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@aRagnis , sure , but that is only type of question he asks
5 hours later…
Hey lovesh, I have worked with Elgg a couple years ago
Oh, I'm an idiot, that msg was from yesterday.
yes , and this chat is persistent
Ahhahaha hahaha
Q: Help with HTML Button and PHP

Kyel john DavidI am working on a project our website designer gave us this code for users to pick their order <img src="images/product001.png" alt="" /> <h1>Espresso Roast Pods</h1> <span>Php 999.99</span> <button>Order</button> all we need to do is add a php code...

> all we need to do is add a php code to it when a user clicks the button it will send the order to the database, do you have any idea how we are going to do it?
I have designed a house. I have drawn a sketch of it.
Now all I need to do is put together some bricks so I can live in it. Do you have any idea how to do it real quick please?
That's like saying... we built this nice Ferrari, now all we need is the engine.
@Pekka tell OP to use jquery and codeigniter ;)
@Gordon :)
When you create an Interface, do you guys usually type hint and make comments explaining the fn args?
@TimothyPerez example?
@ErnestasStankevičius morning
I've got one
hang on
interface DocGen {
## saveDocument("document data", "doc attributes", "default is new entry || update existing") ##
public function saveDocument(array $data, array $options, $docId=false); // Returns docId if Successful
@Gordon There's an example, I only put in one of the functions, but I was trying to find out if this is good practice or should I not type hint?
Also... documenting the args, good idea or leave them out?
@TimothyPerez google phpdoc please. there is a standard for documenting php code
@Gordon Thanks... I will definitely check this out. (Self taught, still learning standards)
@TimothyPerez You'll love it, especially when the IDE you use parses it :) (of course, this is open to personal opinion..)
@Gordon Here's a morning riddle for ya;
I've got a system with tree-based categories
What IDE do you guys use and recommend? I was thinking about Netbeans, currently just Notepad++'ing it.
@TimothyPerez whichever works for you. An IDE should support your workflow. nothing more nothing less
The one that gets the job done for you :)
@Gordon Categories can look like:

- Computers
  - Desktops
  - Laptops
The problem is, some categories may exist for other categories as well
Meh! phpdoc.org (Currently Down)
     * Short desc
     * Long Desc can span
     * multiple lines
     * @param array $documentData     can describe param here
     * @param array $options          should describe possible options here
     * @param int   $updateExistingId when given, will update the docuemnt with the given ID
    public function saveDocument(array $documentData, array $options, $updateExistingId = null);

- Accessories
  - Computers
So, keep in mind that category titles are not unique.
However, category paths are unique.
@Gordon thanks
Pretty much how a directories work.
Q: What is the proper way to document files, classes and constructors?

RupertWhat is the most useful/most standard/least surprising way to consistently write comment blocks for constructors and classes and files containing just a single class? Comment blocks for classes, not constructors Comment blocks for constructors, not classes Comment blocks for both constructors a...

The problem is here: I need to determine, in javascript, what is a specific category's ID.
Say, for example, I have the path "/a/b" and I need to find the ID of 'b' through JS.
@TimothyPerez please also see @edorian's answers, so you dont overdo your docs. keep them to the bare minimum and try to make your API as explicit as possible.
I currently have this structure in JS:
{ 1:'a', '3':'b', 5:'c', 4:'b'}
@Gordon Thanks, I agree, I'm anal about keeping things documented but concise.
and /a/b -> /1/4 while /b is /3
Should I change my structure to look like:
{ 1:'/a', '3':'/b', 5:'/c', 4:'/a/b'}
(basically storing path instead of title?)
If we separate the model into data source, data mapper, and domain. Then we have a severe database redesign, does the change ripple from the data source to data mapper (based on your experiences)?
Correct if my approach is wrong, but whenever I don't understand the consequences, I judge on what I do understand. As in, a "secure system" to me is one that has a sound code-base, employs sane (and correct) logic as well as being a long-standing product with minimal security issues.
...rather than judge it by using encryption <X>
What do you think @edorian?
Even if I've had my own share of work related to encryption, I don't consider myself a prodigy in this field (far from it in fact).
@rickchristie that depends on the complexity of changes.
class PersonMapper
    public function findById($id) {
        return $this->personFactory($this->personGateway->findById($id));
if you only change how the gateway fetches the person data, then its no big deal
if you do additional things in findById that depends on the outcome of the gateway call, it might ripple
@edorian hey
Mostly europians here ?
@rickchristie People told me that you can get ugly ripple loading effect from that and that one should use indipenent dataMappers that do external object loading/creating/saving but presonally I've not made to many bad experiences with $class, $classDataSource/Access/Handle
@ErnestasStankevičius since the US people currently sleep: Kinda
@Gordon - yup. Thanks for the explanation. I guess if there is such change, it would be much easier to do in a layered system - was a bit put off when I realize if the database design changes, I might also have to change the DataMapper.
But also some AU and Asia iirc
Hey, how do guys think. Is DERP class name is ok for WebSocket server class ?
@ErnestasStankevičius whats a DERP?
@edorian and Australia
Mem based class names: Funny but annoying in two years
Good time everyone
@OmeidHerat Doesn't one abbreviate Australia with AU ?
1 min ago, by edorian
But also some AU and Asia iirc
@ChristianSciberras As a general statement i agree, there are some more points to it depending on the context but yes
@edorian G! my bad, I thought of AUE for some wired reason
maybe cause you said asia
AES vs TDES vs w/e isn't even close to a sufficient security statement
@OmeidHerat UAE :)
@edorian Well, i have hard times thinking names for classes. First name was: PiSS: PHP internet Simple Socket, lol...
@ChristianSciberras thanks for correcting
maybe I should go get some sleep.
@OmeidHerat :P
@ErnestasStankevičius Whats wrong with WebSocketServer ?
is there any online WYSIWYG editor that can understand PHP and doesn't converts it to HTML entities ( I understand the security issues with it :))
@edorian Well, I think you have to show that you arent heartless programer, and try make smyle another programmer if he sees your code.
@OmeidHerat PHP is not HTML.
Hence why it cannot be ignored nor parsed.
@edorian ofcourse its oke only sometimes
@ChristianSciberras Will I am might be tired but I am yet sober.
Did you mean a code highlighter?
if you type
echo "test";
I honestly don't see the point of allowing people to modify code and presentation at the same time.
the online WYSIWYG editors like tinymce they conver to html entitites.
If your target audience is "developers", they should know all about HTML.
If they're not developers, why do you expect them to know PHP?
they are developers.
Some WYSIWYGs have buttons to switch to text mode, like wordpress'
You can insert PHP into text mode, and it won't be converted.
hemm that sounds good.
I just logged in with: jon.doe6553 on stackexchange...
used google login
But you can't see the PHP code in WYSIWYG mode.
As i see email is not the main user id
@ChristianSciberras it makes sense, but yeah that text editor mode is cool.
@ChristianSciberras cheers for the head ups (and also :)
@OmeidHerat I just tried it out, wysiwg clears out the PHP code.
If you save as text-mode it saves correctly.
After you switch to "Visual"/wysiwyg, PHP tags are removed.
@ChristianSciberras which wysiwyg editor ?
tinyMCE ?
I think WP uses tinyMCE
The "correct" way to do this sanely is to make your WYSIWYG editor support <script> elements and write your PHP code as:

<script type="text/php">
  echo 'Hi';
@ChristianSciberras the online version comments it out <!--?php echo('test'); ?-->
@OmeidHerat I tried the one in (latest) wordpress.
See the problem lies in context.
The wyswyg is there to edit HTML content, not PHP content.
Which is why it can never understand <?php ... ?>
Hey, where i can find StackOverflow API? I want to show data about my account on my blog. I found OData SDK, but is there a working exemple?
@ChristianSciberras I have a simple MVC cms.
@ErnestasStankevičius api.stackoverflow.com?
it use the API to set the ttitle and stuff.
@ChristianSciberras Well thanks :)
@ChristianSciberras I was trying to find some online editor and embed that so instead of FTP they can use the internal editor.
but seems that I have to put the pages in database and all the stuff.
@OmeidHerat I would separate code from content.
I would have HTML template files separate from PHP code.
wait I will show you.
And then use two separate editors, a WYSIWYG and a code highlighter (for PHP, CSS, JS).
     header("Status: 404 Not Found");
    $cms->setTitle('404 - Not Found.');


            Sorry but <?php echo (isset($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : "The page you want"; ?> dosn't exists or has been moved.
    	Try again by refreshing the page or <a href="<?php echo $this->base_url; ?>signup.html">contact us</a> for help.

@Gordon What do you think about @OmeidHerat's issue?
5 mins ago, by Christian Sciberras
See the problem lies in context.
@OmeidHerat In that case, I wouldn't use a WYSIWYG at all. I'd use a code highlighter.
I think I am going to go with a code highlighter.
or just tell 'em to stick with FTP.
@ChristianSciberras cheers.
Say, @ErnestasStankevičius where are you from?
@ChristianSciberras Lithuania
Oh, Vilnius. Lovely.
Always wanted to visit that place.
Well, I've always wanted to visit most of europe, anyway. :D
@ChristianSciberras Well, if you like old citys and old buildings, then ok. Vilnius isn't so nice place as Norway or sweeden or any onther old member of europe union.
@ChristianSciberras Pf, i meen Lithuania
@ChristianSciberras But well, a nice europtrip is always great. Every summer I go to Germany, Austria, Sweeden, Norway, Italia and France. If you have diesel car, then with 4 friends its only ~800-900$ each for trip to see all europe.
My trips never come cheap.
After 10 years the country should be pretty stable right now, correct?
Xaxa, no its not :D
But it depends. If you will ask some hard working men, with family and no education, he will cry that its hard to live in lithuania. But at my point, well, I get ~1000euros a month as PHPdev. And hardworking men ~300euros
And i dont have family
So I cent get anything I want(Galaxy S2 ~600euros)
Same here, more or less.
Nice apartmen in lithuania costs a month about ~300-100euros
I meen rent
Problem is, unlike Lithuania, Malta's economy grows ever so slowly.
Malta is nice counrty. Very small, very hot, but nice :)
But I won't get critical about Malta, last time I did took ages for me to stop.
I would like to have vacation there
I'd buy you a beer if you do ;)
I heared peaople there are very friendly
Uunlike Lithuania
It really depends on who you end up talking with. I've met with some Maltese which can be best described with an "uugh".
But in general, we're very hospitable. I guess.
I wish mostly people would be hopitable as egypt people.
@ChristianSciberras maybe you know does Careers 2.0 will provide Freelance jobs ?
No idea.
I'm a bit out of sync with freelancing ever since I ended up working for a private company on contract.
@ChristianSciberras Well, I have some time for Freelancing. me too have contract
How much hours do you work per week? 40? (8hrs x 5days)?
If girlfirend has gone home at parents, then all I can do is freelance or play games. So i more prefer freelance. Yes
Now i have so muuch free time at evenings that I even started write my own blog
When I'm not at work, I end up doing lots of other stuff, and I'm a bit afraid of taking responsibility in freelancing while having to tend to my own stuff as well.
Don't do some SUPER MEGA PROJECTS as freelance, thats all
I've currently got some 8 different projects running at the same time :P kinda difficult to start freelancing at this pace. lol
Well yes, im working ant one at the time
So have no presure
2 hours later…
netcat [....]

Preposterous fd value 18
Hey everyone
does anyone have clue how to convert numeric values to SO values (20000 -> 20k, 20088 -> 20.1k and so on?
if ($value / 1000 > 1){
	$value = number_format(($value / 1000, 1, '.') . 'k';
Something like this should work
@genesis http://www.google.com/search?q=php+human+readable+number+format
have a look on *third* one, should be nearly what you want
@KamilTomšík don't forget that google now make individual search results, depending on what you search.
PHP Human readable filesize?
And does somebody know what system SO use for diff?
@aragnis didn't you mean
	$value = number_format(($value / 1000), 1, '.') . 'k';
$value = 2149;
if ($value / 1000 > 1){
	$value = number_format(($value / 1000), 1, '.', 'k');
echo $value;
@KamilTomšík Everyone seems to have failed this question:
The following code was found on a hacked server. Explain what it does.

what is _REQUEST['code'] ?
The general response seem to be "redirect requests to remote site".
@genesis Teheh :P You're supposed to answer you know.
Well, $_REQUEST['code'] already makes it obvious.
oh wait !
anonymous function named code
There's 3 well-known eval-like functionality in PHP
anonymous function which wil exec code in _REQUEST
create_function, eval, preg_replace
Yeah, AKA "Remote Code Execution"
example please
Yeah, funny
preg_replace has an eval flag
What about
function num($num){
        if ($num > 999){

                if ($num > 9999){
                        if ($num > 99999){
                                $num = substr($num, 0, 3)."k";
                                $num = substr($num, 0, 2)."k";
                        $num = substr($num, 0, 1)."k";
        return $num;
will it do the same? :p
it makes 8k, 11k etc.
do you think it's fine?
for what?
what diff OPENSOURCE software SO uses :/ ?
I've got my own function which works pretty good.
A: Text version-control in PHP with difference highlight

Christian Sciberras/* Paul's Simple Diff Algorithm v 0.1 (C) Paul Butler 2007 <http://www.paulbutler.org/> May be used and distributed under the zlib/libpng license. This code is intended for learning purposes; it was written with short code taking priority over performance. It could be u...

looks complicated. I hate such functions xD
Same here, BUT it's small and concise. And with little dependencies.
will try it
Usually, it's easier to debug such code than libraries.
:D glad you like it. God bless that guy.
I need it for my SO clone :p
Well I'm going to library now
Sweet. really sweet. thank you for your function(s)
@ChristianSciberras Wow. Great function. Just got it to my dropbox ;) Thx
well everone here is a working professional ?
@ErnestasStankevičius Welcome
@SALMANKHAN We're working professionals by profession. :D
Hey, @ErnestasStankevičius how do you say your surname? The last 4 latters specifically.
@ChristianSciberras creates lambda from $_REQUEST["code"]... messy
@KamilTomšík Of course everyone prefers eval($_REQUEST['code']) especially IDSes. Did you read the question in full?
I'm curious about that $_REQUEST - any specific reason for that?
@ChristianSciberras Better don't speak about offtopic in this chat. I already got suppended. :9
@ChristianSciberras no

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