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@KamilTomšík No, that attacker just wrote that obfuscated code.
It was meant to be messy. :D
@genesisφ you're kidding - you should work on your skills rather than trying to clone existing projects.
@KamilTomšík But SO ain't in PHP. At most, it's a port more than a clone.
Or well, a ported clone.
@ChristianSciberras I don't follow - in which way is create_function($_REQUEST["code"]) better than $_POST version?
@Kamil riseofkings.net is mine. I am working on my skills
@KamilTomšík Why should I (as an attacker) not be able to type commands off my own web browser address bar?
@Kamil - I learn from coding. What should I learn from?
@ErnestasStankevičius who did say something OT here?
@KamilTomšík it's not. $-REQUEST = array_merge($_POST, $_GET)
@ErnestasStankevičius +$_COOKIE
False, that's gone, long gone.
@ChristianSciberras so how its made now?
I don't actualy use $_REQUEST
@ErnestasStankevičius Your way
@Kamil care to reply? :p
That said, I'm alarmed they didn't remove this permanently.
I thought they did...
@genesis I've shown you this and you were not able to change 1024 for 1000...
@KamilTomšík Ugggghh
@ChristianSciberras what?
@Kamil I just hate math. I am able to, but I have seen question On SO which did exactly I want
I'm done here :)
@KamilTomšík It's got a hard limit :(
Plus it's not that good with performance.
@ChristianSciberras what are you talking about? :-D
If I'm listing file size of hundreds of files, does it have to explode() and assign unnecessary variables that much times?
The Javascript room is SO dead
@KamilTomšík Here's mine: pastebin.com/q1X0e6d9
@sinni800 Try the Flash room. XD
hi all!
@ChristianSciberras I don't get the joke here ;D
But since I am developing a PHP web site... Should I just ask here?
@ChristianSciberras uhm... are you serious? ok, if explode is that big issue why not write it in array?
Don't have to. I've got my own. The very version 1.0
I wonder though, why wasn't it written good in the first place? It isn't like it's complex or anything.
So, copying over from the js chan
I am having a "add user" page on my site. There you can add a bulk of users to the system (see:… ). I use jQuery. Now I want to subscribe different input fields to JS functions. But the problem is: I have a "new line" button that adds a line for a user to be added. How do I subscribe those events to the JS functions? Should I just unsubscribe all and resubscribe them?
@ChristianSciberras ok
@ErnestasStankevičius Reminds me in mine O.o
@ErnestasStankevičius Cool widescreen btw :P
our CEO gives us everything we want. At work razer keybord, razer mouse(death adder) dell pivot widescreen fullhf led, second monitor 4:3 for skype
Again oftopic.
Sorry :(
We're not really against off-topic. Don't know where you got that impression, but usually it's undesired when it spans several pages.
@Gordon or @ircmaxell might give a better answer about this.
Say @ErnestasStankevičius, how would you like to come to Malta permanently? Most importantly, we swap workplaces :D
@ChristianSciberras Meh. To hot in malta. I like snow. :P
@ErnestasStankevičius how about germany?
Well, what do you know, someone that thinks it just like me.
@sinni800 I would love it
I hate all this sun.
It makes me sick.
I don't get to do anything in summer because of the sun.
We have 20 °C right now.. it was hot as hell the last week but at least something like this never holds more than one week in germany
Then in winter, it is excessively cold.
Not always, but -10°c happens
I mean, 19C here is colder than -5C in switzerland :(
ok make it 17 or 18
But it really feels cold.
19°C is t-shirt weather
It's all because of humidity.
@sinni800 We had same weather. On winter we have -25, on summer we have +30
@ErnestasStankevičius oh, little more brutal than here... Um north europe?
@sinni800 Lithuania
Is that the same as Latvia?
Just in English
Oh, I just googled it. It IS the same
That small little country
From top to bottom: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
For us it's all russia up there
Well, we where part of russia. And we know that all bottom of europe thinks that we are all russians and thats realy sucks, becouse all lithuanians hates russians
I didn't know that
Cuz of the dictatorship?
@sinni800 Yep.
I knew it
It was all downhill in your area at that time
@sinni800 Old people still thinks that it was better at that times, but just becouse all was "equal".
Yeh, right... Communism
Same here, there are actually old people that still think back to the hitler days as they were good
@sinni800 Lithuania doesnt have anything to export, apart brainpower and noone understand that from higher power
I see
Your country was deemed worthless
@sinni800 Funny considering their Financial Center...
@sinni800 it's wortless now too. Apart individuals.
Well, at least you got that. In Malta we only export hot air.
@ChristianSciberras Financial Center?
@ErnestasStankevičius: So?
@sinni800 Nothing here to whatch. We dont have any money. But well, we have some big banks in here. I meen buildings. But nothing more.
We are in middle of europe, so I think that's the reason, that we have alot of banks.
@ErnestasStankevičius You're downplaying alot. No wonder you wouldn't want to live in Malta.
At least you're not considered a 3rd world country.
@ChristianSciberras we are.
@ErnestasStankevičius oh alright
Guess what? Malta is in the same mess ever since it donated money to Lithuania. Some 10 or so years ago. I remember missionaries asking for money in our schools and stuff.
The funny thing is, Lithuania is back in business (probably been so several years ago), while Malta can barely afford its own infrastructure.
A few large businesses would do you good, @ErnestasStankevičius...
@ChristianSciberras Can't you just make debts with the large banks? ;D
Nobody pays those back anyway
@ChristianSciberras en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… Lithuania 60, malta 47
@sinni800 To do what? Malta is technically and in all aspects bankrupt. Ironically the government won't admit it.
@ErnestasStankevičius Monaco is so small those rich guys spoil the whole statistic :D
@ChristianSciberras Oooh
@ErnestasStankevičius I find that very hard to believe.
Only thing we have good in lithuania is internet: netindex.com
I can download movie at my apartment at 21mb/s, and at home at 10mb/s
Saying home, i meen vilage
@ErnestasStankevičius That's because you got fibre right in the beginning, we run on 50 year old copper cables
Netherlands and Sweden are such cheaters, I know one from Netherlands who has 500 mbit/s symmetrical
He also doesn't really live in a big town
@sinni800 Wrong. We had DSL, DSL+, DSL2, DSL2+, Dial-up too. Only over providers invest to internet alot. Over 2 bilions this year thought...
@ErnestasStankevičius when's the last time you had a country-wide power fail?
In apartment i got 500mb/s too.
@ChristianSciberras never
We had 7 last year.
Some 6 this year (already)
@ErnestasStankevičius that's crazy... Here nothing happens. The last thing that somebody did to increase bandwidth a lot is Kabel Deutschland, which used the television cables to bring 32 mbit/s to everyone
And that's about the highest you can get... where television cables are. Without them, you often get 1000 or 2000, or even only 384 in the villages
@sinni800 crazy, internet is future
i got last one: Sky platinium +
There are 3 or 4 towns in Germany where some private company offers 100 mbit/s... But not 200 or 500 nor 1000
Before newyears we will get 1gb/s
I got my fiber directly to PC
And then they even limit those 32 mbit/s at Kabel Deutschland to obscurity on high times
I never realized a limit here, though... Others do, massively
morning all
@sinni800 come to lithuania. I download movie in less then 1min
We're a "big" country in the center of europee
And to get good internet you have to live in a datacenter
@Neal Hello. Almost work end at Europe ;)
@ErnestasStankevičius :-P
@ErnestasStankevičius Meh.
@sinni800 Hear hear. How about this one....
We have a stupid situation here, by the way
@sinni800 Blame it on The Green (and other anti-technological-development parties) ;)
Several international backbone cables wrap around Malta to go to Italy (Sicily/Palermo)
Then we get a secondary-level internet connection from Italy.
For what it's worth, Italy could be spying on all of Malta's (internet) transmissions.
@NikiC Gee, that doesn't help though
@ChristianSciberras That's stupid too
@sinni800 Stupid? Call it retarded and I'll buy you a beer.
We had a governmental company at first, the "Deutsche Post" which did everything. Telephone, TV cable...
@ChristianSciberras I'll take you up on that offer: It's goddamn retarded.
@sinni800 Love this chat
@sinni800 We've got everything like that here. Gas, water, electricity, fuel, import/export (ofc) internet, telephone, transport.
Well after some time people thought that the monopoly should be resolved, because telephony was getting too popular to be a state thing
Then they made the "Telekom" and the "Kabel Deutschland" to seperate both, etc
To be honest, the government started "outsourcing" stuff.
Telekom, formerly the Deutsche Post, did everything to give everyone telephone access
@sinni800 I really do wonder why the internet situation is that bad here in Germany. It just can't be it that I only have 4 mbps in Berlin...
Then other telephony companies came. One started to make an alternative network of telephony cables.
@NikiC I had 4mbps 5 years ago
The Hansenet. Also with the internet rise, other companies wanted to offer DSL too. Dial Up could be easily achieved since everyone just logged in through their telekom connection
And dialed to any dial up company
But with DSL that wasnt possible. They would have to share the line
is envious @ErnestasStankevičius
@ErnestasStankevičius We're happily upgrading to 8mbs in a few months! Can't wait!
So they rented lines to use for DSL from the Telekom to give their customers DSL
But at the same time they cried that they had to pay to use the liens
Which gave us the definitive banhammer: The courts ordered the Telekom to "open" the access to the lines, allowing every other ISP to use them
Now no ISP can be bothered to upgrade the lines since all other ISPs will be allowed to use them
internetas.zebra.lt <- 9.99lt/men = 3euros/month for 10mb/s
That's why we're stuck!
Anyone read it?
@sinni800 Typical failure of antitrust laws ;) That's exactly the reason why capitalism works so great but fails so hard as soon as government starts to try and "make it more fair" or something like that ;)
@sinni800 We have had same situation. Thats why we all got fiber
@NikiC yeah.. That's sucky
@ErnestasStankevičius But here we're in a tie. Sure, some parts get upgraded to fibre, but only once in a while, and only some towns.
@NikiC if you were designing java.util.List or php array would you include get(index) method? is there any right situation where this could be useful?
@sinni800 I see all the time, peoples working on fiber cables.
Nobody wants to bother upgrading them since they can rip off people with "maximum 16k lines" (where most people only get 3000 or 6000) for 40 euro
@ErnestasStankevičius Jeez... 3 Euro per Month for 10mb/s. Here people pay 40 Euro for anything between 3 to 16 mb/s
@KamilTomšík Depending on what of the two you are implementing: A list or an array? If it's an array get(index) is really important (for lookup). For lists it's less important as they are usually iterated over.
26€ for 100/100mbps around here :-)
@NikiC list - I've mentioned array because that's how they are usually used
internetas.zebra.lt/offers/245 - if you get this contract and You pay ~25euros(for 36 months), uyou will get samsung galaxy 7, 300mb/s, WS multimedia center and 1TB HDD
You know what? Stop making people jealous, or KICK!
@NikiC I'm thinking this way - usually, accessing element through index is either needed for UI action (I'm going to fight this one somehow) or there is some semantic information missing
I just wish more people from other countrys. Be couse im tiried of Polaks and Russians
@NikiC in the way of using misusinglist instead of objects
Oh and to have 300mbps WiFi here is normal
@KamilTomšík Yes, I think lists are only reasonable if you iterate over them ;) So only head/tail is really necessary.
Woot, just got power back... time will tell if it stays on...
@ircmaxell Hi!
@ircmaxell Failing tests down to 48 ;)
@NikiC yeah, iterating and querying imho
in the sense of batch operations
@ircmaxell Huh?
We llost power early Sunday morning. Been without for about 36 hours
@ircmaxell cheers - what's your take on methods for list?
add, remove, iterate, select, sublist?
@ircmaxell oh my... :)
What about them?
@ircmaxell if it's okay to not include get(index) :)
@KamilTomšík I would reduce that to head and tail (both settable) :P Everything else is easy to put on top. (Though I don't know about your design, so maybe it would be reasonable to include more, maybe not.)
@ErnestasStankevičius Time is running fast
@NikiC don't take me wrong - this is not about over-simplifying list ad absurdum, this is about dropping methods which could be contra-productive like get which usually is (in my personal experience)
@KamilTomšík I wouldn't call it over-simplification (it could be! depends much on your language design!)
@NikiC there's also one other thing about get(index) - it's not thread safe - in the sense of two independent sessions seeing same list
Well. List methods are fine on the correct class. Ex: user would not have that method, but users or userList might be OK...
@nikic: when I'll it be down to 0?
@KamilTomšík I think a good compromise would be to provide head, tail, prepend (element), append (list), map, fold, filter
@ircmaxell for what good thing have you used get(index) last time?
Pulling an id given a URL parmeter
@ircmaxell But you don't save a users into a list, do you? That would be inefficient as hell
no, but there's a distinction between working on one user (the user class) and multiple (the users / userList class). The is not a straight mapping...
@ircmaxell Sorry, I don't understand that. My point is that you need indexed lookup only on arrays, but not on lists (linked lists I mean)
what I expect from list:
container of unlimited size
preserving insertion order
being able to apply given block on each item in there
being able to further filter on which items I want to appy that block
The usages for linked lists are few and far between
list could be implemented as dynamic array, it really doesn't matter if it's linked list
Kamil, different datqstructures have different properties. You cannot generalize like that...
@ircmaxell how's linkedlist's api different from arraylist one?
@KamilTomšík Uhm, you should really be more clear on what you are currently implementing
For a linked llist, getByIndex does not make any sense. But for an array, doublyLinkedList or stack it might
Because for pure lists index lookup just doesn't make sense
For arrays on the other hand I would say it's the most imporant function of all
@NikiC that's what I think too, I just don't want to be alone on this
@kamik, the API has nothing to do with it. It is about how the internal list is stored to how it makesmsense. In a linked list, there is no list, just a collection of pointers...
@teresko morning
have i missed anything interesting ?
or @ircmaxell and @KamilTomšík has been discussing something all this time
@teresko no, @ircmaxell just came back after a power outage for 36 hours :)
@teresko Well, we have spoken about Internet speeds in europe and how our countrys suck ass
And me!
@ircmaxell I see your point, I also see you're writing from phone so let's don't continue on this - think about list implemented using dynamic array (and because array is only implementation detail I'm really not forced to include get(index) method to api) I'm curious about use-cases for genericList->get(index) - if it makes any sense to access Nth item in the list - and if it wouldn't be contra-productive because usually - when altering list items programatically we do that using queries
because usually (IMHO), accessing Nth item in list is sign of doing-it-wrong I just want to verify that statement
@KamilTomšík As a sidenote: I think implementing a list using a dynamic array is a pretty bad idea ;)
Tablet, not phone
Very much, since that's why a linked list was invented. Inserting iin the middle of the array is expensive. But inserting in the middle of a linked list is very cheap...
Linked lists are awesome
@ircmaxell yes, as well as removing from middle of array
@ircmaxell this is actually only valid use-case I could think about (not in the way of get(index) but rather in the way of insertAfter/Before(index)...)
@ircmaxell for the rest of this, speed/memory is not a problem - is there any other reason for get()?
@ErnestasStankevičius dunno .. i have 100Mbps optical .. i would say that my internet access is pretty acceptable
@teresko you from ?
Lists are not arrays. They are made for traversing, not dynamic access... you're asking th wrong questions...
@ErnestasStankevičius , latvia , and you cold have learned that from viewing the profile
oh, I think I see misunderstanding here - you think list == linked list, for me list == sequence (subtype of collection == dynamic size container)
@teresko Yes, i see that, when i clicked on profile on stakcoverfloow
@teresko Then i can say to you, Labas?
collection guarantees storing items, list guarantees preservation of insertion order
arraylist == list implemented using array, linked list == list implemented using linked list structure
@teresko Ir tikriausiai supranti viską ką aš sakau?
Kamil, don't invent your own naming convention.
I'm not saying my understanding of list (although common in Java world) is correct, I'm just saying we're probably talking about other things
In a linked list you never know what's in the end until you go there. But you only have the directions to the first element. It's like a scavenger hunt :D
You only have directions to the llast one. A linked list is only traversable in one direction. You're thinking about a doubly linked list
@ircmaxell I thought I only have directions to the first one inserted
@ErnestasStankevičius sorry , my lithuanian is even worse then my japanese skills
No, last one. The API includes next() only
@ircmaxell Then I'm understanding something wrong... I thought a linked list gives you the reference to the first one and than daisy-chains the next objects after this first one..?
It would mean traversing everytime you add something to the end though..
The first in the sequence, not the first inserted. But basically yes, only sorting a pointer to the next element.
I'm not good enough in programming yet
I realized, again :D
Thanks for clearing this up for me
hmm .. that guy didnt say "I'm not good enough in php yet" .. there could be some potential
@ircmaxell when I was talking about list, what I really meant was general-purpose dynamic container preserving insertion order, that's all, sorry for that I had no idea you guys will instantly think about linked list and you might be even right, just everyone I was talking to before understood list as sequence not as linked list :) - so in general, does it make sense to acccess Nth element in "some-container"? for what it could be good for?
@teresko How so? I don't get it :D
(point is when accessing Nth element that magic number probably does have some meaning and it could be better expressed using key or even variable)
@sinni800 learning a programming language is easy ( with previous experience it can be done in a week ) , but learning programming is hard
@teresko ahh. Yeah, that's why I said it. I mean it was a general programming thing anyway.
I mean I could code in any language... I'd just need a little introduction time.
But without understanding the general programming aspects I couldn't do that :D
kamil: but lists don't necessarially preserve insertion order. They preserve order in general. What that order is depends on the implementation.
But one possible usage for get(index) is a binary search...
@ircmaxell could you think about any business level functionality which would require this? (I hope this will exclude any sorting, searching, or other algo-stuff)
So youyouu want to design a low level aapi, based off of high level requirements? A list is a low level structure, don't mix your abstraction levels...
A leaky abstraction is any implemented abstraction, intended to reduce (or hide) complexity, where the underlying details are not completely hidden. The term is most frequently used to call attention to a flaw in a software or hardware abstraction. History The term "leaky abstraction" appears to have been coined in 2002 by Joel Spolsky. However, an earlier paper by Kiczales clearly describes some of the issues with imperfect abstractions and presents a potential solution to the problem by allowing for the customization of the abstraction itself. The Law of Leaky Abstractions As coined b...
@ircmaxell Interesting read (the part about Joel agreeing that XML sucks [nothing to do with leaky abstraction, but it's three links away from it])
@ircmaxell I'm sorry, linked list is low-level, container preserving insertion order is imho mid-level component - for example list of bookmarks - you can certainly show them in different order but insertion order is always preserved
still, that insertion order is not something you should be dependent on - if you want to remove particular bookmark you can always query it - or even go one step further and introduce ids - but that would be too further for my case
the low level structure you use is a business decision, but how it operates is not
@ircmaxell Apart from the main discussion: How would you implement a bookmarks list? Using linked list or array?
honestly, depends on the exact requirements. More than likely a straight array with an order index element (for the db)
@ircmaxell I think I would go for the array too. Because insertions are fewer than lookups.
well, yes and no... not sure, would need to think about it
I wish SPL exposed a true doubly linked list
it doesn't?
never used one of those spl datastructures
It doesn't expose the structure itself IIRC... It can with a queue and a stack, but not other implementations (again, IIRC)
Ahh, I remember now, it only supports appending and prepending, not inserting in the middle
so it's not really a true linked list exposed to PHP
and the iterator modes don't make sense. FIFO or LIFO... Order of insertion makes no sense in a linked (or doubly linked) list. The represented order does... So iteration mode makes no sense. Insert mode perhaps, but not iteration mode...
speaking of which
Yet another example of how bad patents are.
patents aren't bad. Their application and mis-use are. But they are not bad. I really feel they should exist, but there should be a special review board for software patents to determine the "common sense" part.
@ircmaxell That's what I meant to say ;)
Patents per se aren't a bad idea, but in software they just kill progress
If companies start spending twelve billion dollars to buy patent stacks in order to defend their products against absurd patent claims something must be terribly wrong ;)
well, they actually encourage progress, since after it expires the patented bit becomes public knowledge
I would be a fan of short patents for software, say 3 or 5 years...
@ircmaxell It may have been the original idea to encourage progress. But I don't think much of that idea is still left
yup, which means the system is broken, not the concept
@ircmaxell I already told you that that wasn't what I meant ;)
there should be an option "flag question as stupid" somewhere
I have a domain model object DomainA. If DomainA's methods maps 1:1 to the DomainService service layer, should I eliminate the service layer and have all controllers and views access the domain object directly instead? Or am I doing it wrong?
@rickchristie , do you practice daily to be this vague , or is it a natural talent ?
@teresko - perhaps it is natural talent :) - can you tell me how is the question vague?
or if the question is stupid, if you can tell me why, that would be very helpful
domain object is just a subordinate model within your domain model
@tereško - I mean domain model object, not domain object.
or have I got the definitions wrong?
if all the logic of your Domain Model is actually in Domain Service , then service is the model
@tereško imo @rickchristie asks well educated and easy to follow questions. seriously, if more questions on SO were like this, i would have less reason to dv
@Gordon - thanks :)
@rickchristie yes, unless you need the indirection
Domain Model is the place where you put domain business logic , if your model does not contain it , then it is not a model but just a thin wrapper
@tereško - well I'm trying to separate the model layer, as per this diagram:
then why is your structure inverted ?
or at least i understood that Domain Model contains Service
in that picture the service layer is there to provide abstraction between different domain models ( so that you can swap models , without changes to controller or view )
@Gordon - I don't think I need it the indirection, but this would mean controllers and views bypassing the service layer to get the DomainA directly, while they access the service objects for other processes. Would that be a correct design?
@rickchristie if it doesnt mean that you put logic into the controller, then i dont see any problem with it
@Gordon - No it doesn't. Question resolved, thanks again :D
@rickchristie if you need to orchestrate multiple collaborators, use a service layer.
Well, there is no multiple collaborator, so yeah
@rickchristie i dont see much use for it then. its just one additional layer then
if you are not trying to access multiple models via same interface , then service layer is redundant
@tereško - yup. Thanks for the help too, I got it now :)
its basically a facade offering a small entry point to a more complex operation
@tereško I still like the flag
@ircmaxell true
but it does not address problems like "how do i download [insert-site-here] php source?" questions
@rickchristie just make sure you dont end up with martinfowler.com/bliki/AnemicDomainModel.html
> One source of confusion in all this is that many OO experts do recommend putting a layer of procedural services on top of a domain model, to form a Service Layer. But this isn't an argument to make the domain model void of behavior, indeed service layer advocates use a service layer in conjunction with a behaviorally rich domain model.
will try to, thanks for the heads up @Gordon
Q: What is wrong with my PHP ActiveRecord Has Many Through relationship?

blakeageI get the following error when I run the following code: $venue_test = VenuePage::find(104); $cats = $venue_test->categories; An unexpected error occurred. Could not find the association venue_to_cat_pages in model VenuePage class VenuePage extends ActiveRecord\Model { ...

Using AR as an ORM is another RoR legacy we will probably have to endure for five+ more years
and there isn't much you can do about it
isnt that the definition of endure? ;)
has anybody tried to log into gmail recently using php-curl?
i tried using but failed
have they recently changed something
wheni try to login with curl it keeps redirecting me to the login page

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