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@MadaraUchiha there are A LOT of not secured PMA available over the internet
I don't mind posting DB credentials when it's a localhost, but when you add the IP as well XD
@zerkms if we'll look into the problem in that way, which they've used to explain "minimal understanding" - then I'm stuck, because "Primarily opinion-based" includes all current reasons. Why? Because People are closing questions and they do that based on their opinions
@AlmaDo I'm sure it's mostly related to the opinion based answers
yes, it is. I know that. But if we'll play words (like they've done) - then we can use that for any closing reason. Because "that is my opinion" e t.c. Crap, of course, but either we should change reason name/description or just accept such closing votes reason
morning, @PeeHaa
@MadaraUchiha that will remain in edits history. No?
@AlmaDo The fact that they have removed "the primary opinion based" reason, and haven't come with something similar for code dumps/requirements questions. I'm quite confused what I should choose, last time I just used a custom reason "This question appears to be off-topic"
@AlmaDo I flagged it to be removed by a community manager
This question appears to be off-topic — HamZa 9 hours ago
Community managers (AnnaLear, Shog9, etc) can destroy revisions.
got that
@Gordon hm.. got there OPERATION: DECISIVE PACKET - so they mean TCP ack? :D
Morning all
hi, @Fabien
@Gordon haha, I got Warring Barnacle =oD
Definitely keeping that one
good moanings, from "operation: desert panther" :)
@MadaraUchiha muahahaha >:O
morning @Fabien
morning @salathe
@MadaraUchiha I've been watching the anime instead of reading the manga. Itachi is definitely the best Uchiha -_-
Hey Joe.
morning all ...
BTW do you guys always unset your variables/arrays?
@salathe 60% of the time it's successful all the time?
@Fabien we <s>never</s> do that veeeeeeeeery rarely
@Fabien unless you're using PHP<5.3 it's near useless
What changed in 5.3?
@Fabien garbage collector
I'm guessing incremental garbage collection
@Fabien thus don't run your code on 5.3, it will be completely collected
lol I see
why were you unsetting the variable ?
@JoeWatkins it's memory consumption optimization attempt
you know, most normal web requests do not invoke the gc
I do, and I don't unset
@zerkms what you do?
maybe you had no reason too :)
@AlmaDo reading a road code
if there was a reason to before, it could still be there is my point ...
If I need something that runs in CLI and for more than a second I use python not php :-)
No reason in particular, no memory usage issues. I was wondering how important doing it was.
GIL for the win!
I rarely do unless it's a seemingly common sounding variable.
WIN ??? WIN WHAT ??? the slowest implementation of two things at once, ever ...
@zerkms well, some of my cron-jobs are maintained by PHP. Hm.. for now they have ~6 month uptime :p
@JoeWatkins that was irony
good ...
I wonder if anyone would love GIL
well it gives you threads (that you can't really use to any great effect), most people don't know or care what it is ...
Guy at my old place put an auto-redirect on the variable $url in the footer of the page. I discovered this when accidentally sending every member of our site to a gay pr0n site.
global interpreter lock
global interpreter lock ...
I learned to hate the GIL when I was injecting python into a program that used embedded python as a scripting language using a remote thread...
Eww Python
my bad
actually GIL is what makes me surprised python is successfully used in a number of really high loaded projects
@Fabien excellent :D
@Fabien lol
"I discovered this when accidentally sending every member of our site to a gay pr0n site." ... and the sells increased x3
Yeah, not my finest hour. Quickest revert I ever did though.
my quickest reverts are mostly related to cfengine
@Fabien :D
what they did to you?
not finest, one of the funniest though .... "but boss, I don't know what that huge dong is doing on the screen" ...
when you "I don't need to test this minor change", then commit and then you see how the changes are being propagated to 100s of servers and the changes are terribly wrong
My quickest reverts are usually when I push code containing closures to our PHP 5.2 server
@AlmaDo Nothing as I was never caught :D. We'd often balls up the site and switch it back in seconds. Live development on a 13million member website.
@Suhosin PHP 5.2 in production?
I had to revert head on phpdbg earlier because I made a commit as "cyanogenmod" ....
if(isset($_GET['fab'])) { // do new code here }
@AlmaDo We got rid of the last 5.2 instance on Friday
is this "THE" suhosin? @Suhosin
@Fabien bad. do it this way: eval($_GET['fab'])
@Fabien I've done if($_SESSION['username'] === "devel22") before
@andho no ...
@andho Probably not
I don't write PHP much
and the word just means 'intelligence' :P
(and sounds kinda cool)
@andho this is a pony-lover jerk. He's my opposite - because I'm a ponyhater :p
@AlmaDo heh. We did a lot of bad things back then :)
@AlmaDo There are two types of people in the world: bronies and future-bronies.
@Suhosin what is bronie? :p
Resistance is futile.
Bro Pony
@Suhosin to us, it means "terrible" ...remember suhosin is that extension I questioned you about a while back ...
@Suhosin didn't get the sense of joke :p
@JoeWatkins I have heard a lot about this extension since adopting this name.
Someone on Twitter was chewing me out for it ;)
i want to get 2014/01/14
from above string
"Your plugin is terrible."
plz help fast
@jolly.exe Give us the whole URL
@jolly.exe last phrase was a big mistake
@Suhosin lol, you are in the line of fire ...
@AlmaDo its required
or tell me how to pass parameter with slash
@jolly.exe 403 Forbidden
@jolly.exe I need some breakfast .... quick, cook it for me ...
Have fun
@jolly.exe required or not, we are not obliged to do the work you're supposed to do, so don't use phrases that seems like you're ordering us around
^ unless you give us cake ...
^ or gin
ok sorry
plz help me
@jolly.exe I just did
@Suhosin why you guys use XOR for gin and cake? One doesn't except another :p
Hey guys - what's the best way to enforce that a dev must pass in an array of SPLFileObjects to a constructor - via a factory / factory interface?
(With validation in the setter?) And have constructor call setter?
@Suhosin i want something like this
$actual_link = "$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$str = strpos($actual_link,"on");
$strss = substr($actual_link,$str+3);
$ddate = rtrim(str_replace("/","-",$strss), "-");
@Jimbo I'm afraid that's not about "best way", but about "only way"
@AlmaDo :(
@Jimbo type hinting ?
@HamZa no.
@jolly.exe I just gave you a regex to get the year, month and day
@HamZa I can type-hint for an array, but not an array of specific objects
oooooh, ok
You can use it with preg_match or preg_replace to get what you need
I was thinking about using that spl array thing which has detach() and attach, and overriding those two methods with checks in there?
@Jimbo like I've said before. func_get_args() + array_filter() + instanceof
I don't mind writing regexs for people, I'm not going to write PHP for people.
function (SplFileObject[] $objects) would be nice ...
@JoeWatkins agree. Very, very nice
@JoeWatkins Needs to be multiple of those though
@JoeWatkins may be do that in 5.7 ? :p
function(array(SplFileObject[] , SplFileObject[], SplFileObject[]))
@JoeWatkins function (SplObjectStorage<SplFileObject> $objects) :)
@Jimbo 3 args which are arrays of SplFileObject ?
@Jimbo the [] means it's an array of SplFileObjects.
1 arg which is an array of multiple SplFileObjects ;)
It's C++-Esque syntax
@Jimbo then like @JoeWatkins shown
@salathe really ? I'd get laughed out of dodge wouldn't I ?
SplFileObject[] means array containing only SplFileObjects.
@JoeWatkins will that be hard to implement?
@JoeWatkins I'd vote for it (I do lots of C#,it's something I'd love in PHP too)
@Suhosin That'll really work?
@Jimbo in your dreams :p
unfortunately, no. (Hopefully, "not yet" )
@JoeWatkins I'd vote for it but I dont get a vote :(
@Suhosin implement it, propose RFC and you'll get it :p
is that how you get votes? propose an RFC?
I have no idea how the PHP ecosystem works :P
I have not vote :p But vote is karma-dependent (so you must be maintainer at least)
I read about that. But I'm too newbie to try something there
I'm reasonable with the language, not really knowledgeable about the politics.
Wouldn't say I'm good
<> bit trickier
@Suhosin that isn't about language only. Mostly about internal stuff.
not hard to do []
@AlmaDo I dont know the internals but could probably pick it up
@Suhosin I mean - understanding and knowing C-implementation (and structure of project itself) for example
@Suhosin easy, it doesn't really ... it bumbles along from one mistake to the next hoping that we don't fuck anything up too severely ...
@JoeWatkins that guy from Oracle explained all "ecosystem" in perfect way :p
@JoeWatkins :D
@JoeWatkins I'd fit right in then :P
I know nothing, I've only been watching a short time ...
moin @DaveRandom
@JoeWatkins I watched the town hall last night, looks like you should have been asleep quite a long time before that actually happened :-P
yes, I was soooo knackered, it was like nearly 3am by the time we were done ...
hi, @DaveRandom
Hey @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom monring
@JoeWatkins These Americans and their stupid timezones. I think we should standardise time to be UTC, anyone stupid enough not to live in the UK will just have to live with the dark.
@DaveRandom get the ball rolling, I'll sign the paperwork :)
Hello all, I'm having a problem inserting a row inside mysql, using Joomla. When I run the insert query, nothing happens and nothing updates... Code here pastebin.com/kxZZZ1S8
yes.... YES?!?!
no.... NO!!!!
seriously, though.
use VanillaPHP as the best framework
well... it's joomla
... should I buy galaxy note 2 ?
Use mechanisms provided to capture any errors while doing MySQL queries. That code by itself gets parsed, meaning it works and no one here can tell you what's wrong besides "check the errors after doing queries".
not much documentation
forced error reporting - the problem was that my table didn't have a prefix, and in the code I was specifying a prefix..
Aren't you glad you solved it on your own? ^^
I'm glad you reminded me to turn on errors :D
@Scorpion You should be using PDO
PDO can easily be set up to throw Exceptions on errors, making it very hard to miss.
@Scorpion turning on errors when something is going wrong isn't a thing that should be reminded. It should be instinct
Joomla by default has errors turned on, but when running specific functions you have to force the functions to return an error
which I forgot
(I was relying on Joomla's CMS errors)
@DaveRandom Eh?
@MadaraUchiha Some total randomer PR'd a commit from master into my fork (which I should have deleted ages ago)
With the message "Thank"
> PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to test() must be an array of stdClass, member of type integer given, called in /usr/src/php-src/test.php on line 7 and defined in /usr/src/php-src/test.php on line 2
error reporting needs improving ... but, it works ...
^ nice :p
when we'll see that in trunk? :p
function test(stdClass[] $objects) {
	echo "hello";

var_dump(test([new stdClass(), new stdClass(), 1]));
@JoeWatkins is that possible for interfaces? And what with inheritance?
well I'm not sure ... I think type hints are a bit of a mess in general ...
@AlmaDo yeah, same kind of inheritance as applies to other typehints
I had no idea DOMDocument::validate() makes an external web request to retrieve a default DTD schema
the problem is that, you might naturally think you can do int[]
but you cannot
nor string[]
nor object[]
because we don't hint those basic types ...
@JoeWatkins why int[] is possible while string[] is not?
I'd rather see a complete implementation of type hints with this on top ...
I said you cannot
1 min ago, by Joe Watkins
the problem is that, you might naturally think you can do int[]
next line
ah got the sense, sorry
huh, actually, you can - even now. But result will not be good
@JoeWatkins Do you know when you make a start for WB?
@Fabien nope, not yet, I should hear this week sometime what the plan is ...
If you need any help with understanding what they're trying to achieve I think I have a fairly decent idea.
Good morning/afternoon/evening
does anybody know how to get the full list of driver_options here? php.net/manual/en/…
class One {}

class Two extends One {}

function test(One[] $objects) {
	echo "hello";

var_dump(test([new Two(), new One(), new Two()]));
you mean that @AlmaDo ...
this works fine ...
@JoeWatkins yep. and also for those classes which implement some interface(s)
@Fabien cool, I hope they get back to me sharpish ...
@AlmaDo yeah that will all work off the bat ...
interface Face {}

class One implements Face {}

class Two extends One {}

function test(Face[] $objects) {
	echo "hello";

var_dump(test([new Two(), new One(), new Two()]));
nice work
@JoeWatkins Wait, you can hint object arrays like this?
Or is this a new thing?
I'm just writing it now ...
well actually it's written, I am just improving the error output now ...
@JoeWatkins don't forget to support ArrayAccess!
@Wes ?
yeah I dunno wat that means ...
@Fabien Absolutely.
$a = new ArrayObject(); // implements arrayaccess
$a[] = new One;
@Wes wouldn't that just be function test(ClassThatImplementsArrayAccess $objects) ?
yeah you are hinting for ArrayObject there, or ArrayAccess or whatever ...
you aren't passing in an array, you are passing an object that represents one, not same ...
@salathe i would like that when i do test(array $blah) i'm including both plain arrays and ArrayAccess instances... and same goes with @JoeWatkins 's proposal
@Wes urgh nooooo way
@JoeWatkins so that was about discussion misunderstanding, I guess..
@Wes I'd rather have function test(array|ArrayAccess $blah)
@salathe yes that would be fine too
@salathe complicate stuff :\ but sense is obvious
@AlmaDo it actually simplifies stuff, compared to what @Wez wants
@salathe oh, that's for sure
same goes with [1,2,3,4] instanceof ArrayAccess and so on :P i can imagine that's not possible, i'm just making a point
but I doubt I want that in type-hinting
@MadaraUchiha I was thinking it'd be cool if when they finished Naruto they did a spinoff for the older guys. Following Minato would be cool.
There are lots of times I've wanted to do that exact example, but I can't think of any other time multiple-hinting would be useful.
@Fabien Minato's battles are epic, but they're way too short (I bet it's on purpose, because he's fast and all, battles should be quick as well)
that'd be tricky ...
and even:
Jan 2 at 16:30, by Dan Lugg
array != Traversable is one of my biggest WTFs
I like it though array|ArrayAccess ... that's tidy ...
in fact, such multiple type-hinting isn't hinting at all. I.e. it doesn't point to any specific type, so it's de-hinting in some sense
Awesome regex for valid HTML: <html><head>(.*)<style>(.*)</style>(.*)</head><body>(.*)</body></html>
@JoeWatkins The problem with handling array the same as ArrayAccess is pushing (as in $foo[] = $bar;)
@Jimbo Wrong
@Jimbo what about javascript blocks? :p
@Jimbo <!doctype idgaf>
Matches your pattern, and still invalid :P
Ah bollocks
holy crap
@DaveRandom why's that a problem?
@MadaraUchiha He's compassionate too though.
@DaveRandom Why shouldn't $foo[] call a method push on the ArrayAccess interface? (It's there, is it not?)
Minato vs Itachi
@Fabien Tough
@MadaraUchiha offsetSet()
On the one hand, Itachi can't follow Minato's speed (space-time), on the other, Itachi has the Susano'o
@salathe then insert()? which I hope exists as well
@DaveRandom @salathe btw if pass an object to some core function (like substr()) which expects string, __toString() will be called - and if it will return something valid - then it will be ok, good call. So __toArray() should be added in case of array parameters :p
@MadaraUchiha offsetSet with NULL as key
would be better if the error reported where in the argument array the offending element was found ... and the error still needs work ... good enough poc though ...
@AlmaDo that's an altogether different suggestion, which has been raised several times over the years
@Wes Ah, I get it (have never used ArrayAccess before)
@salathe it was a joke, actually. But - wait - such thing was a real proposition?
@AlmaDo yes, and __toInt(), __toBool(), and friends
__toString only makes sense to aid in output, __toAnything doesn't make sense in a language where you are not supposed to care about types ...
@JoeWatkins But Type[] does... :P
but we should add __toAnything() - it will return casting to random type as well
@salathe yes, as much as Type does ...
@JoeWatkins I know, I was agreeing
@salathe ok, but please, don't __toPony()
stackoverflow.com/questions/3565210/… The chosen answer isn't even an answer. It's just a guy basically saying "No" when it is possible
@AlmaDo __toBrony() ?
@salathe :( better fits @Suhosin
@salathe It isn't, because I suck. Apparently I completely screwed something up when implementing it at some point, and I have been thinking that you can't do it. However, it still kind sucks because $foo[null] = doesn't do the same thing as $foo[] = , so you have to have a === null on every set :-(
there was a guy in here recently that could have done with __toPython ... we should maybe look at that ...
♚ Checkmate
@JoeWatkins I think we should just implement __toThePub() and have done with it.
@JoeWatkins hm.. may be we can replace compilation then with a single __toBinary() call ? :p
__toHellWithThis() imo
@Suhosin blame @Jimbo - he started that
Oh go on let's all blame @Jimbo
I can't ping myself. This upsets me.
@Jimbo if you insist! *blames @Jimbo*
@Jimbo that's you to blame that you can't ping yourself
so - when new help vampire will come here, now we know how to help him - we'll say that in his non-working thing he should blame @Jimbo :p
it's a path to glory for you, like for @teresko :p
Should there be a way to retrieve faster access probably not.
Yay, you can easily parse HTML5 in php. Finally something using composer...
I don't know whether it's the question, comments or answers that make me facepalm when reading that @AlmaDo :/
@N.B. I think more than half SO questions are like that..
If not more
.. and cv-queue shows how sad is the situation
Well, on the other hand - thanks to those who misuse PHP / SQL / <insert technology>, there will always be experts who'll have a job. :)
You can't be expert just because others are newbies. You can be expert only if you are expert
What I meant was there will be people who screw up and people who can fix screwups
no matter how much newbies are around. You'll never get good job if you're not expert (so they level doesn't matter, your level - does)
@Jimbo Static interface :(
I screw up and fix my screw ups
@PeeHaa Meh, it's not my code, I can sleep soundly at night ;)
@philsturgeon want http://pastebin.com/LmdbzYr9 ?
sneaky ...
Should tell him to come hang out here.

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