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5:06 AM
Daisy barking at her own shadow
Is by chance anybody here crazy enough to know about the existence of network topologies like torus or all-to-all network?
I am trying to figure out if a dragonfly routing scheme is the same thing as a hierarchy of all-to-all networks
The primary problem, it looks like...
is that compose_t's l and r have to be switched upon based on their return types, and I can't do that beforehand =/
@ThePhD decltype?
@DeadMG I tried it, and it's not seeming too effective right now.
Of course, I could be missing the boat entirely.
how enlightening
I might divine your problem right now
"its not too effective" is such a detailed response
5:28 AM
Hehe, sorry.
I'm having a hard time reading these template errors, so I'm pretty much clueless.
Anywho, this was as far as I got: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
The problem is around Line 23, particularly, with this segment:
template<class... Ts>
    auto operator()(Ts&&... vs) -> decltype(r(l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...))) {
        composed_invoker<L, R, decltype( l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...) )> inv;
        return inv( r, l, std::forward<Ts>(vs)... );
the decltype(r(l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...) ) )
the l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...) produces a void.
So it's an illegal evaluation from jump
I tried to have composed_invoker handle it, but composed_invoker can't be instantiated until I'm inside the function.
So while my function call is correct, my declaration isn't.
I think I'm onto something with this: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
... Oh
You already fixed it.
.... Well then.
coliru.stacked-crooked.com/… It all works @Xeo, you can chain functions perfectly fine now
ask for help, and if ye shall not be binned, ignored, flamed, etc, ye shall receive
5:38 AM
That was impressive.
composed_invoker<L, R, decltype(l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...))>()
@DeadMG lol at "etc"!
^ I didn't think you could do that in a decltype
I thought you could only use declval, but TIL
@ThePhD Same principle, but declval is more generic (you can use it even for types where you don't know the constructors, abstract types, etc)
@DeadMG Ooh. Well, that sounds pretty badass.
5:40 AM
@ThePhD decltype is any expression. Why could you not do that in a decltype?
I didn't think you could just "instantiate a type" or pseudo-instantiate one or w/e
I thought it had to exist already or be used through declval
@ThePhD The type "returned" by decltype surely is currently existing.
aside from some special cases I think w.r.t. this (if I'm remembering that correctly), any expression which is valid in the body of the function is valid in the decltype.
Well, that makes my life easier.
Also, lulz. MSVC isn't having any of this expression template shit.
@ThePhD Your using November CTP?
5:44 AM
the expressiveness of your error reporting continues to amaze
You can do decltype(*this)
haven't tried anything else
@Rapptz The question is more about if you can do something like decltype(this->member) for example
Using the code exactly as-if off Coliru, I commented out all but comp1 and the invocation of comp1 with 10.
error C2893: Failed to specialize function template 'unknown-type composer<composed_t<L,int (__cdecl *)(int)>>::operator ()(Ts &&...)'
2>          with
2>          [
2>              L=composed_t<composed_t<main::<lambda_79f562db0b35d8fde39ee34f69a9447a>,int (__cdecl *)(int)>,int (__cdecl *)(int)>
2>          ]
2>          With the following template arguments:
2>          'int'
^ That's what it vomits out.
nice mangling
5:47 AM
Reducing the comp1 to just auto comp1 = lift([](int item){ return item + 100; });,
it still gives an error.
error C2893: Failed to specialize function template 'unknown-type composer<main::<lambda_79f562db0b35d8fde39ee34f69a9447a>>::operator ()(Ts &&...)'
2> With the following template arguments:
2> 'int'
Apparently it's not failing in making the expression
just in producing a valid overload for operator()
So it looks like Line 38 is the culprit here:
template<class... Ts>
	auto operator()(Ts&&... vs) -> decltype(l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...))
	{ return l(std::forward<Ts>(vs)...); }
IIRC, VC++ is supposed to support auto and decltype function declarations...?
it does
if it didn't you'd get a syntax error
I am not spamming. D:
You are taking up 800 pixels.
Nobody else is saying anything and I'm having a logical discourse
... With myself, but still.
5:59 AM
Take it to the other room
2:01 AM here
@ScottW Yeah -- working on invoices (that should have been done a week ago or so).
6:02 AM
@ScottW I like most things about being an independent consultant -- but the "running a business" part just sucks.
Running a business is a nightmare. =[
LOL, shit. The whole thing breaks...
VS isn't ready for lifted / then expressions.
Qt Creator 2.7.1 is released.
Promises improved C++11 editing.
Yay :)
The previous version already supported autocompletion on auto variables. But for some reason it didn't always work.
@StackedCrooked did I spam this and this before, sick, SICK!
Pretty crappy VHS-rip, been looking for better quality
@ScottW customers?
There's, like
enterprise-level stuff
regular people can be called customers / consumers
6:17 AM
well, that sure is interesting. I contacted, through bitbucket itself, someone from the development team asking about what is going on with 'publicness' of the wikis and issue trackers. I got an email response from the 'product manager' basically saying 'In the short term they do not have plans to work this, not for lack of wanting to; Jira and Confluence are taking priority' He did say there is also work on better authentication controls, but didn't detail what exactly this would entail.
or just users
client - purchaser - buyer - shopper - patron - vendee
@R.martin ^
Or just users
There's also plebeians. :P
Make sure you write your name as S.W.
And when people ask,
Sexy. Sexy W.
It's not the world's best syntax, but:
	auto comp1 = make_chain<int, int>( f, g );
	std::cout << comp1( 10 ) << "\n";
I think it stands up well enough given VC++ sucks a giant pile of dick.
6:43 AM
@StackedCrooked Do you use it as your IDE?
@ThePhD Do you ever sleep? You seem to be online all the time these days. :/
@ThePhD Yes, obviously
@ThePhD what do?
6:48 AM
@ThePhD Composition doesn't make much, if any, sense for functions that return nothing.
but but void*, lol
@TonyTheLion it's that 'new' phase
any way, time to get off to work
7:01 AM
Unexpected parallel statement in a list comprehension
Use -XParallelListComp
Aw... /cc @CatPlusPlus
@ScottW oh you guys
anyone familliar with sony dash
@ScottW <3
7:24 AM
What the hell are those puppies photographs ?!
@ScottW There are 2. :0
@ScottW Erm, dogs?
@ScottW Ya. Also yours?
@ScottW like other dogs from around these parts :P
@thecoshman I see what you did there.
^ Um, wut?
well, yes... you do 'type' to 'interface' with the web at times...
7:38 AM
@thecoshman It's "inference" in there. Programming stuff.
I wonder if google has succeeded in evading DoNotTrackMe.
@thecoshman Lol I also thought it said "interface".
¬_¬ yeah, well I'm special
@ScottW oh... you're a dog too
@ScottW perhaps :P
What's up with these newbie hints? Every other month someone else is at the top of the fav list for linking to them.
I know that.
So wait, if they're not pinned why don't they get moved down the list when something else if favorited?
@ScottW That they stay on the top?
So if they're not, like you said, why don't they get moved down? I've seen a ton of favs since the last "newbie hints fav" and it didn't move down the list.
IIRC last one was Robot's?
7:46 AM
they are not just stared, they are pinned
a pinned message will stay pinned for two weeks
@ScottW favorite?
When you star something..
@Tuntuni they are starred posts, because they have stars
You're making it your favorite.
Oh dear ...
@Tuntuni no, you are making it stared
... am I missing an 'r' from stared?
7:47 AM
fuck it
@thecoshman EDIT IT, NAO
please see te message to which you are already referring
@ScottW So the stars that are white are pinned messages?
pin > star
@ScottW Why didn't you say so. When I was talking about "newbie hints starred messages" I meant the ones on the top.
7:49 AM
@Tuntuni we were!
Erm lawl. Anyway, the real question was
brace your self, stupid is comming
why does the writer of the pinned message change every month?
the one for newbies
@Tuntuni first person who posts the new one gets it
assuming they don't make a tit of it
@ScottW I see ..
7:51 AM
I thought it was a two week jobbie...
@Tuntuni Pinned messages "expire" after two weeks
@Xeo So it is 2.
@Xeo that makes it sound like they die
@ScottW erm "LOL UR DUMB"? :D jk ;)
@xeo watched UHC yet?
7:51 AM
@ScottW Oh. :D
@thecoshman Yes. :(
@thecoshman uhc.com. What is there to watch?
@Xeo who where you following?
Etho, obviously.
I've started to watch Beef now the GB clocked it
@Xeo glory boy :P
I might watch his run at some stage, so shut up about it :P
all I want to know, is that he fell from up high
7:53 AM
@thecoshman What is UHC?
@Tuntuni secret club
Something to do with MC?
you have to know what UHC is to be told what UHC is
@thecoshman Didn't. He got knocked back by Pause from a really small hill
And got half a heart of fall damage
7:54 AM
@thecoshman Then, my adventure begins.
you burn in hell!
Oh, sorry, didn't see the "shut up about it" part. :(
I will kill you!
Hmm, Ultra Hardcore Map? :3
.... hey @Xeo, I fancy sending you a 'gift' too... care to send me on an address I can post it to?
7:55 AM
:| not a bomb....
@Tuntuni Google says it's probably some minecraft video
Damn, I search g00d.
Since I have no address other than my real address to send stuff to, not really right now.
@Pubby That's just a video about UHC. The question is what UHC is. :)
@Xeo I'll give you my IP. :3
7:57 AM
@Xeo can't you just get one of those packtations?
@Tuntuni Minecraft Ultra HardCore. Basically, you just don't regenerate health except from golden apples, and those are harder to craft.
@ScottW LOL
(only joking about sending you stuff btw)
@Xeo Yes, I found the thread. :)
@thecoshman Online registration sucks with their password restrictions. :|
7:58 AM
@Xeo lol lol lol
Btw @thecoshman, I highly recommend watching kurt's view.
@ScottW l8r sk8r
@Xeo oh yes, he was on beast mode :D
That was pretty insane, yeah

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