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@StackedCrooked So it's simply "async" overall, not "async async"
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a free Continuous Intergration system, that's able to pull your source and build. It integrates with github's build systems API, showing, for example, if a commit built and/or passed tests. Setup is trivial, you just authorize it with GH, flick a switch for a repo you want to build, and push travis.yml config file
@CatPlusPlus Parallell ARP of multiple (can be up to 100) network ports will be desired.
Okay, but that doesn't explain the outer future
It returns immediately, it's pointless!
@CatPlusPlus Returning immediately, isn't that the point of not blocking?
The value in the future returned by mStack.execute is available immediately I mean, because all it does is issue another async call
@R.MartinhoFernandes sample build. Builds run on ubuntu vms on which you have sudo privileges. You can apt-get boost and whatnot. The only problem now are compilers, 4.6 and (thank god) 3.2 as of now. Upside is Scons comes out of the box.
I.e. the inner future is actually a future while the outer future is just overcomplicated packaging
yes, but mStack happens to be wrapped in a thread-safe wrapper. I can only access it via that API.
Make a synchronous API then
It's a Shared<Stack> (you might remember this utility, sorry @R.MartinhoFernandes for the promise)
I'm not as adamant anyway. We lack some primitive power.
@CatPlusPlus No I'll have multiple Stack objects and I want to issue commands to them concurrently and gather the results.
Concurrent DHCP will also be required later.
I wrote a sample future implementation gist.github.com/rmartinho/5231565 to experiment with adding more primitives, but didn't actually go past that point.
@CatPlusPlus but you're right that it might be overhead. I'll see.
It's mental overhead mostly
It complicates the flow for no benefit
A: Getting Expression Syntax error in c++ program

BoBTFishpubic is not public. Fortunately.

ha ha
@StackedCrooked why don't you use packaged_task?
@bamboon i fail at packaged_task
last time there was some compiler error that I couldn't fix (might have been a bug actually)
@StackedCrooked what does your sudoers look like? I "guessed" this:
webserver ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/chroot
but it still seems to ask for a password (likely because of some other command?)
@KonradRudolph Ugh question with no fucking effort whatsoever
whats the difference between ifstream and fstream, there seems to be a similar situation with sstream
Can you people not request access to the bin
@StackedCrooked Rather, std::function fails at moving
@bamboon std::function sucks.
A: What is this smiley-with-beard expression: "<:]{%>"?

WarGodNTLike the others allready sed .. This is a lambda expression :D Try this... even if it is not java package programm; public class awesomness <% public static void main(String<::> args) <% <:]{%>;// Smile! System.out.println("Hello World")...

@R.MartinhoFernandes :o
But hey, thanks for the bump, I guess?
And he edited question to fix the error and now the error is fixed! Hurray! What an idiot
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmm, what does that have to do with packaged_task now?
@bamboon packaged_task is move-only, and std::function sucks at moving
@Xeo You suck at type-erasure?
@sehe Trying out a local install?
@LucDanton You suck at proposing unique_function!
I rarely need it.
But it would be needed here.
@bamboon You need to erase the return type of the packaged_task for storage in the queue.
I'm still waiting for Boost.Asio to relax its requirements to movable functors.
But but CPS
"Callbacks are today's goto statement." --@migueldeicaza
actually maintaining branches in a repo is hellish
@R.MartinhoFernandes You can use it very much coro-like, no?
He has a point
@rubenvb x86_64-w64-mingw32 defines __MINGW32__ too?
@Fanael yes.
and don't use __MINGW64__
@LucDanton How do you use a result obtained from one of those callbacks?
__MINGW32__ is defined if __GNU_C__ and _WIN32 is defined, pretty much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You know how it works.
@KonradRudolph Keep your pubic variables off my private parts!
Do you mean using Asio with Coro?
Allocators get trashed in LEWG but that's OK
Then no, I don't see how to do it without sticking futures in it.
The enable_shared_from_this shtick
anyway @R.Martinho if you'll be willing to set up Travis for Ogonek I can try to help with everything I was able to gather in the few hrs or so I've spent on setting it for lundi
@sehe Share your fixes :)
@LucDanton Hmm, I don't get it.
Sorry it's something that appears a lot in the docs and in the author's talk. I thought you were familiar with it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right, but I would rather use a type-erased function-wrapper then.
@DeadMG your allocators proposal?
@bamboon Like std::function?
It's discipline where the continuation only ever 'resumes' in *this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, like the function-wrapper from e.g.: CiA
@LucDanton Is it recent? Last time I used Asio, it was in 1.47.
@bamboon Yep. To be fair, the allocators I threw together at the last minute.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No. Use enable_shared_from_this, conclude every code path of the handlers with some async_op(args, bind(&T::do_thing, shared_from_this(), placeholders_and_moar_args)).
I never denied that.
@LucDanton I like that. Callbacks can be very error prone to lifetime bugs.
3 mins ago, by Luc Danton
It's discipline where the continuation only ever 'resumes' in *this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wonder what 'continuation' mean here.
I think it means resume, or something.
@LucDanton Ok, I get it...
17 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
But but CPS
Well, we came here via std::function/unique_function. I don't believe there are many uses for those beyond Boost.Asio, except that it doesn't support the latter. So I'm not in a hurry to have it.
@Zoidberg hello!
I'd rather have futures pouts
Haha hurray it works!
So we're in agreement. See?
It annoys me that people cannot see the monads, and dismiss them for being too useful.
@exploringnet what.
Best idea ever for programmers to rest.
I've seen linkdumping, but imagedumping is rather new.
Also I wonder why all these images use Demotivator frame
this isnt 9gag
bb/welcome @exploringnet
Dammit y u no onebox.
@Zoidberg fail
Please don't.
Okay :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Here, have some liftM.
liftM is awesome.
BOOK FACT: If you took every book in our store and laid them end to end you would be thrown out by security and banned from returning.
liftM is fmap within a wrong typeclass.
@LucDanton Nevermind I am blind.
@kbok we all follow robot, huh?
also, time to do some actual work, I guess
Well I think I follow everyone here who's on twitter
I'm only tangentially on Twitter
> My goal is to have the user enter a line of integers separated by space (" "), read them as integers
thank god he said what a space is
what is a space
@kbok true story
@Fanael :)
integers <- map (read :: String -> Int) . words <$> getLine
> oppinion
@kbok it's not much of a space, really. It has no width and it never breaks.
Oh well it's valid middle-ages french
I don't know what code follows.
Maybe it's print integers, do I know.
You can't always infer the type, FYI.
@Fanael That use of BOMs is deprecated. U+2060 ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴊᴏɪɴᴇʀ is recommended instead.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know, but isInfixOf "space" "word joiner" is False.
hmmm... do I want to pay for two years of dynamic dns...
nah, may as well sort out a domain name for my sever and some sort of reverse ssh system
@R.MartinhoFernandes and therefore it'd be invalid to use "⁠" in this context
@R.MartinhoFernandes the string "word joiner" doesn't contain "space". What, you no Haskell?
How's that relevant?
@R.MartinhoFernandes because that's why the bad pun worked at all
@thecoshman For domains you buy from Dreamhost, you can just have a script that updates the DNS entry, it's kinda like dynamic dns
and it's free
no-ip.org ftw
@Xeo tis what I use :)
but balls to paying for it :P
@Xeo I wonder if that use of GitHub's logo is ok.
Probably not, seeing as I thought github was suddenly in the DNS business
It's the old one BTW
@R.MartinhoFernandes most unlikely.
@Collin I thought no-ip's source code was on GitHub when I saw it. :v
Reminds me of Panic's Rip-Off Express. :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... that's not what they use... I think...
@Zoidberg Its a kitty/octopus
It's clearly GitHub's mascot. octodex.github.com
I just saw D3DX11CompileFromFile("shaders.hlsl", 0, 0, "VShader", "vs_5_0", 0, 0, 0, &VS, 0, 0);
tell me more about DX API superiority
What's the shortest way from std::istream to C-style (char*, std::size_t)? std::vector & <iterator>?
I think so
@LucDanton std::vector and istreambuf_range
@BartekBanachewicz you forgot a bunch of zeros.
@R.MartinhoFernandes github.com/logos
> Can I use an octocat on my website?
> Maybe! It depends on how you plan to use it. If you are using it to refer to GitHub, such as a link to GitHub that says "Check me out on :octocat:," that is perfectly fine. However, if you're using the octocat to refer to a product that is not GitHub, then that is not considered fair use.
Oh gawd what did I start
@Zoidberg : They even have a special name for the weird animal
@Xeo A discussion on cats with eight legs.
Of all the combinations, why an Octopus + Cat?
@GamesBrainiac no shit sherlock.
They could've just had Ctulu:P
You mean Cathulhu
Cats who watch shows on Hulu?
the Mewling Chaos
Zoidhub incoming.
I'm kinda new to stackoverflow. Where's a good place to ask a coding style question?
hello? is this thing on?
Maybe Code Review.
right, thanks.
Programmers might be a better fit
If you get downvoted, it's not my fault.
good for health ... might be NSFW
Code review if you have actual code you want reviewed, programmers otherwise
alright, thanks people.
There are coding style questions on Code Review.
could I just ask you guys what you think? I'm assuming you're all C++ programmers.
That assumption is wrong.
C++ programmers don't exist.
@Aeluned Did you read the newbie hints?
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who get laid.
@Xeo The way I pronounce it the pun is already there; you don't need to add the "a"
@R.MartinhoFernandes You might be pronouncing that wrong.
@EtiennedeMartel Thanks. I'll head over to Programmers.
And don't trust the HPLHS on this: they went for pragmatism, not accuracy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So...?
(TIL there is such thing as the HPLHS)
@ScottW FYI, I'm not in a relationship with you.
@ScottW oh.
Were you drunk last night?
It was that Scott?
Meh I wanted garlic sauce I got something that's more like a tasteless cream
@CatPlusPlus Garlic sauce is the best sauce ever.
I need to learn how to make my own
You just put garlic and sauce together. Right?
The secret sauce
@Zoidberg Yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're seriously asking about Cat's culinary skills?
I thought we arleady knew said skills were legenday.
But not in a good way.
The best garlic sauce is the one they have at Willy's in Roosendaal.
oh damn you CI Y U slow
> Staff were pleasantly surprised when they found the box containing the poisoned food outside the front door of their plastics business in Steinfeld bei Oldenburg, Lower Saxony on Tuesday morning - presuming it was a gift.
    	std::vector<std::string> city_names;
		for (auto str : tokens)
			if (std::isdigit(str))
why does std::isdigit(someStringHere) give problems?
Because you didn't indent your code.
@GamesBrainiac blergh no indentation
@GamesBrainiac because it doesn't like you. Define "problems" dammit
Nobody is going to read unindented code.
I am just looping through some string values in a vector
@GamesBrainiac snippet:2:12:Error: You just pulled "tokens" out of your ass
Because std::isdigit doesn't take an std::string.
std::isdigit applies to a single character, not an entire string.
this code wouldn't even compile because we don't know what "tokens" is
so thats what this guy was doing here :stackoverflow.com/questions/4654636/…
If you name a variable of type char "str", I hate you.
@Zoidberg no, it is a string
No shit.
tokens is a vector of strings
Why else would I be named "str".
@GamesBrainiac so why the hell you it spells city_names
@Zoidberg Exactly, who would name chars str??
@GamesBrainiac Lobsters.
@GamesBrainiac who wouldn't bother to look at docs of isdigit? Which suggests it works on digits, thus chars?
@BartekBanachewicz Because, the example I saw, had an iterator in it, so I kinda got messed up. No other reason.
@GamesBrainiac so you copypasted without even reading the code
@kbok By the way, modern games seem to ditch scripting in favor of tool-generated native code.
@EtiennedeMartel what. where. Totally different use cases.
@BartekBanachewicz Haven't copied anything yet
@GamesBrainiac For what (little) it's worth, a locale has a function specifically for checking whether all the characters in a string meet a certain condition. Unfortunately, it only works with C-style strings (zero-terminated buffers) and it's a pain to use even then.
if I did, you'd had a difference code sample
@GamesBrainiac so why are you wasting our time then duh.
@BartekBanachewicz AAA titles.
Don't complain about somebody wasting your time if you are in Lounge<C++>.
@EtiennedeMartel Nonmoddable ones, ok. If you want to support modding, scripts are way to go.
@BartekBanachewicz Which is the case for most titles today.
@EtiennedeMartel Also, note that it hardly matters for small independent developers or even studios, which can hardly produce AAA
It's like we've reached the point where scripts are too slow.
@EtiennedeMartel no, that's completely untrue
It's quite the opposite: scripting only today makes sense in terms of speed
since we have more CPU power to spare for pretty much the same tasks and mechanics
Jeff Atwood wrote about it in his last post
Games keep getting more demanding though.
> But I can only imagine how rough Ruby performance had to be back in the dark ages of 2006 when CPUs and servers were five times slower than they are today! I'm so very glad that I am hitting Ruby now, with the strong wind of many solid years of Moore's law at our backs.
Or at least the few high profile projects that target the PC.
I kinda doubt that UnrealScript is much faster than Lua
@BartekBanachewicz lolwut
@Abyx It prolly isn't
UnrealScript is compiled to C++, IIRC
@BartekBanachewicz Whether it's true or not depends primarily on the granularity of the functions you make available to the script. If the script gets involved every 15 seconds, it's not going to make a noticeable difference at all. If it's involved several times in generating a single frame, it could easily be way too slow.
Javascript is compiled to C++ too
@Xeo not really
so what, is it scripting or not
@BartekBanachewicz Are you trying to miss the point on purpose?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ruby was so fucking slow on Windows anyway in 2009
@EtiennedeMartel Not at all. V8 compiles it on-the-fly, we discussed that yesterday, i believe
What is scripting? Is it about the language or the runtime?
5 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
@kbok By the way, modern games seem to ditch scripting in favor of tool-generated native code.
@BartekBanachewicz JIT-compiled, grats. I meant actually compiled.
what was that about, then ^?
@Collin It still makes me lolwut when someone says "Ruby was slow as fuck, but now CPUs have fixed that".
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's not completely wrong
@BartekBanachewicz I meant for AAA titles to drop Lua, Python or some custom language in favour of just using C++.
@EtiennedeMartel so that's nonsense.
Perhaps generated by a tool to keep developer productivity relatively high.
Simply "compiles to C++" doesn't really imply anything about speed. The C++ it generates could be really fast, or it could be slower than molasses in January.
@EtiennedeMartel meh. no way
@EtiennedeMartel that tool is called Lua or Python
I can't really imagine the place in a game where JITted Lua or JS or Python would be too slow
@BartekBanachewicz Then you lack imagination.
Present me a real case then, or even an example.
why JIT-compiled and not precompiled?
@BartekBanachewicz I'm talking about precompiled stuff.
@BartekBanachewicz Look up above -- I already did.
Simply put, "interpreted = slow" is a myth from the past decade
it's not like we have optimizing JIT compilers, AFAIK
@Abyx They don't have all the time in the world to optimize, though.
@BartekBanachewicz Python is slow.
@BartekBanachewicz I think we can agree that purely interpreted stuff is slow?
btw, what's interpreted? almost every language uses a VM
And maybe, sometimes, you can't use a JITter because of license stuff on the platform you're targetting.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm not making a modern game though.
@EtiennedeMartel what.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually quote from Jeff is cool:
> Ruby is a decent performer, but you really need to throw fast hardware at it for good performance. Yeah, I know, interpreted languages are what they are, and caching, database, network, blah blah blah. Still, we obtained the absolute fastest CPUs you could buy for the Discourse servers, 4.0 Ghz Ivy Bridge Xeons, and performance is just … good on today's fastest hardware. Not great. Good.
@Abyx Most do at least some optimization. Few (if any) do anything close to what we expect from a C++ compiler as a matter of course.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant no-ip's logo you mupet
IMHO it's FUD to say that JS or Python or Lua are too slow for any games, including AAA.
@thecoshman Well, no one else did, so I don't see your point.
Look, @Bartek, I'm not saying you should drop Lua. Just that if you ever try to make a high end multi-million dollar game project with a marketing budget twice the size of the development budget, then perhaps you should consider not using it?
@EtiennedeMartel We're taking note. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh... you where comparing no-ip's logo to githubs...
@EtiennedeMartel Why would you ever try making a game like that?
@thecoshman You were the only one that thought so.
@EtiennedeMartel No, not at all. Until you present real benefits of not using a precompiled lightweight script language.
I am not even advocating Lua now.
Really, if I find that my game is slowing down due to lack of CPU power, then something has gone really wrong somewhere.
@kbok That'll never be a issue on PC, indeed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes follow back until you get to here
@EtiennedeMartel Also look at Havok Script, which is damn AAA
The target is iOS actually, but still
@BartekBanachewicz Whenever you argue, you always seem to be advocating something.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and to what is that a response?
46 mins ago, by Xeo
no-ip.org ftw
@thecoshman Godammit, everyone else got it: see this page no-ip.org
@BartekBanachewicz I thought the only good thing Havok made was their physics engine, and that the rest should not be touched with a 10 foot pole?
Look for the GitHub logo.
@EtiennedeMartel why would that be true? They made amazing physics engine. They made a script interface that looks awesome. Now they are making graphics engine
ah... I thought the implication was the no-ip had the kitty as their logo
I don't want to attack you, but until you present some real problems, I can't really look at it more than as a FUD
Mobile platforms would be a nice argument
@BartekBanachewicz Right, mobile platforms. Forgot about those.
I have heard a lot of people really like their animation system as well
I think skyrim made extensive use of it..
Yeah, on mobiles you need everything you got.
Alright, then, it's settled: Lua can go suck a dick.
@JustinMeiners Starcraft II
@kbok I'd look at it from the other direction: if you're not almost slowing down from lack of CPU power, you're almost certainly passing up some opportunity to make the game better.
@EtiennedeMartel That's not an achievement. Most people can.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, but Lua has no mouth.
@EtiennedeMartel anyway, on desktops and high-end consoles I hardly see the benefits.
(I almost wrote "moth" there)
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but you're a Lua fanboy, so what you say can't possibly be true.
@EtiennedeMartel I am also your fanboy. You are awesome.
@EtiennedeMartel The man in the moon does though...
The Man in the Moon is the image of a human face, head or body that certain northern hemisphere traditions perceive in the disc of the full moon. The image is actually composed of the dark areas of the lunar maria, or "seas" and the lighter highlands of the lunar surface and is an example of lunar pareidolia. In one common Western perception of the face, the figure's eyes are Mare Imbrium and Mare Serenitatis, its nose is Sinus Aestuum, and its open mouth is Mare Nubium and Mare Cognitum. An older European tradition sees a figure of a man (Maria Serenitatis, Tranquilitatis, Fecunditatis...
@JerryCoffin Isn't that also a crappy Yes song?
Damn you Jerry.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Too late -- I'm already in hell! [No, not really, but it seemed like a good line.]
@R.MartinhoFernandes never could work out how to 'see' the man in the moon... even looking at pictures that pointed it out
let's now say what an abomination is Emscripten and hug
@thecoshman Me neither, but I would not let it get in the way of a joke.
@JerryCoffin Only if you have something useful to do with CPU power
> Christian lore commonly held that he is the man caught gathering sticks on the sabbath and sentenced by God to death by stoning in the book of Numbers XV.32-36
@DeadMG are you witnessing this?
Discussing the placement of ',' in non-normative text
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, Yes did a song named "Man on the Moon".
@R.MartinhoFernandes me neither
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, 12:44 is lunch. That's not a working seession.
also, I don't recognize that guy from LWG or LEWG
For every man they sent to the space, they probably have sent a monkey equivalent before
@kbok Virtually every game I've seen could have used more -- most, quite a lot more.
Before humans went into space, several animals were launched into space, including numerous monkeys, so that scientists could investigate the biological effects of space travel. The United States launched flights containing primate cargo primarily between 1948-1961 with one flight in 1969 and one in 1985. France launched two monkey-carrying flights in 1967. The Soviet Union and Russia launched monkeys between 1983 and 1996. Most monkeys were anesthetized before lift-off. Overall thirty-two monkeys flew in the space program; none flew more than once. Numerous back-up monkeys also went thr...
@JerryCoffin what? name one.
@JerryCoffin I think my game will lack developer time for much longer that it will lack CPU time
@BartekBanachewicz The new SimCity virtually springs to mind, but only because it's so recent (and such a massive fiasco).
haha he said SimCity.
SimCity is funny.
@JerryCoffin I don't really think that it would really benefit from making everything native
@Telkitty So many monkeys died so we could go to space :(
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know how much is native vs. scripted, nor have I a clue how much it would help/hurt to change that. We've moved beyond that. Question is whether it would benefit from more CPU. Answer is clearly yes -- nearly every negative about it comes down to either 1) the computers couldn't handle the load, or 2) we couldn't do it right because that require even more resources.
@JerryCoffin That's still not convincing me, to be honest. As it has been pointed many times, whilst tech used impacts speed, the fact of application being slow has many other factors.

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