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For mail IIRC
what IP is that?
Yes. External ip
what hosting is that @Fabien?
which plan?
VPS. Set the machine to 2MB mem, 20gb HDD with 2*2.4Ghz
@PeeHaa It's back in business :)
Me and my server have a love-hate relationship.
@Fabien yay!
it was hosts.allow btw.
ah. that sounds right
@PeeHaa why use the subdomain www. ?
@Fabien you mean 2gb ram @ €14.80
oh, i see. this is pure unmanaged?
i'm looking to get one 3GB here (since i am cheap) but i still don't have any use for it aotm. XP
@Fabien btw, that's kvm, xen or ovz?
@reikyoushin no idea.
@PeeHaa I think the DNS has propgated over but I must have something in nginx setup wrong.
@Fabien Not sure. poorman's dns? :P
@PeeHaa so you can segregate the cookies?
Nope, it's reverted back to some crappy blue page
Do you see the requests coming in?
@Fabien what's your domain?
@PeeHaa looking
@Fabien its propagating.. whatsmydns.net/#A/lamephp.com
not yet finished though..
@NikiC Good luck :) I can't vote.
@PeeHaa Nothing in logs.
@reikyoushin Ah cool cheers.
@NikiC already one vote in favor :-) that's a good start! (would be bad if the creator votes against its own RFC^^)
@Fabien Does lynx http://localhost work on the box?
@NikiC what does 'comparability' mean?
yes @PeeHaa
Welcome to nginx on EPEL!
k so at least nginx works
@reikyoushin The ability to compare?
@reikyoushin it means that the word has too many i's to be typed correctly on the first try
@Fabien Do you have iptables rules blocking http traffic by any chance?
oh well, haha. i dont understand the rfc anyway. LOL
@PeeHaa Not that I would have set up./
@reikyoushin It proposes the ability to have a set of named parameters, as well as a number of arbitrary parameters passed in (and made an array inside of the function)
@PeeHaa maybe his security locked port 80 too. XP
So in the example he gave:
@MadaraUchiha then what's the diff between named params vs variadics?
I don't get any response when telnetting to your machine over port 80 @Fabien
@MadaraUchiha in this post of yours about the current rfcs
public function query($query, ...$params) { ... }
//$obj->query("SELECT", "param1", "param2", "param3")
$query is "SELECT"
@PeeHaa How can I check it?
@PeeHaa seems he firewalled himself alright
$params has an array ["param1", "param2", "param3"].
@Fabien telnet lamephp.com 80 ??
Can you run a iptables --list? @Fabien
Am I looking for anything in particular in this list?
@MadaraUchiha the ...$var should always be the last on the args list?
@reikyoushin it's possible to do today, (using func_get_args) but then it's not exposed in the method's API.
@Fabien anything pertaining to port 80
@reikyoushin Yes, it raises an error otherwise.
What rules are in the list?
@MadaraUchiha doing that would mean you have args(0).. args(n) right?
@reikyoushin You already have that.
The point is to make it clear and easy from the method's signature (or API, or "contract" however you call it)
@MadaraUchiha so it is easier for autocomplete and editors and stuff?
@reikyoushin Yes, and also easier to read.
Imagine you see a method
query($query), you have no idea that you can pass $params in there without reading the function's code.
@MadaraUchiha ahh so that's the main reason.. for readability.. no other special function whatsoever? that what you're saying?
@Fabien open up the firewall for port 80 and 443
performance benefit too
@reikyoushin Ask @NikiC, he proposed it :)
Don't ask me, read the RFC instead...
@Fabien you can check this one out?
@PeeHaa though isn't that supposed to mean his port 80 and 443 should already be opened because it is not blocked?
Isn't REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-host-prohibited blocking it?
/me looks around
@NikiC merge of your pr for variadics fails on master by the way ...
I cloned new copy of repository to make sure ...
the merge itself fails?
@PeeHaa they should be added to ip6 and 4 now
[joe@fiji php-src]$ git branch variadics
[joe@fiji php-src]$ git checkout variadics
Switched to branch 'variadics'
[joe@fiji php-src]$ git pull nikic variadics
remote: Counting objects: 101, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
remote: Total 66 (delta 45), reused 31 (delta 10)
Unpacking objects: 100% (66/66), done.
From github.com/nikic/php-src
 * branch            variadics  -> FETCH_HEAD
Auto-merging ext/spl/spl_directory.c
Auto-merging Zend/zend_vm_execute.h
Auto-merging Zend/zend_vm_def.h
(see full text)
@JoeWatkins zend_language_scanner.c is a generated file, of course it fails ^^
@JoeWatkins that's because of the line numbers which are autogenerated. just ignore this^^
ok good ...
all the #line directives will be off
my bad my bad, I didn't loose closely ...
I built it a few times already ... :s
must be missing something ...
@Fabien Still no dice :(
buildconf, then config.nice then make and still yields error in language scanner ...
@PeeHaa Yeah :( Damn my natural born security ability.
@MaciejCzyżewski hi :-)
what gens language scanner ?
@JoeWatkins try touch Zend/zend_language_scanner.l and then make
@Fabien to eliminate iptables, stop the service, temporarily ...
@NikiC worked ...
but why ?
@Fabien I got something
I just turned them off
<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
It works
BTW I have had that ^ frontpage for more than a year :P
How did you add the rules to your iptables?
bah… this was to expect that zeev says anything until when it's already in voting phase and votes then with no…
Or did you forget to restart the thing?
@JoeWatkins because the .c file was updated after .l, so make assumes that it was already generated ;)
I get redirected to lamephp.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi @PeeHaa
I get a
File not found.
works in FF, so just Chrome being a knob-jockey.
Which is good
it's cache
Hmmm now I also get
Hello @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa @Fabien i get a "Hello @PeeHaa" on lamephp.com
im seeing it on chrome.. must be cache
That's PHP echo too so PHP is working
Let's restart iptables
good good :)
borked :P
Guess it really is something in there
How did you just try to add the rules to iptables?
Just now I turned iptables back on
rules are
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
that fine?
Looks good. Where did you put that?
and now all i see is whitescreen @Fabien ^_^
@PeeHaa /etc/sysconfig/iptables
@NikiC how long should the vote last? Is it intentional that it isn't included in the rfc?
and /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
strange. That should hit the spot
iptables --list output?
What about -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-adm-prohibited ?
should be there?
that's ping
Ah I see.
You have to add it before the reject one
lol. This time it weren't the tests which segfaulted, but the run-tests.php ^^
And restart iptables ofc
@NikiC loving variadics ... hope it gets in ... gist.ushow.us/krakjoe/6586550 elegant, love it ...
@JoeWatkins just wanted to show of his dns thingy there ;)
@PeeHaa no no, gist.github.com/krakjoe/6586550 see the last function, used to be a mixture of the first and last functions ... a ruddy mess to do something that should be very simple, and now is ...
@PeeHaa We have lift off!
Nice @Fabien
@hamza Hello! What's new?
owh busy with my studies. Got to learn new languages like Java, C and C# :D
And you how are things going ?
@Fabien finally. XP
Hello Everyone
@HamZa you dont need that. teach them regex. haha. jk
@reikyoushin hahaha. That's true, regex is the only truth :)
How was your day @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa Now just need to sort lamephp.com/info.php :P
@JoeWatkins i know im a noob or whatever, but on gist.github.com/krakjoe/6586550, the old function says function my_printf($message, $format = array()) { then $args = func_get_args();
@HamZa The same problem with school :-D Now for best skills in PHP I am making simple framework... and learning ruby. (I KNOW REGEX)
where did the $format go? was it not used?
@reikyoushin I know, confusing right ...
it's correct tho ...
@JoeWatkins can't it be $args = $format? i might be missing something here real bad
@Baba crazy
Yours? @Baba
I'll presume that is a nginx site conf issue?
printf("My string with format %d specifiers", "list", "of", "arguments")
Can someone help?
@Fabien Probably crooked nginx server config
@JoeWatkins I can see pthreads getting a lot of attention lately ... well done
$args aren't an array are they ...
sites config or nginx conf?
@PeeHaa stressed up ...
Need a project name? How about CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet?
@Baba hiya, and thnx ...
and would ...$args mean all the args from [1]..[n]?
nginx site config @Fabien
@PeeHaa I think i need a vacation
Vacation! Good idea.
@Baba I just had a couple of days of
Need way more than that
FTR it's a C&P of yours.
@JoeWatkins I would soon take some time off again ... this way i would be able to contribute more
@PeeHaa i'm used to apache's htaccess. that's why i dont like nginx. haha. but they say its much faster. XP
@PeeHaa how many days
@reikyoushin yes, just like the printf prototype ...elegant, right ?
@Baba 4 working days
@reikyoushin nginx config style is soo much nicer
@Baba that sounds good :)
@PeeHaa How many more do you need ?
@reikyoushin It does seem a lot easier to work with nginx
@JoeWatkins yeah, instead of an $options array, that would be cleaner, but still i dont get why there is a $format on the first function though
Well I think I still have 40 days or something like that :P
@PeeHaa do you have a sample? (googling here too)
@JoeWatkins Just curios why it sill 0.44 ?
@reikyoushin well that's partly why variadics is required, $format = array() lets you know some more parameters are accepted, but it's messy ...
@Baba no, stable 0.45
@PeeHaa lol lol
@JoeWatkins have seen it
@JoeWatkins so the $format and the func_get_args was just used on the same function.. although either or could be used to mimic variadics right?
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 3:58 PM
@JoeWatkins stressful day :)
@Baba you are forgiven ...
is there a target already on when 5.6 will come out? 5.5 just came out this year, right? not all hosting companies already support it.
@JoeWatkins Thank you .. you are much forgiven than @PeeHaa :)
@reikyoushin no no, printf("Hello", array("args", "here")) is different from printf("Hello", "args", "here")
@Baba :D
@reikyoushin ± mid 2014 I suppose
@PeeHaa i mean the htaccess overrides..
@reikyoushin It doesn't do htaccess
@JoeWatkins but the purpose is the same.. to use n number of vars.. that's what i meant
@reikyoushin PHP only just got their act together with releases, it will take a while for the hosting companies to catch up, or rather the software they use ... and the distributions they run on ... it shouldn't take long ...
@PeeHaa so this would only work for personal servers and not shared/ multiple hosts?
(not long might still be a couple of years)
@reikyoushin In general, one release per year is the current target.
I saw an osx update that includes 5.2 apparently ... crazy ...
@LeviMorrison and that means php 6 is still a long way?
@LeviMorrison hello .... how far with your project ?
@reikyoushin I don't know / care about shared hosts :)
@JoeWatkins OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion came with PHP 5.3
@reikyoushin long way in the past is a more appropriate way to describe the current state of PHP6 ...
@Baba Which one? The data structures?
@LeviMorrison Yes ...
sometimes i wish i understand those things about the internals, if i have time id love to help but i dont get it. haha. i used to code in C but doing internals is a lot more than just a C project T-T
@LeviMorrison yeah 5.3 sorry ... still pretty terrible ... OSX update ships a new PHP version. Updates to 5.3.26. #fail igorw said that on twitter ...
@LeviMorrison is it ready move to pecl ?
@Baba I have made changes somewhat recently. It's on the back-burner because I'm busy with the beta php.net project.
it feels so overwhelming. so i thought i'd study more on PHP first. haha
@Baba It probably could be moved to PECL at this point, but I need to establish some conventions.
@LeviMorrison Oh ok ... beta php.net ???
Have you not seen it? Go to prototype.php.net
@LeviMorrison are you the one who's also doing the dark version of the php.net source styling?
@reikyoushin Correct. I don't do everything with that site but pretty much everything :)
@LeviMorrison i was expecting that its the one i would see on the update they were talking about. haha
In all honesty I do what I want with it. I have tried very, very hard to not let my personal agendas get in the way.
it looks a lot better than the light skin..
@LeviMorrison Much more better than what we have
@LeviMorrison What do you think about scala-lang.org ?
@LeviMorrison it is, so much better by the way, much less mid 90's ... kudos ...
@Baba It is pretty. I don't think PHP would benefit from the same kind of content they have. We don't need to explain what PHP is to nearly all of our visitors.
all variadic args are always type array?
@reikyoushin have a browse through the rfc, build the patch, have a go ... that's probably how you learned php to begin with right !?
@LeviMorrison we can still make it look good :)
@LeviMorrison prototype.php.net/get-involved.php information there is a bit scatter brain ...
@JoeWatkins It is. Someone pointed it out on the ML; was it you?
@JoeWatkins not had any experience with building my own from source though.. XP
@LeviMorrison nah, I don't really do ML ... appears to be a waste of time normally ...
I read (sometimes) but don't write ... that would only add to the problem ...
@JoeWatkins php-webmasters is a lot more productive than internals, fyi :)
@Baba Scala? You know this lang?
@LeviMorrison the page is information heavy.. after seeing it, i fight myself not to close the page. XP
@LeviMorrison ah is it now ... I shall stick my face in ...
@LeviMorrison php-webmasters? what's that
@MaciejCzyżewski Played with it before ... but basically we are reviewing the website design compared to what PHP has
@reikyoushin a witches coven ... what used to be called a mailing list ...
@reikyoushin It's a mailing list for people running the PHP.net family of websites.
@Baba Scala is good or easy? I've heard about it but not interested
@JoeWatkins what i read was witches' oven haha
@PeeHaa but most of our clients do. XP
@MaciejCzyżewski It good .... and pretty easy depending on what you expect in a language
@reikyoushin Yeah but your clients are not my clients ;-)
@Baba ooo interesting.
@MaciejCzyżewski eg. I hate python because of missing curly bracket that does not mean its a bad language
@Baba sure. I think ruby is better then python in this way.
@MaciejCzyżewski are you trying to lean a new language ?
@Baba definitely yes.
Hi guys.
@MaciejCzyżewski think of a project or just for knowledge ?
@Baba I think only for fun, maybe for new experience.
@PeeHaa well, they're not mine either, they belong to my boss. ;)
I have a little problem and I hope someone can helps me. Stackoverflow does no longer allow questions from me. Because I apperently have written too many bad question. I don't really understand, cause I have only one closed quetion, and only two negative votes on that question.
@MaciejCzyżewski Took up go recently and i liked it ...
@Kasper Did you delete any posts by any chance?
@Kasper Uuu soooo bad.
@PeeHaa delete*
@Kasper Also your last question actually got 4 downvotes instead of 2
@Baba Thanks for advice. Now I must go. See you tomorrow!
@PeeHaa Aah, I can't see that. So I got also 2 upvotes :D haha
@MaciejCzyżewski ok bye
@PeeHaa ehm.. I don't think I deleted any questions. But I think there is question deleted from me.
That also counts towards a question ban
@Kasper Easiest way to lift the ban is give good answers to questions
ugh tired and my mother is coming over tomorrow, do not want to sleep -_-...
@PeeHaa I've tried (stackoverflow.com/users/2188707/kasper?tab=answers) But I actually don't have any knowlegde. I found back then one trick that I thought may contribute a little bit. But I don't feel like I have the knowlegde to really contribute at stackoverflow.
@Jack Yet everything is very specific in the API, especially orders of things, and I can't find it in the spec. I'm sure it's there somewhere, either stating that it is the case or it isn't.
@bwoebi keyword identifiers <3
@Kasper I don´t know about the question that got deleted, but if that was the only one and that other question only got 4 downvotes I'm pretty sure you only need a couple upvotes on an answer
@Kasper at first you would feel like that.. just hang around more often and you would be surprised you have answered a lot already. :)
@igorw do you really like it so much?^^
@bwoebi hells yes
Well, I will first follow the advice Jon gave me:
I've written a very poor question on stackoverflow. I tried to rewrite it, and according to Jon it's now much better:
"please take a [look](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17261775/unexpected-value-in-php-using-for-strings) and help me reopen it if you agree"
@igorw I need to wait another week according to voting guidelines before putting this to vote.
@tereško You play/played terraria?
@Fabien yes
@tereško have you seen the 1.2 update video?
yes, save this morning
@tereško Ah looks good. A whole new reason to get back in to it. Some of the bosses look great.
seems ok, but I am getting worried if my netbook will be able to handle it
terraria was pretty light no?
my netbook is pretty shitty
Find some freelance and get a new one :P
@PeeHaa Okay, maybe that wasn't the best idea. I only got one more downvote... lol
@bwoebi Looks like he read what it was about and changed his mind :)
that question is "hello world" level. You will be better off if it gets deleted.
@tereško Did you vote for delete ? .....
@tereško Man...
@PeeHaa yeah, I've read

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