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well, this brought it up
@PaulCrovella You tell them why and give an alternative - the question still deserves an answer on how to do it though, regardless of whether or not it's good. But as well as showing how you would do it, you would also show why you wouldn't and what you would do instead
Hey guys I have a doubt about PHP.
@Wally We all have a doubt about PHP.
Why don't many people coding in PHP use an orm?
Because they don't need to, it's not the right tool for the job, or they don't know how or what an ORM is
I personally find doctrine greatly simplifies crud stuff and makes it easy to adhere to best practices throughout my codebase - but some don't think an ORM is needed for CRUD. I disagree because of the time saved using it but still
Many government sites made in PHP are being hacked using SQL injection. Using an ORM would be an obvious choice.
In India i.e,
But they don't use one. Maybe cos they don't know about one
@Jimbo Do you use an ORM
What are you guys talking about? Most people use an ORM even if they shouldn't (that is, if you are counting Active Record as ORM...). Every framework comes bundled with something...
Argh I am learning some basics about OO PHP programming. I start getting the flow how it works but not yet how to easily generate some examples that interact with some HTML to see more realistic examples.
@Wally Yeah I do
@Patrick When "shouldn't" you use an orm?
Please someone get this out of my head :'( had it for 3 days now
@Jimbo And he prays!
@Jimbo try this
oh my god do I pray
*screams* <--- best bit
That's one of the oldest videos I have in terms of when I aquired it
I think it's a real media video
That's how old it is
@Jimbo when you don't have good a reason to use one? something something burden of proof
@Patrick haha, well like I said... I use it because it's already integrated, just works, and it's fast to develop with
SOAP on a Monday makes me :(
@Jimbo lots of overhead, makes debugging harder and slower. some things can't be done with it or only with a lot of extra work. That being said, we also use doctrine at work
I have a php class for a wordpress plugin
now inside that I'm doing a require once and things not loading properly
will u guys plz check it and let me know wheere I'm doing the mistake?
Define: 'things are not loading properly'.
but its purely php
then go ahead
should I place the whole class here?
but don't hurt my eyes with the_loop or something like that :)
or put it some place else and gv the link?
Not here, please use something like paste.jesse-obrien.ca or a Gist file.
hi all
I have some pdo queries, but not using same data "system"
i mean :
problem is definately happening with line 62
require_once I guess
What is going wrong, what is the error you receive?
check this
when u load the page
u wont see any content, let me check the log
You don't have to hit enter every few words. There's no timeout in this chat.
@iSaumya i would recommend that you put your requires etc at the top of the file and not inside a method/class
500 Internal Server Error - GET - 15-seo-tips-rank-well-search-engines/
this is the error: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function isMobile() on a non-object in /home/isaumya/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adsense-country-specific/adsense-co‌​untry-specific.php on line 211
but putting require outside constructor calling is not working properly
thats why I put it inside the constructor'
First Query :

$list = ---some dynamic array---;
$place_holders = implode(',',array_fill(0,count($list),'?'));
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN($place_holders)");

Second Query :

$type = ---some var---;
$query2 = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE type = :type");
I would put it on top. ( Like @Patrick says )
I'ts not related to the require (directly)
@iSaumya read the error message :)
need to merge distinct these 2 queries... any way to do this?
You're trying to use $detect in a method in which it hasn't been defined
@Julo0sS If there is no relation between the two why would you need to merge them?
but I've defined the $detect as public inside the class
@PeeHaa because they may return sometimes the same database entry
so what r u suggesting? to use the require statement before startinmg the class?
and then create $ detect?
@Julo0sS Oh it's the same table
@PeeHaa yes :)
@iSaumya: But when you create/use the variable, you use $detect, not $this->detect - so it's a local variable, not a class variable
@PeeHaa cuz, 1st query uses placeholders, and second does not
Put in on top of your file.
And instantiate it where you need it?
@Julo0sS WAT!? O_o
Both use placeholders...
first query looks like : "SELECT BLABLA... IN (?,?,?)..."
second looks like :"SELECT BLABLA... WHERE type = 2"
No it does not
It looks like:
3 mins ago, by Julo0sS
First Query :

$list = ---some dynamic array---;
$place_holders = implode(',',array_fill(0,count($list),'?'));
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN($place_holders)");

Second Query :

$type = ---some var---;
$query2 = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE type = :type");
Both use placeholders
is this ok now:
		$this->detect = new Mobile_Detect;
and the use of placeholders, or lack thereof, is irrelevant
@PeeHaa first has a "?,?,?" string, second has a ":var"... thats what I don't get... how to merge this?
@iSaumya: As long as you change the other instances of $detect too, then yes that should work
but still getting error
$detect = new Mobile_Detect;
@Julo0sS For starters both are placeholders. Secondly just rewrite the latter to also use unnamed placeholders
@iSaumya: The same error, or a different one?
It's just another question mark and an extra entry in the data array
nope things are working fine
Thanks man
So when I wrote $ detect inside the constructure, it was creating a local var named detect whose scope was only within the constructor?
@iSaumya also, please bookmark this and watch it at some point when you have time :) dependency injection
Dependency Injection and Wordpress don't work.
Just like Wordpress and PHP doesn't work.
@Jimbo but its working fine now
@Patrick sure man I will watch it
and read it
@Jimbo why not? he is calling the class himself. afaik you could even use composer inside a plugin or so, but then I haven't touched wordpress in a long time
@Patrick Wordpress comes with a mandatory installation of ebola
@Jimbo please show me on this doll where wordpress touched you
@PeeHaa think i did it... now need to test, but need to get all table fields but distinct id...
thank u guys for all of ur helps
this was a custom plugin
and thanks
> Server has been running: 1119 days, 10 hours, and 1 minutes
^ who says MS don't make stable OSes
what OS is there? NT 4.0 ? :p
@DaveRandom Nobody. We just dispute they make good ones. :p
people whose exposure is limited to win98se and earlier non-NT kernels
3 years ok
NT has its own stability issues.
Also, you shouldn't run a server for 3 years without patching
That's utterly reckless
Actually, why is NT more stable? Win9x ran in protected mode.
Win9x? Your IP? ping -l 32000 ?
New questions on meta, please chip in here.
@DaveRandom you haven't updated the server in 3 years?!
Servers typically don't need, or need a lot less restarts for updates
@DaveyShafik Maybe.
@FlorianMargaine Apparently not, but I haven't been maintaining it
hello everyone
Can someone suggest me how I can setup the easiest way a webform to put in those values ? The name and the bhp? paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1sCl
( This is an exercise for myself) but it would make it more logic when having some UI. So it says your 'BMW has 136 BHP '.
public function __toString()
    return sprintf('Your %s has %s BHP', $this->carname, $this->bhp);

echo new Car('BMW', 136);
@AndreaFaulds In response to @Duikboot
He has BMW 136 and want to show that
No i don't
But yeah that's what I am looking for but how can I get it in a HTML document the right way?
@DaveRandom I don't want to click any youtube links in this chat, even if it's not Friday :p
@Duikboot Use a framework, or "MVC"?
@Jimbo "MVC framework"
Nothing yet
@AlmaDo Not going there :P
paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1sCm Added a form... But now Im looking for the way how I can interact with it in my oo example.
@Duikboot that depends on what you are using to render a template
This currently all the code I have I don't want to focus on that templating thing. I want to focus me on OO programming. :)
@Duikboot well for that you need to separate the html from the php code (the template can use php templating syntax of course if you prefer that)
By using a template engine like Twig or so?
twig, mustache or even code a simple one yourself with include + extract (for the vars)
Already used that in your tutorial ;) Lets try to implement it.
Would you suggest using always an autoloader even when just learning oop?
yeah, I mean you should use one in your real projects too so it makes sense to learn what you are actually going to use later
@Duikboot also I just noticed: public $bhp; in the code you linked
whether or not you use an autoloader is irrelevant to learning oop, though I would recommend writing an autoloader at least once so you've got some idea what they're doing when you use those made by others
;) yeah doing some things to learn the differences. That's why I would like to setup fast some examples in html to exercise
Oh god
In six days' time, I'll have been working on bigints for half a year
@Duikboot very simple renderer (please add error checks etc if you use something like that)
Allright ok thanks a lot @Patrick
@AndreaFaulds As long as you finish it while the number of seconds still fits into an int64_t it won't cause any problems :-P
@Patrick How would you split up a project if you have to split it up in steps?
I am trying to create an example when starting from scratch. paste.jesse-obrien.ca/1sCB
@Duikboot pretty much as in my tutorial. but I'm guilty on developing on a local server instead of vagrant... I'll fix that some time "soon" :D
I just use the composer autoloading so that goes together
and some http abstraction helps before you add the router
first thing is usually error handling btw
oh ok :)
@AndreaFaulds From which we conclude that you have been procrastinating a lot :P
@NikiC Correct.
@DaveRandom Hah
I do work on it
But only occasionally, and I don't do much at a time
I just need to force myself to get back to Dmitry on peformance, do opcache, get through some extensions
Tests don't matter
Oh yeah, I need an array keys patch/RFC
The fabled third prerequisite RFC
Starred for shaming purposes
are there vagrant users here?
I usually look like a vagrant, does that count?
Uuuhmmmm.... yes
I installed my vagrant box. I did a vagrant up. I did vagrant.ssh
Is vagrant served with a basic yaml file or something to map folders and setup a path or something?
I actually have no idea, vagrant is one of those things that I've always been meaning to mess about with because everyone else is, but I haven't done it yet
I wonder what the ratio is of actual vagrant users to people who know they maybe should be using vagrant (because apparently you're supposed to now) but aren't.
I must admit that it sounds like something that's of limited use unless a whole team is using it, but I don't know that much about it so... I need to play with it and find out if I'm wrong
As usual, main issue is finding the time
I have 1001 other things to do which are more important (to me, anyway)
I played with it briefly and didn't find a problem it solved for me. Though I can see how it'd be nice if I was jumping into a team that used it.
Oh ok :D
It's so hard to invent excuses for killing time writte some sane comment on commits
@PaulCrovella I already just have a "blank" VM I use as a template when I need a new env, only takes a minute or two to set it, so I feel like it won't solve a problem for me as I don't really have one
@Duikboot Are you looking to sync folders from your local machine to the Vagrant VM?
@Duikboot All interactions between the guest and the host are done through the vagrant file, so add something like:
 config.vm.synced_folder "/temp", "/temp", mount_options: ["dmode=777,fmode=777"]
Hmmm ok I see what that should do but looks like my ip is not yet wroking
But that ip is getting nothing when I have my machine running.
@Duikboot Why is there a port in the network address? I thought it was standard to separate them.
So it should be ip: "" ok i added a port to but when provisioning that gives me A warning
SQL time.

3 tables. "Galleries", "Albums", and "Pictures". I need the (number of albums * pictures) for user #2. Albums and Pictures can be joined on "album_id". Galleries also contains the user_id.
==> default: You assigned a static IP ending in ".1" to this machine.
==> default: This is very often used by the router and can cause the
==> default: network to not work properly. If the network doesn't work
==> default: properly, try changing this IP.
Nope negeative
Are you a Vagrant user @Danack?
@Duikboot You can't use that is already bound to your host machine. You have to pick a new unused IP address e.g.
config.vm.network :private_network, ip: ""
PHP guys, pls help me architect a problem:


Every task channel has some tasks
A User can complete a task just once..
Task Channel has option for its tasks to have multiple answers (which means one task can have answers from multiple users)

I need to show random Task to a User
but that Task shouldn't be answered by him and answers_count+workers_count should be less than max_answers (which is configured in task channel)

Any ideas how to best architect this?
I recommend finding a vagrant file that does almost what you want and modifying it, rather than starting from scratch @Duikboot - particularly one that has chef install stuff on it.
@Duikboot docs.vagrantup.com/v2/networking/basic_usage.html looks like you don't need an ip if it's just localhost
@VitalyDyatlov sounds like a simple problem? just write what you wrote here in code/sql
@Patrick, no it's not.. workers_count is dynamic
Hi Gd evng .....
it's not hard to write sql to select a task, it's hard to maintain workers_count up to date..
How can i copy a directory from location to another location using php, can any one help me pls ????
use google
@VitalyDyatlov what is workers count exactly?
number of online users who work on a task
@VitalyDyatlov i have used but not get exactly
a user can only work on one task? can it expire?
if so, add a current_task_id to user (and optionally a timestamp), then select for that to get the number you want?
@Patrick, yes, allocation can expire.
I actually used TaskAllocation table which generally works like current_task_id in your description..
but that's overhead...
i dont think that's optimal solution
because thre's a big join with count..
@VitalyDyatlov meh... is it a problem when you do it like that at the moment? if not, benchmark and fix slow things when they become a problem
otherwise it's just premature optimization
select * from channels where channels.id=123 AND channels.answers_count+(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users where users.current_task_id=channels.id) < channels.max_answers
i don't think it's premature
currently it's not a problem but it will be in future for sure
@VitalyDyatlov how do you know?
because I know amount of users who will use it
about 1000-10,000 online
even if it will be just 1000 online
then we have each of 1000 working on a task which leads to analyze 999 records of other users to select needed task
@bwoebi Just looked again at that add_ref code - you're right, that doesn't look correct
which in total means 1,000,000 records to go through..
@bwoebi And laruence just reapplied it ^^
@NikiC yeah ^^
of course there will be db caches and other things but my example just piece of specification.. next iteration will be to select tasks from multiple channels.. and that will be join-nightmare
good morning
good morning
So I ran PhpMetrics on my site's code and everything is in the green, except "comment weight" which shows up as 0 and in red. Should I add more documentation or hope for the best?
// increment comment weight
@cryptic惄 I would not add documentation simply to appease some tool
@cryptic惄 You need not let arbitrary rules guide your development....
@cspray not sure if you're talking about phpmetrics or a user
@cryptic惄 try this
We lost Daniel again?
without these tools telling me what to do I would have no idea what I was doing =oP Like cyclomatic complexity, wtf is that? It's green so I think I did something right, lol.
@cryptic惄 :)
@PaulCrovella Both. I would add documentation because it is needed. Useless documentation is worse than none at all.
@cspray comments !== documentation
@ircmaxell How are they different
Question: If you're providing a library, the constructor of the main object entry point of which contains, say, four proprietary objects, two of which are factories... do you provide a factory for this so users can make a single call without having to DI those four objects?
as with anything: it depends
printf('%s use a factory', ($dependsResolver->resolve() ? 'dont' : 'do'));
I would ask though why that object takes 4 objects, 2 of which are factories...
function __construct(
        HttpClient        $httpClient,
        JsonValidator     $jsonValidator,
        CapabilityFactory $capabilityFactory,
        NodeFactory       $nodeFactory
@ircmaxell rofl CRAP index.
Nodes contain multiple capabilities objects. both nodes and capabilities require constructor parameters only known during runtime
posted on January 05, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Manursio */

The object makes a call , gets back json, builds capability objects from some data and a node containing those capability objects
Pretty simple
Just wondering if, instead of putting this out there, I just make a MyObjectFactory that builds those four objects and passes them in for the user, with one method call
Oh, and this is effectively a Service
@Fabor Pretty sure it's just holiday stuff ^^
@Jimbo sounds like a lot of stuff for a single class
@Patrick Doesn't seem much
@Jimbo anyways, I think a factory could be useful here
@Patrick See, it wasn't much :P
I mean, I could abstract it out to a RequestMaker and a NodeFactory that takes the response, but I think that'd be too far
@Jimbo i would probably refactor getNode() into a bunch of smaller methods. and remove those ugly docblocks :D
@ircmaxell You once told me that factories can get their information from anywhere, specifically they can do whatever they need to get the data they need to build their object. This conversation was related specifically to dependency injection 'containers'. If you remember it, what do you think about a factory doing a HTTP request to get the data it needs to build the object?
the factory itself shouldn't do that request
Of course, a HttpClient like Guzzle could right
So inject that into the factory... which essentially means my Node thingy is a factory in itself :D
no, meaning a business object responsible for that information
you are basically accessing external data source
it doesnt matter whether it HTTP thing or a database
your persistence abstractions are not factories
Ah, fair point.. it effectively is a persistence abstraction because it's pulling data from an external resource
Doesn't matter if it's a db or not
and by abstracting it you're no longer coupled to the implementation
@ircmaxell thanks for the video, very informative. =o)
Switching back from my MacBook Air's 13" screen to my 23" 1080p screen... WHOA. Holy crap. So MASSIVE. AAAAAAH
I have 2x24" at work, 1x28"+1x24" at home, plus use a 13" Air for mobile. So yeah... :-D
Is it bad that I googled "beard follicles" as I didn't know if they existed or not
Beards are hair, hair has follicles
Anyone know offhand if the behavior for getting a reference to an undefined array index is defined?
e.g. `$arr = []; $ref = &$arr['un']['defined'];`. It doesn't produce a notice like it would without the &.
The world feels a little less clean and a little more empty without that man yelling at us. Rest in peace.
@KevinMGranger well, $ref = &$arr['un']['defined']; is equivalent to $arr['un']['defined'] = &$ref;
@bwoebi good point!
I can't seem to find documentation on array autovivification, though
http://php.net/manual/en/language.references.whatdo.php "Note:
If you assign, pass, or return an undefined variable by reference, it will get created."
Righto, got it. And I know that $arr['nested']['arrays'] will create those arrays as needed, but I can't find documentation supporting that.
never noticed the "what do" in that url before
> When you declare a variable as global $var you are in fact creating reference to a global variable.
Linux piping in real life http://t.co/6ebwn6PQI2
Huh, so global is exactly like use
I'd love to be able to use use for normal functions
And autoload them.
@KevinMGranger @ircmaxell is working on that. I even helped him.
hmm use will make a $var available in the scope but will not apply changes within the scope to the parent/outer $var right? Unlike global
@AndreaFaulds II''dd love love to to be be able able to to use use for for normal normal functions functions :p :p
@ErikBaan Unless you do &$var
ah right
@AndreaFaulds excellent!
@AndreaFaulds yup, speaking of which I need to keep going on that
> In an object method, $this is always a reference to the caller object.
@AndreaFaulds no you're not... It's not a reference, it is the same variable
This isn't true since PHP 5
@ircmaxell Are you sure?
@AndreaFaulds it's an object reference
@ircmaxell That's not what the manual is saying, though.
@AndreaFaulds explain
@ircmaxell It's in a section on references: php.net/manual/en/language.references.spot.php
I'm pretty sure that was true in PHP 4 and they've just failed to remove that for PHP 5
@PaulCrovella Actually confused now
global creates references
$ php -r '$x = 2; function foo() { global $x; unset($x); } foo(); var_dump($x);'
@NikiC So it is exactly like use, then?
@AndreaFaulds debug_zval_dump() will show .. ?
@AndreaFaulds Yeah, pretty much. global is ref use using a different symtable
Also looking at the PHP 7 compile code for globals, I have no idea why it works
I feel like I forgot to add a flag there
but it still works...
inb4 it breaks
@AlmaDo Broken in 7
@AndreaFaulds eh..
@AndreaFaulds Broken in 7? It was always broken
@NikiC Especially broken in 7, then
where always is PHP 5.4, but I just don't admit there was anything before that
@NikiC it does, weird...
@ircmaxell use is actually just static
@ircmaxell well, what's weird thereā€¦ Can't think of any other sane way
I expected direct variable manipulation, not an added ref, but actually the same var
Ah, turns out the PHP 7 code is correct ... because the ZEND_FETCH_GLOBAL flag is 0 so it's implicitly set...
I'd have expected that a local fetch is the default ^^
@ircmaxell Why am I not surprised that WordPress just gets ever the more complex...
hey guys
I have two 27" monitors at 256x1440 at work, and now I have one at home too ^^
does anybody here knows "mpdf" lib?
@ircmaxell Not only is Wordpress shit, it's getting shittier...
@LeviMorrison Wait... 256? Or 2560. Because if it's 256, Windows 3.1 just called your name...
@Machavity 2560 ^^
@Machavity Yeah, missing the zero ^^
I'm tryin to add bootstrap .css files with "mpdf" pdf generator.. and it seems to fail... idk why... any idea anyone?
256 would've been impressive
I had a 7" monitor once that had like a 200x100 display
@ircmaxell green or amber?
It was in addition to the other 3 regular monitors I had on that desk
I mean the characters, my first monitor was about 7 inch and amber
mine was a little tv tuned to channel 3
I know, white-on-black
Reminds me of this retro news from a few days ago techcrunch.com/2015/01/01/…
can anybody help me with google app engine?
its about file uploading in php , in google app engine
what about it

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