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@BasicBridge , well .. you could try to actually learn SQL .. i know , it is a novel concept , but you really should try. And please stop using the outdated mysql_* functions.
Anyone has any tips for dealing with badly designed XML data?
can anyone help me print out values via mysql?
2 hours later…
will appreciate any help here
Q: Posting on user's facebook wall using php 2011

jaminatorNothing gets posted to the wall, execution gets out of try after $result = $facebook->api('/me/feed/','post',$attachment); statement, any idea whats broken. $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', )); // Get User ID $...

4 hours later…
I take it this room is dead because of stupid/annoying people =/ Because who DOESN'T want to talk about php on a Saturday night?? :)
this room is dead because of weekend ;)
not just because of night :-)
morning, anyway :-)
haha, thank you
@im3r3k well that is rude.
@KamilTomšík 150$/PW and great ?
150/(5*7) =~ 4.25
4$ 25cent Per Hour!
@KamilTomšík less then maccies right ?
yeah, wonderful for someone who had to study and gain experience
well yeah could be, but depends on where you are.
they are asking for heaps of knowledge.
mm, that was another irony :)
it's very underestimated price for someone who should develop software.
it is, I don't think any where in the world that price is reasonable not even in india or pakistan.
650$ per month.
will that is not too bad, but still.
it is bad, you should get more even as student
it goes as low as 382$ Per month. so 650$ is fine.
sure not in here or US.
:-D (I've mistyped west for east)
that is rad > 3000EUR
I mean that is really good !
over 3,000 Euro.
yes, it is
I'm considering it
Good luck :)
@OmeidHerat Sorry, I actually misread the chat channel description, in the abbreviated description it said "Don't ask whether someone is here or can help..." and then when I got into the room the same guy said "can you help me" "can you help me" 15 times. So that is kind of weird. But just now I read the full channel description so I take it back, but I only half take it back. Stack overflow is insanely awesome, I wish everyone in the world was like stack overflow.. Ok Should probably sleep now
I mean to say I wish everyone in here was like @OmeidHerat
1 hour later…
@ircmaxell @Gordon what list(dynamic size, index-based) implementations do you know? trees, arraylist, linked list, anything else?
actually, that index is not that important I just need to retain (or be able to reconstruct) insertion order
This is a list of data structures. For a wider list of terms, see list of terms relating to algorithms and data structures. For a comparison of running time of subset of this list see comparison of data structures. Data types Primitive types *Boolean (for boolean values True/False) *Char (for character values) *Float (for storing real number values) *Double (a larger size of type float) *int (for integral or fixed-precision values) *String (for string of chars) Composite types *Record (also called tuple or struct) *Tagged union (also called a variant, variant record, discriminated uni...
@Gordon thx, what's your favorite one?
for general purpose collection, regardless of speed :)
@KamilTomšík i do PHP. What do you think it is? ;)
array... :-P
should be hashmap, right? (not sure about implementation)
yeah, it basically a hashmap/dictionary/array hybrid. when you do PHP you have very little reason to investigate the other data structures
I was very confused when first met java and there were no assoc arrays :-)
most of them other data structures only make sense when working with huge data sets
at least performance/resource wise
great but I really want just list (I'm about to implement low-level parts of lang)
right now I'm considering linked list - because it's most flexible one (imho)
ah, still working on oKamil?
it's not fastest option but I do have ideas how to optimize them (and even sometimes transform them into native arrays)
@Gordon still still - but looks better and better every day
morning :)
@KamilTomšík You developing an own language?
well, PHPs array is quite flexible too and you dont have to know jack about data structures. I kinda like being able to throw arrays at everything but also can use more sophisticated data structures when the need arises
and I really love how I've solved that linked list implementation (for now)
add method will trigger meta-level copy which will be set into nextNode and then just set passed value (well, not really, because there are no params in common sense, but let's don't bother about this one)
@NikiC morning
in other words, empty node basically copies itself into nextNode on each add
@NikiC yeah, I had sketch in my head for years but it's finally getting concrete
@Gordon I once came to the conclusion that it was a bad idea of PHP to throw (numerically indexed, sequential) arrays in the same pot with hashtables / dictionaries. It only causes problems imho and has no real use.
@NikiC why?
@Gordon Well, when was the last occasion when you needed a php array to behave both as an array and as a hashtable? I.e. have both numerical indexes and string ones?
@NikiC +1 strong typing would be better
@NikiC true. not that it hurts though
@KamilTomšík I'm not in favor of strong typing (though I would like to see scalar type hints with automatic typecast). I'm just against thrown two fundamentally very different things into the same pot
@Gordon Well, it at least very much hurts performance and memory usage for numerically indexed arrays ;) And this is quite important to me.
@NikiC strong typing or static typing?
@KamilTomšík What's the difference?
@NikiC the benchmarks at matthewturland.com/2010/05/20/new-spl-features-in-php-5-3 suggest the difference is insignifcant if you dont put lots of data into it
@Gordon That's because it's an SPL class ;) If you had a native array type it would be far faster ;) (Because all you need to do for a lookup is check that the index doesn't exceed the length and then return the element by direct memory lookup.)
$var = "hello";
$var++; //with strong typing this would cause error - in case of static typing it wouldn't get compiled and you would have to define types before each variable
@NikiC how about adding that? I know you do C.
@Gordon Uhm, I can't remember when I did something in C last time...
@NikiC hmm, maybe im confusing you then. I thought you were providing patches to php code
@KamilTomšík I think weak typing is a main aspect of PHP which you can't just drop. But I do think that PHP's weak typing and type conversion is sometimes too aggressive (e.g. 0 should definitely not be == "hallo world")
@NikiC yeah, you can't but it would make sense for arrays
@Gordon Yep, you've probably mixed me up with somebody ;) I only do docs.
to at least trigger warning if numeric array was manipulated as assoc one
probably not exactly what you are looking for though
@Gordon I'm not a fan of using non-PECL extensions in my code ;)
@Gordon Will look at quickhash. Though I doubt I'll get it to work (I'm on Windows and I really don't want to try and compile PHP...)
understandable :)
no quickhash there :(
@NikiC btw: seems like you could imlement int-only array using this docs.php.net/manual/en/class.splfixedarray.php
it accepts only integers :) but you would have to do some extra work for growing and maybe even reindexing after remove (not sure)
@KamilTomšík SplFixedArray is a good start (it uses lower memory than normal PHP arrays) but it sadly doesn't show any of the performance improvements I would have hoped for :(
@KamilTomšík have a look at the benchmarks I linked earlier on. It really only starts to shine with large data volumes
@NikiC ah, haven't know that...
@Gordon I'm not interested in that, it was just hint :-P
but thx :)
at least when memory is concerned.
its also faster if you have <10 elements but mostly similar to an array when using large data sets
But I do wonder why it is so slow
Probably the whole class + magic overhead diminishes the performance improvement of real arrays
@NikiC no idea, i cant read C
@Gordon You can't? But you sometimes do...
@NikiC i try, but most of it doesnt make sense to me
i cannot explain this to you for example
i only grasp some of the control flow
@Gordon That code says: It should be fast. The problem is probably just PHP's overhead. (Slow function calls)
@Gordon done
Do the individual parsers in a parser combinator only tokenize or do they also create/parse the AST?
@Gordon in php?
How useful/efficient do you think it would be to write classes for string, int etc just like javascript and similars? to allow things like $str->replace('foo', 'bar')->toLower(); and such?
@KamilTomšík i havent found any parser combinators in php, so no, in general
click on class browser button and then
Parser in first pane, SmalltalkParser in second, and parser in last - seems like it does AST stuff too
Thanks @Gordon
@KamilTomšík "Jtalk is an implementation of the Smalltalk language that runs on top of the JavaScript runtime." People invent crazy things nowadays
@Gordon actually, it's not that crazy - jtalk is metacircular - it's implemented in itself and its default target is javascript, which means it can (and it does) run on node.js
I'm waiting for a Java implementation in JavaScript. Should be funny
@Gordon Nah, that's normal. People tend to run languages on JavaScript as it is so incredibly fast (for a scripting language)
I think we could get a good speedup for PHP if we compiled it into JS code :P
@Gordon smalltalk itself is meta-circular and it should be possible to translate it to javascript but it's quite complex (lots of classes which wouldn't make sense in javascript anyway) so that's why jtalk was invented (as minimal smalltalk with very reduced class base limited to only things which can be compiled to javascript with quite good performance)

+still being meta-circular
Could you tell me whether this if is already too nested? gist.github.com/3835d79d276ed7659aa7
@NikiC it is - what are you trying to do?
resolving a non-fully-qualified, non-aliased, non-class namespace name, which isn't globally defined
@KamilTomšík That's the whole code: gist.github.com/3835d79d276ed7659aa7
sounds weird :-D
hm, okay, i'll put the globally-defined checks into a separate function then
How do I concat an array of arrays into just an array?
return call_user_func_array("array_merge", $array_of_arrays)
no cleaner way?
not sure, maybe array_merge_recursive could work with one param only
hm, clean enough for me, i'll just take that
but that wouldn't be exactly same thing (it would merge more than one level deep)
I'll use the call_user_func_array approach ;)
mm, merge_recursive doesn't work... sorry for that :)
Hm, PHP is so strange
It allows some crazily dynamic things but doesn't some others
Why for example can one only use variables in strings and not any expression?
Or generally, why doesn't it allow expression everywhere? That would make the good old ${'_'.!$_=expr()} hack obsolete
im going nuts. i have found exactly one parser combinator in php. and no php specific information about them at all. why dont these things exist in php?
@Gordon What's a parser combinator?
@NikiC essentially a composite of individual parsers where indidividual parsers are combined into more complex parsers
@Gordon sounds slow ;)
@NikiC from what I read it should actually be faster because it doesnt use backtracing
In functional programming, the term ‘combinator’ is often used to denote functions which combine a number of things to a new thing of the same kind. When combinators are used to construct a parsing technique, then they are called parser combinators and the parsing method is called combinatory-parsing (as higher-order functions ‘combine’ different parsers together). Parser combinators use a top-down parsing strategy which facilitates modular piecewise construction and testing. Parsers built using combinators are straightforward to construct, ‘readable’, modular, well-structured and easily m...
@Gordon Uhm, I wouldn't believe that if I were you ;) A parser without recursion (I consider a manually managed stack recursion too) is not possible for normal languages (imho)
@Gordon I'm not exactly sure what Backtracing is, but normal parsers don't do that either (as far as I know). They remember the possible matching patterns and drop them as soon as they can't match anymore. At some point you're left with just one possible matching pattern, so that one's reduced. (Or no matching pattern, in which case you got yourself a parse error)
@Gordon forget about parser combinators :)
you're overcomplicating it
@Gordon The crazy things people do...
@KamilTomšík whats the alternative? hardcoded regex?
@Gordon yeah, probably, or combination of regexes with $regex = "$expr xxx", it's imho enough powerful for what you want
well, I just pretend I know what you want, what do you really want? :)
@Gordon Or just use a parser generator to get you a proper parser ;)
There is a kmyacc fork which works good with PHP ;)
kmyacc? :) I wouldn't give that name even to my worst enemy :-D
@NikiC i havent found any parser generators for php that can work with abnf
@KamilTomšík still exploring ideas for my uri template parser
@Gordon do you already have tests anywhere?
@KamilTomšík Yeah, it's a Japanese tool, that's probably why it has that strange name ^^ But it works great!
@KamilTomšík i will base my tests on the tests found at github.com/KevBurnsJr/php-uri-template-parser/blob/master/…
@Gordon do you really need that big gun?
@KamilTomšík yes, i dont want to hardcode the uri template parser but build it with a parser framework
@Gordon first thing - I though you're working on uri templater, not parser - so now you're going to parse those urls too? It's not client-only thing anymore?
@KamilTomšík im not parsing urls. im parsing uri templates
sorry, I've forgot. I thought (for some reason) you've chosen that builder way I've proposed :)
so you want to parse url template, feed it with data and trigger request
which part is problematic with regexps?
its not problematic. i just dont want to use a regex table parser. i want to separate the template parser parts from the actual abstract parser so i can reuse the parser parts for other parsers, like for instance uri template spec v3
think of parser DSL
@Gordon I'm not that good in ABNF but how hard is to translate it into bunch of PCRE regexps?
@KamilTomšík its not hard. i just dont want to do it
@Gordon I don't follow, you were looking for ABNF parsers hour ago :)
for php - then why not write one? it shouldn't be hard with translation to pcre
@KamilTomšík no, i was looking for parser combinators
uh, I think I'm overworked today :-)
the uri template specs are written in abnf though
@Gordon You are thinking too cleanly :D
@NikiC :)
crap, the more I work on that code the worse it gets
@NikiC happens :)
all the time
But that code is really driving me crazy :(
4 mins ago, by Kamil Tomšík
@NikiC happens :)
can I map over the keys of an array? (without flipping it twice)
array_walk will also give you the keys
but I only want to strtolower them ;)
never underestimate PHP's standard library!
@NikiC thats one of the things the ZCE exam is actually good for. it will make you learn all the obscure functions PHP offers out of the box but which are only needed ever once in your entire career ;)
btw: array_combine(array_map("strtolower", array_keys($arr)), array_values($arr));
@Gordon but good one, never heard about this one :)
@KamilTomšík array_flip(array_map('strtolower', array_flip($array))) ha, mine's shorter!
@NikiC and buggy :)
@KamilTomšík :( :P :D
thats one of the reasons why I dont do code golf. I cannot get myself exclaiming "Mine's shorter!"
Have I ever told you how much I hate XDebug?
If not I will tell you now: I hate XDebug! Waiting 130 seconds instead of 70 seconds after every code change is no fun.
@NikiC try Zend Debugger ;)
even 70 seconds is too much
@KamilTomšík Sure, but I don't know how I can make that less ;)
what are you waiting for after each change?
@KamilTomšík To execute the generated code ;)
generating takes 70 seconds? are you doing gwt or what?
I'm converting Symfony2 code to PHP 5.2
@NikiC wouldnt it be easier to just update the server to a maintained version of PHP?
ah, I was wondering about what is that code good for :-D
@Gordon nah, I don't use Symfony myself. It's more just for fun ;) (Though it doesn't make much fun right now)
Can I somehow easily set all array values to bool(true)?
(or some other non-null value)
@NikiC $result = array_combine(array_keys($arr), array_fill(0, count($arr), true))
ah... there's already function for that :-D
$result = array_fill_keys(array_keys($arr), true);
@KamilTomšík You're kidding, aren't you?
You aren't telling me that PHP has native functions for all my problems?
@NikiC about what?
seems like it does :-D
Already 400 lines of code and I estimate that I'll need to add another thousand until it works
@im3r3k, Thanks man its all good.
@NikiC PHP as a text pre-processor has heaps of functions.
@NikiC how are you going to deal with late static binding?
@KamilTomšík , you can implement it via use of debug_backtrace()
@teresko I was hoping to hear something like - I'm not going to implement that :-P
@KamilTomšík What @teresko said :)
debug_backtrace() is Good
@KamilTomšík , well , the whole idea of writing some sort of backport seems stupid
@teresko It is. I just like doing stupid things :) [And I want to test whether the PHP Parser works well enough.]
Additionally I think it would be good to have a reliable 5.3->5.2 converter, as it basically would make the "compatibility" argument (against using namespaces, closures, lambdas, ...) obsolete
is day-dreaming again
Heh, PHP really has functions for everything. de.php.net/manual/en/function.count-chars.php
Is somebody herE?
a quick benchmark shows that json_encode and json_decode is faster than serialize and unserialize for large arrays: phpdevblog.net/2009/11/…
is this really true? Anybody got experience on this?
Somebody interested to help me on MSO?
Q: I'm getting 404 when trying to login programmatically (PHP, CURL)

genesis-φI was trying to login in into StackOverflow programmatically. No, I'm not bot spammer phisher DDoSer I won't post any answers, comments, questions. I wanna do only login My code is <?php function get($url, $head = false, $referer = false){ if (!file_exists('cookie.txt')){ $f...

@rick I'd trust that article if it's new
@rickchristie not true anymore, IIRC
Kamile, CZ?
@KamilTomšík - why? is serialize/unserialize now better?
@rickchristie I read that somewhere (year ago or so)
@genesis oh yes?
yes or no?
@KamilTomšík - looks like it's still slow: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51267 - at least for deeply nested arrays
Submitted: 2010-03-11
yes I am
fajn - ok:p
@KamilTomšík - do you remember the title of the article you read?
I'm googling it
gday @rickchristie :) how is it going? oh and hi @KamilTomšík
fine :)
great ! :)
here's a theoretical question... why would you ever need to round up / down from 10?
@rickchristie dunno
(my wife is a primary school teacher, looking for reasons). I was thinking we could give a good computing related example...
when in RL would we ever need to round up / down from 10? Decimal point rounding has its everyday uses but... whole numbers? Im pretty convinced it's unlikely to ever be used.
@SkippyChalmers huh? 10 is already precision-free right?
@KamilTomšík i think it's absolutely ridiculous
kids these days need to learn to round whole numbers to multiples of 10.
they get a sum like 14+18
they have to go, oh that's similar to 10+20
which is 30, but 14+18 is actually 32, which means there's an inaccuracy of 2 in my calculation. I'm of the opinion that this is totally useless :P EMily is trying to find a way to make it relatable to RL. Dont think u can tbh :(
brb :)
@SkippyChalmers oh... I disagree
@KamilTomšík really? what do you think?
you've just shown great example for estimating
BTW forked the cloudfiles-sync google code project and updated it: github.com/skippychalmers/cloudfiles-sync
@SkippyChalmers quick, what's value of 365*24*60?
about 500,000 ish?
525 600
that's what my head did :)
ahh good point
i guess... im seeing the light. so you think it is useful?
525 600 - my estimate was 540 000 - that's quite difference but it worx usually :)
as a quick way to do calculations? Also as a way to teach and provide examples of how estimations work...
still it was quite fast and acceptable response
yes i agree...
Thanks @KamilTomšík :)
@SkippyChalmers I don't think this is justification for doing round-ups I'm just saying I do something similar very often :)
shamefully, nobody taught me about this
yeah.. absolutely, can you give me an example of when you last did it? or something you often do it for?
@SkippyChalmers shopping, usually :-D
ahh yes this is good
because you usually over-estimate and therefore are more careful with your money!
on another note, if you use rackspace cloud files and a NAS backup set-up, checkout that github fork of cloudfiles-sync for some automated rsync-like delta backup loving. Written in PHP, i have just slightly modified.
@KamilTomšík i gotta run, I really appreciate your help though. +1 :)
see you tomorrow probably :)
@SkippyChalmers np
later dude :)
1 hour later…
I have a question regarding .htaccess and php url rewriting with $_GET variables, can anyone help me?
My .htaccess file currently looks like this:
RewriteEngine On
#RewriteRule register index.php?mode=register
#RewriteRule login index.php?mode=login
#RewriteRule ^index.php?mode=([^/\.]+)?$ index.php?mode=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L,QSA]
when a user visits my site mydomain.com/login they actually see the index.php file which is including the file login.php which is stored in the includes folder
this has worked so far, for all my files, login.php, logout.php, register.php but for activate.php which requires a 'confirm' value to be passed, I get an error....
sorry, my mistake, i have fixed it!
3 hours later…
Is anybody here?
1 hour later…
hi anybody experienced with using Elgg?
1 hour later…
why do all of your questions begin with "has anyone used .. " ?
You have to start your question with something..

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