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I don't normally endorse account requests, but when I do:
> I have met Mr. Ackroyd in person and can confirm he is of fine character.
@AndreaFaulds Lies.
@Danack OK, you were probably drunk at the time, and you look nothing like your profile picture.
BUT if I can get an account, you deserve one...
I think it's a pretty good likeness actually.
Real Dan has hair
2 hours later…
@NikiC Oh yeah, for the remove hex numerics RFC, you need a spec patch too since this affects stuff the specification covers.
Does anyone know how to get PhpStorm to not freak out and complain about invalid XML tags? I am creating an opensearch.xml file and it says none of the tags exist. =o(
I don't want to disable that inspection project-wide, since want to to find invalid ones, but how do I have it either recognize those ones or at least disable it for that file?
That should be possible with a scope - jetbrains.com/phpstorm/help/scope.html though I tend to just get annoyed and turn the whole inspection off....
ok I see what is going on. The file is opensearch.xml.twig, PS is treating it as an HTML file, I remove the .twig portion and it validates fine. So I think I need to add .xml.twig as an XML extension? Does PS allows .ext.ext matching?
but need it to also still run twig inspections =o\
I don't think you can have both at once. But you it looks like the inspections is easy to include files with double extensions in editor/file types/ignore files and folders
PhpStorm has too many settings to know about =o(
4 hours later…
@DaveRandom pong
@DaveRandom do it
If you have a page using SSL, will the browser try to use https before http if you just type say, google.com?
Or will it just use http, and you'll have to force https?
the server must redirect to SSL endpoint ...
bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-30670746 this is down the road from me, so going to have a look ...
Good afternoon ! ^_^
I really wish I had a DSLR today ...
=[ Sunday..
Hey, please tell me someone is around :(
@MatthewH Wha's up?
I'm just having some major issues with TIMESTAMPDIFF() :(
Someone is wanting me to use it for their project (console fixes) and I can't seem to get it.
Here's how I query it.
mysqli_query($this->db, "SELECT id, ConsoleSerial, CustomerName, HarddriveSize, ConsoleType, Date` FROM warranties WHERE ConsoleSerial='$serialN'");`
However I need the Date to be displayed as that date and now.
So the time difference.
And check to see if it's 10 day trial is over :P
If that makes sense
But I can't seem to get it, and it's really starting to piss me off.
What do you mean by "can't seem to get it", exactly? That doesn't tell me what you did get from the query or what you expected to get.
I'm not sure how to do it efficiently in the PHP
People say run TIMESTAMPDIFF in the MySQL
But I can't seem to figure it out
everything works correctly. I can display the date if I want. I just need to figure out how to find the ways between that date in the db and the current date.
No idea what the inefficiencies are that you're talking about, but if this is a DateTime field in MySQL you get it back as a string in PHP, which you can use in DateTime's constructor. So for PHP $diff = (new DateTime($date))->diff(new DateTime);. As for MySQL you can use SELECT DATEDIFF(Date, NOW()) AS diff...
Hi there can anyone help me over a table issue?
(row 1) emptytd1 td2(assignment)..
(row 2) td1(name) td2(checkbox)..
i have the table constructed in that format
(tr 1) emptytd1 td2(assignment)
(tr2) td1(name) td2(checkbox)
to see if my checkbox in td2 should be checked, i need the tr1 td2's value
@user4269367 Can you provide an actual valid schema? I can't make sense of your pseudo code.
tr refers to a row and td is a column
its like im in row number 2 in the table and i need to grab the corresponding column in ROW number 1
oh, I thought you're talking about a database table.
context helps
oh sorry, i was refering to html tables
as you can see from the picture, i need to check my sql database to see if i should render a checked checkbox or non checked
you could see from the perspective that i need to check whether the user has submitted his assignment or not
in order to do that, i need both the userid AND the asignment value/id (which is in row number 1 same column
the userid is easy to get
because its in the same query, but the assignment id is in row number 1, which is in a separate php query
I'm confused. What exactly do you need help with here? A database query? HTML? Javascript? PHP?
I can't make heads or tails of this question.
It's all over the place
yeah its quite hard to explain but the simplest way to say it is that the picture is something which i created
@user4269367 What is the PHP part that you're struggling with?
the issue currently is
i need to get a value located in row number 1
or so to say in another php while loop
because you see the dynamic values in row 1 and row 2 are generated by separate php queries
separate php while loops
Sounds like someone needs to learn how to use a JOIN.
I only see one while loop in your question.
nono im refering to html tables
not the database
Huh? What does the HTML table have to do with your PHP?
this is my row 1:
<tr id="Row1">
<td class="space">&nbsp;</td>
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT assignment,a_id FROM assignments WHERE groupid=0");
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo'<td class="columnname" id="'.$row['a_id'].'" contenteditable="true">'.$row['assignment'].'</td>';


and this query produces row 2
$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT name,memberid_fk FROM groupsort INNER JOIN members ON groupsort.memberid_fk=members.memberid WHERE group_id_fk=0");
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
echo' <tr id="Row2">';
echo' <td>';

$query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT submitted FROM userassignment WHERE userid=".$row['memberid_fk']." and groupid=0");
if ($row2['submitted']==0){
echo' <td>';
echo' <input type="checkbox" name="red" />';
But as you can from this query: $query=mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT name,memberid_fk FROM groupsort INNER JOIN members ON groupsort.memberid_fk=members.memberid WHERE group_id_fk=0");
this query is not enough, as i have to add in the corresponding assignment id as well
which is generated in row 1's query
So in other words, you want to do another JOIN and don't know how?
nono not a join
but grab a value from another php query
means row 2's php grab value from row1
Why? Why not just write 1 query?
because i have 2 rows
and multiple columns
haha i followed the tutorial here:
this one is without the php
so to make it dynamic, i while looped the first row and while looped the first column
i did think that i could display the same table with one query but not very sure with what structure
I'm not sure why you're trying to make this any more complicated than it needs to be, but your problem is as simple as pie. You just seem to think that the only way to solve it is to use 2 queries. That's not true. You can use 1 query to get what you want.
is it with jOIN?
That depends.
I could INNER join both tables since they share the same userid
So far I have no idea what your schema looks like, no clue what your code looks like, and absolutely no idea what you want.
but displaying the html table might be an issue
So I can be about as helpful as a chair at this poit.
Displaying the HTML table has nothing to do with your query. You need to separate the two concerns.
Stop confusing the responsibility of the query with the responsibility of your HTML output.
yeah but after i get the columns from the mysql query, i will need to find out how to plonk the values into a table with a single loop
especially with the tr and td
This is exactly why you're struggling with this right now.
yeah exactly
especially if i have to provide the option of users being able to add more columns as well
so together... becomes a conceptualizing issue
One problem at a time. Stop trying to solve all your problems in one go. This is exactly why you're struggling right now.
allright i solve the php query and get the correct query first one sec
hi sherif
Is that supposed to be out of sync?
It should either be sync or drop.
cant solve the previous using simply one query
guess the loops wont work to get the kind of values i need
but anyway thanks!
would properly find a hack something like auto increment 1, 2, 3
@user4269367 Why not? Where's the schema and the query you tried?
i used inner joins, full outer joins left joins right joins
Failure is not a reason to give up. It's all more the reason to learn something new.
@user4269367 Show us? We can't help you solve a problem without seeing the problem.
Its something like this, i have an assignments table, i have a members table and i have another userassignment table that tracks whether user submitted the assignment
so basically, the assignments table stores information about each assignment, (the name, time added, and every assignment has an auto incremented ID)
@user4269367 Great, now show us the actual code so we can help you rather than use rhetoric and pray you'll guess right.
the members table stores information of every member inside the group

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>

td {
padding-right: 15px
.space {
padding-right: 75px;
$(document).ready(function () {
I'm simply asking for the schema to your tables involved in this problem and the query you tried that didn't work.
Can you put those in a pastebin?
how do you create a schema?
allright nevermind
@AndreaFaulds looks like the tests deal with 32bit systems by ignoring them...
good mornings
very good morning @hak
mon ring
@NikiC Quite a few do, yes. That situation was made worse by me.
good morning
was fun.
PHP - combining the good parts of C and Java since 1995
Hey, I need some help, anyone who can help? :)
PHP - The security of C with the fabulous syntax of perl.
Guys, how do you..
When do you even use the use keyword?
mostly, when I am fed up with writing the fully-qualified class name and want to alias it to something shorter
Can someone help me with this question, please?: stackoverflow.com/questions/27765463/…
Man, that's one messy question.
@user2604185 Dude, code should be beautiful. While it may be run by a machine, it is meant to be consumed by humans. Look at the difference in the clarity of your question between my edit and yours.
I love how he just went and made the question less clear again.
Could one deploy to xampp localhost with Storm?
@NikiC will do
Deploy to xampp localhost? How does one deploy to localhost, exactly?
You hit save, and you've pretty much deployed, haven't you?
@Sherif I just wanted to make it analogous to using a VM. Other than that, you are correct.
@nosille Other than what exactly?
@Sherif I didn't express myself correctly.
Why try to make xampp analogous to using a VM? Why not just use a VM?
When I show people how quickly they can get vagrant up and running on their local machine vs. how long it takes to get XAMPP working the way they want, they usually never touch XAMPP again.
@Sherif Not enough RAM currently. Needs at least 8 gigs.
@nosille How much RAM do you have? I can get a linux box with a basic php stack running with less than 500MB of RAM.
/me chuckles
@Sherif getting it running while keeping the rest of the OS operational is a different story.
4 GB
I could run 4 VMs with Windows humming on 4G.
What OS are you using as the host?
@Sherif I tried, PC freezes
Yea, you're not me though.
and keep in mind I allowed the VM just one.
Are you using Windows as your host OS?
But have done the same on a 4 GB MAc
and it turned out even worse
And what cpu do you have? Is it an i7/i3?
Dual core Celeron @3300
Ahh, there's your problem right there.
Celerons have no virtualization technology.
And an overclockec celeron just means you have no cache whatsoever.
This is the budy
RAM is definitely not your problem here
@Sherif how do you know I don't have cache?
Because I know what a Celeron's L1 cache does :)
@Sherif I got poor results on the Mac as well, which had an up-to-date cpu.
These things were built for mobile devices. They sacrifice cache for speed.
@Sherif First time I hear of such thing.
Have no idea what an "up-to-date" cpu is. That means nothing to me, but RAM is definitely not an issue when you have no virtualization technology.
I don't know the model.
I don't even know if Macs come with Intels by default.
You can check your BIOS to see if you have virtualization technology support on your CPU. Some motherboards will have it disabled in the BIOS by default.
That is going to make a much bigger difference in performance than RAM could ever possibly make.
@nosille The new ones do
Let me look into this. I am pretty new to it.
Unless you have a Mac from 2007 or something, you're likely using an intel based CPU. Otherwise you might on PowerPC
Are those still around?
Possibly. I imagine someone still owns one.
Some people actually liked PPC. I just can't understand why on earth Apple ever thought that was a good idea for their target customer base.
trial an error
No, just stupid management.
@Sherif Ok, let me look around my BIOS and I'll BRB to report.
@NikiC Your wish is my command.
anybody willing to review an autoconf related bugfix(github.com/php/php-src/pull/975)?
I think it is ok, but some more eyeballs would be welcome
Sep 14 '14 at 0:29, by DaveRandom
@AndreaFaulds how good are you at m4 (specifically for autoconf, if that matters)
Sep 14 '14 at 0:29, by Danack
entire room flees in terror
@Danack Not terribly. But I do understand it a little better because I had to mess with it as part of bigints
I fear for your customers who are adding funds and paying real money with those SQL injection vulnerabilities. — Second Rikudo 12 secs ago
Sometimes there's a really nice and mature discussion around the future of PHP and new and exciting features.
And then there's that ^^
@NikiC I'm firmly of the "drop" opinion: you can auto-generate phpt versions.
@SecondRikudo This is only temporary code, we will turn it into PDO later. — Ankit Bhatnagar 51 secs ago
This just gets better and better.
@AndreaFaulds have fun leaving them unread…
Good Morning Folks'
@bwoebi Marking most of them as read... someone's been busy with php-langspec. I suspect it was @NikiC ^^
See, anyone subscribed to the standards list gets an email on pull request activity
is there a way to backtrack where this error comes from? "Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object"
i get only this one error
it means that your mysqli instance actually is null
the statement prepare failed
i know the error, thanks. It's propobly because other class returned null somewhere etc... but backtrace ?
turn on error reporting and look at your error log, and you'll see a warning about a query error
@SecondRikudo Dont comment any more. Thanks for the help...but actually I dont want from you now. And it seems that you are very arrogant and Selfish person, who don`t want to help others...only want to make joke of them. So please stay of this... — Ankit Bhatnagar 20 secs ago
Aaaaaand game set and match.
I'd say turn on exceptions, but this isn't PDO
error log gives me more than this output error?
How to access or output that log? I use remote server provided..
> Also of fine beard. I understand he is also a kitten fancier.
it's a warning
@AndreaFaulds you can enambe exceptions for mysqli too
@DaveRandom This "@Danack" fellow sounds quite fine.
@tereško Ah, there we go :)
@tereško oO
Why is it mysqli_sql_exception and not, well, MySQLiSQLException?!
@ircmaxell you get surprised about it every 6 month or so =P
@tereško :-D
@AndreaFaulds For the same reason mysqli_stmt::bind_param
I'm looking for the best minds in the entire world, for a brainstorming.
topic ?
or better.. Problem ?
@FlorianMargaine So you came to the PHP room?
you guys got an idea for an extension's name allowing you to use gpg to have encrypted conversations on SO chat, or using gpg on gmail?
(j/k, it was a low hanging fruit though)
what is gpg and SO
@FlorianMargaine Wait, you asked PHP folks to name things?
13 secs ago, by animaacija
what is gpg and SO
@SecondRikudo yeah. I'm that kind of crazy.
hm... what about PGC - Pretty Good Conversations
PGP means Pretty Good Privacy...
If anyone have a windows box near them, please could you run the following code and give the output? I'm just checking if an old bug is valid:
php -r 'exec(escapeshellcmd("echo foo | bar"), $a, $b); var_dump($a, $b);'
@DaveRandom ^
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, but GPG means GNU Privacy Guard
gpg implements the pgp protocol
How about PGSOCE?
Pretty Good SO Chat Encryption
it won't be for SO only
miaou at first, then gmail
@FlorianMargaine how about new protocol? brainstorm about that?
I'll see later for SO
something like keys sent over ssl using certificates, hmm, not safe.
although, once miaou will be done, doing it for SO wouldn't be very hard.
@FlorianMargaine PGCE then
it's basically duplicating this for SO...
I have this sneaking suspicion that "animaacija" is from Latvia
@SecondRikudo I will make it work on gmail too
@FlorianMargaine PGE then :P
@FlorianMargaine what exactly is your goal ?
@tereško finding a name.
unless I don't get your question
no, I mean, why do you think that you need PGP
I already know that, I've started implementing it, it already works on miaou

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