@reikyoushin It proposes the ability to have a set of named parameters, as well as a number of arbitrary parameters passed in (and made an array inside of the function)
@PeeHaa no no, gist.github.com/krakjoe/6586550 see the last function, used to be a mixture of the first and last functions ... a ruddy mess to do something that should be very simple, and now is ...
@JoeWatkins i know im a noob or whatever, but on gist.github.com/krakjoe/6586550, the old function says function my_printf($message, $format = array()) { then $args = func_get_args();
@reikyoushin PHP only just got their act together with releases, it will take a while for the hosting companies to catch up, or rather the software they use ... and the distributions they run on ... it shouldn't take long ...
sometimes i wish i understand those things about the internals, if i have time id love to help but i dont get it. haha. i used to code in C but doing internals is a lot more than just a C project T-T
@Baba It is pretty. I don't think PHP would benefit from the same kind of content they have. We don't need to explain what PHP is to nearly all of our visitors.
I have a little problem and I hope someone can helps me. Stackoverflow does no longer allow questions from me. Because I apperently have written too many bad question. I don't really understand, cause I have only one closed quetion, and only two negative votes on that question.
@PeeHaa I've tried (stackoverflow.com/users/2188707/kasper?tab=answers) But I actually don't have any knowlegde. I found back then one trick that I thought may contribute a little bit. But I don't feel like I have the knowlegde to really contribute at stackoverflow.
@Jack Yet everything is very specific in the API, especially orders of things, and I can't find it in the spec. I'm sure it's there somewhere, either stating that it is the case or it isn't.
@Kasper I don´t know about the question that got deleted, but if that was the only one and that other question only got 4 downvotes I'm pretty sure you only need a couple upvotes on an answer
Well, I will first follow the advice Jon gave me: I've written a very poor question on stackoverflow. I tried to rewrite it, and according to Jon it's now much better: "please take a [look](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17261775/unexpected-value-in-php-using-for-strings) and help me reopen it if you agree"