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@DaveRandom when just suppressing the error is considered as very different… dunno.
@LeviMorrison ping
@JoeWatkins Im' here.
I just re-drafted the top bit
thoughts ?
Good... except it's too MS specific
word count yeah because there's more to say about it ...
everything is covered ...
Getting Involved needs a different intro
An overview of all ways to contribute.
how can i use my __autoloader and the autoloader generated by composer together?
@marabutt __autoload?! use spl_autoload_register!
@bwoebi @JoeWatkins baring in mind that this code almost certainly sucks in many, many ways, are there any immediately obvious schoolboy errors as to why this segfaults no matter how I call it? If there are I would prefer hints over anything else, I will debug it properly when I have had some sleep
@marabutt , you can use spl_autoload_register
It builds without complaining
@DaveRandom what says gdb?
thanks all
@marabutt , or you could "tell" to composer to build class map of your application.
@bwoebi gdb says I haven't compiled PHP with enable debug because I wasn't paying attention and now I'm too tired to do a full recompile. I'll look at it properly tomorrow, I don't want free answers anyway, right now I'm struggling to keep my eyes open
On that note I'm going to bed, nite @all
@DaveRandom map[value[i]]
@LeviMorrison can we add more links to that header ?
@DaveRandom This is why I typically expand it for explicitness. Even though the behaviors of $i-- or ++$j are predictable, I'd just as soon do $i += 1. Pre-increments can always be rewritten for clarity.
@JoeWatkins Yes. But please ask first.
I'm going to add PHP.net Sites.
Links to a restructured /sites.php
@LeviMorrison sure sure, I'll be on it tomorrow sometime ..
It's crazy but i cannot find way to create button on toolbar in FF with arbitrary link...
@NikiC Holy landslide Batman! :-)
God American's are stupid. I feel shame.
@Orangepill , do not worry. I fill very nervious in front of camera. I could't read from paper in front of camera.... :^ )
@Orangepill it's mostly to do with our pitiful education system.
@sectus These people are obviously not having problems talking in front of the camera though....
@crypticツ That explains the wrong academic answers...but come one.
@Orangepill , ok.... let's rename this video: Some american's are stupid. Fill better?
I think it has to do with them asking people in the middle of the day during the week. The smart people are out working and being productive members of society.
@Orangepill the school system has been reduced to a under-funded system, where the focus is no longer on education, but prepping students to pass standardized tests so the school can score enough to warrant their next budget. Education is no longer a priority, schools do what they have to do to just get their next paycheck. Score bad on tests then get less funding, and that of course leads to worse scores. The when it comes to higher education, well more and more people can't even afford it.
@crypticツ I whole-heartedly agree... but you you don't need even that much education to know what state Kentucky Fried Chicken is from.
All network "news" media outlets... but fox especially.
oh no Florida is part of the axis of evil =oP
@crypticツ ... oh, yeah... it's not Russia anymore... it's Florida
I knew there was something fucked up about my state, just couldn't figure it out >.<
@crypticツ an American from the south... you are fighting stereotypes on top of stereotypes.
@Orangepill hey I wasn't born here. I've live in Cali, Kansas and Orlando pretty much equal time in each.
@crypticツ That wasn't a dig...I'm originally from Mississippi
I'll be back, gotta go ride a polar bear and eat syrup. Y'know, Canadian.
Don't get me started on Canadians.... :D
@Orangepill damn Mississippians!! *shakes fist*
@DanLugg Geographicly speaking I'm almost Canadian
@Orangepill Are you in Canada?
@DanLugg Minnesota... close enough :)
I think we need a canonical topic about "Why are empty values stored in the database", i.e. they forgot to set the appropriate error reporting level.
internazionale.it/news/italia/2013/09/16/… the boat of shame is now upright
is accepting user input for the second parameter for call_user_func_array a good idea? assuming I've checked it for is_array() already
@Orangepill Ah, right. So you're like the tralse of boolean nationality.
@DaveChen I think that would depend entirely on what the function is.
passing more arguments than expected won't cause any issues?
Not unless you're consuming them via func_get_args().
system or shell_exec would be a bad one for that.
Yea, pretty much any filesystem IO call would be bad.
thanks, all I need to know, I'll just use the Reflection class then, so I can filter excess data, oh and is the Reflection class considered bad? Such as the debug class?
@DaveChen What are you doing?
I finished my parser framework :-)
What does it parse?
@Wes I saw it in the papers :) pretty sophisticated techniques being used there.
@Jack Any damn thing you want.
I send a json encoded javascript object

data = {
method : method,
data: data || null

And then with a whitelist methods array, I run the function with data.
@DanLugg Sweet
@Orangepill It's pretty crude, but it's passing my tests.
@DanLugg I think Jacks comment to DaveChen was intended for you.... how do you feed it the grammer?
@DaveChen Since you're already white listing your functions, I'm assuming those functions know they're handling user data.
So I suppose replace "finished" with "made chew up bytes and spit out different bytes"
@Orangepill lol
@Orangepill Yeah, oops, drunken typing :) "da" is not enough
@Jack as opposed to the unsophisticated way they get the boat sank. i still can't believe people died drowning at 30mt near the coast
Right now it's class based, which is good. AST nodes have an IRule Definition property, which can be called from another node's definition.
@Jack so I might want to reject the received message if it doesn't match up with the number of parameters of the function
Or it's own.
@Wes Blame the management I guess =(
But I'm moving it to a more dynamic collection based approach with composition generators.
So I can feed it grammars in arbitrary formats, XML, EBNF, etc.
@DaveChen You could use reflection to find out how many arguments are needed, but is the excess really a problem?
(it's in C#)
Man, I haven't been in touch with parsers for too long :)
if PHP doesn't throw any warnings or errors I'm fine with it, also the Reflection class is completely undocumented, is this library safe to use in production?
It won't, but it will for less than required arguments.
I need to learn a new language...
I've gotta optimize the fuck out of it though. Character sets are checked 1-by-1. I'm changing it to range checking instead if (c > 'a' && 'z' > c) rather than 26 comparisons.
@Orangepill Learn mine!
@DaveChen Reflection is pretty robust actually ... you should cache the results though, obviously.
Also, what do you mean by undocumented?
@Jack oh I mean, php.net/manual/en/… but its function name is pretty much self explanatory.
@DanLugg does it use curly brackets to denote code blocks.... that's what I don't like about ruby or python, that fact that they don't
@Orangepill It can use whatever you want!
@DaveChen Yeah, what is there not to get =p
@Orangepill lol, really; it's an extensible object literal interpreter. So you define grammars which are parsed alongside the otherwise simple C-style language. However, since the object literal grammars are backed by a type-library, you can kinda make anything you want; different composite control structures, etc.; in the end their all primitive if, while, etc.
So you can add nice stuff like the unless statement =D
@DanLugg where is the codes?
@Jack You can add the please statement.
@Mr.Alien Mornin ...
@Orangepill On my computer.
They're my codes. You can't have 'em.
@DanLugg Makes it hard to learn...
True dat.
yest had a tough tym setting up portable xampp on a pen drive, for some reason, it was havin issues to include the files, bt at the end, iit wrkd
Really though, I'mma get a v0.1 working to my satisfaction and push it into github.com/bracketworks/Xoli
whether ( $a === 1 ) {
    //  ...
} otherwise {
    //  ...
} unless ( $b === 3 ) {
    //  ...
Alo, magic quote gpc status gave a tough tym, was using === 0 where I need to use false, as of php 5.4
@tereško You can't use my interpreter if you're going to confuse it like that.
@LeviMorrison congrats for the the shade of green you picked xDD :P
this seems like a good book series: goodreads.com/series/46424-sandman-slim , genre: classical urban-fantasy
@Wes I guess I don't understand what you mean?
looks suspiciously like the green i've suggested. or it isnt? anyway it looks cool
@LeviMorrison He's referring to the "welcome to beta" banner, which is in green.
@Wes It's the exact same green I had before >.<
second impact was better than first
Some other colors have changed.
Perhaps that made the difference.
maybe, or i'm just still sleeping
@Wes perhaps drunk?
i don't usually drink alcohol in the morning
@Wes And why not?
actually i don't know. why do i do breakfast with coffee when i have vodka?
Should a domain object be in charge of keeping track of what data has been changed since it was created, or should that be a responsibility of the persistence layer?
Depends I guess ... if you choose Active Record, then it's more likely.
was an awesome night
@Jack was shooting for table gateway... but wanted to rub a little unit of work on that shit.
@ircmaxell vacation or work trip?
hopefully they bought the booze :D
and a retarded diner...
Is that how you got drunk? Not enough food :)
no, really good diner
like epic
okay, that makes more sense than retarded lol
yeah good
Hmm, json_encode() has an JSON_FORCE_OBJECT option, but what I really want is an option that forces objects for empty arrays only ... =/
@Wes Wonderful info for Android app developers.
and for web apps developers i'm not sure if android 4's browser is better than 2's. lol
problem though is that they still continue to sell android 2
on brand new devices
They want solution but they don't have time to post a clear question
@Mr.Alien Yeah I know I don't have time to rethink things. — mythoslife 1 min ago
@Mr.Alien leave it. :)
@YogeshSuthar ya re vahi, apne dad ka kya jaata hai :p
@Mr.Alien Neither our dad's nor our's. :D
kitna echo kar raha hai voh
English pls.
@Jack it's encrypted :p
kitna echo kar raha hai voh means he is echoing too much of html ;)
You have a word for html?
@Jack hahaha No.
he is echoing too much
lol no but we understand without that, and the best thing is, you guys cannot even translate on google
How bizarre, somehow a build of php goes into this branch even though the condition should be false =S
It then tries to apply a function on a non-existent array and crashes.
I even stopped the debugger at that point and inspected sapi_globals.rfc1867_uploaded_files ... it's null ... grrr!!
Can anyone give me the link for downloading the sample drupal project for learning?
lolzzzz ^^^^^^
can anyone tell me how to call store procedure from php web service
anybody know how to change the information of this sever when click protected ICON ?
@Sultanmirza for mysql, it'd be like $pdo->query('call stored_proc_name(?, ?...) ', array(...));
i want to know about sql server
@samitha Sort of, it depends on the certificate you buy.
it's localhost
i'm in ubuntu
lamp server
In that case, you're the one who determines what it says.
sql server, you could probably just use exec instead of call
When you self-sign the certificate.
and possibly ditch the parens
ok i'll try
Hmm, am I cool enough to talk yet?
nope. silence!
it's ok .do you know how to change it ? i want to use our company name instead of localhost ?
Oh that.
you mean your hostname?
I'm not sure how to do EV extension on self signed certificates, I don't think that's even possible.
i'm using localhost
it's on lamp
Wait, what exactly do you want to change, the host name or the security portion?
i have configured a network so my other guys can work throuh it
@Jack if i can change localhost to bla bla bla
that's good for now
can anyone tell me how to learn php?
samitha, you trying to setup a vhost in apache or are you trying to do some SSL signing authority type thingy-majigger?
how many Aliens in this world ?
@Mr.Alien nNO but you can learn php by learning jquery
hmm... I read this good book call TFM
teaches you PHP
@NikiC thank you!
lulz @ Null
@NullPoiиteя omg, that was what I was looking for, thanks a lot, you are the man.. @jphase I was pointing this and this
@jphase this is a php based system in localhost.there is a server.so we can work though it.so i need to change localhost to bla bla bla
oh hehe, my bad @Mr.Alien
i searched through google "use domain name instead of localhost lamp ubuntu"
@samitha sounds like you just need to setup a virtual host declaration using name based virtual hosting
@Mr.Alien your's welcome ... i dont want to see you in case like stackoverflow.com/questions/14790550/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/18254999/… :D
am I understanding you correctly?
so gave best advice
@jphase yes
@NullPoiиteя haha yes I've read that both, you too bookmark those funny things
can we changed after we configured a server ? @jphase
@Mr.Alien lol yes atleast some of them stackoverflow.com/users/1723893/…
@samitha depending on your apache version you need to add this to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: NameVirtualHost *:80
@NullPoiиteя lol I will star that as well
@samitha then after that you add a VirtualHost declaration. Read this for reference: digitalocean.com/community/articles/…
it's outdated but surprisingly works fine for latest versions lol
(at least on the vhost part)
@jphase can we use a working FQDN ?
@samitha the ServerAlias is the line you need and FQDN is preferred there yes
(Sorry for a MySQL question in PHP room and also for being it a bit long)

I am developing a job portal web application where every job has a location field which can be just a province (kabul) or multiple (kabul, balkh, samangan, ...).

I have structured my table that accepts just one province per job and for multiple provinces I am just putting a "multiple" value.

But this is not true, because on the front page in somewhere I need to show the jobs for every province. I need to have and save IDS of all provinces which the job is targeted in.
@samitha here's an example from my config: pastebin.ws/aj18wh
so what will happed if that FQDN is already hosted via another host like bluehost
@samitha I usually "hack" my hosts file to tell my computer to ignore that. edit your /etc/hosts file (or c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or some lame shit on windows)
@samitha then you can tell your computer www.blah.com
@samitha and that will make www.blah.com resolve locally.... would change to your server's ip address otherwise
@JamshidHashimi tried grabbing values for a drop down / select box using SELECT DISTINCT province FROM tablename ?
@jphase when posting job, user have a multi select box. He/she can choose one or multiple provinces.
meh, maybe I don't understand your question @JamshidHashimi :-\
are you just needing every value from the database or do you want the user to input any ol' province? @JamshidHashimi
user will have a multi select box when posting a job and I am asking how to save this information efficiently so that can retrieve it back fast.
@JamshidHashimi save rows for each, or you can have comma separated ids
^^^^^ what he said
form arrays, comma delimited IDs in an ajaxified input, etc.
god this chat is like nerd crack
@Mr.Alien I thought about saving it as separated IDs but I will have hundred thousands of records and, will that be an issue when retrieving job postings according to provinces?
@Mr.Alien also I am not sure if MySQL can index those comma separated fields.
@JamshidHashimi sounds like you might need either a relational table, or you could add your delimiter (comma or otherwise) to the beginning and end of your list of IDs and do a MySQL search for ,province,
the latter of the two being a ghetto approach
@JamshidHashimi save millions, mysql is capable of doing that quiet well
but if you are using comma separated, I have used in one of the system I've made, the thing is you need to explode and implode every time you update the rows, so make sure that task doesn't bloat your code
yeah, and don't you need to add a delimiter to the beginning and end of your string if it's a column?
otherwise searching for 1 would match both 1,3,5 and 11,3,5
@Mr.Alien I will go with saving the IDs using comma separated.
@jphase good question. How you did search for that field in your application? do you remember?
yes, using , is good, we also have a function in mysql which can add values and remove values which are separated by , but unfortunately it leaves , there and just gets rid of the values, so better fetch, explode, add ids, implode and save that to the db
@jphase nope, 1 won't match both
I guess I was thinking about using LIKE '%1%' which might not be the best approach
@jphase no, use FIND_IN_SET
I've done this ghetto before (without relational tables) and had to add , before and after the list of IDs
thx @Mr.Alien :)
@Mr.Alien this FIND_IN_SET will save life. Thank you :)
man, I sorta wish I knew about this about 5 years ago
@JamshidHashimi you welcome :) @jphase I used it here cid: quratek, u: administrator, p:raxnux413
@hakre morning :9
@hakre was about to ping you that its being a long tym seeing you in this room
@Mr.Alien yes I had some nice days without any computer on the countryside.
@hakre ohh, yea, I know how good it feels
@Mr.Alien someone else's question?
@jphase ?
oh you just posted a link... I'm a stackoverflow chat nub so idk
@jphase it's called close vote please, we close junk questions to prevent other users posting answers and helping help vampires, thus it prevents spreading such disease ;)
so I uh.... "down arrow it" ?
@jphase flag it
why lynda.com not yet providing the the Yii tutorial, can i find any similar..??
@SobinAugustine better yiiframework.com/doc
@jphase you need to flag unless and until you reach 3K mmmmm not sure, I guess its 3K to close vote a question
@NullPoiиteя ya its good, but any video tutorials?
@SobinAugustine dont know, i dont use video tutorial ..but i always found official source better
@samitha this is from a CA that's well known? Like, non-self-signed cert?
can we setup it in the localhost ?
no, you need a FQDN for that
morning all
I mean, you can self-sign your cert, but if it comes from a real CA then you need the FQDN for that
@NullPoiиteя okay
@jphase i changed the localhost to domain but when i access through other PC it not connected
@samitha is your domain's A record pointed to the server ip?
how can i do it ?
@SobinAugustine here is a free tip: dont use Yii
variadics and unpacking is sailing through a vote :D
@samitha what's your domain?
@samitha or if you don't want to say in chat, then login to GoDaddy or whatever shows up as the registrar when you type whois yourdomain.com or dig yourdomain.com ns and then change the zone file to point to the correct ip address
ツ (23:42) jeff@jbox ~ $ whois emetricssolutions.lk
whois: lk.whois-servers.net: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
woops, well now everyone knows my first name... hello friends :)
@samitha where did you purchase the domain emetricssolutions.lk ? or have you purchased it yet?
no no i don't want to purchase ot.i said it's just a domain name so i can change localhost name to that domain
hi all
when i setup it in the ubuntu server i need to access to that domain though my network
can anyone help me in my issue?
@samitha what operating system are you on?
@phpLover I suppose we won't know until we know the issue
Q: How to display Colorbox popup in "jQuery ajax() Method" in following scenario?

phpLoverI'm using PHP, Smarty, jQuery, AJAX, Colorbox - a jQuery lightbox, etc. for my website. There is some old code done using jQuery AJAX method to display the message in popup using standard jQuery library functions. Now I want to replace that typical popup using Colorbox popup. In short Iwant to ch...

This is my issue.
> Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.
@phpLover this as nothing to do with PHP, please try JavaScript room
@phpLover it's not a php quez
so where should i ask ths?
can you suggest me?
phpLover - jQuery chat... I can help you in a sec though
@phpLover you can make your code more readable by calling function in switch case instead writing hundreds of lines
I'll respond to your post in a sec
@phpLover which part of "please try JavaScript room" what indecipherable ?
@samitha are you trying to access this domain from your ubuntu box (the site is hosted on the ubuntu box?) or from another computer?
@jphase my server ip is and i named the localhost to bla bla bla. normally i'm accessing the server via ip so now i need to access my server via bla bla bla
@samitha vim /etc/hosts and add this line: emetricssolutions.lk
@samitha oh ... you probably will need sudo in front of that
hi people, it's possible to have a script/site where a user have access data and if is logged so i have everytime his location? This is only for smartphones. If i call some url then need to see this ip's and show on a google map, possible with php?
it's not working
i hope you are aware that the IP is from a LAN
oh shit
@tereško so ?
I assumed you were needing local access
i forgotten
@samitha go to ipaddress.com and change the ip in hosts to that
@samitha then setup your DMZ settings in your router
@samitha you setup DMZ stuff b4?
network admin will do it for me
no fair, you have minions
I had to learn this stuff the hard way :~(
Q: Question Showing Twice in Favorites List

cryptic ツI was viewing NullPoiиteя's favorites when I noticed it was showing an item twice. Screenshot for those too lazy to visit above link: The questions are the same, but for some reason it appears twice. So yeah...

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