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@BenBeri Only if you don't build the SQL well enough to not allow that to happen.
You can either do an atomic update outside of a transaction, or use a transaction and deal with the possibility of a dupe key error gracefully on commit.
I am trying to deploy my Laravel PHP web application but I am kinda stuck and don't know what to do
@NikiC My thinking is perhaps they need to do some cleanup and then added the extra error before rethrowing? Haven't looked at the code yet, but that could be a possibility.
@Eenvincible "kill it before it lays eggs" comes to mind as a valid strategy
Tell me more about that
Oh no
Stas is reviving the default parameter skipping thing
I wonder how many people feel the same about scalar types at this point ^^
> Yes, they complement one another. Both exist because of horrible APIs. But I don’t think we should encourage horrible APIs.

> I don’t want to end up with the Windows API, except in PHP style:

> `CreateWindowEx($foo, default, default, $bar, 0, 0, 100, 100, default, default, default, default);`

> For well-designed functions, there is no need to skip parameters, either with a default keyword or with named parameters.

> So it’s a firm -1 from me. The solution to horrid APIs isn’t to add kludges to the language that make them slightly less painful. The solution is to fix them, or add new A
@AndreaFaulds I'd say we kill it with fire, but merge the part of the patch that's helpful for named params :P
@NikiC I say kill both with fire.
@AndreaFaulds named parameters are nice even if there are not many arguments
Named parameters mean the variable name of the parameter is now important.
even a single boolean parameter can benefit from named params
There are plenty of cases of mismatched parameter names in inheritance.
@NikiC Then add Objective-C-style named parameters.
@NikiC Then it shouldn't be a boolean, it should be an enum.
Did I just hear enum in php?
@NikiC It's on my list of things to do.
and named params are also useful if you have two optional params
two optional params is, imho, not too much
@LeviMorrison Also, our manual, doc comments, code and arginfo structs aren't in sync... and then there's manual translations D:
If you really, really want named parameters, DIY with reflection ;)
@Danack "Closed" state should only be used for things that have been implemented
I'm not sure why Nikita seems so gung-ho about named parameters. Care to elaborate, @NikiC?
@LeviMorrison We were all young once :p
@NikiC crap. So what should it be then?
@Danack wontfix usually?
Or Not A Bug depending.
It's kinda wishy-washy, unfortunately ^^
You know
We should rename "Closed" to "Fixed"
bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55617 - We need a "drugs are bad m'kay".
That would prevent us from keeping on making this screwup
@AndreaFaulds Do you haz the karma?
maybe bugs should be marked as "closed" only if the fix has been merged in a released version
@LeviMorrison Hmm... lemme see. No, I don't think so, at least if it requires changing the source
I'd probably ping one or two people before doing it; maybe Hannes
But I think it's a good measure.
@LeviMorrison There was a time when I was thinking a lot about API design and found that in some cases named parameters are the only elegant way to expression an API that I've found.
"The APDs are connected to CFD channels of a TCSPC followed by a TAC and an ADC" ... this is very helpful :/
Okay. Given parameter mismatches and documentation not matching internals, etc, do you really think it's worth it?
@LeviMorrison Named params have always implied updating arginfo
Whether that is worth it? I think it should be done regardless anyway
@NikiC I think you should just use an array in that case
Ada has named parameters. It's really nice... you don't have to think about the order of arguments, just about what the arguments should be. The order should be an implementation detail, if I may say.
It's even easier than ever with PHP 7, we have ?? :)
@AndreaFaulds how do you typehint?
@FlorianMargaine Hack-style shapes, which we sadly do not yet have. ;)
or just named parameters...
Though these kinds of functions tend to have lots of scalar parameters
So type hints wouldn't be very useful
not necessarily
any function is useful
as I said, I don't see why we should bother with arguments order.
Objective-C has a different kind of named parameters which I think might be good
Where you must name them
@FlorianMargaine That would suck when you pass a callback around. If they have different named params, and you haven't defined the param order, you are completely borked.
@Danack uh.. I don't get it. Example?
@FlorianMargaine thusly:
$foobar = funciton($foo, $bar) {
	return $foo.$bar;

$barfoo = funciton($bar, $foo) {
	return $bar.$foo;

if (rand(0, 1)) {
	$callback = $barfoo;
else {
	$callback = $foobar;

$callback('A', 'B');

//This always returns "AB" as the params order defines the param, er order. How would you do that with named params?
you don't have to use named params...
Named params are used where appropriate
You don't start doing all your calls using named params
In that case @FlorianMargaine perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by "I don't see why we should bother with arguments order."
@Danack ah. In most cases, yes. In very dynamic cases, as you're mentioning, of course they're not fit.
Yeah....but you can never tell how people are going to be calling your code.
if you define an API using named params, then you clearly define your API... I don't see the problem there
anyway, gotta go. Cya.
@FlorianMargaine If you're going to do that, I think you need to go the whole way and do something like:
$settings = $api->getDefaultFooSettings();
$settings['foo'] = 'bar';
$settings['omg'] = 'bbq';
And have all the named stuff contained in a struct/array/class.
For scalar hints I'm considering having THREE votes.
i) strict ?
@AndreaFaulds and 3 against
the usual ones
1) Should the per-file strict/weak behaviour be accepted? Yes/No 2/3 majority
2) Failing that, should the weak behaviour be accepted?
3) Failing that, should the strict behaviour be accepted?
You need to get someone who is in favour of the strict behaviour to add an argument for it to the RFC before doing that.
That's basically my order of preference. I actually would like strict hints for my own code, honestly. But I'm a pragmatist: Ultimately, I just want scalar hints, and I think optional weak behaviour is best for compatibility and consistency.
I would go with "strict"
if you have a type-hint, it should be enforced
if there is no hint, then nobody cares
Weak hints are between no hint and a strict hint
Actually, I'd probably need four votes:
it would be really lame if function foo(int $a, DomDocument $b) would have weak enforcment for first and strong for the second paramenter
1) Should numeric strings with trailing characters not be accepted for zend_parse_parameters, and thus weak hints? Yes/No 2/3 majority
2) Should the per-file strict/weak type hint behaviour be accepted? Yes/No 2/3 majority
3) Failing that, should the weak behaviour be accepted?
4) Failing that, should the strict behaviour be accepted?
the behavior should be uniform
@AndreaFaulds You also need to have a vote for the alternative syntax for weak typehints, to allow for strict typehints later.
@Danack I don't like that idea, so I won't have a vote on it.
wanna "weak" type-hinting ?
Of all the possibilities, mix-and-match seems like the worst...
@param $foo int
function bar($foor) {}
That's not week, that's unenforced
There's a difference.
In terms of implementation, strict is the easiest, followed by weak, followed by per-file
@tereško It's worse than that - for the weak typehint idea, it coerces the value into an int, even if it wasn't.....so it throws data away.
@AndreaFaulds per-file? wtf.
@Danack It doesn't necessarily discard data.
@bwoebi It's not as crazy as it might seem initially.
@AndreaFaulds that first one doesn't belong in this rfc
It's crazier.......and yes it does discard data.
@Danack How so?
and you need 4 options anyway, because there's "No" as well
=] yaaaaay! it my bday
@AndreaFaulds how so?
@RonniSkansing my condolences
@NikiC Er, no. It's four separate votes.
@AndreaFaulds oh, I get it now
I could make it into one multiple-choice vote. That might be fairer, actually.
Since otherwise if everyone voted for strict, weak could win if less but still enough people voted for it
@tereško thanks [=
Which scalar type hints approach should be accepted and implemented? The approach with the most votes, if it has a 2/3 majority, will be accepted. If no approach reaches a 2/3 majority, no approach is accepted. Please vote for at least one of the following:
1) Per-file strict/weak type hints? Yes/No
2) Weak hints? Yes/No
3) Strict hints? Yes/No
So this way, if both strict and weak got 2/3 majorities (hah!), the one with more votes gets in.
@AndreaFaulds why not one vote with four options? and ability to multi-select
@NikiC Because you'd need 3 Yes and 3 No options
@AndreaFaulds huh?
@NikiC Otherwise, one approach must have a 2/3 majority over all other approaches
@AndreaFaulds hm, maybe
you could say 2/3 over the no column
or not? maybe not
this is too complicated for me :D
@NikiC Yeah, but then you can't vote No against something you particularly dislike
Only No to scalar hints altogether, which nobody would vote for
Don't address me with both my first and last name
It's like you're my parents or you're mad at me or something
At least in here, that is the auto-complete.
@Danack Oh, I'm fine with @AndreaFaulds. I mean in emails. It's weird
That was sort of a "subtweet" at Marcio Armada, though he doesn't read SO :p
@AndreaFaulds Should we call you Ms. Faulds instead? :P
@NikiC Hah. It only bothers me when I'm addressed directly, not when I'm mentioned
"Andrea Faulds, ..." sounds weird. Nobody says that IRL
Now, in a conversation concerning me you might use my full name, if I'm talking about you I might say "Nikita Popov is by far the best internals contributor, he should be given all the things"
as there are other "contributors" named Nikita
But nevermind. This is me venting on SO chat about a tiny thing that only very slightly bugs me :p
no in informal conversation using full name is slightly weird
Oh sure
But ranting about it is silly.
By the way
An advantage of per-file strictness for scalar hints is that we can fix zpp's behaviour ^^
Or, well, you get strictness for zpp if you want it.
@NikiC @Andrea is right I think… we need the three votes (while vote 1 IMO is nonsense…)
@NikiC And what about inheritance mismatch?
@LeviMorrison Liskov will be unhappy :p
Parameter names don't affect Liskov in the general sense.
Just types.
@LeviMorrison Well, it means $list->add(foo => 'bar'); might work yet not $listSubclass->add(foo => 'bar');
That's my point.
But you said it doesn't affect Liskov?
They aren't currently required to match because it doesn't need to for anything we support.
In fact, until recently we didn't even prevent multiple parameters from having the same name in certain parts...
Right, I mean that if we don't enforce them matching with named parameters, it'd be a pretty big LSP violation, right?
I think the problem is named parameters, not the mismatched names.
Well, either way, their introduction would cause a problem ^^
I think it's a bad feature in the general sense (kinda like goto).
which reminds me that I still don't support variadics -.-
@Ocramius What do you mean?
nah, just random thoughts about reflection stuff
I think @AndreaFaulds articulated most of my concerns quite well in her email
@AndreaFaulds yup
@ircmaxell I was hoping for that :D
It was a bit, er, (the word's escaped me), though
Oh, by the way, here is a specific example where I prefer the FAST_ZPP:
#ifndef FAST_ZPP
        if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "f!+", &fci, &fci_cache, &arrays, &n_arrays) == FAILURE) {
                Z_PARAM_FUNC_EX(fci, fci_cache, 1, 0)
                Z_PARAM_VARIADIC('+', arrays, n_arrays)
@ircmaxell My email was a bit <bad in some way>, there's a word I'm looking for.
The FAST_ZPP stuff makes more sense to me; however there are still some eyebrows on what some things mean exactly.
> Neither probably would be a majority of Python users. Or Ruby users. Of
course, you can say all these people are horrible programmers who know
nothing about designing APIs, but I'm afraid if you exclude all these
from consideration when you design language features I'll get pretty
ahhh, yet another shutdown argument
ECMAScript 6 doesn't add named parameters. It add something better, though
They're adding what's essentially pattern-matching for arguments where it's an object
function foobar({foo, bar}) { ... }
Which matches against the existing pattern: foobar({foo: 1, bar: 2})
We could do something similar, options arrays are already common in PHP code.
that's not pattern matching
it's just object expansion into local variables
Erm, I'm pretty sure I've heard people say it's not good.
@ircmaxell It's similar but more limited in scope
it's quite different
@LeviMorrison Yeah, it might not be a good idea. Interesting approach, though.
@ircmaxell How so? Pattern-matched parameters would be the same.
Maybe I should've said destructuring. Still.
Prelude> let foo (a, b) = a
Prelude> let x = (1, 2)
Prelude> :t x
x :: (Num t1, Num t) => (t, t1)
Prelude> foo x
pattern matching is a distinct concept that is FAR more powerful and fundamentally different from what's going on there. Yes, you could use pattern matching for it, but not the other way around
@ircmaxell I see your point. I should've said "destructuring".

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