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@Duikboot Every now and then I do a website, but mostly it's applications. Enterprise level CMS, CRM systems, Order systems, payment systems etc.
In most things I build, integrity is more important then performance (although performance is obviously always nice to have ..)
It's basically like picking the myISAM engine or the innoDB engine in mysql :)
read performance of myISAM is much higher then innoDB, but innoDB allows for foreign key constraints, which helps -alot- to keep data integrity.
Indeed learned that at school :p those database engine's
Cool you are creating those systems!
More often then not yes. Which does mean i definatly made my share of mistakes.
@DamienOvereem I don't guess
class bench {
    private $_prop;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->_prop = true;

    public function func() {
        return $this->_prop;

    public function test1() {
        $i = 0;
        while (($prop = $this->func()) && ++$i<100000) {
    public function test2() {
        $i = 0;
        while (($prop = $this->_prop) && ++$i<100000) {

$bench = new bench();
$start = microtime(true);
Its a great learning experience to create stuff from scratch. But you do make tons of mistakes at the start
@JoeWatkins whats the output (this is getting interesting :)
functions will be slower, by a measurable amount, on any hardware you care to test
[joe@fiji uneval]$ php-nts test.php
array(2) {
so, it is, in actual fact, really worth considering wether it is necessary to rely on very expensive context switches ...
from the internals of a class, almost always avoid calling methods to manipulate properties you have direct access too
I talk about performance a lot ... it drives me elsewhere ...
it's not on my brain when I write in php
I know that it mostly out of my control
but you don't want to write code that is detrimental without very good reason ...
it should be obvious that any call to a method or function from absolutely anywhere means zend has to switch contexts, new symbol tables, stacks ...
it's not free to swtich contexts in any environment, and in a dynamic one
even in java
it's expensive ...
Java? Did you mean jQuery? ;-)
@JoeWatkins Its indeed a decent difference. Luckily the nature of my applications means I hardly do millions or even thousands of get/set's per request, so the difference is actually neglectable for me.
That being said: i can deffinatly see use cases where it would be different
add up all your function calls over a request ?
ever actually profiled your application ?
I constantly keep track of every bit we create to get as much performance out of it as possible.
The biggest requests (sales statistics) still take less then 1 second, so we seem to be fine.
you should profile your application, or some of it... these numbers rack up fast ...
And websites would be "slow" i guess, if not for mem caching
1 second ?? you keep a user waiting one second for a page ?
But you said it right "but you don't want to write code that is detrimental without very good reason ...", which is exactly the point. We do have good reason.
aim at .2
Hi all.
For that page, yes. This is: show me the average sales percentage of all domain orders per year over the year 2003-2013 of all the clients that also ordered a VPS.
what's the size of the payload ?
that sort of requests :) The most of the duration of those requests isn't even in PHP, but in mysql :)
so why are you keeping the client waiting if php is not busy ?? mysql can do async queries ...
and what's php going to do in the meantime?
serve the client side of the application
serve ascii porn while you wait?
@Jack Answer to other queries...
@Ihsan That's not exactly related here.
"the client" in this is "the collegue" he can wait :)
@Jack thats another option for sure.
@Ihsan Not really, no.
@Jack he's saying the same as me
that php can be done and get on with the next request
And i'm not saying there is no room for improvement. Hell, we are still refactoring php4 code that my predecessor left behond. Using classes by itself is already the improvement :)
the client side of the application can do the donkey work ...
these people have fast cpus and big screens, put them to damn work !!
@JoeWatkins Unless you can make mysqld serve up the results in HTML, then no.
why should the servers have to do all the work, I ask you !!!
@Jack what ?? this must be a crossed wire ...
you're confusing fuck out of me ...
But my oppinion: Level 1: database integrity above database performance. Database performance can be improved by configuration/load balancing. Level 2: code readabilty and flexibility above performance. Data and output can be cached if neccesary to increase performance.
@JoeWatkins How can php do other things while waiting for mysqld to gather the query results?
Time to get back to work now though, but i do thank you for the actual numbers on direct access over getters. The difference -is- actually bigger then i anticipated.
Unless it's doing another query.
@Jack I'm under the impression mysql has pretty good support for asynchronous queries ? is that not the case ?
they must be finished inside a request ?
that's fucking pants
Yeah, it can .. so that if you do multiple queries you don't have to serialize them.
wait, do the queries have to be finished inside of a request or not ?
Single query still takes the same amount of time.
Well, php is doing the formatting right.
can you not start a query in one request and finish it in another ?
@Jack Btw, how do you do friend?
@JoeWatkins No
that's what I would/do do in java ...
Can't complain .. except today, I have a bad cold =(
well, I can tell you how to do it in php, but you won't like it ... it's possible even if mysql doesn't want it to be ...
@JoeWatkins Java doesn't really play by the same rules I guess.
php doesn't have too either ...
but we won't talk about it ...
@JoeWatkins You will have the mimic of that but on a single mysql server the operations will be atomic and queued.
in any case, I'd find a way to not keep a user waiting for 1 second for a page ...
@JoeWatkins You can load the page first and then load the report inside with ajax.
At least that manages expectations better.
^ thats' basically what I'm saying ...
send the client side of the application with php
do that ...
@Jack Yep that is a good solution.
have it invoke functionality such that it can be accessed asynchronously ...
I do all my real programming in java, I use php to serve templates, that is all ...
Yeah okay, but that's not the same as saying "oh, php can now do other stuff while mysqld is doing the query" ... you still need a php process that just waits :)
@JoeWatkins You love trouble (sorry I meant java) :D
It just doesn't have to be the one that serves the main page.
Java on Rails.
@Jack no, you don't ... seen pthreads much :D
A thread that waits or a process that waits ... don't see much diff.
a thread can detach ...
that's dangerous and I can hardly believe I'm saying it ... but it can ...
Right, I thought we were being practical here ;-)
we were at first :)
yeah it's maybe a bit far ...
I actually was not aware that mysql cannot start in one request and finish in another ...
I thought that'd be standard for sure ...
it would be nice i guess.
it should be standard
@JoeWatkins But you can.
I thought you said it couldn't ? @Ihsan
Mysql can not but you can spawn php jobs
I mean from php
you do not need to spawn jobs
results can be q'd at the server
at any rate, it seems php doesn't support it ...
which really sucks ...
Should we do something like this for @rdlowrey
@JoeWatkins Consider a resident php script running and doing the query jobs. But that might be overengineering ...
@PeeHaa Hi PeeHaa
Hiya @Ihsan
Long time
never really send anything that heavy with php alone ...
@JoeWatkins you mean like a valet service? ;-)
I don't really have it do anything but serve templates ...
yeah mysql-valet would be cool ...
@PeeHaa What happened to rdlowrey?
Hope that is a joke.
@Ihsan He died while skydiving
True story
There is a danger in being so sporty and healthy.
That was his last word, exactly.
he wasn't completely killed because he tweeted after ...
Happy friday @salathe
@salathe ditto
Famous last tweets :)
@PeeHaa really?
@salathe hi
hi, @salathe
@PeeHaa Now that kicked my day down.
Where did he skydive?
hello, @Jimbo .
Hi Jimbo
Hi Dave
hi guys, can i post a link to my question here?
regarding php
@Jimbo moning
@yvonnezoe Shoot
@Ihsan Where've you been?
Finland, then back in Turkey.
Still working on a robot.
Rawr :X
@LeviMorrison The thing is though, we just don't use those semantics for anything. I'm all for having power, but not power we don't use :/
@LeviMorrison No in chat
thank you :)
@yvonnezoe why are you using stripslashes on the data?
@yvonnezoe You could do the form at the row level rather than one wrapping the whole table. That way each "book now" will submit only the fields that relate to the row
@PeeHaa I wonder if that could be reasonably deprecated? I don't thing there's any use case for it that doesn't have a more specialised escape function
@DaveRandom tell that to the IDE developers
i'm new to php... i don't actually know what's that for. :s i copied the refence code from somewhere
@yvonnezoe Ahh OK. Try not to do that, try to understand exactly what you wrote (the purpose of functions can easily be found in the fine manual) ;-)
:) okay
FYI if that code uses stripslashes() it likely has other problems as well, its a very old-school way of doing things, and that's actually not even a correct usage of it
btw u mean i can just put the <form> tag before <input type="submit"...> in the for loop to have multiple forms
@DaveRandom Not going to happen. It has a use. The use being cleaning up crap earlier in the process
@yvonnezoe Yes you can have multiple forms in an HTML document, let me draw up an quick example
@PeeHaa Yeh but magic_quotes is gone now, presumably that problem is less relevant these days
echo "<td align=\"center\"><form action=\"reservation.php\" method=\"post\"><input type= \"submit\" id =\"gym".$row['gymid']."\" value=\"BOOK NOW\" class=\"bookbutton\" onClick=\"reply_click(this.id)\"</td></form>". PHP_EOL;
something like this? without stripslashes?
What I would have done is:
That, tbh, is not what I would do, but it is about the simplest way that it can be done from a logic point of view
hi out there I just got two spam answers:
- http://stackoverflow.com/a/19585274/995926
- http://stackoverflow.com/a/19585337/995926
but there are many rows so i can't write them one by one :(
@rekire Tags aren't parsed in multi-line messages, you need to remove the newline or put them in two messages
what about form action=\"reservation.php?".$row['gymid']\""...
@DaveRandom thank you for that hint I was wondering why that didn't work. does that also count for all other formattings?
also, it is confusing me because i have no idea how i can use the data passed in from the table to preselect the value from the dropdown box
@yvonnezoe Well that's what I meant ;-) What I show is the HTML you would be generating, you would do it in your loop to put the gymid in the value of the hidden input
Try and separate the HTML from the PHP in you head, people tend to think of PHP as an extension of HTML - it isn't, it's just a way to generate HTML dynamically
<form action="reservation.php" method="post">";
for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++) {
    $row = $result->fetch_assoc();

    if ($row['gymid'] == 0) {

        <td><?php echo $i; ?></td>
        <td align="center"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['gymname'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
        <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['address'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
        <td align="center"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['location'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></td>
@yvonnezoe something like ^
so it is about the "hidden" thingy! D: does it mean when i click the button, it passes the gymid value?
@rekire You can post multiline code block, but not using backticks, you do that with a 4-space indent (the "fixed-font" button on the right will do that for you) and also you can post multi-line blockquotes, but no other markdown is parsed if you put a new-line in the message
@yvonnezoe Yes. A hidden input works exactly the same as <input type="text">, except the user doesn't see anything and can't change the value of it
@DaveRandom that explains some wired behaviors I saw about formatting. thank you for confirming that.
@DaveRandom @yvonnezoe Disclaimer: the user can change the value
\o/ double double ping
I see... and i should replace stripslashes with htmlspecialchars?
@PeeHaa I was going to add "without JS/debug tools" but baby steps :-)
i'm still clueless on how the dropdown box option can be preselected :x
@yvonnezoe Most likely yes. The question is where the data came from, though.
Escaping is for handling user input, as a general rule.
the data are from database
@yvonnezoe Then yes, you should pass it through htmlspecialchars() before outputting it. One important thing to mention is that you should do that when you output it (i.e. in the code you show) and not before you insert it into the database
That is a very common newbie (and not-so-newbie) mistake. It takes a long time for people to get out of that habit, so try not to get into it in the first place :-)
ohh... so for the case of storing user's input to a database, i should use stripslashes?
@yvonnezoe Nope :)
@yvonnezoe As a general rule you should never need to use stripslashes for anything. I assume you are using MySQL?
yes yes
Q: How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted into an SQL query directly, the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES ('" . $unsafe_variable . "')"); That's because the user can input s...

@yvonnezoe pastebin.com/DJAvcthH <-- in that HTML, the second option will be selected ;-)
That is how you should insert data into your database
The accepted answer the first example
wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers <-- this is recommended reading on the subject of using MySQL with PHP
phptherightway.com probably has some reasonable resource on the subject as well
:D thanks a lot for all the references @PeeHaa @DaveRandom
:) and regarding the "selected", i should modify it in reservation.php under those options value? o.O or to create a function to check if there is a ummm... pass in value?
woah i have no idea where to start
@yvonnezoe The thing to remember is this: we just gave you a crapload of information. You will not understand it all. Don't feel bad about that. Just keep working at it until you do understand it all (which may be several months) - there are some things that can only be learned with experience.
Christmas comes soon
moin all
@DaveRandom okay! thanks for the motivation too!! :)
@yvonnezoe When you generate your select, you will have a loop. In that loop, do something along the lines of if ($row['gymid'] == $_GET['gymid']) { echo 'selected="selected"'; }
hmm let me digest the information for a while :s
@JoeWatkins oh my lord :) screw this video, that music is so nostalgic :)
if you're not motivated by 1:45 go back to bed ...
@yvonnezoe Feel free to come back here if you have any questions. There's a lot of bad information around on the subject of PHP, some of it come from some quite authoritative sources as well.
RIP Freddy :(
you cannot possibly be sad !!!
hell yeah .. :)
I'm not saying it's good he's dead ... I'm saying there's no point in being sad because ^^^
I want to break free - that's immortal :p
probably the funniest music video, of all time ...
Great man. lives in us even after he's gone
I saw these guys a couple of years ago, their Freddy is unbelievable: queentribute.co.uk
//me listening now full 'Don't stop me now' :p
@DaveRandom they're good ... really hard to do songs like that convincingly ...
if I don't look, I'm convinced by that ... pretty good ...
some of the best performers live are actually tribute bands come to think of it ... they put much more actual effort in ...
they are trying to do something that is perfect, performers are just performing I guess ...
There's a rock radio station in manc that put on a tribute festival every year, I was pretty pissed by that point (they were the headliners) but I left thinking that I would have paid the £15 just to see them
I would pay £15 for the superman top ...
definitely ...
The Aussie Pink Floyd are supposed to be really good as well, they're kind of the "official" tribute band (Nick Mason has played with them in the past)
Still, I think the best gig I've ever been to was Weird Al, it's a real show, not just a performance. And he's a nice guy as well - he did a signing afterwards, and it wasn't just walking along a fence out the back, they let everyone back into the venue and kept the bar open and he was just wandering around chatting to people
It was the week after Leslie Nielsen died, at one point he put the clip from Naked Gun 2 1/2 on the projector on stage and it got a standing ovation
Never been to a gig before. For some reason it just doesn't peak my interest.
used to do the festivals ...
remember very lit of it, of course ....
^ this
I wish magic mushrooms were still legal :-(
@PeeHaa I'm coming to visit this weekend, I'll see you after work :-P
festivals are amazing, but I can only remember handful of still image memories from them, literally snapshots of well, you know ...
there's a subreddit for that.
I wouldn't go to one now .. think mostly different atmosphere, and if were the same, I'd probably die ...
I remember RATM pretty clearly
Plus you may suffer from the same thing that happened when the uni cheerleading squad cheered for a few of our games.
18 year olds these days look about 14.
@JoeWatkins Depends where you go. Glasto is still Glasto but Leeds has got a bit... fighty.
I can't be dealing with any of that ...
I never got along with Download
I mean I could, but cant be bothered ... that was never on anyone's mind ...
morning @Ocramius
@DaveRandom If you need shrooms... friends if me have loads of them. They grow them :)
Rebecca Black moved to Trash can where she belongs.
@PeeHaa I keep meaning to order a grow kit. You can't legally sell them in this country any more but I understand that you can legally import grow kits
ooooh ooooh
there's a story in local news
one of those legal growing shops sold some crazy herrbs to a lad who died
from a heart attack
in his late twenties
Madara Uchiha moved to Trash can where he belongs.
and they are all like "it clearly says not for human consumption, we don't sell to people who look like they will smoke the products" ....
he'd have been better off just smoking a big bag of weed ... there isn't enough weed on this island to kill you ...
See that is precisely the problem. They're making all these relatively safe things illegal, and now people are moving on to all sorts of highly dubious things
Doesn't weed have 1 recorded fatality now? I roughly recall reading something a long time ago about it.
@JoeWatkins The way I understand it, the human toxicity limit for THC is actually quite low, but no-one can reach it without falling asleep a long time before
However I am not a doctor
@Fabien That's still almost infinitely less that alcohol poisoning :-(
exactly, like any drug, smoked, your blood can only absorb so much before you succumb to it's effects
heroin, smoked is exactly the same, yet lethal in small doses directly into the blood ...
Oh for sure. Statistically ecstasy is safer than horse riding too.
I like amphetamines in general, they make you feel shit for days afterwards and remind you why you can't do them all the time
Cocaine is evil for the complementary reason
How is it that the topic of the room drifts towards intoxicating substances so regularly?
I'm not at all advocating the use of anything at all, I'm just saying, smoking shouldn't be dangerous enough to kill you .. there must be some seriously questionable use of chemicals in order to kill a healthy 20 something year old guy on the first go ...
While I don't judge people for drug use I have never and most likely will never do illegal drugs. Just not for me.
My opinion is if it doesn't affect anyone but the user, go nuts.
@JoeWatkins Pick any given chemical, somebody somewhere will be allergic to it.
Wow this guy's views are fantastic, I hope for his sake that they're his own and do not represent the views of his employer. ಠ_ಠ
@Fabien I probably won't be doing it again (a fact that I occasionally lament), it's a young man's game
okay but its not a food stuff, the use of chemicals is not to aid the preservation process here, it is to induce intoxication, if it's the case that the guy was allergic then that's unlucky, but it seems extra ordinarily unlikely when you consider what the purpose of the stuff actually was ....
no, I think it's all as we fear ...
that legal highs are at least as dangerous as legal ones, and in a lot of cases, more dangerous ...
not just the herbs to consider is there ... the powders they are churning out are just .... terrible ...
In that particular field, legal == less is known about them.
drug dealers are well aware that lethal drugs are no good, because you require addicts to keep your enterprise going ... they have economics to deal with on a tiny scale, they cannot go around killing towns ...
factories in china
not same
they are exporting "to the west", they can kill millions before their economics collapse
and will ...
there's no solution though really ...
Yeh that's why I never understood the batch of Es that was floating around a few years ago with bloody thinners in. They were laced with rat poison, it's not like it's cheap.
I guess tighter border controls ...
but it will find it's way in ...
I used to take blood thinners.
Warfarin. It was prescribed though.
@DaveRandom A couple of months back we had killing xtc that looked like this
Border controls are less and less relevant anyway, these days it's possible to synthesise most things, which you can do anywhere. It's quite possible that baggie of speed was cooked up by your next door neighbour
I lolled
@PeeHaa lolwut
Some dealers will take stupid chances, usually just before very long sentences or when in heavy debt, but mostly they have to keep getting paid, so they don't go around killing people ... more like befriending them and forever taking advantage, but not killing, it doesn't make sense to kill anyone ...
@DaveRandom :D
@DaveRandom there are certain chemicals that it is easy to acquire in places like china ...
just the acquisition of them in this country if it's possible raises certain flags and will be noticed by certain agencies ...
@JoeWatkins The issue (at least over here) is that once the gov wakes up they ban the chemicals so people will have to resort to new chemicals
That is the problem
well this is only a little island, that's had border controls in place for hundreds of years ...
@JoeWatkins btw for 'Don't stop me' this is better
I'm not saying you cannot set up a kitchen lab
you can
but, operations large enough to pose a danger on a mass scale would soon be detected
Do you see something bad?

if(!empty($slot_unit1)) {
<td align="center"><?php echo $slot_unit1; ?></td>
if(!empty($slot1)) {
echo "<td align='center'>" . $slot1 . "</td>";
if($level > "2") {
echo "<a href='aresak_deleteslot.php?slot_name=" . $slot_name . "&slot=1'>Odstranit</a>"


else {
echo "<td align='center'><a href='aresak_joinslot.php?slot_name=" . $slot_name . "&slot=1'>Vstoupit</a>";
@TomášAresakMalčánek yeah. bad formatting
I think the borders are a sensible place to start and stupid place to over look, it's not actually that easy to just make whatever you want here on a big enough scale to pose mass danger that cannot be contained once detected - normal police work isn't it ??

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