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@StackedCrooked: It seems to me that encoding and decoding is not different enough in your context.
-1 for not releasing a compiler. — Rapptz 52 secs ago
Hahaha, well played.
also, 'comatosed' is a red line word apparently (as in, comatosed state)
Thus I would use a single namespace.
@Xeo I could do that. But I think I might use net::encode for both. Just like there is only boost::serialization and no boost::deserialization.
@TonyTheLion coming from you, that sounds so wrong :P
I'm actually partially tempted to go ahead and make a language, now
@thecoshman huh?
@wilx Yeah.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That seems to be another one of the Lounge's official sports.
@StackedCrooked I mean encode and decode as functions. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes indeed
@Xeo I see. Indeed, maybe I need a "net" namespace instead of "encoding" and "decoding" namespaces.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but I still have a month left off work
@LightnessRacesinOrbit All you need to do now is drop out of school
@TonyTheLion 'slip into a coma, so you will not be aware of what I do' <-- tony
@thecoshman lol
I'm not in a logical mood today
don't expect any logic from me today
@TonyTheLion I never do :P
I'm surprised I have more upvotes than downvotes
@thecoshman well thanks :P
@Rapptz you can always get some downvotes :P
Oh I meant in my voting history
ok wtf room! how can I still be on the frequent list! I was not here all weekend. Do I work that little?
477 up 172 down
@thecoshman erm, yes
Q: Adding something at the end of an Array?

Mokammel SanjuI have an Array that hold the name of students. Everytime I press a command called add name from a menu, the program asks me the name to be entered. The name is stored in an Array, so but every time I store the new names, it has to be at the end of an Array.How do I do that?

@Rapptz Yet another "why the hell aren't you using the standard containers for fuck's sake?"-type of question.
@TonyTheLion oh well :P
@Rapptz I believe I also must learn to hate every school and everything that they stand for.
@Insilico I know right, this is basically screaming for a vector.
@Rapptz it has to be an Array — Mokammel Sanju 43 secs ago
@chris has to be an Array — Mokammel Sanju 30 secs ago
anyways it has to be said that today is Monday.
What's the definition of insanity again?
@TonyTheLion go on then
>school assignments
@LightnessRacesinOrbit therefore it sucks major cock.
I need something more basic, probably with logic I guess. — Mokammel Sanju 20 secs ago
@Insilico my sanity is questionable at this time
@Mysticial lol he can't be serious
Just upvote the hell out of Tony's answer then.
Some people on SO have such strange names.
@Mysticial WTF.
Implying that std::vector has no logic? Which is bullshit because std::vector takes care of all the painful bookkeeping crap for you?
@Mysticial "more basic", "with logic"...
The only reason to use an array over a vector in C++ is to skip the overhead of the allocation. But even that is niche.
The explicit use of operators and functions, he means
@Tony The Lion I need something that involves logic rather than preset functions. Thank you. — Mokammel Sanju 11 secs ago
^^ wut
meh. some OP's...
@Mysticial I want to think this is just a language barrier and not a genuine irrational fear of standard language facilities
@Mysticial I replied to that. :P
vector.push_back(1 == 0 || 1 != 0? "bob" : "john"); // now with logic
he keeps using the word logic
The OP is probably question banned now. So once it gets closed, it'll be done with.
@Rapptz yeah, whatever the hell that means...
appropriate meme
Oh, too late.
Aw jizz, I have zits on my nose.
luckily you don't have jizz on your nose.
@TonyTheLion damn you! stole my funny
The jizz coming out of my zits.
@thecoshman Funny?
2 mins ago, by Tony The Lion
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@tom_mai78101 I read that as "the jizz coming out of my tits".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was going to imply he swap zits and jizz, but meh
@Insilico I love that to happen.
Oh gosh, what is happening here.
@tom_mai78101 For future reference, it's called "pus".
"jizz" is something completely different.
@Insilico pussy?
Oh, thanks for the vocabulary.
@Insilico and at the same time, strangely similar
man, let's talk about something else
@TonyTheLion Sure. Let's talk about exudate. No wait it's still the same thing.
Hm. So, what is jizz?
@tom_mai78101 man juice
@tom_mai78101 I'll let you do a Google search on that yourself.
so erm... what's the deal with
this is turning worse every minute
are we not using it any more?
lol I was working on answering his question
but it got closed
@thecoshman it died
@thecoshman Nope
it was for the best.
a most horrible death
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

struct ReinventingTheWheel {
    std::string* whyAmIDoingThis;
    size_t n;
    size_t m;
If it was a homework question, then why didn't you say so from the beginning? You're being downvoted because your artificial restriction is unrealistic unless it's a homework problem. — Mysticial 2 mins ago
any records of why we are not using it?
@thecoshman meta
oh man, I would have said that question was 'not a real question' shit questions are still questions...
@TonyTheLion link or it didn't happen
OH GLOB. I regret the moment I used the word "jizz" on my zits.
and not just to meta it self
@tom_mai78101 s/zits/pants/
@TonyTheLion since 2007
@sehe ahahahaha
oh, slowly creeping up to 2k rep
@chris logic to do a problem is not explained by professors usually :) — Mokammel Sanju 24 secs ago
^^ oh god...
I had to read that 3 times before I understood it.
@thecoshman gratz :p
@tom_mai78101 Okay seriously, stop using "jizz" and "zits" in the same sentence. The Hamming distance between "zits" and "tits" is too small to read that correctly.
Logic level increased by 1.
@Mysticial yeah, it is for an assignment, I am new in this site, so I have very little clue of how things go here. — Mokammel Sanju 37 secs ago
@tom_mai78101 Why don't you go ahead and google it.
^^ gimme a break... his account is 52 days old and he has 5 questions and an answer.
@Insilico I'm no longer typing them.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I did. And I regretted it ever since.
@Mysticial He probably lurks a bit before starting to question.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh hey, new relevant YT comments rolling in:
> If you are into masturbation, fornication, adultery, prostitution (private or public), patronizing prostitutes, abortion, lesbianism, homosexualism, watching pornography (I Corinthians 6:9-10), or any form of immorality, you need to repent.
> Whatever be the area of your sin, you must repent and make amends. Are you into idolatry, rituals, bow down to images, Are you into cultism, whether open or secret cult? Do you practice witchcraft? Do you smoke cigarette or hemp?
@tom_mai78101 Nope, his first post was in December.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I remember when this song was new. It was really funny.
@sehe You read YT comments? What kind of masochist are you?
@Insilico Levenshtein distance is more appropriate here
Listening to it now years later I wonder why I found it funny.
@Insilico You know, I even post comments, sometimes
@TonyTheLion might get my self a coke or something to celebrate :P
@thecoshman Pepsi seems better.
@sehe I read that as "any other form of immortality"
@sehe That's what I used first, but the two words are of the same length, so I figured Hamming distance also works.
@Rapptz Hmm. I never actually liked it. Listening to it I must admit it's well done. The rap is, the sound track is, the composition is funny. So, yeah, it's hard to not like it
> prostitution (private or public), patronizing prostitutes
@AndreiTita hehe
@Insilico ?! hamming is about bit representation
@sehe Yeah it's well done. It's just not funny anymore, I admire it though. I guess.
@tom_mai78101 yeah, but stupid work is locked in with coke
@sehe Does it have to be bits?
{| align="right" |- | | |- |colspan=2 | |- |colspan=2 | |} In information theory, the Hamming distance between two strings of equal length is the number of positions at which the corresponding symbols are different. In another way, it measures the minimum number of substitutions required to change one string into the other, or the minimum number of errors that could have transformed one string into the other. Examples The Hamming distance between: * "toned" and "roses" is 3. * 1011101 and 1001001 is 2. * 2173896 and 2233796 is 3. Special properties For a fixed length n, the Hamming d...
I would prefer to have dr pepper, but it is rare to find it here; same for iron bru
@Rapptz Yeah, that one is really cool.
@Insilico TIL - it doesn't have to be about bits
Who here has tasted Irish cream?
Although to be fair Hamming did use it for bit sequences at first.
Strings are strings.
stupid joke
@tom_mai78101 you mean Baileys like products?
@Rapptz "That's not my dad!! It is a cellphone" - derp is obviously derp
@thecoshman Yeah.
@sehe That's the best part.
@tom_mai78101 I have, on account of being normal
I like "Welcome to the real world jackass" when he throws the cake
@R.MartinhoFernandes Apart from the slowmotion camera work. Excellent stuff
@thecoshman Awesome, how does it tastes?
I'm so curious.
@tom_mai78101 ... Awesome
it's hard to say really
@tom_mai78101 Why don't you buy some and try it yourself?
it's a bit like cream... and a bit like whiskey... but combined into something amazing
I thought universal references might be the solution but can't make it work properly.
@Insilico I can't buy it without importing it from outside. :( It's so expensive.
@AndreiTita "Bibi" is the name of a famous Portuguese pedophile.
Just saying.
it's like it takes a ranking of ow good the components are, and swaps around the number systems being used, and tricks it into an awesome value far beyond simply adding the two together
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cool.
@AndreiTita No, that won't ever work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes My dreams have been crushed :(
> My name is Victoria Konan 74yrs of age, retired process Engineer. I am a widow being that I lost my husband 8"yrs ago. My husband was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death. He was assassinated last year by the rebels leader following the political uprising in Cote D' Ivoire
Probing for function signatures is just painful, and most of the time pointless.
spammer counting fail
@AndreiTita You can get it crushed ever further if you go deeper.
I don't understand the spate of code like that
like everyone's trying to find a reason to use rvalue/universal refs
> thecoshman just levelled up his ways to dodge work skill "It will have to go into the backlog and wait for next sprint"
Q: can I have that memory back?

Don Hallcode as follow: char *p=malloc(200); p=NULL; can I get that 200 Bytes memory back? if cannot, then how to free that memory?

^^ why would you do that?
@Mysticial I could've sworn there's at least 23049820396812 duplicates of that question. I just can't find it right now.
23049820396812 + 1 = 23049820396813
@Mysticial They are probably teaching themselves on how to break their PC.
@tom_mai78101 There are better ways to break a PC than a memory leak.
good lord! I got -1 before my answer even loaded :O
@Mysticial No, you need to subtract 1 from your total. That number is the total, not the # of duplicates.
Glad we got that cleared up.
@stefan Then I wouldn't be hitting the wall — AshRj 15 secs ago
^^ brilliant
This does regain that memory, that is preventing it being leaked in the first place. Not the same thing — thecoshman 2 mins ago
I have no idea what you mean by that
crap damn it words!
@thecoshman: Ah
@LightnessRacesinOrbit stupid edit time out. fixed now
My first job at my new job: ActionScript. xD
@Zoidberg run, run fast
but seriously, that must be the first two answers I have posted in months :P
Q: Specializing a template class to take a pointer to a particular class or a pointer to a derived class object

sajasHow can I specialize a class template so that the template parameters can be of type : a pointer to a particular class or a pointer to the derived class of that particular type? Is it possible to do it without using Boost? Possible Duplicate of: C++ templates that accept only certain types I j...

I don't understand these people. "I want to make generic code that only works for these classes".
Quick question: Are there thread pools in <threads> in C++11?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The key is "specialise"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks
ActionScript and PHP. My dream.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Have you seen the duplicate he links to?
Wingding characters not allowed? 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No
Wingdings does not have bananas.
aha, concepts (of a sort)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Of course it doesn't. They have pickles though.
Q: Android map route overlay example

user1060249does anyone have a tutorial or example of how to use a csv file with comma separated latitude longitude coordinates to draw a route on a map overlay for use in a hill walking application. The csv file is to be stored in the assets folder. I am new to android development and have been searching h...

> Many tanks for the comment
I need a Stack Overflow circlejerk room. I can then put up _____ with everyone who dares to annoy me.
@tom_mai78101 Wingdings is a font. SO chat uses a sans-serif font, not Wingdings.
@Insilico Ah, that explains why some fonts are allowed, and some not. :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's the unicode space that you used?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Anyway, I answered assuming the OP meant what they wrote. I have a feeling it won't be what they are looking for, but might teach them to be more careful with words next time.
What's the code?
@Mysticial I use bananas now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know, but in the past.
Invisible separators? U+2063.
Zero-width space (U+200B) might work better on systems with crappy font support.
How do I enter special unicode into Word?
I remember seeing a box that lets you type in the code.
@Mysticial Type the code (just the hex bits), select it and press Alt+X
oh neat
2063 I need to remember that.
Bananas are cooler 🍌.
I love all the little squares.
Or cookies 🍪.
Not .h files. Header files are not compiled. — GManNickG Jul 9 '09 at 20:04
@AndreiTita You're seeing squares?
That means you don't have the font for the unicode space.
@Mysticial Yeah. Well-known thing in Chrome.
lemme try the other one.
@Mysticial That's why I mentioned ZWS.
Dammit, I can't copy it from word into here.

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