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3:00 PM
1 message moved to /bin/gif
@PeeHaa Can I be owner there too?
Bin diver
(Not so that I can move messages back... *wink*)
@PeeHaa thanking you :)
3:04 PM
@Orangepill I currently implement with 1:1 controller:view ratio
So that's being determined at the bootstrap, or at the controller.
@MadaraUchiha And I assume the router is what picks out the correct controller and view?
@Orangepill Yes
Why do we have ReflectionClass and ReflectionObject when the latter extends the former and adds no functionality? Is it just reserving the name for possible additions to the API in the future?
@MadaraUchiha And DIC/Service Location for constructing the View with instances of the appropriate services?
@Orangepill No, you pass an instance of ServiceFactory to the View.
Which is responsible for constructing the services for you.
3:10 PM
@DanLugg lets you do export on an object rather than a class
add a single piece of useful functionality
@MadaraUchiha But doesn't having a factory that can create any of the services basically make that a Service Locator?
@Orangepill No, a service locator indicates global state, there's nothing global going around.
But I can see your point there.
@PeeHaa cool
3:13 PM
@MadaraUchiha That means my implementation of a service locator is really just an anything factory.... it's basically China.
@JakS Yea IMO that's not particularly useful; ReflectionObject::export include dynamically created properties, but that's about it.
And ::export itself isn't particularly useful.
Anyone got any decent weekend plans?
@Fabien Settlers of Catan!
Sounds like a facebook game.
The Settlers of Catan is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber and first published in 1995 in Germany by Franckh-Kosmos Verlag (Kosmos) as Die Siedler von Catan. Players assume the roles of settlers, each attempting to build and develop holdings while trading and acquiring resources. Players are rewarded points as their settlements grow; the first to reach a set number of points is the winner. At no point in the game is any player eliminated. The Settlers of Catan was one of the first German-style board games to achieve popularity outside of Europe. By 2009, over 15 milli...
3:17 PM
Anyone got any decent cool weekend plans? :P
@Fabien Settlers of Catan and booze!
@Fabien Running 20miles, how does that sound?
Same without the Settlers of Catan
@cheesemacfly I haven't been allowed to run for the last few months, so right now quite fun.
3:18 PM
multiple stress fractures. At least 6 apparently.
ouch, you must have been abusing :D
Yeah pretty much played half a season of division 2 basketball on it. :( My own fault.
Lucky it didn't snap tbh.
Yeah hard to stop when it happens...
Google "Kevin Ware" if you want to see worst-case-scenario for playing with a stress fracture.
3:21 PM
@DaveRandom omfg TNX!!!!
You really don't wan to work do you :P
I am feeling bad for the guy :o
@cheesemacfly lol. Poor guy. The high-res images aren't any better either. His team went down like 20 points after then came back to win. He was standing after a 2 hour surgery. Albeit on crutches. Hopefully it wont end his career.
yeah that's a really bad one!
@PeeHaa Disclaimer: Epicly dirty, could be made much prettier with more files and more care
Yes. The good thing is that legs don't normally do that. All the videos of people snapping their shins are most likely due to stress fractures. So rest assured you can still jump around.
3:24 PM
@PeeHaa Friday + Quiting = No Work
Hey guys, how can I do something like this when attempting to reference an array?

$className = $_POST[$cn + '_name'];

basically I want to retrieve the POST value for the value of the $cn variable, with '_name' string appended to it.
. instead of +
doh! of course
been doing too much JS lately :p
6 params in a function, is that fyn?
3-4 optional
3:29 PM
@DaveRandom Didn't sniff the thing. Just looked at the form and submits. Useful!
@DaveRandom Last week next week?
Finish 2 weeks today (8th)
I'd love to see your productivity graph over the next 2 weeks.
^ there it is
Not even a ^ of guilt.
ahahaha I was expecting a nudge there ____^___
3:32 PM
In all seriousness, I have already done most of the handover stuff, I'm only really still here in case anything goes wrong
Ask them to let you work remotely on the last week :P
This company's attitude towards remote working angers me somewhat. It's essentially "I don't understand it so you're not going to do it"
Worst if they wont even try it.
That's what I mean. I accept that sometimes it doesn't work, but it's stupid to pretend it doesn't exist
I tried to convince my old company to let the devs work 8-5 instead of 10-7 as no one did any work from 3pm onwards. No joy.
Everyone hated it. by the time you got home and had dinner it was bed time.
3:36 PM
Why does AOP call it a "join point" when the definition for "junction" is "a point where two or more things are joined." - Like, who forgot their thesaurus?
@Fabien Personally I'd rather work 10-7. I'm not a morning person.
@DaveRandom It works for some people. But it sucked up way too much time of my evening.
@DanLugg because not all people who give talks can spell "junction"
lol, I hope that's not a valid reason.
3:38 PM
Maybe it's because "junction" looks too much like "function" and the authors think that people can't read.
I can feed!
@DaveRandom Ah! That kinda makes sense.
It does indeed make socks.
public function foo() { }
public junction foo:before() { }
1 message moved to /bin/gif
@ircmaxell Holy nostalgia Batman! I'm guessing that's Sesame Street bloopers?
I don't know why I hate this guy
junction? I googled and got nothing.
3:58 PM
@m59 What?
I can take an educated guess at what this does
public junction foo:before() { }
but can't find anything about it
@m59 That's because it doesn't do anything :-P except cause a syntax error.
It actually sounds kind of cool, though.
Like, let's say foo() was inherited from a base class
that would be the equivalent of overwriting it in the child class and then calling the parent at the end =D
4:01 PM
@m59 Yea, kinda: if you're interested read about AOP
wait, what? You mean that exists in some languages or something?
@m59 Sure does; it's been shoe-horned (or tried and failed for the better part) into PHP several times.
lol nice.
It's one of those features that if it doesn't exist natively, it's pretty damn hard to smash into the language; it'll never quite fit.
Needz moar eval()
4:04 PM
@DaveRandom Yea, that's pretty much all you can do.
eval() + static - final = kinda-sorta-AOP-friendly.
I think we need more adjectives in PHP
public dangerous pink class Foo {}
@DaveRandom lol
private awesome function bar() {}
4:08 PM
anonymous sausage { }
@DanLugg You can get arrested for that
yeah that's seriously frowned upon....
lol what?
Sounds like you're going out cottaging
Google presumably just got a bunch of hits for "cottaging"
"There has been an outburst of anonymous sausage in the area, a man in his late twenties or early thirties, believed to be a PHP programmer, has been spotted in and around old peoples homes exposing himself to the elderly and shouting such things as "Have a look at these ruby's then darlin'", any information regarding the whereabouts of the suspect is appreciated, an efit image follows this message" ...
anonymous sausage ...
4:13 PM
> these ruby's then
^^ I bet he's riding the rails.
I stopped reading at in and around old people
you need more than a line for some jokes ... lazy ...
$geriatric->insert(anonymous sausage)
you definitely shouldn't insert it ... that's taking it a bit further ...
There's no light at the end of the tunnel, I think we need to go further still.
4:17 PM
INSERT INTO old_people($anonymousSausage)
@DanLugg If you can see light you've probably inserted it too far
@DaveRandom Bridge the gap!
OK right I am now officially out of this line of conversation
@DaveRandom By the way, really? I can inject far more than an anonymous sausage in that SQL.
4:19 PM
@DaveRandom Did you actually insert that stuff into that guys DB btw?
MySQL doesn't have a sausage datatype, so I can't parameterise it. I'm sure postgres has one.
@DaveRandom prolly
@Fabien No, I meant to open an issue on the repo but I forgot
yeah open an issue saying you cannot login with the password provided, could they please update it so you can login
also could they leave some bank details, phone number and an address ...
BEEeEEEeEEEEeEr bitches!
4:22 PM
4:39 PM
mysql> SELECT * FROM haxxor;
| id | message          |
|  1 | You are insecure |
| 50 | You are insecure |
50 rows in set (0.05 sec)
@DaveRandom Credentials posted to github?
@daverandom awesome
Test posix_kill(), posix_get_last_error and posix_strerror() functions : basic functionality [ext/posix/tests/posix_kill_basic.phpt]
Test popen() and pclose function: basic functionality [ext/standard/tests/file/popen_pclose_basic.phpt]
@DaveRandom lol
4:52 PM
Actually that shouldn't be on the transcript
Does someone understand this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/19594538/…
@cheesemacfly Yea, base64 into a data:type/type;base64,...
The data URI scheme is a URI scheme (Uniform Resource Identifier scheme) that provides a way to include data in-line in web pages as if they were external resources. It is a form of file literal or here document. This technique allows normally separate elements such as images and style sheets to be fetched in a single HTTP request rather than multiple HTTP requests, which can be more efficient. Data URIs tends to be simpler than other inclusion methods, such as MIME with cid or mid URIs. Data URIs are sometimes called Uniform Resource Identifiers, although they do not actually locate anyt...
@Gordon/@BoltClock please delete chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12581383#12581383 asap, it turns out it's way more of a security problem than I initially thought and I don't want to draw any more attention to it than necessary.
@DanLugg Interesting
4:59 PM
@DaveRandom done
@Gordon Thanks
5:11 PM
I've been searching for this, but still cannot find the answer, can someone help me what framework is thetoptens.com made of? Or any equivalent plugin for WP? I know this is a bit off topic.. .tried searching myself still no luck at all. Thanks
What makes you so sure it's a framework?
or cms.
no sure either, any idea @Fab?
can anybody hack this? hack.defcamp.ro it's for a contest
i managed to translate the binary code but can't find any solution to hack it
@lordzden Maybe it's just a bespoke build.
5:16 PM
the translation of the code is If you cannot hax0r me you are a n00b!
@lordzden It's built in ASP.
@Fabien so its custom, do you have any suggestion on plugin or alike?
A plugin to do what exactly?
@DaveRandom hhmmmm asp, cms asp?
the same as thetoptens.com do
There should be a word for what's happening right now.
5:18 PM
As in the Microsoft web technology ASP
@DaveRandom Firefly finished?
@lordzden That's not any more specific. Plugins do not create whole websites, they do small, specific things.
@Fabien Yes :'(
heh. Yeah it sucks. Serenity only fills a 1hour 30 hole.How about Fringe?
Not started yet, not had the time
It's not as good but it's something.
5:21 PM
> It means we can do something...
hhmmm, I mean the core function of thetoptens.com, I want top ten website as well..
> We can go to KissStock!
@lordzden That's not a "plugin", that's a whole web application. Hire a developer.
omg I'm turning into tereško
I use this code as response to AJAX request:


if (isset($_SESSION['logged_in'])) {
if ($_SESSION['login_type'] == 2) {


$uid = mysqli_escape_string($link, $_POST['uid']);

$iquery = mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO claims (uid) VALUES ($uid)") or die(mysqli_error($link));

if ($iquery) {
setcookie('claim', '1', time()+2*365*24*3600);
echo "reached here";
echo "1";
} else
echo "0"; // Username not available
What's the syntax for a quote btw?
5:23 PM
> blockquote
> I believe that woman's planning to shoot me again
@DaveRandom i see I guess there are no plugin closely related to the site. Thanks for helpin' tho!! :) @Fabien
@DilipRajBaral is the claims table getting a new record
@Orangepill Yes. I even get response text "reached here1".. THe only thing that doesn't happen is cookie is not set!
5:28 PM
@DilipRajBaral are both the client and server's times correct
Right, I'm out, later
@Orangepill you mean timezone??
So long Dave
@Orangepill Cookie isn't set even if I omit Expire Time parameter!
@DilipRajBaral Okay that discounts that as a potential issue... are server logs showing any errors or warnings
5:32 PM
@Orangepill Error displays in server are on and that doesn't show any. Lemme check if there are any logged in server;s log..
@DilipRajBaral also make sure that neither of your includes are sending any output to the browser ... this will cause the sending of the header for the cookie to fail.
@Orangepill includes don't send any output! They are configuration variables and link.php is database connector. SInce, the record get inserted into the database, there is no error output by link.php too!
@Orangepill There is no error logged!
@DilipRajBaral Just for shits and giggles wrap everything after your session start all the way up to your end tag in ob_start(); / ob_flush();
@Orangepill Do you even need the flush? I thought it was implicit? Yea, it's implicit.
@DanLugg Yeah but I'm OCD ... I don't like opening a buffer without closing it ...
5:39 PM
I'd sooner call that "good practice", but this is PHP after all. Dangle your handle!
okay then ... just do ob_start() at the beginning of your script
@Orangepill lemme try that!
@Orangepill I wrote ob_start() at the beginning of the script. Was it supposed to do anything?
@DilipRajBaral If will make sure nothing is making it to the browser before the setcookie call.
@Orangepill okay.. that didn't help!
5:43 PM
@Orangepill I can post the JavaScript client codde, if it has a chance to do something wiht the problem!
php -r "error_log(\"\0ghosts in the machine\");"
@DilipRajBaral Go for it.
@Orangepill I'm actually using jQuery.

var request;

var uid = $("#uid").val();


request = $.ajax({
url: "ajax/setclaim.php",
type: "post",
data: "uid=" + uid,

request.done(function(responseText, status, jqxhr) {
if (responseText == '1') { // Success
$("#modal-content").html('<div class="success"><h3>You\'re now eligible for the 10kya.com Discount voucher. You\'ll soon be contacted by 10kya.com.</h3><a id="btnclose" class="button" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(\'#claim-dialog\').fadeOut();">Close</a></div>');
@DilipRajBaral Where are you checking to see if the cookie is set?
5:47 PM
@Orangepill I've a Chrome extension.
Plus I'm double checking it using PHP script too!
if (!isset($_COOKIE['cl']) || $_COOKIE['cl'] != 1) {
require("includes/claim-dialog.php"); }
@Orangepill I added a path '/' and it works now!
@Orangepill The cookie access was confined to 'includes' folder only, I guess. Thanks for your time!
@ircmaxell What's the good word sir?
I know throw doesn't evaluate to anything, but I gotta say, in the spirit of die() it'd be nice to $expression or throw new Exception();
function doStuff($int, $bool, $float, $string)
    is_int($int)       or throw new Exception();
    is_bool($bool)     or throw new Exception();
    is_float($float)   or throw new Exception();
    is_string($string) or throw new Exception();
@Orangepill sigh, I can't get the selenium jar to launch, I get this pastebin.com/CdNkZcR7
I'm not sure if that's error or not.
it just hangs after that
@M59 looks like it started the server to me...
From watching youtube videos of other people doing this, it isn't supposed to hang - nor are the next steps working
6:03 PM
@DanLugg farfeguffel
lol, delicious
... recompiling..
... reconciling..
6:24 PM
Do you know what Lambda means? No, seriously - if you find out tell me. I've been using it for years now and I'm still now sure ;) Its meaning varies across languages and systems. However, if you're looking for a mathematical field related to CS that uses that word check out Lambda CalculusBenjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
Also, that question :)
Any Counter Strike Sourcerers in here?
@ircmaxell You heard the "What does the fox say?" song?
can anybody guide me to download free smileys for my PHP based chatbox?
How to remove multiple return and newlines in to one line, i'm also using nl2br to show output


@BenjaminGruenbaum In my head at least, I typically associate "anonymous function" with a multi-statement unnamed procedure, whereas I typically associate "lambda" with a single-expression object.
6:38 PM
@DanLugg Yeah, me too - but that's only because C# uses that terminology, I don't think it has a generally clear meaning.
I tried
$format = preg_replace('/\n+/', "\n", $input);
$format = preg_replace('/\r+/', "\r", $format);
But no success
$f = function ($x) {
$l = lambda ($x) : $x * 2;
when parsing a huge string and looking for a specific information is there an easier way than using substr/strpos etc?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Likewise; I've seen it used similarly outside of C# too so it kinda stuck with me. I think it "makes sense"
Sting is not too huge just, decent length
6:41 PM
@skripted nope
@Fabien Dear god.
@basicbridge are you doing nl2br before or after this.
@Orangepill because i want to display single return or new line, but now multiple
also string goes into database.
@basicBridge format preg_replace ('/\n+/m', "\n", str_replace("\r", "", $input));
Don't do nl2br before stuffing in the database... only do that before you echo it out.
6:46 PM
.. recompiled php.. now round 2 on phpstorm7
wow that took you ages to compile php
@Fabien nope
preg_replace('/\R+/u', "\n", trim($string)) should work if you're trying to convert all sequences of newlines, regardless of what they are into "\n".
@RonniSkansing I'd love to hear feedback about that. Wondering if should upgrade to WebStorm7 or not.
@ircmaxell It's distinctly euro-trash :)
6:47 PM
yes, it is
I hate that stupid "song"...the sports radio announcers in the area have been using it as lead-in music lately
[joe@fiji php-upstream]$ make clean
find . -name \*.gcno -o -name \*.gcda | xargs rm -f
find . -name \*.lo -o -name \*.o | xargs rm -f
find . -name \*.la -o -name \*.a | xargs rm -f
find . -name \*.so | xargs rm -f
find . -name .libs -a -type d|xargs rm -rf
rm -f libphp5.la sapi/cli/php sapi/cgi/php-cgi     modules/* libs/*
[joe@fiji php-upstream]$ time make -j8 2>/dev/null 1>>/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null

real    0m3.283s
user    0m8.076s
sys     0m1.516s
3 seconds baby :D
@Fabien your music taste leaves a lot to be desired
this goes like this
But this is allowed, ( 2 return are allowed )

lol. My music taste is varied. Frag radio keeps playing it. Listen to it enough you start to like it.
6:50 PM
often when people say "varied", they actually mean "I listen to everything"
@Fabien No. The more I've heard that "song" the more I dislike it ;)
@tereško or "I listen to what the radio tells me to listen to" ;-)
@BasicBridge preg_replace('/\R\R+/u', "\n", trim($string)) should work
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure, i tell you what i think of it ;)
@cspray more! Till your ears bleed!
You guys act like it was Rosa Helikopter
6:54 PM
Still same results.
hi guys
@professional yo
@Orangepill preg_replace('/\R\R+/u', "\n\n", trim($string))
@Fabien That's the same song, isn't it?
6:57 PM
@Neal is php a programming language to do everything for a website like c#
@professional 42 is a number that means things
lol for real. like, people are looking at me.
@Neal 42 what does that mean?
What doesn't it mean?
@professional why did you pick that nickname ?
6:59 PM
42 (forty-two) is the natural number immediately following 41 and directly preceding 43. The number has received considerable attention in popular culture as a result of its central appearance in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as the "Answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything". Mathematics * Forty-two is a pronic number and an abundant number; its prime factorization 2 · 3 · 7 makes it the second sphenic number and also the second of the form { 2 · 3 · r }. As with all sphenic numbers of this form, the ...

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