@Rapptz Plus, it's way easier in C#. Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH").Split( new char[] { ;` } );` <--- And now you just File.Exists for the editor you want. Try doing that in C++. :D
@ThePhD _searchenv("Myeditor.exe", "PATH", file_path); Oh, and no need for File.exists either, since it'll only find files that exist. Seems quite a bit simpler to me.
@ShotgunNinja Search for "Haskell" in this room. Everybody loves it.
Also, what do you mean by "still use Haskell"? Haskell is clearly on the rise, it has gone from hundreds of programmers to thousands of programmers in the last decade :)
@ShotgunNinja The only justification I had for learning Haskell was "it's a totally different way of thinking about programming, and it's so much fun".
I was just accused for a very serious bug we just found. I looked into it, and as far as I can tell, that bug has been in the code since two years before I got hired, so apparently I'm not completely to blame.
dw2 is faster than sjlj, but can't pass exceptions through windows callbacks for example. There's also seh for x64 which is the best of both worlds, and the default in GCC 4.8, although it's 64-bit only.
@MooingDuck Nicely done! Well, not on getting him angry, necessarily, but still offering to fix it is clearly the right thing to do (then he can decide whether that takes priority over whatever else you need to do).
@rubenvb I still think you should provide 32 bit executables, just in case. Though I'd have to agree with the notion that you should generally assume that you have a 64 bit environment available and optimize for that.
it did help that I think I can fix the code. Normally I wouldn't be able to, but since I already broke everything else in this file, I'm rather familiar with it.
@ThePhD At least with the female police I've seen, no thanks (unless you count a "meter maid" as police -- years ago I knew one who was seriously hot).
@JerryCoffin Yeah, but see, if you get really close and stuff then you can't do illegal shit because they'll always have that tick in the back of their head wanting you to be legal.
I'll be damned if I'm ever told to stop speeding or to park in the correct spot.
@MooingDuck Well, whether that horrifying number actually matters really depends on whom you're targeting though. E.g. for PC games it's reasonable to expect that your target audience has fairly new systems. For other applications the situation may of course be different.
@ThePhD IMO, the problem with police is less about them wanting you to be legal than about them just being way too cynical for anybody's good. Granted, being around criminals constantly I can see how it'd happen, but it's still no fun.
@Rapptz they have deals with all the hardware manufaturers and sales companies and everything. They sold 60 million, but far fewer consumers bought it yet.
@Rapptz Probably -- but that's mostly bundled versions. Most of them would probably have taken Windows 7 if they'd been given a choice. I believe they're now also counting phones and tablets along with computers, which inflates the number even more.
Windows 8 would be fine, if they made the search a bit better, allowed me to actually customize my freaking start menu screen with folders and shit without having to install secondary programs and hacks.
@ThePhD Well, I don't buy my PC's with preinstalled cr- -- goodies so I'll probably get around it for a while. Unless everyone suddenly jumps on the metro train (which I kind of doubt) I'll be fine that way too. Not that I'm using Windows for anything other than games to begin with anyway.
I have this code in C++:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#define true false
#define false true
int main()
std::cout << true << std::endl;
std::cout << false << std::endl;
It produces this output:
bash-3.2$ ./a.out
I do no understand why...
@Rapptz But if you're going to get rid of the Start Menu and replace it with the Start Screen, why have that bar there at all? It doesn't help. I can't even customize the Charms bar to any significant or insignificant degree.
It's a space-waster. I'll just go to the Start Screen. Why give me what is essentially an utterly washed out, beer-bellied Start Menu that uses a completely different shortcut key and opening macro (the topright corner, and NO, you're not allowed to change it) from the original start menu!
It was a last-minute addition to populate the 'corner' of a tablet with a USELESS piece of junk. It's not nearly as useful or customizable as a Mac OSX dashboard. It doesn't show me all my applications open. It doesn't tell me anything useful. It just gets in my way and, for some DUMB reason, activates whenever I swipe my fingers to the right on my touchpad, which was the DUMBEST UX idea by either MS or Toshiba/Lenovo/& friends.
@Mysticial Even with the true/false, yes. A macro will be expanded, then re-scanned for further expansion -- but if it expands to its own name, that will not be re-expanded (would inevitably lead to infinite recursion).
@jalf Oh, it's no secret. Lots of people here PUBLICLY understand the language well enough to not only explain stuff to you, but to understand stuff that they cannot explain due to its complexity in comparison to your current level of understanding.
This answer explains the behavior that's observed, but not the reason for the behavior, which is the fact that the preprocessor makes two passes over a file. And the cause of the observed behavior has nothing to do with self-referential macros, which is the target of your gcc.gnu.org link. I am at a loss to understand why your answer is getting tons of up-votes, while the correct answer (mine) is getting none. — phonetagger3 mins ago
@ScottW I don't know, I picked up C++ by knowing a bit of Pascal, then reading a bunch of crappy online tutorials and then spending the next 1 or 2 years unlearning half of the practices I picked up with those.
@Pubby Not really. The number of passes isn't fixed at two. The expansion of a macro is always re-scanned for further macro expansion. That could be twice or it could be hundreds of times. It only stops when the expansion no longer contains any macro names (that haven't been already been expanded once).
> A young man from Slovenia, just 23 years of age, writes his first book documenting a difficult computer-programming language, in English, which is not his native language. Given these facts, you'd think the odds would be stacked deeply against any measure of success for him. Yet it appears that, with his book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!: A Beginner's Guide, Miran Lipovaca has almost smashed the ball right out of the ballpark.
He was only 23 when he wrote that book? Wow. Maybe we can do it, too!
I wouldn't say Haskell per se is difficult though. It's mostly the libraries and ghc extensions that throw you off (of course it's a bit weird if it's your first time with a functional language).
Your CPU is in urgent need of being junked. Your compiler is probably set for a CPU from this century. You may be able to disable the newer instructions like SSE2.
@FredOverflow github.com/arianvp, a friend of mine. He knows everything about Java but he hates it since he started learning other languages such as CoffeeScript and Haskell.
wtf, the visual studio one is wierd. "Ignoring directive '#include', which cannot be used in this online version of the Visual C++ compiler. Automatically importing the Standard Library headers which match this online version of the Visual C++ compiler"
@Borgleader I'm trying! I am planning to finish the next one today since I don't have class tomorrow. It's not part 4 of the tuples, though. I pushed that one for later.