PeeHaa 250 stars on github woo. i merged a new service because someone actually bothered to include tests with the initial PR
TEST 4442 of 16783: ERROR: it is fucked.
I don't love my colleagues sometimes.
@MadaraUchiha hooks are any shell scripts. can be php, bash, python
@Lusitanian Ah, I see
@MadaraUchiha I believe he was sorta poking fun
@andho Okay, do they need to be named specifically? How does Git know when to launch each?
they need permission same as any shell script
So, here's what I came up with. It would be awesome if someone could confirm my thinking:
@MadaraUchiha yeah there are specific names
That feeling, when you book the wrong train ticket (non-refundable) to the wrong destination. Then realize that the correct destination is on the same train one stop earlier. So just get off. #winningAtFailing
@andho The ones given to the samples, minus the .sample?
@ircmaxell Someone just used up all their good karma
mostly on server side, post-receive is used
@MadaraUchiha and some are missing from the samples
OK (225 tests, 1111 assertions)
my function throws an exception if something goes wrong and that is caught by the try/catch that wraps the call. Later, I use that same function within a loop. I need to handle the exceptions the same way, but I need all iterations to run (and not get cancelled by any exceptions)
1111 is a palindrome so i'm never writing any other tests
My thought is to make a function to loop them and catch the exceptions in it
@andho So basically, make it a proper executable file, name it post-receive and plug it in .git/hooks?
then I take the exception data and add it as part of the data that the function will return. resp = [data=>[], errors=>[]]
@Lusitanian You could always write another 1001 assertions.
@MadaraUchiha depends on what you want to do. If you want to fail a commit if tests don't pass, you should use pre-commit
@MadaraUchiha too much effort :P
So, the function is tracking the exceptions internally, then I can loop resp['errors'] and re-throw the exceptions.
Is that legit?
@andho I want to pull from another repo (on the same PC) once a commit is received there.
@MadaraUchiha @MadaraUchiha git-scm.com/book/ch7-3.html
@andho Thanks @andho
@rdlowrey Not necessarily
Singleton == Service Locator + Global
@MadaraUchiha oh that fixes THAT problem
@MadaraUchiha It has all the same drawbacks so the only difference is semantics (which is why I used == instead of ===
@andho So just name it post-receive, right?
@MadaraUchiha yeah
@rdlowrey No, because you can theoretically inject a mock in a unit test
@MadaraUchiha btw, hooks are not part of the repo index
@andho Meaning?
@MadaraUchiha Yes because in a unit test you could simply change the value of the global before hand.
@rdlowrey Meh, also true.
That's exactly how phpunit works with superglobals, actually.
@MadaraUchiha hooks cannot be committed into the repo
Ah, I know that one, thanks :)
But I can cd .git/hooks; git init
However horrible that might sound
@MadaraUchiha almost made my eyes pop
but i just got an idea though. Put the hook somewhere in actual source. Then when you run some build script or something, covertly copy the hook into .git/hooks directory
that is to enforce quality code commits only
@Lusitanian :-)
@Lusitanian Noice!
hello guys
Can someone please explain me why regexp [\D\S] matches a single character
@Cody For the same reason [a-z] matches a single character
There being not '*' or '+' or '?' or other indication of how many characters to match - so it matches one.
@Danack i expected it should match any character that is either not a digit, or is not whitespace
@Cody Right, a single non-digit, non-whitespace character.
@Cody Er - you mean any character that is a digit, or is whitespace?
@Danack yes
Then you'd want [\d\s]
@Cody You have to tell the regex how many characters to match or it will match a single character - php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.repetition.php
Hiya eveybody
Is something like LIMIT :limit not allowed or something?

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